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i move to go down ladder of shitbuilding close to stary tents after watching for 20ish minutes

i fall

i ragequit

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Been playing all night on top of a previous venture, spent hours recovering by hunting in the forest, slowly worked my way north towards the large airfield, reach the barracks only to be shot twice in the face, didnt even have a chance to say hello. :( UPSetting

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I just ran into the stupidest survivor in the history of survival.

I'd managed to get back to Kamenka after spawning at 0,0 in the ocean, somehow with my ALICE pack but without any primary or secondary weapon; I'm completely defenseless.

Anyway, Kamenka seems awfully deserted of zeds when I get there. Just as I wonder Why's it so empty?, I see exactly why: a player running through the main street with a pack of about 10 zeds chasing after him.

What does he do?

He shoots me. With his makarov.

I run, since I can't shoot back, while he attracts even more zombies.

He follows me. He keeps shooting me. WHY??

Eventually I run into a red house in the middle of Kamenka, which he follows me into; I'm fucked, since I ran into the dead end room, but just as he gets into the room before mine he drops to the ground.

The zombies ended up killing him and despawning right before my eyes; this idiot survivor had wasted all his ammo on me instead of the zombies chasing him.

After shooting at me with what was probably three mags worth of precious ammo, he had only put me down to 7000 blood. I of course proceeded to tell him all of this, thank him for his idiocy, and then scrape by with his makarov and a single magazine I found for it.

Some people...

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I had a buddy in Stary last night... holed up in one of the military tents. Unfortunately for him, his leg was broken... so he was going nowhere fast.

Another friend and myself worked up to the north side of town to evaluate the possibility of getting him the morphine and painkillers that he was lacking.

It was a very low-pop server... maybe 4 other folks besides us, so while it is a hotspot, we were still playing the odds by trying to go in to help him.

While looking down on the tents from the hill, my walking buddy tells me that he sees a player coming around toward us. I turn and zoom in with my CZ, and sure enough, here comes a survivor with a Czech pack and a Winchester. He sees us and turns away... maybe trying to put distance... maybe trying to circle around behind us.

My friend is telling me to shoot him.

The guy is crouching toward a few trees and bushes...

I wrestle with it for a few seconds. The guy doesn't appear to have very much, but he has enough to kill us if we lose sight.

He is getting farther away...

I know what a pain it is to even get up here sometimes, and I really don't want to squash his work. But I have him directly in my sights.

He walks behind the foliage at a steady pace...

I pull the trigger, firing at the bush... and see him fall over behind it.

After dispatching the ensuing horde of hoppers and walkers, I go check his body. He had some good general loot... lots of meat, some basic medical supplies, etc... but nothing we couldn't get from a barn and a dead sheep.

He was just trying to get some gear. Chances are, that if I would have had time to type on chat, he would have been friendly. Due to lack of trust, We may have killed him anyway... maybe not.

I still kinda feel bad for the dude.

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Don't feel bad for him, he wasn't the one with the broken leg, no morphine, and countless zombies near the area just waiting for me to make an attempt to flee. Appreciate the help and glad we got out of there safely.

I can only imagine his surprise had he made it down to the tents when I would have lit him up with my MP5 and then let the zombies finish him off. I don't feel bad for him at all, I have been in his shoes plenty of times; its just part of the game....

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Been playing for about a month but finally, my first decent DayZ story.

A couple of friends and I were planning on meeting up but we were all scattered across the map. On the way to meet up with my first mate I stumbled across a shitty old blue van in good nick with a 1/3 tank of gas in the middle of the road, and after a quick discussion we decided I should play taxi. Picked up my first mate no worries. We thought it would be a good idea not to stick to the roads too much because that'd just be obvious as fuck. So I grabbed my buddy and we did some sick off-roading at about 5kph, with me hitting almost every tree.

After a bit, we got on the road and realised we needed gas, lucky for us there was a petrol station just down the road. So after passing the petrol station I swung a left into the field to not agro any zeds. We both hopped out to head to the petrol station.

I swear not more than a couple of seconds after getting out of the van I looked back at the road and there was a fucking bus. I got behind the front of our fucking awesome pimp van and yelled friendly over direct. Two dudes started shooting at us. The first guy leaned around the corner of the bus and with 4-5 rounds of M16 I killed him. But then my buddy got shot and went down.

Still crouched in front of our bad ass pussy magnet I watched the second guy deal with half a dozen zeds that seemed to really like him. After he had killed them all he started to crouch walk towards my sex wagon.

Now this is what I don't get. I assume they thought there was only one of us, as this dude starts making a bee-line for me and my chance at getting my post-apocalyptic fuck on. I popped out to the right of the van and gave him a round in the chest. He stood bolt upright and then vanished. I just assumed the guy had disconnected, but it hadn't shown any players d/c. I thought maybe this was because of the new beta patch I had just installed.

I panicked for a second thinking, well if he's gunna d/c he might join another server, get behind me and log back in. So I bolted to the first guy I killed..

Out of the corner of my eye I saw the second guy was still lying there, unconscious and bleeding. I ran over to him, got my 1911 out and emptied a mag into his face/body. Fuck this cunt I thought.

I would like to thank the guys we ran into for not being wimps or disconnecting. You guys had some fucking cool loot. Love the NVG's but the GPS has really been a game changer for me. If you guys happened to fraps it, it would be awesome to see it from your point of view. I think we were in one of the Atlanta servers, maybe 25? Anyway, we all had to leave soon after because some dick bag spawned an A-10 and (probably) had eyes on destroying my hump mobile. Good firefight, it has justified me walking for hours and drinking my own piss.

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---Chapter 1---

Blood is gushing from John Doe’s torso as he frantically scrambles to open his pack to obtain his last bandage that he nearly died getting. It’s a pitch black night as the moon has yet to arrive. The sound of grunts and groans cut through the dark night as if straight out of a horror movie. All bandaged he manages to push away from the unknown forsaken town he almost got devoured in - being extra careful to walk with a soft step as not to attract any flesh eaters. This careless adventure for loot has been costly and has taken its toll.

Down on blood and supplies he is in the worst shape that he has been in for days. John finds a cozy spot in a nearby forest to have a rest and recoup some of his lost vitals. He is quite the outdoors type, he always makes sure to carry the essentials in order to be self-sufficient. Relying on strangers has proven to be a gamble lost many times over. John sparks up a fire and pulls out some steaks that he acquired earlier in the day from the unfortunate demise of a sheep that he happened to come across.

Back from halfway dead he decides to do an inventory check. Looking through his pack he realizes he is down to one magazine for his pistol and nil rifle ammo. This is worse than expected but it’s easy to lose track of ammo spent in the thick of it. John knows he must venture on to find more provisions as they will be critical to survive.

Putting out the fire brings John back to the reality of his surroundings from what little comfort the warmth of the fire provided. He has no map or compass, so direction isn’t always easy to grasp. He knows that the sound of waves echo loud in one direction and there are known cities close to the coast. Without a moments hesitation John makes his way toward the sounds of waves capping in hopes of better lands.

After a quite long hike the moon decides to awaken from its slumber and light the path ahead. He has been walking for what seems like ages, avoiding every town along the way to help hasten the voyage to the coast. The sound of waves are getting louder and John feels he as almost reached his destination when out of the desolate night he hears the cracking of gunfire ring out like glass shattering in a library. John hits the ground in fear that he’s been spotted. Luckily John has positioned himself in a rather good location atop a large hill overlooking a midsized town.

As john lies on the ground he looks in the direction the gun fire rang out, which happens to be the direction of the town below. Observing for a few minutes with no sign of life other than the flesh eaters, he assumes the would-be survivor had died or moved on. Against better judgment, John decides to make his way into the town - lured by a grocery store which he knows always tends to yield good loot.

Halfway down the hill John suddenly notices a glimmering red light emerges in front of the grocery store he had his mind set on visiting. John’s heart starts pounding rapidly at the prospect of death and the unknown. It’s times like these that rational thinking doesn’t always work in the favor of staying alive.

Despite better judgment John pushes forward as if he were cursed with a death wish. Inching up to the back of the store, John finds a back door and proceeds to cautiously enter. Slowly making his way through the labyrinth of disorganized shelving, johns comes to an opening that leads to the front of store. Leaning around the corner as not to expose oneself, John sees a flashlight light up the right interior wall through the door.

---Chapter 2---

Like a deer in headlights, John is stunned to see the light searching the room like if a spotlight clearing a prison field in the dead of night. At this point John is unnoticed and backpedals contemplating his next move. He struggles with knowing that he has cards stacked in his favor for he has the element of surprise.

John comes to the conclusion that he is not a murderer and doesn’t wish to become one. In this decision he calls out the words “Friendly in store?!”. There is no response… Once again John attempts to contact the unknown person in the front of store. To John’s disappointment, various attempts of contact fail. It is at this time John knows what he must do. Backing out the way he came would be too big a risk and he doesn’t want to shoot the person without knowing if he is hostile. John decides to reveal himself with a high amount of caution so that if it came down to it, business would be done in his favor.

Slowing stepping back to the entrance to the front of store to meet Mr. Unknown, John hears a thud followed by a distant crack. As if his heart wasn’t beating fast enough, this set John into overdrive. Those two noises combined can only mean one thing, John thought. “SNIPER!”

It must’ve been the red flare lighting up the city interior like a lighthouse navigating sailors in the dead of night. In this case, the sailors had high powered long-range rifles. John noticed that the once visible light casting from Mr. Unknown’s flashlight had stopped. Either he was dead or turned it off in the wake of sniper sound, John thought.

Knowing the front of store was full of windows and being the city was surrounded by hills, it was pretty easy for John to deduce the fate of Mr. Unknown. Now there was quite a dilemma for John. On one hand Mr. Unknown was no longer going to be a problem; instead, he was traded for a 100% chance of hostile confrontation.

John knew there were two outcomes with this sticky situation that he backed himself into. Knowing he couldn’t flee, John contemplated the best location in the back of store to give him an upper hand when the sniper came to claim his prize. Essentially the back of store consists of three rooms with the main and middle room housing the entry to the store. It was unknown to john if the sniper would enter the front or back but given combat logic, John thought there was a good chance he would cautiously enter from the rear to ensure there were no surprises.

Only having a short period of time to situate in the best thought out location, John hunkered down in a room to the back left of the store. This gave John a view of both the door leading to the front of store and a door to the back exit. Not only were both doors covered, John had a maze of shelving partially blocking his person which could be beneficial to him when the sniper entered. Now it was a waiting game.

A few minutes passed without a sign of movement and just as John was about to move about, he heard footsteps pacing outside of the store from the concrete road. John thought about the possibilities of it being a flesh eater but soon realized there was no horrid groaning and grunting that was signature of these creatures. Keeping a keen ear to the ground, the footsteps ever so slightly made their way around the building and stopped near the back exit.

Heart pounding and palms sweating, John gripped his pistol knowing that he only had one magazine to protect himself from his possible forthcoming death. Raising his pistol and focusing near the mid-range of the door in hopes that the sniper would be entering crouched and his head would be near that position, he waited nervously.

Within seconds the tip of a pistol and the hands of the assailant were visible. John didn’t want to prematurely fire, knowing that if he only wounded the sniper there would be a chance he would back away and out flank him. Waiting until his body was fully visible, John’s estimate was spot on and nearly no adjustment need be made to position the crosshair to the sniper’s head. John clutching the gun tightly squeezed the trigger five times as fast as the gun’s mechanics allowed. And without a blink of the eye, the heart wrenching ordeal was over. John killed the sniper almost instantly. “This is for you, Mr. Unknown!” John thought to himself.

To be continued…

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Probably the most fun I've had in Day Z:

Holed up in Stary Sobor's Warehouse outside the military camp with my group (3-5 of us) All armed for heavy combat, We had just fixed up a UAZ but were collecting gas for it to roll out from out location(We had been there for a while) While they were going to Novy Sobor and checking the Military Tents every so often, I was watching the car. We had seen in the chat that some people (About 5-7) had fixed up a couple buses, I didn't think anything of it at the time seeing as how we were not really near roads or visible from a road, And a bus going off-road is insane... But as I watched my UAZ I saw in the corner of my eye 2 buses off-road checking out the Military Camp while my friend was there, They didn't know where I was they probably just thought it was him, My other friend was server hopping to find more loot, I had an M14 AIM so I was set, the 2 buses had unloaded a couple guys to go check out the Military Tents, When all of a sudden I hear mass amounts of gun-fire, My friend was being shot at with full-auto rifles, I manage to get around on the rafters and take a couple of them out, and severely damage one of the buses (I was aiming for the driver but apparently hit everything except him) I had practically blown up the bus (My friend survived after being shot about twice with an M4A1). So after that adrenaline pumping conflict my one friend that was in another town decided to infiltrate their Teamspeak and group up with them. When he got to their location and throw a grenade at their buses, Completely screwed up their buses.

Such is my best story in Chernarus


Bus Convoy Failed..

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I was just chilling around the outskirts of electro getting some food not in need of any real serious supplies. When I noticed players complaining of a group of bandits sniping survivors for fun, I could also hear their military grade snipers out in the distance. Unfortunate for them they were close enough I could figure out which general direction they were in.

I started heading in their general direction with some wild idea that I might be able to kill them, I thought I had at least a 50 50 chance with my M16 and a few frag grenades. I kept following the gunshots until it sounded like the were within a distance where I could see them. I went prone and moved very slowly around the area for a good 10 minutes atleast, I thought maybe they left but as soon as I got into a crouch position I saw two men in ghillie suits with M104s(I think thats the rifle anyways) running across a very small clear opening.

I immediately went prone again, these guys had to be the bandits I was thinking. It was time to dish out some justice. I opened fire on the one on the left and I missed, oh shit I was thinking. So I chunked a frag grenade at them which startled them and they went prone instead of trying to look for me. Even through they were still prone I could see them, once again I opened fire on the one on the left. He was dead now.

I actually felt pretty bad for some reason so I even questioned the one that was still alive(from safety of course). I asked if him and his buddy were killing survivors for fun. No answer, so I kept the iron sights on him until I decided enough time has gone without him answering. I really couldn't see what was happening when I started firing because of the grass but i put at least an entire clip into him. And there you have it two dead bandit scum. I went over to loot them and claim my spoils of war. I saw they had NVG jackpot! but oddly enough the server crashed as soon as I began looting them :(

Still it felt pretty good

PS: I will give them some props for not DCing or anything stupid like that. They stood their ground even with all of their equipment and fought me.

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We were cruising down the road last night, minding our own business when out of nowhere, two dudes on an ATV came directly at us at full speed. They must have noticed us at the same time we did them, both vehicles swerved to the left and we hit each other head on!


They bailed and started shooting as we drove off so we parked up the road behind a house and apologised in the side chat. Apparently we completely busted up their ATV (the old pedo van was still in mint condition) and they were furious. Haha poor bastards, they managed to fix it up though and were back on the road within an hour or so.

Such a funny moment which couldve ended badly. Glad they were friendly enough to have a laugh in the chat with us afterwards. Wish I had it recorded!

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So, there I was bored with my DMR. I decided to head to the NE airfield at night with my NVG's. I have only killed one other survivor, and dont make a practice of killing others unless its necessary. I have been alive for a long time now and am fully kitted out.

I get to the airfield and get into a good position to do a little observation before I make my way in. I dont really need gear but I figure if I can find a silenced weapon, it would be a nice addition. As soon as I get into position and scope in, I see a tent right next to the tower and 2 other survivors checkin it out. I wait, and observe that they are being cautious, but perhaps taking too long looking at the tent.

One guy moves off to the hangars, and returns to the tent...all the while, my finger is resting lightly on the trigger. They dont appear to have anything on them that I need, and I struggle with morality due to boredom. Should I shoot? I ask myself..."no, they arent even a threat". I had the perfect opportunity to take them both down, and then I see another in the top of the tower.

I dont know if they are a group of 3 or just 2; and watch the guy in the tower to see if there will be an altercation between them. I lose sight of the guy in the tower and the other 2 look to be making a careful egress by way of the hangars.

One of them in the far hangar gets some aggro from a hopper, and here, at ~700 meters my morality kicks in. I sight in on the zombie, adjust for elevation and squeeze the trigger. The zombie dropped, but I am not sure whether I hit him or not. (I hadnt checked my zombie kill count before). But I figured it would be better for me to fire on the zed than the guy surrounded by them.

The 2 survivors obviously heard my one shot and boogied outta there. I watched them make their way SE, but not sure if they were coming after me. Had it been me in their place, I might try and make an advance on the sniper (who could not have possibly seen 700meters at night w/o NVG's.

All of the sudden, "session lost" pops up. well damn, I say. I wait for the server to come back up and log in. I never had their names, nor did I previously say anything in chat about the situation. But when I got back on, I moved position and let them know in chat that I had been watching them, and that I had taken my one shot at the Zed in an effort to help.

I did not know you guys, but felt like I acted as a "guardian angel" (whether or not I hit the zombie). I could have taken both of them down in short order, but I didn't. Good luck out there fellas, not everyone is out for your beans.

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So, I spawned on the coast, a city near Elektro. After a near deadly brush with some zombies, I felt the urge to rush through Elektro, try to collect as many zeds as I could, and die.

As luck would have it, on that run, there were no zeds, but tons of food, water, a revolver and ammo for it, and a Winchester rifle. I ran into 2 survivors. Lets just call them "Jeff" and "Cameron". in Elektro's church, who were friendly, and allowed me to join the group. We stepped outside the church to plan our next move, and met up with yet another survivor. We happily agreed to head towards elektro's power plant. In the rush, we lose track of one of our group, and give up on finding him.

A few arguments about weather we should raid the city or head inland later, we start heading across the street, and attract a large amount of zombies. (noob move) In the chaos, I shoot one of the remaining 2 members of our group, causing him to lose a lot of blood, as well as me getting pretty badly injured. We make a frenzied rush to the church, where they stockpiled blood bags, again, attracting a huge amount of zombies.

I barely make it to the church door as a zombie hits me, Jeff accidentally shoots me, breaking my leg , causing me to collapse, and knocking me unconscious.

I wake up to gunshots, ears still ringing, blurred, shaking vision, blood everywhere, zombie bodies all over the church floor, as I crawl towards a safe corner to bandage myself.

We find that there were no blood bags, so we run to the hospital. We blast out the windows, and run inside. I give Jeff and Cameron transfusions. Just as we were about to leave, the survivor we lost earlier appeared again, firing wildly at the zombies, and a few shots at us. He goes down, along with the zombies.

Tired of the wild goose chase, with me (selfless me) with 6000 blood and dropping, fast, we try to make a rush for the forest. Bad move. A group of bandits at the end of the street sees us, and opens fire. We quickly dodge the fire, and make it to the field, just in time for a horde attracted by the bandits to attack us. The last thing I remember was me and "cameron" being separated from Jeff, after that, my bleeding got the better of me, and I collapsed, dead.

While the actual experience was not very skilled, it made for lots of epic arguments, betrayals, and a climactic last stand at the Church, and then to the Hospital, against the bandits.

- Anthony

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Posted this in my clan forum, thought it deserves a spot.

So I have a day 11 character and this happened to me 10 minutes ago.

I'm living the bandit lifestyle and tonight I decided to check out Stary Sobor and the military camp(hoping to see someone loot it). I had found a CZ550 earlier and 1 mag. I had a m4a1 in my backpack with plenty of rounds.

I set up with overview over the military camp and had waited for about 10-15 minutes when I spotted 4 guys. Their tactics seemed military-esque, with 2 guys going in and 2 guys covering them. 1 covering the general area and 1 covering their back. I had camo clothing on and was right in front of a tree 700 meters away, pretty much invisible to them.

My heart started beating faster immediately(the sign of a good pvp game) and I got ready to take out one of the 2 guys going in. As soon as one of them stopped I took the shot...

Unfortunately I had set my sniper to 800 meters, miscalculating the distance with only my binoculars and no rangefinder. But I didn't know that yet, because I didn't see the bullet land. I immediately shot one of the lookouts and saw the bullet land behind him, so I set my scope to 700m and fired again. Before they could react he was bleeding and on the run(didn't get the headshot).

I now only had 2 shots which I used in a desperate attempt in taking him out before our next fight(I was sure as hell going to follow them and finish what I started). However, I missed...

I watch them run over the hill and I immediately move from cover to cover, mostly out of their sight in an all-or-nothing flanking attempt, hoping the group is busy patching up their teammate. I run to the north east and after arriving on the nearest hilltop with trees, I stop and scout my surroundings.

They are nowhere to be seen. I'm afraid they might have me zeroed in and keep looking around in panic. Nothing...

Finally I see the 2 "leaders" that went in to try and loot the camp. They're crouching about 300 meters away from me, searching for me. After seeing them, I quickly find the third and fourth guy relatively close to them. At this point, I know where they are they don't know where I am and there is a huge field between us.

So I'm thinking to myself "what the fuck should I do?". Opening fire at this range with the m4a1 would be suicide, I knew one of them had a sniper.

Before I can think of a plan, they start running across the field(Probably trying to flank me from the same side I had already flanked them).

"Yes, YES!" is what went through my mind. Until I realised I wasn't able to get into a good position without exposing myself. So I crawled into the middle of the bushes and waited for them to pass through(to my original location).

However, they never exited the treeline so I knew they had to be in the bushes. Sure enough, I see them crouching towards me at a range of about 30 meters... All 4 of them. Now I'm standing in front of them all with no cover at all.

What I felt was a mixture between "FUCK" and "FUCK YES". I opened fire and went all John Rambo on them, immediately bringing down the first 2 guys and wounding one of the remaining 2 (I would like to thank my mom and dad for buying me first person shooters as a kid in preparation for this encounter).

Now they started returning fire, I got hit but managed to relocate and bandage. They kept firing. I realised they were firing blindly into the woods. So I ran in a zig-zag pattern in their general direction once they stopped shooting. I jumped from outside the bushes and shot one of them in the face. The other one was nowhere to be seen. So I scoured the bushes and sure enough, I heard his breathing and killed him as he lay in a bush, hiding.

I'm not sure whether they saw me in the first place or were just scouting this bush/treeline to be sure.

What I do know is that it was the best dayz experience I've had :D

I even made a simple picture to try and explain it better: http://i.imgur.com/Cnvxe.jpg

Edit: As for the loot, I got an m24, NVG, range finder, silenced m4a1, silenced m9, satchel charges, grenades, you name it.

This makes me want to upgrade my PC to be able to fraps and play with 60 fps at the same time :lol:

If any of the guys I killed are reading this, I want to thank you for not logging out and making this a memorable experience.

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Pt. 1

I woke up bleeding, starving and parched. Must have passed out after my last run in with the zeds. I bandaged a particularly nasty gouge on my stomach, it was leaking but hadn't gone through to the muscle, just hurt like a bitch.

I checked a road sign and saw that I was right outside Komarovo, great not too far from that camp near the air field where the army keeps the guns. With that in mind I put the coast on my right shoulder and started stalking through Komarovo, huge error. Despite my best efforts to be quiet and keep a low profile they came, must have smelled the blood on my clothes, one or two at first, shambling horrors. As I got up to run I clumsily kicked over an empty coke can, that did it, snatching a glance over my shoulder I saw about six of them and they looked hungry.

I ran past a fair sized industrial building and caught sight of a catwalk, accessible by a ladder but I'd already just about run past it. I yelled "Screw it!" out loud and turned suddenly, darting towards the door, this sent me barrelling into one of my pursuers. He? It? I dunno what to call them but it was a fat bastard and I wasn't able to knock it over with my meagre starved body. I forced my way through and made it through the door, but not without paying with a little of my skin.

The climb up that ladder felt like an eternity, I had to shake one of the zeds off my leg as I frantically scrambled over the threshold of the catwalk. Seeing no other way down off my lofty perch, I turned, drew my side arm and started lining up head shots as best I could. I didn't have much ammo left and these crappy Soviet bloc weapons are by no means a sure thing when it comes to stopping power. As the last zed fell back off the ladder with a severe case of lead poisoning I suddenly found myself overcome by the deafening silence and the smell. I dry heaved a few times before steadying myself enough to take a few gulps of water from my canteen and scarf down some cold frank and beans, keeping a careful eye on the doors for zeds or worse, other people like me.

Pt. 2

Time to blow this popsicle stand. I stuck my side arm back through the waist of my jeans and headed out towards Balota, and the air field next door. I skirted around the tree line avoiding the town, I did not want to get into a fire fight with zeds here.

A quick search of the control tower and hangars yielded a tin of canned food, an out-of-date can of pepsi and, what's this? A Glock? Don't mind if I do. That's when the muffled thump of a shot rang out. I instinctively ducked, fortunately whoever it was either didn't aim very well or was just not shooting at me. A second thump confirmed it, sounded like a pretty heavy caliber and coming from the two warehouses at the far end of the air field. Against my better judgement I set about crossing the air field to check the camp for a better weapon, Glock in hand.

Searching through the camp was tense, but uneventful, as the occasional shot could be heard, still emanating from the warehouses. I managed to avoid the zeds near the camp by hiding like a complete coward, no room for pride in the apocalypse. Having failed to find a decent long rifle I decided to try my luck with the warehouses. It sounded like there was maybe two or three of them, judging by the interspersed small caliber side arm fire I was hearing, either that or it was a maniac with an assault rifle in one and hand his pistol in the other.

As I crossed the field once more, staying to the rear of the nearest warehouse I'd noticed it had gone quiet. I considered a couple of plans; play friendly and see what I could get, wait outside for them to leave and try to cap them, or go in heavy? I checked the Glock and counted my spare magazines, two, not bad. As I tiptoed round the corner of the building I found the doors closed, they must have gotten tired of fighting off the zeds and tried to barricade themselves inside. So I figured I'd throw one of the doors open, if its loose enough to get inside I'll start shooting, if its barred shut I'll just hammer on it with my fist and yell for help, pretend there's zeds after me and improvise.

I peered through a crack between the doors, it wasn't wide enough to see much of the inside, but enough to see that it was pretty dark in there, I could hear bits and pieces of hushed dialogue. I took a breath, flicked the lamp on the front of my Glock on and its beam cut right through the dull evening gloom. From my crouched position I planted a hand flat on one of the doors and gave it a good shove. I was a little surprised to find it flung right open, and quietly! With a flick of the eyes from left to right I saw two men, both hunched over piles of scrap metal for some reason. The one directly ahead of me fell to my gunfire with a yelp, his life was snuffed out quickly and apparently unexpectedly as his comrade yelled "OH SHI-" and started to make a dash for the other exit, fumbling for the assault rifle slung on his shoulder.

Turns out they had barricaded that door, unlucky. After crashing into his makeshift fortifications and staggering back a little dazed, the second man began to shoulder his rifle. It didn't matter, I was already lying flat on my stomach with my sights square on his chest and the light from my lamp in his eyes. I fired twice, it looked to be enough.

I relieved the first unlucky victim of his worldly possessions with quick efficiency then stalked over to the second. He was still alive! I was beginning to question the effectiveness of my Austrian pistol, oh well, my second victim's assault rifle was chambered for 7.62. That ought to do the trick. I left the warehouse as swiftly as possible, all too wary of the sounds of my fire-fight carrying on the wind to the ears of scavengers. I didn't bother using another bullet on the survivor, I didn't have too many left and he had two sucking chest wounds, he'd be dead very soon anyway. God rest his soul.

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It was a long road from a radio tower called "Pop Ivan" to Cherno, but I was willing to determined to get there. I was equipped with a CZ 50 and a 1911. my character was all geared up and ready for Cherno, my next location. I climbed over a mountain to get glimpse of the over ran city, and got second thoughts. But what can i do, i need supplies and I am getting hungry. Ah, i see my first location to loot, a small gas station. I approached it cautiously, ignoring the undead. Then I hear a sound no survivor wants to hear "AAACH"... shit. Well i ran not being able to see the bugger. Thankfully it was a crawler. But I still had to shoot him because he wouldn't give up. I then saw a massive horde emerge from the city so i used the rest of my energy, to run into an apartment building. then, through my own blood i noticed a bullet zing through a window near me, a cz 50 round. "Посмотрите, там, оставшийся в живых, хотят, чтобы я убил его?" I was like wtf. Then i got shot in my leg and fell to the ground in pain, the undead rushed into the room with a lust for Jake blood. THE END (В конце)

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I spend 3 hours gathering gear and have everything I've ever wanted.

I get my zombie kill count up and top the leader board.

I look to the sky and there are dozens of helicopters flipping around like ragdolls. They start exploding lighting up the night sky. It is like daylight now.

Someone issues a mass slay command and I'm killed. All of my gear is gone. When I respawn I get hit by a sniper, wash, rinse, repeat.

I switch servers and as soon as I'm geared zombies agro me through the walls even though i'm laying down still. I attempt to fight them off but I can't get up because my backpack had disappeared magically after killing a cow and gutting it and that's where my morphine was.

Truely an Alpha experience.

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So the other day I decided to move inland, you know, to try something new.

Spawned near Chernogorsk and went north near the mountain Vysota and looted the farm near it. Found a winchester and all that good stuff.

Now I felt like exploring and moved around Nadezinho from where I moved towards the Zub castle. From there I went to Guglovo.

Then something went wrong, I turned around again in the direction of Vysota (of course I didn't know I did).

Basically, I made a HUUUUGE circle and you know what? I led myself to EXACTLY the same farm from which I started. Wasted 2 hours.

tl;dr - 2hrs of walking in the same place

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that's dedication


Kleiner and I didn't get off on the best foot' date=' so to speak, but we're good friends now. After a series of death and near death experiences, and a quite impressive collection of reasonable rifles (none of the uber-loud military shit), we decided all we needed at this point was some medical supplies for our friend we were planning on meeting soon (who was hanging on by a thread, tripping over his own feet and passing out every two minutes, traveling up the coast for a good hour). So our next location was the hospital. After raiding a few warehouses on the way there (and figuring out was the map marker "299" meant) to stock up, we made our way down the hill, coming in from north west west headed south east. Both fully equipped with maps, knives, bionics, and every other possible item you can think of (other than NVG!) we made our approach, eventually reaching the last treeline before the plains that lead to the city. From here, we found a tree stand, climbed up, and Kleiner took out his binocs to check out the city. As I picked up the SMG on the ground, he groaned. Apparently, the place was swarming with zombies.

"They're going insane over there!"

I pulled out my own bioncs to see what he was talking about. I didn't see anything.

"Move a bit so I can stand where you are."

I still couldn't see them.

"Between the fence in the building."

To my dismay, he was right. That was the hospital, and it was absolutely surrounded by enraged zeds. With a sigh, we both climbed down, eventually deciding to at least get a better look at the situation. As we came to a warehouse on the outskirts (taking out a few Zeds on the way), we noticed someone over the radio shouting for help. He had actually been doing so for a good hour or so, but neither of us had been paying attention. I took out my own binocs, and spotted someone on the roof of the hospital.


It appeared he had some sort of high caliber rifle, and had attracted the whole damn horde. The last building we needed to hit to finish our supply run before setting up in the woods and helping our friend, and it was covered with at least 30 to 40 zeds. Eventually we decided to give it a shot anyway (Kleiner having a sniper), and radioed we were coming to help. From a hill in the distance, we took shots, and immediately drew a crowd of zeds. We retreated back to the warehouse, picking off the trail from there.

This repeated three or four times.

Eventually we got the crowd down to 10 or so zeds, but in the process we had only ten or so bullets between us (my SMG mag had somehow fallen out of my bag). That's when I remembered I had picked up three grenades. I was mad, I was mad this guy was so stupid to fuck up our last trip into the city, and I was mad he was wasting our ammo.


I ran towards the hospital, Kleiner in tow. We ran through the windows, shouting for the Duane, the man on the roof, to come down to help us. Eventually, after taking a shot or two, all of the 30+ zombies were trying to get through the front entrance. This was it. I threw my grenade.

The whole crowd dropped. So did Kleiner.

I ran across the room to him, and more appeared. He was down, and I was doing everything I could to stop the bleeding. It wasn't enough. I shouted.


I took as many blood packs as I could, tossed another grenade to get rid of the new crowd, and got out, tears running down my face. I removed my hat, and took a moment of silence for my fallen comrade.

I convinced Duane to take Kleiner's ALICE pack and get out of there, and pick up any more blood packs to give to me. He ran towards the barn, another ten or twenty zombies behind him. It was ridiculous. This guy was a complete idiot.

"How do you think I feel?!" he moaned. What a stupid prick.

Even when he showed up, he didn't have the ALICE pack. Aggravated, I went back to the hospital to get it myself (which was now clear of zeds), to find someone had already looted Kleiner, and went as far as to take the body. It was a disgrace. I turned to Duane, punched him in the face, took everything I could find, and went on the roof in a huff. Duane would go to live another day, despite how tempting it was to kill him myself. The bastard got Kleiner killed, and for what?

I sat down, uttering one word;


-Fyodor "Guts" Vyhor


DayZ make friends lose friends

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Chilling on top of a building in Cherno, enjoying the loot I've just got off some dead people. Someone shoots me, I somehow run off the building while pressing the 'x' key and die... wtf -__-

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This is my first life story. I had to respawn after what I believe was a bugged spawn. I had run into hill after hill with no signs of life, so respawn it was.

I woke up near the coast as everyone does. I started walking off to the right and came upon a small town. I could see a small town with walking dead all around. I made my way down the main street, no real buildings around. I don't think I found anything of real use. Did find a pistol with ammo, but that too was bugged, (was hanging in the air) so I couldn't make any use of it. I kept walking and I saw another town. I got on the horn and asked if anyone was in the town (Looking at the map with hindsight I'm sure it was Balota). Ruke came back, saying he was at the airfield. I was wary, but I could tell that it was getting night, and I knew I wouldn't last on my own. I saw him shooting at some zombies. I was still wary, but he didn't shoot at me or anything, so I didn't shoot him. He told me that there was an Army Medical Camp nearby, and he could get my a rifle and some ammo. At this point I thought, "If he really wanted to shoot me, he wouldn't try and get me a better weapon and ammo." He led me to the camp and it was so dark. He had the flashlight and I couldn't see shit. He had me stay up in a sniper tower while he looked around. My heart was racing and I could hear the moans of the undead. He didn't find anything and helped me back to the airfield. We looked around again and didn't really find anything. It was at this point we ran into another survivor, Steinhager. I was still wary, but I can't remember what weapon he had. After a while, we went back and Ruke went into the same sniper tower I was in earlier, and found an AKS-74u with RDS. Unfortunately no ammo. After this back and forth for a while, we got attacked by someone who was being chased. After we took him out (he shot at us first), we took out the horde. We were all gettin' tired so I took shelter in the ATC and logged out.

This is where the story really ends, because today I logged in on my own and went back to the med camp and got shot and killed. Oh well. Live and learn. :sleepy:

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Alright here is a good tale just happened tonight on the new update :D.


Okay, I log on to some Russian server about the only server I could get on with the 1.7.1 update. I log on, not at the same place I logged off I was at the edge of the map with nothing but hills. I still had my guns, my winchester, and my starter pistol. I start running, because I saw some trees in the distance I kept going that way till I hit them. I follow the trees for about 20 or so minutes. Then I see power lines I start following those, and see a sheep I shoot the sheep for the hell of it. Then I hide the body, so if anyone comes across it they will not know I was their. So I keep following the power lines for about 10 minutes. I come across a small town decent size not very small. I see a house near by, and crawl over to it get inside, and find me a ton of bandages. Take most of the of course. I then get out of the house and crawl towards some more buildings. I forgot to mention the server is a vet server I can not use third person. So I start crawling, and I pass a monkey zombie agro it shoot him in the face. Then I agro like 3 more zombies and run towards a building I know I can get into. I run to it get inside shoot three of the zombies behind me. Then I shut the doors, but a zombie get through it, so I shoot him. I find a barbwire fence thing, and pick that up(First time every finding one :D). I then walk slowly out of the building, and pass a few more buildings. I then hear a ton of mad zombies, so I got to see what is going on. I see about 10+ inside a building window just standing their. I go inside the building shoot most of them. Then they all run out of the building not noticing me. I then saw another player run around the building. I guess that is what the zombies wanted. I go into the room where all the zombies were their he was a newb dead player. Sense their are no guns when you start out you could tell what happened right off the bat. He agroed some zombies ran inside got cornered, and ate. I went in their, and I guess some zeds saw me so I shot them, and more, and more kept coming. About 30+ minutes later of killing zombies, I have over 50 zombie kills, and I found about 5 cans of coke inside of that building. Well I say good day to all of you, and I am going to go drink some of the coke I found.

Also in another note, could someone pm when it is the best time to use the barbwire fence thanks. :)

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