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HFB, Vilayer, and DayZCommander need to knock this crap off..

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There's only 2 things happening with u comments on this forum, Jack shit and Jacks left town.

Humanity will make itself extinct because of people like you.

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Good. Bad. I'm the guy with the gun.

Humanity will make itself extinct because of people like you.

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Jesus Christ, calm the fuck down dude.

Vilayer and dayz commander dev are now talking to MrSherenai to resolve this. Let's wait untill we hear what develops there before we declare the end of humanity, shall we?

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Jesus Christ, calm the fuck down dude.

Vilayer and dayz commander dev are now talking to MrSherenai to resolve this. Let's wait untill we hear what develops there before we declare the end of humanity, shall we?

I am perfectly calm lol and I know they are talking. That's not what I'm talking about, you missed the point. The fact that people are defending this shitty action and cannot realise what has been done wrong here is what is sad. People need to wake up and start thinking about other people and not what they can personally gain from. Also, if it was their work they wouldn't be going "yeah rape me!" so they're hypocrites as well. If they can't see it, it needs to be pointed out. If after that they cannot see, skinup can take 'em out back and boomstick 'em ;)

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The sad thing is, DayZ Commander is the only easy-install that works. If the cost is that I don't get some of the original maps, then so be it. I only play vanilla DayZ on Chernorus anyway.

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I got you point, I'm just not trying to convince folks that should be able to see what's right from the get go. Admirable, to be sure. Some folks just can't be helped. ;)

In other news, I found this bit on Vilayer.com's legal page to be pretty ironic:

3 Banned Content

3.1 Customers must use the Services provided for lawful, authorised purposes only. Transmission, storage, or presentation of any information, data or material in violation of any British law is prohibited. The list of banned content includes, but is not limited to :-

(a) Illegal Material - This includes illegally exploited copyrighted works, commercial audio, video, or music files, and any material in violation of any regulation or material that is perceived to be misleading.


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The sad thing is, DayZ Commander is the only easy-install that works. If the cost is that I don't get some of the original maps, then so be it. I only play vanilla DayZ on Chernorus anyway.

So basically what your saying is that you don't care about the person that spent months working on a map, or the community but as long as you're ok everything is fine.

Nazi sympathisers took that attitude in WW2. Fortunately some people decided to tell the Nazi's to go fuck themselves...

The sad thing is, the Nazis is the only easy way to live right now. If the cost is that I don't get some of my freedom, then so be it.

BTW I'm not saying ur a nazi lol - just making a point.

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So after reading all those pages of bullshit, spammers and trolls I finally found the truth on pages 7-9, especially the post quoted below. But there is nothing I can do except not play on their servers. Oh well at least it's nice to know the truth, moneygraberz gonna moneygrab.

The guy that actually created the port did all the work, asked permission to actually use the map created by an ArmA community member, gave credit where credit was due, and continued to support the open nature of the mod by releasing it to everyone to be run on any server and on any host. Villayer comes along, snatches the code, locks it down so it can only run on their network, slaps their logo on it, claims they did all the work, and shit on the community.

That's pretty cliffy.

edit: so thread got merged i guess so now it's pages 9-11.

Edited by Hawc

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There is a reason I have not released the server code for my DayZ Redux mod. There's far too many people/companies out there who would just run it into the ground. My two biggest enemies, as a person who is generating a custom mod of DayZ, are:


-Server Admins in general

Both can and have shown a history of destroying good DayZ game experiences with their actions. Vilayer with their rabid mantra of quantity over quality (and shady practices at best in "acquiring" their content), and a significant portion of server admins (not all) for their rabid mantra of "But I'm paying MONEY for this, don't you understand?! Real money!". The level of self-entitlement from most server admins is palpable, and it translates into them abusing their role as server admin and ruining the game experience for their player base.

It makes me upset that I don't feel comfortable releasing my mod's server code, because I'm now footing a bill of a few hundred dollars a month just to fund a recreational project of which I have no intent of trying to monetize. I'd much rather let people who have the infrastructure in place (gaming communities, etc) to run the servers. But, the track record of the greater community just shows me it's almost a guarantee that my work would be cannibalized by Vilayer and sys admins to the point that I would just lose all interest in working on my mod. I also agree that DayZ Commander's behavior in catering to Vilayer is pretty disheartening. Vilayer is one of the most destructive forces in the DayZ community at the moment with their behavior. But, DayZ Commander is still the best DayZ launcher out there,which is why he knows he can do what he's doing. It doesn't mean I have to like it, though.

All I can do at this point is continue to huddle off in my little corner of the community and work on my mod and hope enough people enjoy it for me to play on the server and have fun when I can. If Vilayer ever even vaguely started copying my work, I'd just stop work on my mod immediately and abandon the project outright. It just wouldn't be worth the hassle and I would refuse to further contribute towards Vilayer's vampiric business model.

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I am perfectly calm lol and I know they are talking. That's not what I'm talking about, you missed the point. The fact that people are defending this shitty action and cannot realise what has been done wrong here is what is sad. People need to wake up and start thinking about other people and not what they can personally gain from. Also, if it was their work they wouldn't be going "yeah rape me!" so they're hypocrites as well. If they can't see it, it needs to be pointed out. If after that they cannot see, skinup can take 'em out back and boomstick 'em ;)

I've agreed with most of what you've said especially this ^. People need to stop defending DayZ commander on this one. What is being thrown against them is true. It's not like they are being accused of things that aren't true. It's primarily Vilayer's fault. Their the ones who changed the maps and started this whole war. Commander doesn't have much of a choice because of their contract. Hopefully Vilayer will get their crap worked out and start giving credit where credit is due.

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There are two separate issues here. Both of which have been resolved I believe so this thread should now be graveyarded.

Issue #1: Vilayer's use of Icebreaker's map

What this means: The original map creator has final say about all usage of his map, whether or not Vilayer is making money off of it. Period. If Icebreaker does not like Vilayer's business practices involving Icebreaker's map, it is Icebreaker's decision about how his map is used. Icebreaker expressed his dislike of Vilayer's use of his map and Vilayer has changed their ways to respect the map creator's wishes. Vilayer Server Hosting is a business with the goal of making money. You can argue all you want about the morals of profit, it is a philosophical discussion about capitalist culture that will not end in our lifetimes. The simple fact is if Vilayer had ignored Icebreaker's wishes, they could be subject to legal action if Icebreaker so chooses. If Icebreaker chooses not to sue, the law views that as acceptance of Vilayer's use of his product until such a time as Icebreaker chooses to enforce his legal prerogative.

Issue #2: DayZ Commander delivery methods.

What this means: When dotJosh added Vilayer's map to his program, he became involved in Vilayer's business practices. This is viewed as complicity by outsiders. Any emotion directed at Vilayer, will now also be applied wholesale to DayZ Commander. It might even be exacerbated because of the innate enabling behavior of DayZ Commander. Without DayZ Commander, Vilayer's business practice would not be possible.

In other words (this is where my opinion will get mixed in). dotJosh, since I believe you are not a sociopath, I believe that when you first learned that Vilayer's map was unable to be hosted by other servers, something in your mind went "something doesn't seem right about that." That would be your conscience talking. Maybe when you felt that conscience talking, you thought "Vilayer is giving me free bandwidth, I guess I won't rock the boat." The only way to avoid situations like this in the future is to ensure that any map files you host are free to be hosted as servers by any server company that wishes to do so. If you adhere to this practice, your conscience will be clear.

I thought up this metaphor around page 7 of this thread. dotJosh, you are the delivery truck driver, DayZ Commander is the Los Pollos Hermanos refrigerated truck, the download button is the bucket of chicken batter, Vilayer's map is the Crystal Meth in the chicken bucket and Gus Fring is Vilayer.

Vilayer paid you to deliver their meth. dotJosh, as the delivery truck driver, you must choose whether or not you will deliver that meth.

But once again, I believe all these issues have been resolved already, I just wish I had found this thread sooner.

John McLaughlin parody inc.

Issue #1, The DayZ Commander-in-Chief negotiating with Vilayistan. The world wants a free-trade agreement, what does Icebreaker want? Pat Buchanan go!

Edited by Erizid

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I've agreed with most of what you've said especially this ^. People need to stop defending DayZ commander on this one. What is being thrown against them is true. It's not like they are being accused of things that aren't true. It's primarily Vilayer's fault. Their the ones who changed the maps and started this whole war. Commander doesn't have much of a choice because of their contract. Hopefully Vilayer will get their crap worked out and start giving credit where credit is due.

It would be nice to see a little solidarity in the gaming community as a whole and showing these companies, whoever they are, that they can go fuck themselves if they fuck with us - except we just seem to have whiney little assholes running around

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Love the Breaking Bad reference. ;)

FYI icebreaker is the original map creator, MrSherenai ported it to DayZ with Icebreakers support.

Edited by smasht_AU
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Love the Breaking Bad reference. ;)

FYI icebreaker is the original map creator, MrSherenai ported it to DayZ with Icebreakers support.

They copied the DayZ code though didn't they?

I guess it does boil down to IceBreakr's decision though. I will edit the post.

Edited by Erizid

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Well, in that case, both Icebreaker and MrSherenai would have to give approval. Issue #1 would apply to both of them.

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Lets face it, the rest of the hosts might as well stand in line and follow as they rule the industry, I want to talk numbers of servers here to sort of validate my point, Survival Servers id estimate 200-300 servers, Host Altitude 200-300, Dayz.st 100-200, HFB 700-800, Vilayer 900-1000, rest of little hosts 100-150, self dedicateds 250-300. Now tell me, do you see an outlier there? Yea Thats right Vilayer and HFB now its only logical that the two biggest hosts partner up/work together on something, which leads me to my next point.

I work for a game server company and can tell you we personally host 2500+ game servers and 10k+ voice servers and personally know 10-15 other server companies right now hosting 2000+ game servers so in the grand scheme of things vilayer and the rest are nothing more then a speed bump, Much, much less then your grandiose statement of "ruling the industry" Maybe in dayz they host a few servers but most companies host more then one game. The pitfall with hosting one game is if/when the floor drops out your out of business.

A few game providers off the top of my head to prove a point:

Art of war central - 12 years

GameServers.com - 11 years

Trinity Games - 10 years

Defconservers - 10 years

The companies above have all been in business 10+ years and are considered by most everyone as the "industry leaders". Vilayer, HFB and the rest are all noobs to the hosting business in comparison. All except for vilayer have been in business less then 1 year. Vilayer I believe 3 years.

Edited by RogueOne

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I woke up this morning and saw that Vilayer has given their server keys to bliss developer ayan4m1, he has released the Takistan key publicly so far: https://github.com/ayan4m1/DayZ-Private/blob/3d01d096ef4e302707cb3a2db8a0623e5fede5de/deploy/Keys/vilayer_takistan.bikey

This is a step in the right direction as it means other companies will be able to host their versions of the mod when more keys are released. It will also mean they are compatible with DayZ Commander. This still does not excuse the code theft and lack of credit to the developers, though I think this little bit of publicity about their practices has inspired them to rethink what they are doing. Time will tell.

And yeah RogueOne I mentioned that in an earlier post, DayZ hosting is small potatoes. However the 'industry' I believe he was referring to is the DayZ server hosting industry, not game server hosting in general. There are only a handful of DayZ hosts as the game requires a lot more special attention than most game servers. The larger companies haven't really touched it - the amount of time they would have to spend on it doesn't make much financial sense and I doubt anyone would rent DayZ servers from them anyway. DayZ hosting is either for people who are truly passionate about the game or don't really have viable business plans anywhere else.

Also dotjosh (the developer of DayZCommander) has and will continue to claim ignorance to this entire matter, he says things like "I only add support for maps that have a significant number of servers" and the Vilayer/DayZCommander relationship only exists because Vilayer has a lot of servers and there's no financial motivation which is obviously not true. Hopefully the negative response has made an impression on him as well.

Maybe when you felt that conscience talking' date=' you thought "Vilayer is giving me free bandwidth, I guess I won't rock the boat."[/quote']

If 'free bandwidth' is all he needs our parent company has a global CDN with 130 different points of presence that I would happily provide him unlimited bandwidth on. Maybe the downloads wouldn't be painfully slow in DayZCommander then.

Edited by ersan191
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If 'free bandwidth' is all he needs our parent company has a global CDN with 130 different points of presence that I would happily provide him unlimited bandwidth on. Maybe the downloads wouldn't be painfully slow in DayZCommander then.

There you go Josh, an escape route out of Vilayers pocket for you, with an offer of an even better service than you are already getting by the sounds of it. You'd be able to go back to being the independent software you were when you started, and therefore able to make you own choices on what should and shouldn't be supported.

Unless of course you are benefiting in other ways from being associated with this company?

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If 'free bandwidth' is all he needs our parent company has a global CDN with 130 different points of presence that I would happily provide him unlimited bandwidth on. Maybe the downloads wouldn't be painfully slow in DayZCommander then.

Or maybe don't get in bed with a host at all.... or if you are, then offer it to them all...

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I dont understand why people pay to use these hosters anyways. I have a server from NFO and have had no issues, sure I have to do everything myself but honestly if you can't do that you shouldn't be hosting a server.

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If 'free bandwidth' is all he needs our parent company has a global CDN with 130 different points of presence that I would happily provide him unlimited bandwidth on. Maybe the downloads wouldn't be painfully slow in DayZCommander then.

Send me a PM.

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Send me a PM.

That's the spirit! Hope you guys can work something out. Would benefit everyone.

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