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About TheLonelyFrog

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior
  1. TheLonelyFrog

    Explain Your Avatar!

    Seesie yous mines plumsies?
  2. TheLonelyFrog

    Explain Your Avatar!

    I had to come up with a username so I just picked one. I sketched up this thing in Photoshop because I needed an avatar.
  3. TheLonelyFrog

    Dayz Standalone

    BE isn't bad, the game is just too easy to script. The thing that will really be combating hackers is the changes to the engine, not the anti-cheat.
  4. 1.) I usually pick the female skin out of habit and then kick myself when I find a ghillie suit. 2.) I've played with my sister, but I haven't met any people I can confirm were female. 3.) I also play with my clan amtes from time to time and they don't treat me any differently than anyone else in the clan. The worst thing is being mistaken as a little boy over voice chat. Really, I've gotten more grief when people assumed a was a little boy than people who knew I was a female. 4.) I wanted to play because it looked fun. I play a lot of other games, my main online ones being TF2 and L4D2. My sisters and I have been into games for a long time, ever since my oldest sister was playing games on MS-DOS
  5. I would wait for standalone if you're not planning to play Arma 2. In that case, it wouldn't be worth dealing with the hackers to play the game.
  6. Went up to Green Mountain a few days ago with my sister. It was kinda freaky how many zombies spawn there at a time, but the view from the radio tower is pretty nice. It would be cool to be able to go inside those buildings, though.
  7. TheLonelyFrog

    Everything disappeared? :S

    Do you happen to have a Ghille suit on? There's been a gltich recently where people spawn on the shore with nothing but their Ghille. I've heard that relogging might fix it.
  8. I've played the boot camp missions for the heli and VTOL jet multiple times, I don't really find anything else in it all that exciting.
  9. TheLonelyFrog

    Will this community become the next APB: Reloaded?

    That's what I'm saying. The hacking problem has been well taken care of in APB yet it still has that reputation. And yes, sometimes the districts have a quiet chat with a few friendly people, but I have been in quite a few districts where hackusations and name-calling fills the chat constantly. I've been accused of hacking at least 3 times, which is funny because I'm just barely a decent player. It only takes one team having a bad time to get the arguments started and it creates this spiral of negativity that just keeps feeding itself.
  10. TheLonelyFrog

    Will this community become the next APB: Reloaded?

    I'm not worried about hackers because I know they exist and understand that no major steps can be taken agaisnt it until standalone. I'm worried about people having odd experiences and blaming it on hackers. Yes, it's possible, but it's also possible that shit happens. It's possible that someone did stumble across that well-hid tent or your car and made off with the stuff you worked hard for. The whole reason I came up with this rant is because posts were starting to remind me of APB, and that's probably clouding my judgement quite a lot. I'm just scared that one of the funnest games I've played in a long time will be ruined by hackusations even after the hacking problem is (hopefully) resolved.
  11. TheLonelyFrog

    Will this community become the next APB: Reloaded?

    I think playing APB has scarred me, but I would rather think I'm insane when it comes to the internet than see this community slide into the depths of hackusation hell. I wasn't even thinking about the dogs. Can't wait for that.
  12. Browsing the forums is getting me a little worried. BE surfs on a mass ban wave and yet there seem to be even more threads yelling "Hackers!" than there were before. I'm starting to see things like common glitches (spawning on the beach for no reason/ respawning after dying with gear/ glitching and ending up with only Ghille) being pointed out as hacks. Car is gone? Hackers. Tent is empty? Hackers. Got in a firefight and died? Hackers. No good loot? Hackers. What worries me is that these posts are starting to sound like the chat in APB: Reloaded, where every loss of a mission results in slews of hackusations. Now the forums are nowhere near that bad, but they feel a tiny bit closer than before. And it worries me because this is exactly what happened to APB. It started out with a lot of hackers but has been pretty damn clean for a while, yet people accuse everyone else of hacking. Asking your honest opinion, does this seem to be the case or am I reading this all wrong?
  13. People spawning with gear is a somewhat common glitch right now, not a hack.
  14. TheLonelyFrog

    bye bye hackers ... you will not be missed

    My favorite was something along the lines of "I accidentally deleted the registry value with my key in it."
  15. TheLonelyFrog

    White Knight hackers?

    I still prefer they don't hack. Getting a box of everything you need takes the fun out of the game, and though we all hate being killed by bandits, they're what keep the game exciting. I do like hackers that just fuck with people, not really helping or hurting them, like the one that had the bloody skin and sang before hitting people. The game needs more variety, not people getting instant gear. Where's the fun in that?