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Pending Update: Build 1.7.3 (community edition)

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  On 10/29/2012 at 10:09 PM, Labargoth said:

Community edition eh?

Then please fix the hackers, females not being able to wear camo/ghillie suits and the glitchy zombies.

Zombies are the worst problem since ever and nothing happens to them. Instead you make it impossible to palce tents in a house? Really?

You can join our server which already has these fixes...saves you complaining lol.

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Fantastic news!

I'm not sleeping until 1.7.3 patch comes out...

So hurry up and release it! :)

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  On 10/29/2012 at 10:09 PM, Labargoth said:

Then please fix the hackers

Not going to happen. If you paid attention to how this MOD is designed, more importantly the latest entry on dayzgame.com, you'll understand why. Don't expect it, it is what it is, the standalone is coming.

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i just can't get all this in my head at this late hour, guess i have to see it ingame to fully get a grasp....

too. much. awesome.

thanks to all that are involved!

but ... but ... wheres the woof :(

Edited by Azrail

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Awesome, great update! Lots of fixes I have been looking forward to! Thanks all!

Not so fond of this one though:

[FIXED] You can no longer change clothes/eat/drink/etc. while in a vehicle

Isn't it realistic to eat/drink in a vehicle? Why wouldn't this be possible?

Edited by MarkvA

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  On 10/29/2012 at 11:12 PM, CombatWombat said:

Your complaining about lack of content when the patch fixes both duping and alt-f4'ing. You can't really 'fix' hackers, considering Arma is a client trusting engine that uses scripts to run the game and If you bothered to read the changelog then you would know that to some extent, zombies have actually been fixed. The community made this patch, they didn't just suggest it.

That's bullshit. Zombies are still glitching through walls, they can sometimes see you through walls, they can hit you through walls, they can hit your from 2m away, they can make you bleed with one hit or break your bones and still sometimes you can get smashed by a mob of zombies and don't break your legs or just start bleeding when they got you down from 12k blood to 9k and when you kill them they still manage to glitch in your face and hit you.

Also I'm not complaining about a lack of content. I'm complaining about fixing minor issues like duping and major ones like zombies.

Edited by Labargoth

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my name is f0rt (ashfor03 on tunngle) i use friend accound for post this.

  On 10/29/2012 at 1:39 PM, Venthos said:

This is incorrect. None of my code is taken from Tunggle. At best, you could argue that after I fixed half the stuff the Tunggle thread mentioned before I even saw it, I used their change log list to help guide me in what things I needed to fix still. So "stealing half of their ideas of what I should fix" would be the furthest you could go. My fixes themselves are not Tunggle's, and are more effective/verbose in some cases. At the basest of it all, Tunggle's are all fixes jammed into a mission file. Mine are core code fixes. Do not make wild claims without proof.

you are not truthful. you already use my code and fixes, without any mentioning me.

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  On 10/29/2012 at 4:37 PM, cRy said:

Yes!When one see Alpha, one expects for a BETA and FINAL to follow. You can play semantics with me all you want. This is what this world has come too. Semantics and trickery. We were all tricked and now we have a broken game with the real version being made for another premium. I bet if most people waited they wouldn't have bought this game. Most of you are in your teens and early 20s. You are kids. One day it will hit you, when you use your own money. These companies are just designed to siphon your currency without giving shit back. I come from a time where DLC, mods, maps and models for games were FUCKING FREE!Thanks EA and Microsoft for killing that and FUCK YOU kids for paying for it! Maps, models, mods should be fucking free. FREE!

I buy my own games I have a job I have no problem with buying DayZ stand alone, you seem to be unable to understand that you're entitled to nothing from Rocket or any of the DayZ staff, a mod is something worked on in free time and has no obligations to the consumer or to be completed, you aren't being left with a broken game because Arma 2 still works fine and it did before DayZ was around.

I'd love to know what Mods you buy because the only mod I know of that costs money is Garry's mod, and from your rant you say you come from a time when it all was free? To me it looks like someone is playing pretend adult.

Edited by LVG
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Will the "Community edition" to create their own anti-cheat? On the similarity of "Gotha: anti-hacks"?

Edited by _Revan_

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  On 10/30/2012 at 12:37 AM, _Revan_ said:

Will the "Community edition" to create their own anti-cheat? On the similarity of Gotha anisotropy hatsks?

People have already created their own form of cheat prevention.

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People have already created their own form of cheat prevention.

I think it is not effective. Need a new anti-cheat.

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Some nice updates here and definitely unexpected, thanks! Nice to see the community getting together with the Devs and sorting issues out, I'm sure more updates will be in the pipe.

As for some of the people here either bitching about something that has already been cleared up in previous posts or just bitching in general...

People should really read the whole thread before posting, rather than being lazy and just reading the list of patches and then going off like a tool. The people bitching in general; which you have a right to do; but seriously, isn't it a good thing that we even got a patch at all?

People really need to be thankful for the work that was put into this rather than just bitching and making assumptions about it.

Thanks again for the patch!

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  On 10/29/2012 at 12:40 PM, Anand said:

* [NEW] New Combat System If you fire a weapon, someone fires a weapon near you, or a bullet/object impacts near you, then you go into combat. During combat, "ABORT" is disabled. If you ALT-F4/close <----------- if this works all i can say is DAAAAAAAAAAAAAAUUUUUUUUUUMN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ultimate troll tool, shoot near an unarmed survivor every 30 seconds...

...if you have a rough idea someone is in a building, shoot at them every 25 seconds or so and it will reset their time... Mod 0 users will be so happy.

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  On 10/30/2012 at 12:59 AM, Mastiff said:

Ultimate troll tool, shoot near an unarmed survivor every 30 seconds...

...if you have a rough idea someone is in a building, shoot at them every 25 seconds or so and it will reset their time... Mod 0 users will be so happy.

enjoy the zeds and bloodthirsty beaners you lure with your shooting :thumbsup:

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Singing Kumbaya in intense meditation while waiting for this update.

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Wont you like for example give away your own position and loudly and proudly announce yo come get my mk48 to everybody else?

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  On 10/29/2012 at 12:40 PM, MostlyPanda said:

internet/electricity shutdown for example is a problem...

yeah, what if the fkng server:

- desyncs (because arma netcode is shite) and leads to...

- drops connection due to server hardware/software (see above)

- gets restarted (even with warning)

- drops connection due to player hardware/software

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Sounding awesome! Finally a fix for duping, I have been waiting for this for a long time. Thanks guys, great work! :)

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Oh wonderful so if I get shot at just before a restart or a hacker starts shooting at me I'm fucked haha.

Good job rocket, always looking out for the scripters needs.

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  On 10/29/2012 at 12:23 PM, rocket said:

* [NEW] New Combat System If you fire a weapon, someone fires a weapon near you, or a bullet/object impacts near you, then you go into combat. During combat, "ABORT" is disabled. If you ALT-F4/close anyway, your character is considered "combat logged" and instantly killed and leaves a body.

So now we are going to be punished for attempting to avoid death by god mode hackers. Good thinking.

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Everyone posting insightful comments are right. The mod is perfect as it is right now in every way, don't try to improve it in any way or test anything that could possibly work out really well but have a slight chance to be a mess. Just leave it as it is. By the way, don't waste time on new features for the standalone, just release it right now. It is perfect and trying new stuff is never a good idea.

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