wrappa 0 Posted July 27, 2012 I've never managed to stay alive long enough to travel North, that all changed tonight!.I stubbled upon another player at the Deer Stands in Balota. He was at the top of one of the stands looking a Zombies, then he fired a Silenced Weapon!! I couldn't believe it!I've been murdered 4 times in this game so I lay prone and blew his head off with my AKM, murder i know but to my amazement he had a MP5SD, Binoculars and a Compass, a Compass!! i've looked for a Compass for days!. I vowed to travel exactly North and finally get to see the NWAF and a high value Military site.I hunted, I gathered wood, I made fire, I cooked and travelled in the wilderness in a perfect straight direction for the first time ever playing DayZ!.I arrived at the NWAF and scanned the Hangars with my Binoculars, no Zombies to be seen and i felt a gut feeling that on this quiet server of 14 people i was here finally at the South Barracks all alone!.Like a Kid in a Sweetie Shop I looted like crazy the whole way round every possible site having the time of my life, grinning from ear to ear. Eventually the server disconnected and i got the red 60 second count.I don't care what happens to me when i log back on because i feel such a sense of accomplishment from my greatest DayZ adventure ever Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Legiito 23 Posted July 28, 2012 I killed my friend. I killed my friend. I killed my friend... Those are the words thatkeep coming into my mind.As I woke up on the Eastcoast of Electro, with dozens of zombies inmy sight. I headed into the mountains on my way to go to Cherno to meet up with some friends thatwere waiting for me there. I headed around Electro and I saw the North East Station house. So Idecided I needed to gear up first. As I go inside, I keep hearing gunshots but I do not knowfrom where. So I continue to check the entire building and luckily I found an M9 with 2magazines at the very top.Next thing I had to do was check from the grocery store. My Oh my, I could tell youthere was a lot of zombies around it. So I had to sneak in through the back. As I entered thestore from the back, I heard more gunshots, and this time, It came from inside the grocerystore. At this point I am panicking because there is someone in the store with me shooting. Idid not know what to do, So I decided it's either to be outside with dozens of flesh eatingzombies, or another human being. I cautiously peek to the front of the store to see what is goingon, and there he was, looting for supplies.I saw he was very well geared with a Czech backpack, a Lee Enfield, and an M1911. I come out silently and heraises his weapon and points it to me. At this point, my heart stoppped.I whisper'' Hey I'm friendly''.He then lowered his gun, and continued to scavenge forsupplies. I go over to him and try to communicate with him.After we exchange names, I tell him I am heading towards Cherno to meet up with my friends.''I have a friend there who I am going to meet up with there too''.''We should travel together to Cherno'', I tell him.''Fine by me, 2 heads are better than one'', He said.'' But please do not shoot your weapon while we are in the city, because it will attractzombies'', He said.We then go loot the apartments which are infront of the grocery store, I find a M1911 in theupstairs room, and a few other supplies. Next thing we go loot is ''The Office'', which I find a LeeEnfield inside, but it only had one magazine. I would have assumed that he would start to bealittle bit more worried having me around, but he seemed to have trust in me.As we started heading out of the office, it seemed like out of nowhere a zombie rushed me,andknocked me onto the ground. As it was going to start to eat me alive. I was sure that was itfor me. As I saw my life flashing before my eyes, I heard a gunshot. It was ''Guismo'' who hadshot the zombie in the head. He had saved my life.Then I noticed he had shot his M1911, and I saw there were a number of zombies running ourway. As we both did not know what to do, we ran in different ways as we panicked. Not knowing howmany zombies were coming our way.I then ran towards a hill, and I saw in the distance a barn. Not having much choices, I ran to thebarn. I went up the stairs and started shooting my weapons at the flesh eating creatures. It seemedlike there was endless waves of them. Eventually they stopped coming but also I was running lowon ammo. They finally stopped, it felt like hours and hours of shooting and dozens of bodiesstacking up. I went back into Electro to try to find ''Guismo'' but he was long gone. So I hadno other choice to head to Cherno.I was about halfway towards Cherno and I saw a small town called ''Prigorodky''. The place wasswarmed with zombies. Alittle bit seperated from the town, I saw yet another barn.Something came to my mind though. I realised I only had a handfull of ammo left. So there wasno choice but to go to the barn and check if there is anything usefull there.For the first time, I found a very powerful gun. I believe it was called the CZ 550, and itlooked like some kind of hunting rifle. It was the only weapon that had ammo so I would have to takeit. I then keep heading towards my friend in Cherno.As I am finally arriving to Cherno and out of nowhere, I heard someone calling my name. It wasmy friend who saw me from a hill. Now we can finally head up north towards our group.My friendhad to clear out a few zombies on the way, he had a silenced Bizon so we were very stealthy.About halfway towards Stary Sobor, my friends asks ''Did you hear that''?''What?''''I just heard someone shooting'' he said.We start to be alittle bit more cautious and then all of a sudden my friend gasps.''What?'' I say.''There are 2 people on the road running our direction!'' he exclaims''.''Shoot them! I have no ammo'' he said.I did not feel comfortable killing another being, but then he said'' It's either them or us''.That really got me thinking. My friend has no ammo and if they got to us, they would probablykill us. So I raised me CZ 550 and shot.It had be the loudest sound I had ever heard. The first shot hit the guy in the shoulder and hefell to the ground. I then shot at his buddy to his left and I missed. He went prone and was lookingin my direction. I stared right into his eyes. ''Boom''...'' Great shot!'' He said, '' You got him right in the head''After we go and check the bodies. The second person looked familiar. Those clothes, That gear.''No It can't be!'' I said.When I turned him around, I couldn't believe it, I froze still.It was ''Guismo'' The same person who saved my life, and I took his... I was just in shock of thehorrible act I did.''C'mon we have to go! Someone had to hear that shot. We're gonna get spotted''.For the entire day, that stayed on my mind. There was no emotion at all on me.Once we got to Stary Sobor and we were all together. My friend asks...'' What was wrong with you today''I looked at his face and I said''I killed my friend...''.I am truly sorry ''Guismo'' and ''S bastion'' from US 52. 6 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Copperhead (DayZ) 5 Posted July 28, 2012 Repost from General Discussion:Posted Today, 08:45 PMIn all, I've lived three very short lives in my short time with Day Z.My first life unceremoniously ended when a bullet ripped through my head minutes after spawning on the beach near Cherno. After enduring a long install just to be capped in the head I closed the game and went to bed.My second attempt went a little better the following day. Spawning once again a bit outside of a Cherno, I carefully made my way into the city. Though plenty of Zeds were around I successfully raided what I guessed to be a convenience store and continued to explore the city, avoiding z's all the while. I eventually spotted the hospital and made my way inside. After scouring the first floor for supplies, I made my way to the second floor and happened upon an Alice pack. Being new I hadn't quite mastered all of the intricacies of the inventory system and struggled for several painful minutes to switch out my packs. I never had a chance. A burst of what I guess to be AK fire ripped through my chest and killed me near instantly. Undeterred, I respawned.For the beginning of my third life, I found myself in the vicinity of the airfield. I carefully traveled along the beach and spotted a military encampment. After scouting the camp and realizing I had little hope of fending off or sneaking by the zombies I headed into a nearby treeline hoping to find the nearby airfield. I traveled maybe 200 meters into those woods before hearing the first shots. Deciding to investigate, I headed towards the shots. After taking cover behind some bushes, I used a nice hole in the bushes to survey the scene. I saw one body on the ground with someone crouched over them raiding their bag. I watched this for a few moments thinking that after this guy left I'd be able to go in and take whatever was left behind. Suddenly, I heard foot steps to my back and right. Having already gone prone I hoped whoever this was would overlook my presence. My heart was beating as I saw him run by not more than 10 feet away. He engaged the would be looter and killed him. Now, I thought, this is good, I can loot two bodies and hopefully be set to live off the land until I got my bearings. Lying in the bushes for another 10 minutes while this guy looted his fresh kill, I was relieved when he finally left and the way was seemingly open. I counted down 60 seconds to make sure he was gone before crawling the 30 or so meters to the survivors' bodies. I found nothing of use in the first and silently crawled over to the second body. Rummaging through the pack I didn't hear the footsteps behind me, but I certainly felt the blade of his hatchet. With a few short strokes I was dead. Welcome, I thought, to the cutthroat world of Day Z :)My fourth life began yesterday near Komarovo. I expected no kindness from strangers, shoot/hack on sight (if I ever got a gun/hatchet) became my mantra. Instead of heading into Komarovo I decided to trek to my left along the shoreline and take my chances with whatever lay ahead. After a good 20 minutes or so of crouch running and crawling along the shoreline I happened upon a town smaller than Komarovo. Here, I thought, I might actually have a fighting chance. I first stopped out some outlying walled in building only to find it was already looted. Newb's luck. I then left the building, crawled under the wall, and headed for town. I didn't see many zeds so I crouched walked in to have a look around. Not many buildings open in this town nor was there much loot laying around. Eventually I found some on the doorstep of some house. My elation was cut short by the telltale sound of an aroused zombie. Struggling to get back in standing position and then finding somehow that run had been turned off I panicked for a few moments until my button mashing allowed me to run again. Up and down and around I ran in the town, but that zombie never left my tail. I decided to make my break for the treeline north(?) of town. Running full tilt with the zombie on my heels thinking i could lose him in the forest. The hill as I quickly found out was not steep enough to slow him down. Out of nowhere I heard the report of gunfire from my right followed immediately by the whiz of a bullet and the thud of it hitting a nearby tree. Great, I thought, not only do I have a zombie on my ass, but now I have a bandit trying to kill me! I continued to run deeper into the woods. With a zombie chasing me and what seemed to be a bandit firing at me I grew desperate and disheartened. I simply gave up. Turning to face the zombie I resigned myself to "death by zed." Suddenly a second shot echoed in the woodlands and I saw blood explode from the zombies chest. Like in some b grade action flick, as the zombie went down my savior was revealed crouching down hill some 50 meters away. He slowly approached with his gun lowered and proceeded to ask if I was hurt. Thankfully I wasn't. As I stood there with the town to my right and my unknown savior to my front, I told him I was new to the game and hadn't played much. All the while he was crouched in the grass facing the town with his lee enfield across his knee. I saw him raise his rifle and turned to look to see two more zombies approaching some 30 meters away. He dropped them both with three shots before they could reach us. He must have ran out of ammo, because he dropped his rifle. At this very moment five or so zombies who were roused by the shots were coming straight for us. I contemplated running until I saw him pull out a hatchet, stand up, and charge the zombies. He easily downed two, but started bursting blood by the third. Despite this he made his stand and finished off this little horde of zombies. I approached him as he was bandaging up. He told me "Godspeed. I need to look for food." Not knowing what the hell Godspeed meant at the time (and yes now i know he was trying to send me on my way away from the town), I followed him back into town and around to all the buildings and loot spots. All the while he was dispensing advice and instructions of how to use this damned inventory system. At some point we got separated in the middle of the town. I lost sight of him for 3-5 minutes and somehow managed to startle a zombie who told all 8 of his friends. I proceeded to wildly run around town hoping to lose the zombies. I took some damage but thankfully I was not spewing blood. Again, I was growing desperate in my attempts to get away. I rounded a corner and to my surprise there he was again hatchet in hand charging straight past me into the small horde behind me. Over the next few moments zombies fell and he once again was spurting blood which, once again, did not deter him from finishing the job. He then knelt and bandaged himself again. When he was finished he rose up, said his goodbyes, dropped a few necessities, and turned and ran towards the pine woods outside the town. My guess is he was logging off for the night. As he left I finally moused over him and caught his name--The Night's Watch. Having read all the books in the game of thrones series, his name made perfect sense for his actions in that town and the surrounding woods. I'm truly grateful for what he did and have even managed to survive a few more hours before I logged off hiding in a pine forest (his suggestion). My encounter with him has truly made this game and the interactions with other players far more difficult. Knowing there are players like him out there has totally destroyed my so recently adapted shoot first, ask later policy. I hope he/she gets to read this so he'll know just how appreciative I am of his kindness and the risks he took."Night gathers, and now my watch begins. It shall not end until my death. I shall take no wife, hold no lands, father no children. I shall wear no crowns and win no glory. I shall live and die at my post. I am the sword in the darkness. I am the watcher on the walls. I am the shield that guards the realms of men. I pledge my life and honor to the Night's Watch, for this night and all the nights to come." 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Alpha331 7 Posted July 28, 2012 Ok time for a moan while I wait 20 minutes to reload the fucking game to reclaim my stuff that I lost through BS. Outhouses. Everyone knows how the stupid door stops you from looting, I see a czech backpack in one, im on 1k blood and passing out often so i figure ill use this bag hide it and kill myself, but no no no I have to spend ten minutes killing zeds with a hatchet when they get near me try to get the damned bag out and i cant. eventually i accidently close the door and kill myself. great my backpack is on the ground right next a loot box, Ill never see it again will I?Fuck outhouses, just pull the door off them Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Boondock Saint (DayZ) 0 Posted July 28, 2012 ^ Yeah I love it when my legs get broken by a damn door...... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
chewsta 7 Posted July 28, 2012 This is the story of my current character, it involves me playing with 3 close friends. The names used will be that of which are the character's names in the game.I spawned near kamenka, and Swift jim had spawned nearby, we met up and decided we would hit up Balota, even though our friend Maul was telling us over vent not too. We went anyway.We arrived behind the Balota airfield and went straight for the tower, found some useless ammo and some other stuff. We then headed to the hangars. It was here that i found my prized possession, and AK74U-Kobra. A new player run past us, he saw us and over direct chat called out friendly, he stated that he had just spawned and had no gear. I told him that he was to continue on his way and if i did not see him again he would live. After he left another man came slowly into the hangar, I shot this man straight away. Swift Jimm took his gun, which was a MP5SD and we shared the rest of his loot. We then headed south to the deer stands and collected loot from there. It was getting late so we decided to call it a night, we headed north of the airfield and logged out. We logged in again the next night and Maul had died, so he deciced he would meet up with us while collecting loot along the way. We meet up with him north of the airfield and went in to loot the place again however it had already been looted, realising this we ran and started to head north. We hit up all the deerstands we could. At this stage we had a full hunting set, we had a hatchet, knife, matches and a guns so we could live off of the land. We arrived at the farm house between Drozhino and Kozlovka. After looting it we decided to head north, we were running across a paddock when we heard a sniper shot go off, then suddenly I had been hit. We ran back into the barn, My blood dropped quickly. Swift Jim bandaged me up, I had 2.5 k blood left. We decided we would stop playing for the night as it was getting late. We logged back in and decided that we needed food to get me more blood. Maul headed out towards Zelenogorsk while Swift Jim and I stayed at the barn, i was constantly passing out, I did not want to move. Maul had found a cow and killed it for its meat. Swift jim and I decided to go to Zelenogorsk and meat maul there. We made it to the small mountain called kurgan which is where we met Maul. Maul gave me 3 pieces of meat, him and swift Jim had a piece each and some glitched out of his bag. Maul and Swift Jim headed into Zelenogorsk whilst I binoc'ed the town. After a while I crawled into town my self, still constantly passing out. We decided we would meet at the supermarket, once I got their I got attacked by 2 zeds, I killed them but by the time I got bandaged up was back down to 2k health. Once again it was getting late so we decided to get out of town. We camped up in a hill west of Zelenogorsk. The next time we played we managed to convince spoon to play with us. He had not played in nearly a week and was up in the northwest airfield. He had decent gear such as an AK74U and a few mags. I came down south to try to meet up with me, Maul and Swift Jim went to loot the supermarket again. After waiting for a while Spoon finally got to me and gave me a blood transfusion, I was so happy. Passing out every 10 minutes is a bitch. Due to a miscommunication Swift Jim shot Maul in the leg, thus resulting in breaking it. Spoon and I decided to head into the supermarket to give Maul some morphine. We got there looted the place and then bailed. We headed back into the hills and started a fire, it was raining and cold. Spoon cooked up some meat that he had obtained along the way to me. Giving it to Maul and Swift Jim to get some blood back. It was good, we finally were ok. We decided to call it a night.The next day we decided to head east, we hit up the farm between Zelenogorsk and Soznovka. We found 2 cows and multiple Zeds. we killed the cows and the zeds and got all the meat we could. We then headed towards green mountain, hitting up deer stands and killing animals. When we got close to green mountain someone hacked the server and turned us all into cows. We loggged before anything else could happen. So right now we are all geared up, with plenty food and supplies. Headed towards Berezino to hit up the hospital. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
BronyLI 1 Posted July 28, 2012 I'll Add here aswell i supposeOk, so after making my way from spawn to the outskirts or elektro I paused and saw 2 men on top of the firestation I quickly went prone and watched them (I had no weapons what so ever). After they turned and started to watch the other side of the city I ran behind some buildings thinking I was in the clear. After looting a few a buildings I went into the hospital, after going in and out a few rooms I was on the top floor and heard what sounded like talking. I paused debating wheather to speak or not, I didn't and I have made the right choice I quickly climbed down and left through the other side, when I turned the corner I heard someone say "I don't see him", I nearly soiled my self. I quickly gathered myself and got out of the area and then sprinted to the tree line. After running in the tress for a bit I found, A Truck, it was theirs I was sure of it. I stole it and drove off with a friend after a good distance of travel we got out and searched it, It was FULL of loot including military weapons and tons of ammo and medical supplies plus things to reapair the truck with! (That is how you escape a city with bandits) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Alpha331 7 Posted July 28, 2012 simple story. EVERYONE SHITS BRICKS when they see me with a crowbar. Unfortunately they tend to have guns and after being shot, left to get back up on 500 blood, bandage I got shot again and to my surprise went -5000 blood. "I'M INVINCIBLE!" I thought, assuming some awesome glitch, I ran over to this Jeremy that shot me twice and attempted to hack at him with my crowbar. But no, I had no awesome glitch and another shot and I was silenced. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Dbrow 25 Posted July 28, 2012 Today I had to fresh respawn as I was murdered in Cherno. Spawned somewhere im assuming on the outskirts of Elektro. Found a hatchet in a barn, then went to the high hills to scout for locations. I saw a tall building in the distance, so I went in that direction. Then I heard gunshots nearby. I was in the woods still walking and the shots kept getting louder. Next thing I know I'm behind a sniper and a spotter who set up camp in the woods, obviously praying on innocent survivors. I wanted to give them what they deserved.I only had a hatchet. I knew I could only take out one before I was killed by the other. So I rolled over to them and looked at their names. The spotter has some normal-ish name. The shooter... "Lord of Douche"The choice was simple.I went right behind him and screamed over Direct coms "HERE'S JOHNNY" and starting hacking at him calling him a douche bag.I killed him, and his spotter killed me. As I lay dead I found a very nice feeling seeing "Lord of Douche" was killed in the lower right hand corner.Overall: Win. 3 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
9Ball 1 Posted July 28, 2012 This morning I saw a Zed regain his soul.I was a ways outside Elektro, by the house where you find a map, looking for a hatchet at the very least. I was just freshly spawned, and my zed hunting senses were tingling. I had to find a hatchet, as it is my weapon of choice for my chosen profession. However, this house had nothing for me save for the map, but as I stealthed in I was spotted! A zed had picked up my trail and was now racing towards me! Alerted, but calm, I dashed into the house and tried to hide behind the table, a plan which the Zed, smart git as he was, came up behind me and started his assault! I managed to evade his attack, and he became stuck on a table.I grabbed the map, the pepsi I almost missed, and planned how to get past this zed without getting chased out of the house. I considered trying to shut the door in his face, risking breaking my legs off in the process, when something strange and wonderful happened. He began to shift, and within seconds he was the black spotter from the Arma 2 campaign (miles I think his name was?) He did not attack me, but simply crawled out of the house with me, and went off unto his own adventure.Then I got shot and killed by a trecherous bandit.Miles, wherever you are, 2: 091115 Unknown Man in Front, my comrade. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Riemer 23 Posted July 28, 2012 It was a dark and stormy night. (Ha, see what I did there?)Myself and a Aussie-American group of mine were trekking over to Stary for some food and water, when we happen upon a perfect and repaired UH-1H helicopter, all green except for the fuel. So we post snipers around it on every angle and send out scavengers to fetch us some gas. It took us about an hour to find some tanks as it was that special kind of night where absolutely nothing is visible. As we came back with the fuel and started fueling the sniper to the eastern hill had gone off to sleep, so we sent the scavengers back out to get the last bit of gas that we could, but then a player comes sprinting from the east about five minutes after our friend had disconnected, and he jumps right into the chopper, flies it up, and does a wild back flip into the ground. The worst part was that for some reason, the windscreen glass was bulletproof, which I had never seen happen in this game before. We had to have fired three complete AK mags into that cockpit, but no effect.And I cried unmanly tears. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Humaine 3 Posted July 28, 2012 Day 1: Wake up on a beach near Cherno... Make my way through the town to a lovely little cafe, where i find a 1911 and large backpack... try to make my way across to a firestation... 2 hours after waking up on the beach... get shot in the back... :( surprised I made it that far...Day 2: Wake up on the beach.... stay away from coast towns... (learnt my lesson) find loot up and around the main power dam area... raid a couple of barns... find an enfield... hear alot of shooting but seem to find no one... I think i'm following a squad thru the same towns, heading north... find lots of zombie corpses... head west to avoid the death squad... find a small town with a barn... go to investigate it... get surrounded by zombies... end up with 450 blood... sprint to the forest... once I stop to take a breath, and faint alot... need to go back to the town and need to find supplies... got no choice... I get back to the barn and there's nothing but empty cans... make my way to the centre of the town... crawling... something triggers a zombie... Fark!... one chomp... I'm dead... Sigh!... left a lovely enfield and supplies for anyone who finds my body...Day 3: Wake up on a beach near a small town.... Investigate most of the buildings and after 3 empty ones I find a Mackrov? and 3 mags... make my way thru a industrial building near some train tracks and find a large storage building with 2 cargo containers and 2 doors on it... I reach the left of the building to see a zombie come sprinting out... Crap! I triggered it some how... I crawl around the outer wall that surrounds this building to a larger opening... only to see a survivor come flying out and attack some zombies with an axe. I make a quick decision to try and help him... I shoot both the zombies down, but he freaks and sprints off thru a gap in the wall... now... his sprinting has attracted more zombies... he disappears, with a trail of zombies following... I went to follow him, but he was long gone... I'm hoping the guy was ok... and i forget about messaging him that I was friendly and make my way into the building... as i make my way over... here comes the survivor, sprints past me before i can say anything... trailing him a herd of zombies... I'm fucked... they head straight for me... good tactic, I'm thinking as i stupidly stand my ground and shoot a few of the zombies down... and as i get raped... the survivor sprints in from behind me, and axes me in the back for good measure as the zombies eat me... ah... such loving people...lol Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 0 Posted July 28, 2012 (edited) If there was a guy who just found a downed chopper that was discovered by a group of 5, that was me and my crew. Bit silly of you to open fire on us. Well done for not alt F4-ing. Good fun. Thanks for the experience.oh yeah, on server GB 234As you know you killed our sniper. You shot me once for 100 blood. Another guy you knocked unconscious with one of your shots. J had visual on you from the start and i just zig-zagged towards your position until I saw you. I lost visual and in the end it was J that killed you.Better luck next time =] Edited July 28, 2012 by heafmo Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
CynicalSmiles 0 Posted July 28, 2012 So this happened today.Me, and my two friends Ckings and Dead Eye were driving our trusty UAZ, one which was stocked with food and gas, one we've had for a good week. We've been using the Gorka Gas Station as our home, driving from Gorka to Poloana for supplies and to the factory past that for car parts. And while driving through little Gorka, none of us on our guard, with me driving, barely paying attention, a man on a motorcycle suddenly swerves out in the road. I almost hit him, as he sped by. Dead Eye yelled for me to turn around, to chase him, so I did, I drove back up the road. "Where is he?" I cried, where Ckings pointed out the field to our left, a large dust cloud being kicked up, meaning he must've driven through the field and into the nearby forest. I took a hard left and stopped near the trees. Dead Eye gets out, shooting a clip of his M1911 into the trees, crying out he hit him. A moment later the motorcycle is heard driving off again. I didn't pursue the man through the trees, as it could've been a trap. Ckings and I drive back up the road and quickly to the gas station, as it was in the general direction of where Mr. Motorcycle went, while Dead Eye tracked him on foot. We quickly arrived there. Then Dead Eye informed us he'd lost the man and was coming back. So we started to pull our empty Jerry Cans out of the UAZ to fill them up, as we had just traveled a good 12000 meters from Skalka. While I was doing this gunshots rang out, Ckings was hit twice, but was still concious. We sprinted into the woods nearby, panicked by the sudden attack. Shots continued to ring out, bullets barely missing us.A moment later, when we turned to go back, to shoot, we heard a familiar rumble and then it got quieter. We knew. The UAZ was now gone. I covered Ckings in the woods while he patched himself up. We met Dead Eye, who confirmed the UAZ was gone. For a minute we felt pretty distraught. What would the rest of our group, who weren't on think? We had foolishly lost the car we'd had for days. We still had a blue van, very far up north, and a white pickup hidden. We decided to watch the gas station, The UAZ had less than a tank of gas in it, and all the jerry cans in it were empty. They might be back. We waited for 5 minutes. Nothing. So we went past Poloana on foot and to the factory, no UAZ. We began to think over and over that maybe Mr. Motorcycle was a scout, had told his friends where we were and such. We could've gone to Berezino, Polona, or maybe the group had simply drive in a random direction, far away as possible.So we sat on the hill, feeling depressed, feeling a void, we had lost something special, we had been fools. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DarkFocus 0 Posted July 28, 2012 This story is what happened to me, not one hour ago after dying and having to start again.So I started a new character after dying and spawned up near elektro, within 3 minutes of my spawn I heard a loud .50cal AS50 shot from the nearby hills, realising that he might have a backback with a spare weapon in, I went to find him, a crazy plan taking root in my mind. So I began to carefully make my way up the back of the mountain. After I few minutes I reached to the top the of hill, and I saw a guy with an AS50 running just a little below me between the trees. I had found the sniper. This guy was clear bandit (I could tell by the heartbeat sounds, he had killed people before) who was just murdering helpless new characters in Elektro who were just trying to collect gear. I sneaked up behind him and opened his bag up. This guy had an M4A3 CCO SD in his bag, so I took it out and proceeded to shoot 15 rounds into him. As I was in bag-looting range, there was no way I could've missed. After he takes 12 or so rounds I hear his bones break, and see him get knocked out, but I had no murders and no bandits killed. So I put 3 more rounds into him to finish him off. Then his bleeding, broken, almost dead body disappeared in front of my eyes. As I was frozen, astounded by the cowardice of this bandit, i receive a single .50cal bullet to the head, and die. I simply cannot believe this bulls**t, the idea that someone can physically alt f4 after so many bullets to his ass. I still don't know how I died (other than being sniped) - whether it was his competition that killed me, or a hidden friend of the bandit, who failed to see me sneak up on them.This is the story of what happened today "the bandit and me". Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Falcon1826 0 Posted July 29, 2012 Having been told of this great mod about 3 weeks ago, I have been playing on numerous servers with my friends attempting to find a reliable one. This night one of my friends said that he had found a good server to try, so I packed up my tent and my trusty M16 and joined. I found him north of Stary Sobor with a camp already set up, I carefully hid my tent inbetween some trees and went to try my hand at hunting. After having a fresh cooked meal of some lamb chops and drinking some water from a nearby pond, my friend and I decided it was time to head to Stary Sobor and try to loot the military tents. My friend has a talent of seeing every hidden tent that is in a 100 yard radius of himself, and we managed to find about 4 heading up to the town alone. All of them were empty and by the time we got out of the forest we discovered that we had gone a bit to far west from Stary Sobor and had run into the neighboring town. We ran back into the trees above the road and began to carefully make our way following the road when my friend finds another tent that I missed. He then asks if I am prone next to the tent... which I wasn't and a sniper shot comes hurtling our way. The shot misses and we quickly despatch the man on the ground with a hail of bullets, unfortunately the man's pet sniper seemed to be angered by these events and fired again hitting my friend square in the back and instanly killing him. I wasted no time mourning and quickly ran down the hill and out of the forest in a zig-zag style and it was a good idea that I did because rounds continuely hit about 3 yards to either side of me for about 30 seconds as I ran. I ducked into some bushes and snuck back to my camp where I decided to get off and take a break for the night after the intensity of the escape. So if you two guys from US 884 find this post I would love to hear how these events appeared to you. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
a_casual_banana 38 Posted July 29, 2012 Lol I forced two snipers to log out.They both had ghillies and AS50's, and I had an AK and a nice sense of direction. Whenever they shot, I got closer, and eventually I saw one.I shot a couple times, and he D/C'd. Next one. He fired at me, and missed. I got closer and closer. Eventually, I was right behind him, and he turned as soon as I got close. I fired 3 times, and he D/C'd.lol Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
9Ball 1 Posted July 29, 2012 So, after a long day's work I decided to jump back onto DayZ. I'm having a lot of fun, and my wonderful totally not ripped from a dead man's hands Lee Ensfield Zombie Summoning Device (The Zedcaller) and 15 full units of ammo with it is proving to be a real showstopper. When I logged out last I hid in a church (in hindsight, nope.jpg). And lo and behold I load my server, and it completely skips the lobby, dropping me right in front of a bandit, which kills me dead on the spot. Since I wasnt expecting Do Not Stop for Lobby, I was hauling sodas to my fridge, unaware of the plot against me and my LEZ-SD, and then POP POP. I was dead.When I go back to the lobby to respawn... the server kicks me out. Now I dont know where it is and I will not be finding my body, my LEZ-SD and 15 full units of ammunition, nor the spooked bandit that wasted me.Oh well. Time to go North. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Argus (DayZ) 3 Posted July 29, 2012 So this is my 2ed Character, 3erd Day.My setup (Just for reference):M4A1 CCO - 7 Stanag MagsG17 - 4 Mags2 Morphine, 7 Bandages, 2 Painkiller, 3 Cooked Meat, 5 Pop, 1 Epin, 1 Bloodbag (For that occasional Friendly)Alice PackBicycle (Because I can't find a real vehicle for the life of me, Until tonight)NVG(Night Time) 6:45 P.MSo I'm heading to Pass Sosnovy after checking my local Deer Stands and "Vehicle Spawns".I just get done looting the few spots here, Than start moving back south to check for my bicycle.I hop on, And take off. Then... The fire commences, A LMG lights the ground up around me.I take a hit, My legs are out. But some how I'm still on the bike pushing hard. I break west to a tree line.Then another round hits me, Taking me to 3,300 blood. Still conscious I hit the tree line.I break off for the ground, Take cover behind a tree. I eat all my meat, And bandage up, Than morphine. As well as some painkillers.Than a ATV starts up off in the distance, It's flying towards me, Full speed. I move farther west to a tree and a low lying wall. About chest height crouched.The ATV fly's by me, Going at least 60 KM/H. I freak out, Hitting prone. I listen to the roar of the ATV as it keeps going.I realize they didn't see me, But I know they know my general location. I setup on the wall, Keeping as concealed as I can.The ATV has stopped now, Down a slope North-West. Not sure the distance, So I'm scanning the horizon.I spot to figures moving North-East, Dominate East. I spot the SAW, I take note the second figure has a ghillie suit as well as a long range rifle.My blood is boiling, I'm confused, Frustrated. Not sure how to approach the situation. I light up the ghillie suit, He drops. Debug Monitor confirms.Prone now, I hit the wrong button. Standing now I break for my bike. With only 4,200 blood. I know the SAW has me.He drops me, Hard, The amount of ammo he dumped in too me lead me to believe he felt as I did.This has some meaning, To myself. I've been shot at, I'm not going down easy.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I've been through a bit with this character, I've made my first base with him, Taken 2 lifes, Taken 237 Zombies with me. Found my first bicycle.Thank you DayZ Team. You've created an amazing experience for us all! This is THE most fun I've had in a game in a long long time.This had meaning, In the real world no. To me, And to my enemies it did.Side Note: =O I got a M4A3 CCO and a Coyote Backpack! Fresh spawn, 30 minutes old. This character is going to have a good time! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
delicious camel 2 Posted July 29, 2012 (edited) I made plans with meeting up with somone DayZ forums east of Stary Sobor, so i joined their vent server. His friend said he had just fixed up a car and i asked him to pick me up, i was east of Novy Sober in the fields where the two bikes spawn(note i had just logged in). The server was five minutes from shutting down, so we got out and saved the car, but we spotted a dirt bike(with everything working!) which was very lucky. We saved them both and hid them then we started to head to Novy to get jerry cans(for the dirt bike)On our way over there the guy with me spots two people about one hundred yards down(I can only remember one name i think it was cuddle or cuddie) we proceed to stalk them, they go into the red rusty ware house on the east side. We stake them out for a bit and wait out in the brush a bit north east of the military tents. after a while the guy with me shoots(he has an M24)I watch our back and suddenly hear automatic fire! One of them flanked us! I opened fire on him and suddenly it was an all out fire fight. I was very confused and my heart was racing.I'm shooting back and don't know the status of my teammate. He then talks over vent saying he needs to be bandaged and he's knocked out. So it was me against two to three other guys, i wasn't sure at that point, i think my teammate may have injured one of them.I quickly equipped a grenade and threw it in a panic, i forgot the hold down the button, so i run back a few steps and suddenly I'm deaf and i think the other guys are stunned since they stop shooting so i run and reload behind a few trees. I then find myself with a broken leg bleeding out. I spot the guy that was shooting me and i kill him! Very lucky, i thought to myself. I then go crawl behind a tree and bandage myself up plus morphine then i eat a piece of meat, bringing my health up to 3,700. I see one of the enemies rolling around in the grass trying to spot me, so i crouch run a half circle up the hill and get the drop on him. I start to open fire then i hear someone shooting behind me, he had a ghillie suit, and man was his aim terrible. I run back tot the cover of the trees and reload my AK and PDW. I then kill the guy with a ghillie suit, but i was still pretty scared since i could barely see.I continue to hear single shots being fired so i crawl to the cover of the trees and wait it out. At this point i was pretty sure my teammate was dead, to check I say in the vent" hey dude you still need to be bandaged?" Someone else in the vent said he raged and threw his headset or something of that nature. My suspicions had been confirmed. I waited out for five minutes after the gun shots stopped, i crawl to the bodies to collect my loot. An FN-FAL with nv scope, m16a2 and a Lee enfield. He also had a lot of blood bags and morphine, I feared i had killed a medic. I then get confident that the guy shooting was gone. I look for my buddies body and see he no longer has his gun. I guess the guy shooting looted my guys body then bugged out thinking i was a larger force than i actually was. Someone in the vent reported that they were in stary sobor, i was very relieved to hear this! I quickly told him my position and that i needed a blood transfusion, he makes it over and gives me the transfusion.I i tell him he can take what ever was left on the bodies.We ended up near mogilevka and got picked up by his friends(my teammates was in there as well i guessed they grouped up while were making our way to the town.) We headed back to stary and found a crashed helo on the way, we managed to aggro a bunch of zombies with the really loud engine.When we arrived at stary we headed towards the after math of the firefight. they took the rest of the loot from the bodies, i apologized to my new found friend for not being able to save him in time, but he congratulated me for winning the fire fight. We ended up looting the tents after words, messing around and throwing smoke grenades at each other. We logged for the night in a near by forest.It was one of the best and most exciting times i have had in DayZ so far. Edited July 29, 2012 by delicious camel 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
-CARNIFEX- 8 Posted July 29, 2012 I finally got one of my friends to buy everything to get DayZ running, and after some issues with trying to meet up on the same server, we finally join in on the same server. I've explained some basics to him, and offered links to some short beginner guides, but it was late and sometimes these things are just better left to experience. Anyway, he missed his chance to see where he spawned in, so we were simply working under the principle that I would move south from the middle of the map, towards Balota and Cherno, and he would head away from the coast until he could hit some road sign or landmark to figure out where he is. All is going well, when after literally 3-5 minutes he tells me, "I see other people!"."One or a group?""A lot! There's like 5...""#&*#! Did they see you?""Yeah, they're talking to me...Oh shit, they just spawned a helicopter! This guy just gave me a bunch of gear, and now they're telling me to get in this helicopter with them!""Dude, they're hackers..." (that made my heart sink...)"They want ME to fly this thing...these guys just want me to die to amuse them, right?""Yeah, we need to find a different server...."And so my friend dropped whatever awesome stuff they gave him, and we started to look for another server. 10 minutes later we are both spawned in and moving along nicely on another server, when he says, "Hey, I see a crashed helicopter..." So I tell him that, if he can get around the zeds, he has probably just hit the jackpot. And indeed he has - this crashsite had 2 bizons, a FAL, and some medical loot I believe. Some sort of magical beginner's luck going on here, but whatever, I'm not bitter...However, in his haste and poor familiarity with the inventory system, he drops his damn patrol pack on the ground (with a bizon in it), and can't for the life of him figure out how to pick it back up. I am trying to explain, but zeds are getting closer, he is getting nervous/impatient, and so I suggest that making out with the FAL and his life might be the best bet - a backpack can be found readily enough. So he manages to escape to a treeline, where he semi hides himself to re-evaluate his gear situation and figure out a next course of action. I explain the gear system a little more, and he figures out that he was doing the wrong thing to try and get his pack, and is going to go back to try and get it. Famous last words.He gets back to the crash site after some careful maneuvering, only to spot two players - somehow seemingly oblivious to him - moving in on the site with rifles in hand. I tell him that they might draw aggro and give him a chance to overcome their strength in numbers, or escape, but he resolutely replies that there isn't a good way out of this, and he's pretty sure he's going to have to shoot. Sure enough, a firefight breaks out almost immediately, and he manages to kill one and wound the other before going down. Pretty sure the zeds ate the other wounded survivor. "This is fucking cool" was how he summarized it.I have rarely encountered other players because I've been solo'ing and playing it safe, so for him to find a group of hackers that didn't KOS, and then get in a legit firefight at a heli crash site, seemed like quite the first experience for a beginner. Hopefully he's hooked, and we'll be able to get some of our other friends to check DayZ out... 4 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
friendly! 0 Posted July 29, 2012 First Time In the Airfield part 1 - SurroundedI had lost a lot of blood when arriving to Vybor; my trip to the Airfield wasn`t without its problems. My blood was in half and I needed food, so I went to a farm-house, one of those big kind. I was scavenging for food when I met two other survivors in the house. I was horrified, cause I was not sure would they kill me or save my life. I had blood-bags with me, but always when I tried to get some help, I usually got shot. But back in the house I typed "FRIENDLY!" in the chat, but I didn´t want to die so I walked back until I got out of the house and then ran to the Airfield as fast as I could. They never tried to kill me so I assume that they were "good guys" or atleast they weren´t dicks.When I arrived to the Airfield I was extremely careful: I was in uncharted territory (for me at least). I found 6 magazines for my AKM and I found a M24 with some rounds. This is important for the story later. I went to the air-traffic control tower where there was a zombie in my way. Like an idiot, I shot it with a single bullet from my AKM. I was suprised of the sound and when I turned around I saw dozens of zombies running straight at me! I climbed up the tower and cursed my self when I noticed that I was surrounded. I tried to hold the zombies off, but I noticed that I was only attracting more and more of the brainless undead. Atleast I had enough ammo to pick the zombies off one by one when they were coming up the ladder and stairs. I was calming down when I noticed my thirst was a serious issue. I didnt have anything to drink and I would die from dehydration sooner than later.I decided to break out of my zombie infested prison and I started to shoot myself out trough the stairs. I was almost outside when the worst thing happened: a zombie broke my leg. I had to reload while more and more of the endless horde was trying to eat me. I emptied my AKM into the horde and used my last morphine. While running to the woods I was happy for my raid to a hospital in Elektro earlier, without the morphine I would have died. I made it to safety and I could say that I survived a siege of the zombies and that I killed over a hundred zombies while doing it!The next part has a helicopter, a sniper and three well-armed and dangerous survivors who I fight! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
04512190412 9 Posted July 29, 2012 DayZ LAN weekend storyDay 1: Lucky momentsAfter encounter with the sniper in Cherno I was contacted by a friend who had been making his way to the city and was currently at the Western Fire Station. I heard that he had been shot at couple of times while he had made his way to the station but he hadn't seen the shooter. I was in the city center looting trough the buildings for food, ammo and water when I heard gunshots coming from my friends location. Right after that he contacted me and told me that two guys had just blazed in to the building from the back door and had began to shoot him. He had taken down the other one but was hit by bullet. The second one had managed to get away leaving my friend enough time to patch himself up. I doubled to the station when I was informed that the second bandit was still in the vicinity. I told my friend that I hadn't seen anyone at the backdoor and would make my way to the to the front. Peeking over the corner I saw the second one standing there ready to fire when he would see either of us. I got down on my belly and rolled out over the corner. He didn't see me, for a second I thought about letting him choose if he wanted to live. But then I thought that they had been willing to shoot my friend on sight. So with a nice clean shot I took him out, it was over before he even knew I was there. I know it is wrong to take a human life in these troubled times but I couldn't risk him taking me and my friend by surprise. So we looted the valuables of from these bandits and decided that we would head north towards the International Airport.After we reached Kozlovka I asked my friend if he would want to go to the Green Mountain to check if the rumors were right. He said yes and we made our way there. Once we saw the radio tower we hit the ground and crawled our way towards it. The wind was blowing for a while but then all of a sudden it stopped. A white fog appeared to block out vision of the tower and we couldn't see anything. We decided that maybe it was a bad idea to come here and turned around and left the area quickly but quietly. Perhaps the rumors are correct and we just barely got out of there alive. Never going back there again.It was broad daylight when we arrived to wall covering the airfield from the west. We made our way to the barracks for a chance of some neat military loot. Found some ammo but nothing special. My friend wanted check the hangars and the control tower too. I was little bit against that in broad daylight but agreed to do it. We made our way trough the bushes and trees slowly but steadily towards the hangars. We hadn't been shot yet. That was a good sign. We searched the hangars one by one. And once we got to the final one we hadn't been shot. We had been lucky but it could only be moments until someone would come to the airfield so we left the area and headed towards Devil's castle. Once we reached Devil's Castle it was almost night. The castle was empty and we decided that we set up a camp there for the night and in the morning we would head towards Krasnostav. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Mildley 20 Posted July 29, 2012 While running through the Balota Airfield I was walking past the hanger as I see a shorehumper with a flashlight being chased by 5 zombies, Being fully geared I yell out for him to turn around and I will save him.He turns back and I shoot and kill all of the zombies, I start to engage him in conversation I get a message saying "No mic but thank you so much!" and that he just started the game and was his first character. He was bleeding out and didn't even know it I tell him to stand still and I bandage him and give him a blood transfusion. I tell him to follow me around and we will find him a gun so he can fight zombies with me. Finally we loot the whole airfield ( No gun) and make it to the medical tents. As I am checking the final deer stand I hear a gunshot as my character is passing out I see zombies swarming this newbie as he runs in circles not knowing what to do. As my character wakes back up and everything is blurry all I can hear is the sound of flies and see a lifeless corpse at the bottom of the ladder. I feel bad because I gave him a good first impression of the game from a survivor standpoint but I knew on his next encounter he will probably run up to someone wanting help and will most likely get shot on sight for being a flashlight carrying shore humper. Welcome to DayZ buddy! 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
-CARNIFEX- 8 Posted July 29, 2012 In the forest Northwest of Nadezhdino, to the west of the lake that lies just north of the town, there is a maneating tree. I just died by crawling too close to its roots, losing a DMR and all the essentials in the process.I made it back to the same tree about an hour later after running through the outskirts of both Elektro and Cherno (and then north...). I heard flies abuzz, and as I excitedly crouched down to search for my gear, my leg snapped causing me to pass out (I had figured that, crouched instead of prone, I might avoid injury...).I woke up with just over 9000 life, listening to flies mockingly buzz me and my now-broken leg, beneath the Tree of Doom. I simply crawled back into its roots, and the sweet embrace of death.I love DayZ, but it always sucks to die to a glitch, instead of to zeds/bullets... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites