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About CynicalSmiles

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. CynicalSmiles

    "No pvp" server

    The butthurt in this one.
  2. CynicalSmiles

    is there a new hero skin?

    Do you keep it when you die?
  3. CynicalSmiles

    Your humanity, good or bad, post it!

    Not sure what exactly mine is, but I have the Hero Skin!
  4. CynicalSmiles

    Whats A Unique Player?

    I don't get it.
  5. CynicalSmiles

    DayZ Stories

    So this happened today. Me, and my two friends Ckings and Dead Eye were driving our trusty UAZ, one which was stocked with food and gas, one we've had for a good week. We've been using the Gorka Gas Station as our home, driving from Gorka to Poloana for supplies and to the factory past that for car parts. And while driving through little Gorka, none of us on our guard, with me driving, barely paying attention, a man on a motorcycle suddenly swerves out in the road. I almost hit him, as he sped by. Dead Eye yelled for me to turn around, to chase him, so I did, I drove back up the road. "Where is he?" I cried, where Ckings pointed out the field to our left, a large dust cloud being kicked up, meaning he must've driven through the field and into the nearby forest. I took a hard left and stopped near the trees. Dead Eye gets out, shooting a clip of his M1911 into the trees, crying out he hit him. A moment later the motorcycle is heard driving off again. I didn't pursue the man through the trees, as it could've been a trap. Ckings and I drive back up the road and quickly to the gas station, as it was in the general direction of where Mr. Motorcycle went, while Dead Eye tracked him on foot. We quickly arrived there. Then Dead Eye informed us he'd lost the man and was coming back. So we started to pull our empty Jerry Cans out of the UAZ to fill them up, as we had just traveled a good 12000 meters from Skalka. While I was doing this gunshots rang out, Ckings was hit twice, but was still concious. We sprinted into the woods nearby, panicked by the sudden attack. Shots continued to ring out, bullets barely missing us. A moment later, when we turned to go back, to shoot, we heard a familiar rumble and then it got quieter. We knew. The UAZ was now gone. I covered Ckings in the woods while he patched himself up. We met Dead Eye, who confirmed the UAZ was gone. For a minute we felt pretty distraught. What would the rest of our group, who weren't on think? We had foolishly lost the car we'd had for days. We still had a blue van, very far up north, and a white pickup hidden. We decided to watch the gas station, The UAZ had less than a tank of gas in it, and all the jerry cans in it were empty. They might be back. We waited for 5 minutes. Nothing. So we went past Poloana on foot and to the factory, no UAZ. We began to think over and over that maybe Mr. Motorcycle was a scout, had told his friends where we were and such. We could've gone to Berezino, Polona, or maybe the group had simply drive in a random direction, far away as possible. So we sat on the hill, feeling depressed, feeling a void, we had lost something special, we had been fools.
  6. CynicalSmiles

    i need a new team and quick..

    What kindof player are you? Me and my group use TeamSpeak, we aren't exactly friendly with strangers. Our group can reach 7 people at times or dim to 2-3, we usually kill everyone we see as we simply can't trust anyone anymore. Some of us have different opinions on survivors, if I see someone with just new stuff in general thats not worth it, I leave them, or someone freshly spawned with no weapons. We frequently get cars, mainly a UAZ. Again, everyone in my group is very different, for example some of us like going on a big server to PvP, while me and some of the others like to go get food, gas, water, ammo and try to survive.
  7. Before the update where zombies can see you very good and make sneaking much more harder, I'd constantly sneak past them, now I've developed a different attitude. If in the middle of town just run past them, into a building, and if having ammo to spare finish the zombies who followed me, or simply sneak out the back and continue on, doing the same to any other group of zombies to chase me.
  8. CynicalSmiles


    So today I just respawned from a sniper up at an airfield, it was in Elektro, I almost instantly heard shots from a Lee Enfield. Thinking whomever was shooting the shots was a fool, because that would attract every zombie around, I quickly look through nearby buildings, because I was defenseless against this trigger happy man with a rifle. I quickly found a revolver and a Lee Enfield. Crossing the street I entered the Supermarket, but little was there. The entire time shots continued to ring out, it sounded quite close. Then suddenly in the chat, one simple word from a player named John, "help". Becoming very surprised at this, I started to actually search for the man, having a softspot for people in need, I walk a short ways before seeing a dozen zombies run into a Pub. So I run in, quickly saying "I'm here to help" so this man wouldn't shoot me. I was taking a risk, with almost every player being trigger happy. I quickly kill every zombie near me with the revolver, being finding John in a backroom, zombie corpses everywhere, with more live ones on the way. Without a word we stand in the room, firing over and over again at the horde, before there was a break in the flow of zombies. "To the store!" He says and so we sprint across the street and into the supermarket. There it seems the zombies lost us, or most. I did not plan to stay with this friendly person, as my friend was waiting for me up North with my UAZ, I quickly told him goodbye, before the zombies arrived. He thanked me for the help and I considered taking him along, but my friends urgent words kept me from the suggestion. I turned and bolted out the door, smiling about this stranger who actually thanked me. P.S. This was on US 898, if you're John. ,<3
  9. CynicalSmiles

    DayZ Stories

    This happened to me a few days ago. Me and my friend, Xilver, were traveling south to Stary Sobor in hopes of more ammo or food. We were well equipped with weapons, me an M14 and him an M4A3 CCO, while we approached the military camp of Stary from the north, on a small hill, I tell Xilver ot wait in a bush, while I take a look around with my binoculars, to see if the camp was clear of anyone. Everything seemed fine untill a man walked out of the tent with an AK, and me being inexperienced in fighting people, instantly felt nervous. I quickly warn my two friends, who were coming to Stary from Cherno. Thats when Xilver points out the tents nearby, about 50 meters away in trees, about half a dozen of them. I began to panic, it looked like a large camp, for all we know we were surrounded, I hid in a bush, telling Xilver to watch the tents as I readied my M14 to take the shot on the man in the camp. I noticed another person with him named Cheesecake, surprising me even more. As I wait for one of them to stop moving so I could take the shot, my two friends coming from the south, Stratt and Shadow told me they were about 500 meters and would be here soon, but I decided that waiting would get us killed, better to shoot now while they didn't know we were around. I took a shot at the first man, and he dropped like a rock, but was still alive. His friend Cheesecake turned and ran out of sight. Becoming overwhelmed with fear at the thought I had now exposed myself, I continue to yell at Xilver to watch the tents for movement. I couldn't see Cheesecake anymore, so I finished off his still unconscious friend. When I moved my crosshairs and saw Cheesecakes name I continued shooting, hoping I could hit him. No luck. When I turn to look at Xilver, I see movement from the trees near the tents. The thought of earlier being surrounded became real and I quickly aimed. Stratt and Shadow had just arrived in Stary's camp, I warned them of Cheesecake still on the loose, while Xilver and I watched the trees. A man suddenly ran out, after noticing us sitting next to the bush, he went prone to take cover, but we'd already noticed him. I fired once, and he went unconcious, another shot and he was dead. Suddenly Shadow begins cheering with "I GOT CHEESECAKE" he explained that Cheesecake had been hiding in a tent the entire time, and Shadow had shot him dead with a crossbow. Not moving to the tents Xilver and I reposition ourselves away from the bush and into better cover, watching the tents. After five minutes we go to the tents with Stratt and Shadow, looting the corpses and checking the camping tents, they were all empty, probably decoys for someone foolish to walk right in. We quickly grabbed what we could, wanting to leave before they returned or their friends come. We now had more ammo than we could carry and loads of tools. So we get to the Southern end of Stary, climb in our trusty UAZ and drive off.