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HFB, Vilayer, and DayZCommander need to knock this crap off..

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Or maybe don't get in bed with a host at all.... or if you are, then offer it to them all...

I'd love to host files for any dayz-related projects. Anyone who needs hosting feel free to contact me.

Also sent a PM to dotjosh, sorry if I misjudged you before.

Edited by ersan191
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Spoke with dotjosh and I don't believe his motivations are financial, it's just a bad situation and he's trying to release new map support without filling his program up with 500 differnet maps - Vilayer seems to be releasing the server files for their maps (slowly) so this problem is finally starting to resolve itself.

If dotjosh doesn't want to support community maps I will definitely start working on my own server browser that does as I said in the OP.

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Wow ... look ... it's another hosting company offering to help Josh out....

Can any of you guys please point me in the direction of the maps that have been released for DayZ other than the ones done by ViLayer?

I don't seem to see any listed in my server browser... other than a couple Panthera 1.3 that were populated with around 50 players prior to the release of ViLayers version that currently has 2 or 300 players.

Addressing: DAYZ.ST

I have done a little investigating and found that this company started with DayZ and is making money purely from DayZ.

Domain Name: dayz.st

Registrar: ST Registry

Whois at: whois.nic.st

Name Server: ns1.dayz.st (

Name Server: ns2.dayz.st (

Creation Date: 14-Jul-2012

Updated Date: 22-Aug-2012

This company was created at the release of the DayZ MOD and is only in business due to DayZ...

How ironic that they are going after a hosting company that has been around longer and offers many other hosting options for many other games, dedicated servers/VPS / teamspeak/Mumble and other hosting options.

Can you please explain how your company came about and what you have done to add to the DayZ community, other than offering hosting to make money from.

Edited by Leadcatcher22

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I just thought i would update you.

First of all i would like to apologies for any problems you may have had with running mods etc...

I have contacted the runner of Bliss and given him the files and the keys to host the versions on DayZ Commander.

It's up to you whether you want to run it or not.

I have tried countless times to give out the keys and files but the problem is we need a verified person who i know will be there 24/7 to update and release the new versions from that zone.

As the DayZPlanet website is currently being developed we were going to wait until the release date on that site before releasing the keys for people to host the mods.


If you would like me too.

I will release the files on this forum as well.

I also wanted to state that we have done loads and loads to help out this community and in no way shape or form have we damaged it.

One thing i can state is that trying to make a conspiracy thread and other threads in regards to self-opinionated thoughts will only make everything worse upon the whole.

If you want you can contact me at any time, just add me to skype.

lee.netarus is my username

Edited by Lee-Vilayer
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DayZ hosting is either for people who are truly passionate about the game or don't really have viable business plans anywhere else.

So... with your own words you have put ViLayer into the "people who are truly passionate about the game" list... Because clearly, they have been in business since 2009...

And you fall into the latter category due to the fact that you started your company for the sole purpose of hosting DayZ servers.

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I stopped bothering checking out all of these maps.. They don't feel fitting or like any effort was put into it when trying to make it playable for DayZ. Pump out those maps!

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Domain Name: dayz.st

Registrar: ST Registry

Whois at: whois.nic.st

Name Server: ns1.dayz.st (

Name Server: ns2.dayz.st (

Creation Date: 14-Jul-2012

Updated Date: 22-Aug-2012

This company was created at the release of the DayZ MOD and is only in business due to DayZ...

How ironic that they are going after a hosting company that has been around longer and offers many other hosting options for many other games, dedicated servers/VPS / teamspeak/Mumble and other hosting options.

Can you please explain how your company came about and what you have done to add to the DayZ community, other than offering hosting to make money from.

Oh wow, DAYZ.ST was created AFTER DayZ came out? Stop the presses...

But seriously I will spend 8+ hours a day sometimes working on maintaining the site, answering support questions, and creating new tools for bliss which I always RELEASE TO THE PUBLIC (because profiting off of an open source program without contributing it is what I like to refer to as douchebaggery) for tiny profit margins compared to the other companies I could be working on because I love DayZ and I like coming up with creative ways to make DayZ server management more simplified.

I also own companies that offer VPS'es and Dedicated Servers that have been around long before Vilayer (HostFlux was created in 2004), I'm not sure what that has to do with anything.

One thing i can state is that trying to make a conspiracy thread and other threads in regards to self-opinionated thoughts will only make everything worse upon the whole.

This 'conspiracy thread' got you to release the key files and made you aware that people aren't happy with your business practices. This is definitively better for the community than not allowing anyone else access to the maps, I don't know what makes you think otherwise.

So... with your own words you have put ViLayer into the "people who are truly passionate about the game" list... Because clearly, they have been in business since 2009...

And you fall into the latter category due to the fact that you started your company for the sole purpose of hosting DayZ servers.

I'm not really sure how to respond to that... No a company that hosts 40 different games is probably not as passionate about DayZ as a company that only hosts DayZ servers, that's not even got anything to do with my company that's just logic.

Edited by ersan191

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More proof that some of us just do not understand how capitalism works. If I own a server hosting company I will do everything in my power to attract more clients than the competition. If the competition is slow to react then they get left in the dust. I am not saying rebranding maps (which I too dislike) is a good thing, I am just saying this falls into the no shit category of life.

I get why it might rub the creator the wrong way, but from a legal perspective all Vilayer is "selling" is server hosting with existing content. They are not selling the map, they are offering a free mod of the map to server owners. It is one of the main draws to renting a server from Vilayer, but it is not the service you are paying for so in a legal sense it is fine.

It becomes a part of the service you are paying for as soon as the content is promoted as a feature of the service you are paying for. The original creator of the map may actually have a legal leg to stand on, as the statement regarding usage would apply in this case. Especially if the creator's name has been removed.

Bottom line, this doesn't really affect me - I like Chernarus, and I've found a good private hive worth paying for a slot on. However, people who create value deserve to be compensated for it. At very least, the creators deserve credit for their work. Server providers deserve to be paid for their time and expenses, and players need to understand that all this loveliness doesn't just materialize out of thin air.

None of this will get worked out by players QQing at each other, but by reasonable discussion between the affected parties.

Play well, everyone!

Edit: It appears that this has been resolved - Beans and more to Vilayer and the others involved for sorting it out without getting mired into the slagging that went on here. I withdraw any telepathically intercepted doubts I may have had about Vilayer's integrity - from what I've seen, it's good.

Edited by Lefroy Jenkins
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This 'conspiracy thread' got you to release the key files and made you aware that people aren't happy with your business practices. This is definitively better for the community than not allowing anyone else access to the maps, I don't know what makes you think otherwise.

Hey new kid on the block, question...

Before you made this thread, did you reach out to Josh or Lee? I'm going to guess not.

I'm not sure why you keep trying to shit on Lee, either. I've been watching this situation closely, and since this has all blown up, I haven't seen Lee go "fuck everyone". No, he's pretty much done the opposite and reached out to everyone involved (including the map maker for Lingor/Panthera whom you are also hosting without his permission... among others...).

Get off your high horse ersan191. Before DayZ even blew up Lee was here long before you supporting the community. Why don't you give him some respect rather than try to make a public spectacle of yourself.

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Hey new kid on the block, question...

Before you made this thread, did you reach out to Josh or Lee? I'm going to guess not.

I'm not sure why you keep trying to shit on Lee, either. I've been watching this situation closely, and since this has all blown up, I haven't seen Lee go "fuck everyone". No, he's pretty much done the opposite and reached out to everyone involved (including the map maker for Lingor/Panthera whom you are also hosting without his permission... among others...).

Get off your high horse ersan191. Before DayZ even blew up Lee was here long before you supporting the community. Why don't you give him some respect rather than try to make a public spectacle of yourself.

Hey buddy... As I already said yes I tried to reach out to Vilayer and asked if I could PAY THEM to license their maps or be given access to them and I was told no on both counts. Dotjosh I spoke to a long time ago regarding a problem with DayZCommander/Lingor only working on Vilayer servers and the issue was resolved in about 2 weeks. Even though I've spoken to him now as far as I know he still doesn't plan on supporting community maps so the problem still isn't resolved to my satisfaction and I will do my best to come up with my own solution.

I would never, ever, create a map port and not allow anyone else to host it for free and I would never add features/enhancements to open source software for profit without releasing those modifications to the public. If that's being on a 'high horse' then I'm sorry for what the future holds for you guys.

Yes, I'm relatively new to the community I was too busy playing the game rather than writing software for it, I guess seniority is important - I apologize for being late to the party but I don't own a time machine.

Edited by ersan191

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Hey buddy... As I already said yes I tried to reach out to Vilayer and asked if I could PAY THEM to license their maps or be given access to them and I was told no on both counts.

I see... so, it wasn't about the community, it was about you getting a piece of the pie.

It's real funny how this thread would have never been made had they allowed you to pay them for access, but since they didn't your new platform is they need to release it for the "community".

I think you're a hypocrite.

Dotjosh I spoke to a long time ago regarding a problem with DayZCommander/Lingor only working on Vilayer servers and the issue was resolved in about 2 weeks. Even though I've spoken to him now as far as I know he still doesn't plan on supporting community maps so the problem still isn't resolved to my satisfaction and I will do my best to come up with my own solution.

You make it sound like he just said flat out "no" to supporting other maps. I believe he actually explained the pitfalls of supporting multiple versions and already has stated he is working on this... not to mention Lee has already agreed and has reached out to Bliss and others to make everything publicly available.

But, continue bitching and trying to make people think all your actions are selfless for the "community".

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I see... so, it wasn't about the community, it was about you getting a piece of the pie.

It's real funny how this thread would have never been made had they allowed you to pay them for access, but since they didn't your new platform is they need to release it for the "community".

I think you're a hypocrite.

You make it sound like he just said flat out "no" to supporting other maps. I believe he actually explained the pitfalls of supporting multiple versions and already has stated he is working on this... not to mention Lee has already agreed and has reached out to Bliss and others to make everything publicly available.

But, continue bitching and trying to make people think all your actions are selfless for the "community".

It was about me trying to support what my customers wanted - I constantly got (and still get) complaints that DayZCommander didn't work with our Lingor servers originally, and now our Panthera servers.

Even if I had access to Vilayer's maps I would STILL support community maps like MrSherenai's version of Panthera - it was first and it is better. I would also try to influence Vilayer and HFB to release the keys, which they are now doing. I'm not really sure why you're so judgemental towards me. Josh didn't say he was going to work on supporting other maps, he explained why he doesn't want to, which is fine I'm not going to tell him what to do but I am going to work on my own server browser.

Bliss is only supporting Vilayer's maps that weren't stolen - ayan has already said bliss will not be supporting Vilayer's version of Panthera.

Honestly if an official member of the DayZ team is condoning Vilayer's actions I no longer have any ground to stand on. If you think what they are doing is helping DayZ then I will rescind my complaints - helping DayZ is the only thing I'm interested in. The DayZ team is a better judge of what is beneficial to DayZ as a whole than I am. Feel free to delete this thread or remove my comments as you see fit.

Edited by ersan191

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It was about me trying to support what my customers wanted - I constantly got (and still get) complaints that DayZCommander didn't work with our Lingor servers originally, and now our Panthera servers.

Even if I had access to Vilayer's maps I would STILL support community maps like MrSherenai's version of Panthera - it was first and it is better. I'm not really sure why you're so judgemental towards me. Josh didn't say he was going to work on supporting other maps, he explained why he doesn't want to, which is fine I'm not going to tell him what to do but I am going to work on my own server browser.

Honestly if an official member of the DayZ team is condoning Vilayer's actions I no longer have any ground to stand on. If you think what they are doing is helping DayZ then I will rescind my complaints - helping DayZ is the only thing I'm interested in. The DayZ team is a better judge of what is beneficial to DayZ as a whole than I am. Feel free to delete this thread or remove my comments as you see fit.

I'm not official anything and I'm not condoning one thing or another. What I am saying is I'm not going to sit here and let you act all 'holier than thou' and pretend you only have the interests of the community at heart because you and I know that's bullshit.

If you really were doing this for the "community" and not your own selfish gains, then you would have never offered Lee money for access, you would have just asked for them for free. But, he didn't want to make a business deal with you, so now it's all about 'oh this isn't right!'. Bullshit, because I'm sure had he let you pay him you wouldn't have said one word when you were profiting off the same thing you are demonizing.

This issue blew up and guess what? Lee is trying to do the right thing. He has reached out to everyone involved. He is releasing everything. He is doing the right thing. However, you continue to try to shit on him.

You wanted get a piece of the pie, you were denied, THEN you tried to create a public spectacle. That's fact and you will never be able to get around that.

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I'm not official anything and I'm not condoning one thing or another. What I am saying is I'm not going to sit here and let you act all 'holier than thou' and pretend you only have the interests of the community at heart because you and I know that's bullshit.

If you really were doing this for the "community" and not your own selfish gains, then you would have never offered Lee money for access, you would have just asked for them for free. But, he didn't want to make a business deal with you, so now it's all about 'oh this isn't right!'. Bullshit, because I'm sure had he let you pay him you wouldn't have said one word when you were profiting off the same thing you are demonizing.

This issue blew up and guess what? Lee is trying to do the right thing. He has reached out to everyone involved. He is releasing everything. He is doing the right thing. However, you continue to try to shit on him.

You wanted get a piece of the pie, you were denied, THEN you tried to create a public spectacle. That's fact and you will never be able to get around that.

I mean the 'pie' you're talking about is more like a mini-tart, the file hosting I just offered to dotjosh would cost more than the revenue (not even profits, which will be back to $0 in a week when I add washington DC servers) of dayz.st based on his bandwidth estimates - my goal is to support the community in any way I can.

I started dayz.st to subsidize the DayZ servers I was already hosting but then I started to have more fun working on it than actually playing DayZ. I offered money for the maps because if I didn't you'd be saying "they wouldn't give you the maps for free so now you're crying about it on the forums". And my actual e-mail to Vilayer said "for free, or if you're not willing to do that I can pay to license them" if that makes a difference.

Obviously you've decided that I'm some scumbag so I don't know how else I can convince you otherwise.

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Just a small addendum to urban's posts: dotjosh actually did say he was looking into ways to support community maps.

Source: http://forums.dayzco...s-and-packages/

Thanks, I didn't see that post - I hope he goes through with it. I'd love to provide the bandwidth for those maps if Vilayer doesn't want to.

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I see alot of comments saying the the DayZCommander version is a "bad version".

Apart from that this guy / company stole someone else's work and passed it off as his / their own, what is bad about it compared to the MrSherenai version gameplay wise ?

I wish I had seen this thread 8 hours ago, instead of wasting my time trying to get DZC to work with MrSherenai's map - it won't, DZC refuses to recognize it at all.

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oh look, the guy that undermined the six launcher turned out to have no scruples. imagine that <_<

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Well I can't say I'm satisfied with the conversation I just had with Lee (Vilayer CEO).

He said he released the keyfiles to ayan (the developer of Bliss) and ayan only, and that ayan was the only one who was allowed to release them publicly. I personally like ayan a lot and I think he'll do his best to provide support for the maps and release them quickly, but I know he's already said he isn't going to support Vilayer's Panthera. I asked Lee to give them to me and I would release them publicly or to release them publicly himself and he flat out refused. He says he wants to make sure that the server software hosting them is good quality and that ayan is the only person he trusts to accomplish that, but I know there are a lot of other private hives out there and many of them are equally capable. Not to mention I don't feel this is the same thing as making them freely available.

What I would do if the keys were available is wait about 2 weeks for ayan to add them to bliss and if they aren't added by then I would write my own implementation.

Lee asked me to make a post and say that all of the issues are resolved but I told him I'm not going to do that until all of the Vilayer map keys are released, which he doesn't want to do. My position stands.

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I find that you are again more complicating things!

Can you please post where Ayan (From Bliss) stated that he would not support our version?

I just spoke with Ayan and he stated that tomorrow night (Sunday) / Monday all the new maps will be released including our version of Panthera.

Also just to correct your last comment, I asked you to make an addition stating that the issues are resolved because they in fact are resolved.

The keys and all the server files have been sent to Ayan and is currently due for release tomorrow just because i wont send them to you doesn't make this issue unresolved or resolved.

Even if i did send them to you, it wouldn't be resolved.

I am doing this in away that it will resolve the issue for EVERYONE

You again are acting upon information that you are aware of, which again makes the situation 10 times worse than what it already is.

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Lee is right, ayan has decided to support vilayer panthera - this is a recent development.

Original quote from yesterday:

[12:12] <~ayan4m1> Yes, well the question is what you do with Takistan and Utes

[12:13] <~ayan4m1> Panthera they clearly used a free project as their own and the map as well which is icebreakr's

[12:13] <~ayan4m1> Therefore we won't be using Vilayer Panthera

[12:13] <~ayan4m1> But we need to look at it on a case-by-case basis


<Ersan> ayan4m1: are you doing vilayer panthera or not

<~ayan4m1> Most likely in the next release, planned for tomorrow

As soon as ALL of the keys are released in the public space this issue will be resolved, whether ayan does it through bliss or Vilayer does it or someone else does it on their behalf. I don't care if I have them or if ayan has them, everyone needs to have them or to me the issue isn't resolved.

You keep saying I'm acting on information I'm not aware of, that's because you never tell anyone anything - if you knew how to be transparent there wouldn't be an issue in the first place.

Edited by ersan191

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I have to say.... Bravo to Lee... Bravo to the community for doing this in a way that will ensure that only solid hives and people who want the game to run properly are in charge of releasing content to the large hives.

I looked into this DAY.ST guys hosting... and it looks to me like he is just sub-leasing servers from a data center...

Typical fly by night.. take advantage of the consumer to make a quick buck practice.

I see where he says that he helped with features for bliss... well that's all fine and good, for the hosting companies involved...

Where has he created any content?

Where has he worked on any content for the community?

EASY ANSWER HE HAS NOT... He has only shit on the people who are adding content... Only offered to pay money to get in on the labor of others who are putting this content out for FREE!

What a sad ...sad... pathetic attempt to attack the guys who are doing something... then getting mad that you aren't getting $ off of their work...

You sir DAYZ.ST are foul.. deceitful... underhanded... and otherwise a dirt bag.

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