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About willieredneck

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  1. willieredneck

    Hackers with crossbows.

    First you come across a hacker and at least try to take them out, then you ask for their help and "hacked weapons." And you are worried about what gear to take, actually saying that one gun was a hacked weapon so better not take it; then load up on other gear, etc. You take out a helicopter with the supposed hacker in it; laughing and acting as if nothing was wrong. You both should be banned because you are no better than the hacker in that you asked, received, and took the gear that you absolutely knew was hacked in for you. AND you have the audacity to post the video here on the forum, thinking you haven't done anything wrong. Really?!? You actually think asking for hacked weapons/gear, getting it, loading up with it, and continuing to play is okay? Wow, that is twisted.
  2. willieredneck

    [VIDEO] The Ambush

    The bigger question is what is being done about the admin abuse there. They get killed by other players, and then restart the server. Not just once but at twice; both after one of them get killed. They claim hackers when they actually said they were shot and killed. Just because you don't know by whom doesn't constitute deciding to restart the server; it's funny how when it is going their way they call others "noobs" but as soon as it isn't going their way, they call them "scrubs" and just decide to ban players. Nice video, and you have my beans.
  3. willieredneck

    Bikes and Bandits up by the Airfield (video)

    You are playing on a server that puts dots on players and zeds, and you question why they shot you? There is no challenge on those kind of servers since all you need to do is sit and watch for the red dots coming. Post a real video where there are no dots, and then maybe you won't be so charitable when approaching other players.
  4. Welcome to DayZ! You may want to go to the shooting range, since you say you shot the player 3 times but were unable to kill him. Of course, what that tells me is that your weapon is pretty pathetic or you are a horrible aim. I would obtain a Lee Enfield, because you can put down a player with a shot to the chest or head and it is quite a common weapon in the game. Good luck....
  5. willieredneck

    Trading gun for my life

    email sent
  6. willieredneck

    All 3 camps 200km apart raided in 6hours

    Let's think this through: 1. You have 3 camps, all along the top of the map. 2. On the day you checked them, or someone in your clan, they had been raided by unknown assailants. 3. Vehicles you had were shot up or destroyed, tents empty or gone (I assume here). An ATV was stolen???? How would you even know that? Doesn't matter anyway so moving on..... 4. You assume it was hackers, because no one had been to the camps in 5 weeks that you were aware of. Looks like you are just whining about another clan's ability to successfully carry out a multi-camp raid, or something similar. If you are still mad about it, then I suggest going on a player killing spree until you get the ones responsible. Otherwise, just start over like the rest of us who just try to survive another day in DayZ.
  7. So, the first spotted players are heading west into a forest, then you are tracking 4 players east out of a forest. Then your eastern most player is killed (you do not clarify by whom), and you spot 4 players heading in your direction (zig-zagging across a field). You take cover, and wait for them but they don't pass by so you assume they disconnected (no proof stated on how you came to this conclusion). You also assume that they disconnected to flank you, but you do nothing to counter that measure. Then you see another player running east and you pursue him until he disconnects for whatever reason (no way to know this). Then you move to a hill overlooking Starry before getting killed by another team. And finally you are making accusations about players disconnecting during combat, when by my recollection, the only shots fired were not from your team but by those that killed your squad. I guess I am trying to figure out what it is exactly that you are so upset about here. First you are near a town that is a very high danger zone for sniping, PVP, etc. Next, you are trying to pursue "enemy" players, although you do not mention whether you actually engaged them with gunfire or not. Then you fail to take out anyone, and get killed. What am I missing here?
  8. willieredneck

    Hacker on SE5, right now.

    Any video or screenshots to confirm this? Have played on this server many times so kind of worried now.
  9. willieredneck

    Canada 2 hacker

    You do realize that if you were near where you killed him, he could have been teamed up and had his buddies come and take you both out. Remember to use your flashlight sparingly, the zeds seem to love the heat from the lights of those things.....lol
  10. willieredneck

    Disconnecting to avoid death

    The real question is not what to do about the D/C'ing to avoid death, players, zeds, whatever.... The real question is why is everyone still whining about it. With this being an Alpha, there are some things that we are just going to have to accept, whether we feel it is an issue or not, and continue working out the true bugs/glitches/hacks in the game. Since anyone can jump from server to server at any time for any reason, there is absolutely no further reason to still be complaining about it. Shoot in the head, unload an entire clip, blast them w/shotgun, whack with a hatchet/crowbar. Time to move on......
  11. I was running around last night far north of the NW airfield, really just checking out the map to see what was up there, maybe find some vehicles or tents, and to just travel around. I was running by Skalka when those rocks just reached out and grabbed me. I was at a full sprint running alongside the hill, when I hear that familiar sound of getting hit, followed by my player suddenly falling down. A few seconds later, I see the "You are Dead" screen. Not exactly sure what could have possibly caused this to happen, but I was quite unhappy to say the least. Worse is that I was playing at night, so trying to get back up there was, quite frankly, impossible since spawning w/o a weapon in the dark is really a death sentence. Ah well, guess will have to create a new chapter as a hatchet murdurer......lol
  12. willieredneck

    Disconnecting to avoid death

    Personally, banning a player for anything other than hacking is not realistic in a game mod based on SURVIVAL. Since I began playing the game, I just came to understand that the whole purpose of the game was to survive, plain and simple. I really don't care if players server hop, loot farm, or disconnect during a fight (even if I am engaged with them), since ultimately they are only doing the same thing I am trying to do - survive. If you cannot take down your enemy in a couple of shots, they disconnect, come back, and then kill you; well IMO I do believe you deserved to be killed. Simply put, make a good headshot, and it doesn't matter what weapon you possess, it will take them down (that is if you are not "lagging" at the time).
  13. willieredneck

    Disconnecting to avoid death

    "I watched a player disconnect under fire earlier then re-emerge 2 mins later behind his attacker and kill him. He obviously server hopped to adjust position then hopped back!!! Lame tadgers like that should be banned. " On the flip-side, how wise was the attacker to just sit there for 2 minutes, knowing that they disconnected, only to get killed by the same player. I am not on the D/C side, just that when I see a player vanish after engaging them, I high-tail it to another ambush point and wait to see if they come back or if a buddy of theirs decides to take a chance. This approach has kept me alive for quite some time now, but it has its limitations too.
  14. willieredneck

    game ruined for me...

    Why not update to the latest DayZ patch, which is
  15. willieredneck

    Anyone seen a tent?

    Found a couple in supermarkets thus far, so that is where I would look. Just be on the lookout for snipers, zeds....