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About cedrico85

  • Rank
    Helicopter Hunter

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  1. cedrico85

    Experimental Update 1.10 (Changelog)

    Its on experimental atm not on stable brach
  2. cedrico85

    Experimental Update 1.10 (Changelog)

    Nice to see you "Fixed" the core.xml issue , will this be on stable soon ? Thanks a lot
  3. cedrico85

    Dev's work Hard on the vehicles pleas thx....

    You saw my video ? i think not :) the vehicles are still not fixed
  4. https://plays.tv/s/LDKfwdlOTX-T It's only what i need to say ... pleas fix this quickly ... the game is fucked more and more like it is now ...
  5. cedrico85

    Newbie question about server abuse

    Take the name and IP from the server and report him to the Abuse section from his provider
  6. cedrico85

    Add an administrator to the server vilayer

    Hello, In your ACP you have on the left menu "Add user" with this you can add someone with a acces on your ACP but if it is only a admin you need to give him the rcon password and he can log IG with it ! or on a Rcon tool Hope it help
  7. There is no other way :( ATM No work no more sinds the 0.58 ! need to sed the new ui and nothing els work
  8. Hey i try this before and it not work for me ! I have make it self Here take the mine and try if it works (works fine for me on my server) <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes" ?> <!-- IMPORTANT: Visit www.ibattle.org for usage guides --> <!-- Guide For Using Scheduler System: http://ibattle.org/install-and-configure/setting-up-the-scheduler/ --> <!-- 2 Time Formats Can Be Used: 00:00:00 - HH:MM:SS - Example, 02:30:00 would be 2:30am. Messages using this format are sent based on the node's time. It is recommend to set your ACP profile time to the same timezone as the node. 000000 - HHMMSS - Example, 003000 Is 30 Minutes From When Server Started --><Scheduler> <job id="0"> <time>000510</time> <delay>000000</delay> <day>1,2,3,4,5,6,7</day> <loop>1</loop> <cmd>say -1 MESSAGE</cmd> <cmdtype>0</cmdtype> </job> <job id="1"> <time>002200</time> <delay>000000</delay> <day>1,2,3,4,5,6,7</day> <loop>1</loop> <cmd>say -1 MESSAGE</cmd> <cmdtype>0</cmdtype> </job> <job id="2"> <time>002230</time> <delay>000000</delay> <day>1,2,3,4,5,6,7</day> <loop>1</loop> <cmd>say -1 MESSAGE</cmd> <cmdtype>0</cmdtype> </job> <job id="3"> <time>034700</time> <delay>000000</delay> <day>1,2,3,4,5,6,7</day> <loop>0</loop> <cmd>say -1 *** AUTO RESTART IN 10 MIN ***</cmd> <cmdtype>0</cmdtype> </job> <job id="4"> <time>035200</time> <delay>000000</delay> <day>1,2,3,4,5,6,7</day> <loop>0</loop> <cmd>say -1 *** AUTO RESTART IN 5 MIN ***</cmd> <cmdtype>0</cmdtype> </job> <job id="5"> <time>035600</time> <delay>000000</delay> <day>1,2,3,4,5,6,7</day> <loop>0</loop> <cmd>say -1 *** AUTO RESTART IN 1 MIN ***</cmd> <cmdtype>0</cmdtype> </job> </Scheduler>
  9. cedrico85

    Toploniki Massif FPS drop !

    Hello guyz, I'm here today to see if someone else get this issue to , So players from my server pm me to say " there is somthing wrong in Toploniki we can't run theren get lost session + massiv drop of FPS" I was in Vavilovo so i run to Toploniki, and yes when you are to close the city then you have this massiv drop !! and it is unplayable I have reset the server but it still there players left the server because they think is my server the problem .. So can someone here help me with this ? Here a vidéo i make to show you the lags and when you go closer and closer you will be disconected and you can no more conect ingame (session lost) https://youtu.be/X6aQx7l6ATA My config : Nvidia Gforce 980 GTX I7 - 5930 Memory : 32Go HD : Samsung SSD 1T x 2 Config Ingame : i follow this config : http://www.dayztv.com/video/dayz-fps-guide/ I never get this issue before the 0.58
  10. Hey, No your code is fine ! But to you have check if in your ACP , if you set the BEC on ? if he is Off your scheduler will not work If still not working i can give mine to try ! Cya
  11. Hey, Yes there is a solution :) use the new UI to see the content of tents Here what you need to do Step 1: Click Properties on DayZ in Steam Step 2: Set Launch Options Step 3: Type ' -newui ' in the launch options and hit Okay. Have fun
  12. cedrico85

    Need some help Info inside

    Hello, We have the same issue on the server when people créate they camps, 100 - 150 meter is not enough it must be 300M . I know it's a great aréa but it work fine if you have not to much stuff ! We have 3 barrel / 2 tents, the 2 tents are together with only food ans work stuff (Car tente and normal tent) and the 3 barrel are all on 300M from each other and from the camp ! Oh and dunno if the Dev's are looking here ! but when you set to much weapon on the camp the desync is more important then if you have only food ! We make a try yesterday move all the weapons away and we have much more desync ! So Scavenger try this ! and i hope it will help you Put the guns / ammo / load chamber away from your camp more than 300M ! and you will see a lil change For the rest we need to wait a fix
  13. cedrico85

    Lost Session Private Hive

    Thanks for your answere, but it's not my connection believe me ! i'm not the only one with this issue on the Private hive servers when i play on a public hive i don't have this issue
  14. cedrico85

    Lost Session Private Hive

    Vilayer ? i have this with other private server they are not vilayer servers but ok . Title Suspect ?? Anyway i change it now ! but vilayer give no answere sinds 2 days .. w have a big problem with this issue
  15. cedrico85

    Lost Session Private Hive

    Hello guyz, Today i'm here because some of us players get the session lost issue when they connect on us server ! I have restart the server many time to try to resolve this issue but nothing change . So this morning i try to log on my server to and i get the same issue .. lost session ! every time i try to log I try on a other server and there i can play, no more lost session ! i look the Hive it was a Public Hive ! Then i try a other private Hive server and there i get the same problem ' session lost " Can you Guyz here halp me with this ? because i become crazy I'm not the only one with this issue on private hive friend of me get this to on private Hives Thanks a lot