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Argus (DayZ)

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About Argus (DayZ)

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Argus (DayZ)

    Notebooks. Bandit confirmed kill logs.

    This would be perfect. Aswell I think it should add Zombie kills. And taking away the day's in the bottom right at login, And adding it to the journal. =D Just some crude roman numerals. Someone really just draw something up! ^_^ A rough beaten leather cover, And worn pages. Would be horrible if it was clean cut. P=
  2. Argus (DayZ)

    NPC's in military areas

    Obviously giving the soldiers, Minimum gear though, To avoid player farming? Aswell, They only respawn at server reset? Also, Some zombies still spawn near the airfield and DO attack the guards? >=D Would be quite interesting. Binocs and watch them get over-run. >=)
  3. Argus (DayZ)

    DayZ Stories

    So this is my 2ed Character, 3erd Day. My setup (Just for reference): M4A1 CCO - 7 Stanag Mags G17 - 4 Mags 2 Morphine, 7 Bandages, 2 Painkiller, 3 Cooked Meat, 5 Pop, 1 Epin, 1 Bloodbag (For that occasional Friendly) Alice Pack Bicycle (Because I can't find a real vehicle for the life of me, Until tonight) NVG (Night Time) 6:45 P.M So I'm heading to Pass Sosnovy after checking my local Deer Stands and "Vehicle Spawns". I just get done looting the few spots here, Than start moving back south to check for my bicycle. I hop on, And take off. Then... The fire commences, A LMG lights the ground up around me. I take a hit, My legs are out. But some how I'm still on the bike pushing hard. I break west to a tree line. Then another round hits me, Taking me to 3,300 blood. Still conscious I hit the tree line. I break off for the ground, Take cover behind a tree. I eat all my meat, And bandage up, Than morphine. As well as some painkillers. Than a ATV starts up off in the distance, It's flying towards me, Full speed. I move farther west to a tree and a low lying wall. About chest height crouched. The ATV fly's by me, Going at least 60 KM/H. I freak out, Hitting prone. I listen to the roar of the ATV as it keeps going. I realize they didn't see me, But I know they know my general location. I setup on the wall, Keeping as concealed as I can. The ATV has stopped now, Down a slope North-West. Not sure the distance, So I'm scanning the horizon. I spot to figures moving North-East, Dominate East. I spot the SAW, I take note the second figure has a ghillie suit as well as a long range rifle. My blood is boiling, I'm confused, Frustrated. Not sure how to approach the situation. I light up the ghillie suit, He drops. Debug Monitor confirms. Prone now, I hit the wrong button. Standing now I break for my bike. With only 4,200 blood. I know the SAW has me. He drops me, Hard, The amount of ammo he dumped in too me lead me to believe he felt as I did. This has some meaning, To myself. I've been shot at, I'm not going down easy. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I've been through a bit with this character, I've made my first base with him, Taken 2 lifes, Taken 237 Zombies with me. Found my first bicycle. Thank you DayZ Team. You've created an amazing experience for us all! This is THE most fun I've had in a game in a long long time. This had meaning, In the real world no. To me, And to my enemies it did. Side Note: =O I got a M4A3 CCO and a Coyote Backpack! Fresh spawn, 30 minutes old. This character is going to have a good time!
  4. Argus (DayZ)

    Slight Skill System

    Yea, After reading a few other skill's post, And thinking about it. This game, This idea, Would ruin it. Fuck that shit. Nope. Where's the delete button? P=
  5. Argus (DayZ)

    Slight Skill System

    First off, This is a FPS/RPG... So obviously there needs to be more RPG elements, Such as - A skill system! Construction, Repair, Maintenance, Medic, Gunnery?, Endurance, Etc... So forth, What ever your mind can think off. Will take these few skills I've mentioned and try to break them down 1 by 1. Construction: Rocket has mentioned adding construction to the game (http://www. youtube.com /watch?v=5CNh-Mp_KhQ) So yes gathering would make construction difficult. But, Making it even more of a prestiges thing is a requirement in my opinion. Such as getting a vehicle setup in the way the game is now, Yes it's rewarding, But it can be done in under 30 minutes (The whole process, i.e from spawning to completion). So how would it work, Obviously constructing something will lean your knowledge towards knowing more about obviously Constructing. Simple. Repair: Fixing constructions, Fixing vehicles, etc... Maintenance: This would require another feature, Gun decay, Breaking gun parts. Maintenance would obviously make it require less time/parts to fix a gun. Medic: Obvious. Gunnery: Not a fan of this one, But it's a suggestion, Shooting a gun, Increase accuracy and reduces sway. Endurance: Increase in amount of time you can run before becoming winded. Increase the time between having to eat/drink. Aswell as maximum blood. Not sure how to approach eating/drink time delay, Or increased blood. But increasing time before becoming winded, Obviously more running. But these skills should have a all around maximum cap, Without really being able to tell, But having to personally know where your skills lye. By all around cap, I mean all skills should have a maximum with each affecting each other. Say: (1500 Skill Cap) Construction: 340 Repair: 135 Maintenance: 260 Medic: 100 Gunnery: 450 Endurance: 215 Optaining skills would also require you to obviously perform the activity. Say you increased Construction it would lower another skill, Because the cap of all skills together is 1500. Not sure how this would work, But I'm getting bored of the idea now, Because I'm not sure how it would work. Haha, Any suggestions? Any flame? Shoot... But this would give a player, More attachment to the character they have, Because obviously you would lose these skills on death. As well as it giving more purpose to a persons life, Because having a medic, That doesn't have to use 3 morphine and 5 bandages to fix you up. Would be worthwhile.