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  1. So right now in DayZ you have to manually change gear while driving... that is not fun at all. I don't get why this was implemented in the first place, Bohemia is trying way to hard to make the game too realistic and what they forget is it takes away the fun aspect from the game. I don't want to be playing a survival just to drive manually, it's too clunky, not fun nor is this game a pure simulator. Personally I think they should change the cars to automatic or if not have an option to, because I know some people out there like the manual shifting. If people are good at manual shifting then it shouldn't be a problem with the players using the automatic option. Another thing to bring up is having to press R to pull the bolt back of a gun. Once again the game is turning to much into a simulator. Maybe an option for this too. This is DayZ, use to be the best survival game out there and now it's rapidly going down the drain and I miss having FUN on the game. I miss getting into encounters that wasn't clunky, I miss not having to play a simulator. In MY OPINION the game is just too realistic to have fun on now, what they need to do is carry on with their updates but at a more faster rate. 4 years in the making and we're just about to hit beta, shocking. The sooner they get in base building and modding in, the better the game will be. That way they don't have to do as much development due to the modding community making FUN mods to use, just like ARMA 2. I can't wait to see what happens in the future but right now it's not looking so good, taking the wrong path which is realism and leaving the fun behind :(
  2. I've recently returned to this awesome game and the work that has gone into the game the last couple of years is truelly amazing. I don't break my legs by falling of 30 cm plateaus anymore and I can now hit the zombies! After getting the survival bit sorted out, moving on to finding a vehicle is the logical next step and then................... You wreck 8 vehicles in 3 weeks because of this ridiculous tree: That one really light fallen tree with the small branches that seems to be on the other side of every hill you ever pass with your vehicle. I mean at the moment, I spend hours and hours finding and repairing vehicles only to see my entire truck ruined by driving into this monstrosity at 5 kph, because you can't see it on the other side of anything (including grass) in 1st Person mode. Suggestion: 1) Finding the name of the ingame object and removing it from the game files (sorry for the person who designed the model) 2) Finding the name of the ingame object and making it a hollow object (meaning: it's not physically there and you can just walk or drive through it). 3) Finding the name of hte ingame object and moving all of them away from anything that resembles a road. Any of these would be fine and improve the fun in playing this game by 100000% (for me atleast). Does anyone agree with me or am I just a moany player? Kinds regards, Ian McGuinness PS: If anyone knows how I can put the picture up in this thread let me know or if you have a picture of one feel free to post it here.
  3. JanitorWithAGun

    Vehicles are useless

    Like finding one isn't hard enough, there's always tires and other parts missing and you have to scavenge for an hour to make it work. And even then, it will break for no reason and all tires will explode. All that time you spent scavenging for parts down the drain. I remember when they first introduced vehicles, they always spawned drivable and they didn't break which made the game way more fun. Having no usable vehicles makes the game a chore when you have to do so much running. It just takes too much time to run on such a big map. I know the game is supposed to be hardcore and realistic but the current system is not realistic. It's just frustrating for no reason, vehicles don't break so easily and there's no reason they can't spawn with all parts intact more often. Are they planning on changing this or are they just gonna remain useless?
  4. https://plays.tv/s/LDKfwdlOTX-T It's only what i need to say ... pleas fix this quickly ... the game is fucked more and more like it is now ...
  5. There are several vehicles scattered around the map that do not work and cannot be repaired. Some look like they are wrecked, others I am not sure. It would be great if there was a way to repair or despawn them. I have heard that if you take all the items & attachments off, then blow up or shoot them until they blow up that they will despawn. I haven't seen a single vehicle despawn since they were released about a week ago, and it's getting to the point that all the vehicles in the server are wrecked. It also seems since the damaged vehicles aren't despawning, new ones aren't respawning either. Does anyone have any helpful tips or information?
  6. Baty Alquawen

    Vehicles on Stable branch

    Hi guys! Vehicles are on the Stable branch right now and I would like to read your experiences and issues with them. This thread is dedicated for it. Thank you!
  7. plasma (DayZ)

    Are vehicles back in stable?

    I've seen a few people post in the Steam forums that vehicles are back in Stable. Can anyone confirm/deny this?
  8. Hello everyone ! I have though about a few new feature that can be added to vehicle ! I was thinking that it should easier to make a vehicle running but the maintenance shloud be harder ! Easier to run a vehicle: * I think glow and spark plugs should be deleted since it's unrealistic (you need more than one plug to run a vehicle) * vehicle shloud spawn with all the wheel ( in different condition) * Wheels should be interchangeable by example: hachback wheel should work on a sedan ( i have seen this in the walking dead) Maintenace of the vehicle: *vehicle should spawn with random gas tank contenance ( sometime empty) ( I remember in previous update that v3s spawn with a 20 L gas tank and finding gas to refull it was a good thing) *vehicle shloud spawn with random oil tank contenance ( but not empty ) that should filled before your vehicle break ! *Battery for vehicle should have a charge stat ( sometime near empty of power, sometimes full of power) and can be fillable with generator of other battery ( with tools) also you can see how the battery is charged with tool I think vehicle shloud spawn with an other part like a radiator that can break if you have an accident instead of the wheels ! maybe having a chassis stat of the vehicle that if the vehicle take too much damage it break ! Well that it ! take care of your vehicle !! lol Bye !
  9. For those who don't follow Experimental/the Experimental forum, vehicles made their comeback on the latest Experimental patch. I have to say they did a pretty damn fine job because there was almost no desync (as driver and as passenger) and handling the car also felt better. Vehicles are back and they are better than ever! Here are two clips showing the improved vehicles. The first clip is where I drive and the second clip is where BioHaze drives.
  10. treetop82

    Fix The Vehicles

    For the love of God, can we please go back to the days of just VS3 trucks? Only trucks.. PLEASE... Because back then, we didn't have phantom de-sync bugs, we didn't have vehicles that stopped running for no reason, we didn't have vehicles that randomly despawned right in front of you, or dropped you 2000m from the vehicle, or killed you for no reason. The failure of vehicles is murdering this game. People work hard to put a vehicle together and then get fist phucked by one of the aforementioned bugs. After 2 hours of finding wheels, parts, etc, the damn car won't run w/o any reasonable explanation. The group morale is crushed, and people go to other games like Rust or BF4. Before you introduce new cars/planes/helicopters, do your due diligence and have a reasonable working product. Right now, the status of vehicles is no better than the 5 year old leg breaking bug.
  11. The new update brings a decent fps boost on my machine (HD7970) but I've noticed a severe frame drop while driving vehicles. A friend who owns a TitanX also experiences this. At first the drop is not noticeable but after several minutes of driving you'd be hitting several fps/s, especially around towns. I'm wondering what your experience with vehicles is on 0.60 and if the frame drop might be server related?
  12. TEX DAYZ Vanilla+ EXTRA VEHICLES Vanilla+ 150 vehicles and no voice in side script IP:
  13. Hey, I am running a local vanilla server where the vehicles are spawning without any loot at all, what might be wrong?
  14. how to spawn vehicles in my server
  15. So finding a car/truck/bus is already very rare. Why, on top of this, every single one of them spawns without any parts at all? I could imagine that most of them lack some pieces, as batteries or some wheels, spark plugs, etc.. but it's almost as if you were forced to mount the vehicle from the chassis, just ridiculous. I've not played the mod that much, but I remember that you could fix vehicles easier than in SA. What do you guys think about this?
  16. Tokugawa_Killer

    About vehicles...

    I really like this game, appreciate the work you are doing and fully understand that it is still in alpha stage, but what's up with the vehicles? I was so much happy about cars, but when I first got to drive one (yes it takes so much time assembling one), I was really disapointed by the mechanic... My question is the following : have you ever actually drove a car in real life? Because I have never seen a car (even the worst one) with the horse power of a turtle. The bus, I can more or less understand, but cars or trucks? So please, change that and give us real vehicles that can actually work.
  17. Hi gang, I’m trying to figure out a few things about the vehicles: 1) Do we know how many of them spawn each time, out of each kind if it works like that? 2) I believe that a vehicle which was not manipulated with in a given session, despawns and spawns somewhere else. Is it true? If so, how can we prevented a despawn for sure? Will putting a single random item in the trunk make it stay? 3) Apart from the above, what makes a vehicle despawn? I heard that a car ruined in an accident will despawn, but I saw a crashed Volga which was there for a couple of days. On the other hand, a Volga which I hopelessly drove onto a pile of timber despawned. However, a Lada stuck on a rock stayed there for some time. So what’s the rule for despawn due to damage? 4) For how long the vehicles are persistent? Is it 7 days? 5) I see that all the regular items despawn if manipulated, as usual under CLE. However, wheels persist. My question is: are they persistent like the vehicles/barrels? Or is there any other special rule? If I want a wheel to stay there, is it better to manipulate it or leave it be? Do jerry cans follow any similar special rules? 6) I hid a truck among some trees but upon a restart, the truck now faces North. It is not accessible (although the inventory is) and all the double pristine wheels are ruined. If I chop down the nearby trees and replace the wheels, will I retrieve my vehicle? Or is it lost forever and will despawn soon? Thanks guys and have fun cruisin’ around!
  18. well ill be brief and to the point i have setup a server for myself for fun and all is well except no vehicles are spawning at all i have looked all over using the search function and tried every little fix i could find and to no avail still no vehicles in my object_data , just wondering if someone else has had this issue and has fixed it thanks in advance.
  19. Devin1004Kasy


    Anyone else having trouble handling the cars? Today I put together two hatchbacks and when I drove them it was like I was driving on ice or snow, I had literally no control of the car whatsoever, just drifting all over. I was able to do some pretty sweet donuts though. Rewind to to this morning, I put one together and it was fine, no steering issues. I managed to make it half way down the coast no problem, till I went a little too fast and crashed into a tree. I looked into some of the bug reports and someone reported they "couldn't turn" in the hatchback and I'm guessing that was similar to what I experienced. Also, I put together a couple buses and couldn't even get them to move off the main street of Electro. It was like the tires were stuck halfway in the map terrain and just spinning. Anyways, I hope whoever stole my one good working hatchback enjoys it. :)Still don't know how I missed my shot... I'll be aiming for center of mass rather than the head next time with my Winchester. Consider yourself lucky!!!!!!
  20. I have been playing with a few friends and we cannot find any other weapons besides gloc 19's, cr75, ski, magnum and the ak74 u. Please can you help me. And we cannot find any vehicles just their parts.
  21. psundgr

    Vehicles moving very slow

    Hi! Me and my friends have, since 0.59, found three different vehicles. - Bus - V3S Truck - Offroad Hatchback All of these vehicle seems to be moving very very slow. We've tried so many things but they all can't even make it up a semi-steep angle (Imagine the fields west of the power plant in Elektro). What we've tried - Removing all the wheels and then putting them back on. - Made sure that all wheels, spark/glow plug and the battery is pristine. - Made sure there's fuel in the vehicle. - Made sure we're not trying to speed up on either reverse, neutural, second, third etc. Is there anyone else that knows, or had and fixed, this issue? Thanks in advance.
  22. Title. Managed to fix up a few cars in the latest patch, however, each time I log off for the night, my precious car has done the vanishing act when I log on the following morning. Note that I always removed the battery and spark plug before logging out. Its very possible someone stumbled on my secluded hiding places, however I thought id make this thread just to be safe. Has anyone else had their vehicles disappear on server restart? Cheers.
  23. Helldogz

    destroying vehicles

    I found 2 offroad and a sedan hopless bugged in some stones on my server. every attempt to get them down there did not work. Can we destroy them in anyway or make them respawn w/o whiping the sever?