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DayZ Redux - DayZ purist focused custom DayZ Mod (Formerly DayZ DIAF)

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I need to commend the souls who were in elektro the past few hours...so many of us in firefights it was one of the highlights of firefights I've ever been in....this is why the fucking mod is amazing....

And those who have my Vodnik (bsb) I am going to get it back!

wasn't bsb that found the vodnik ;) it was at NW airfield when i left it last night dono if its still there or not

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Ive yet find a crash site. Are the M40A3s at the crash sites? Ive been wanting a sniper rifle so bad.

Only sniper rifles in this mod are the CZ550 only found at deer stands extremely rare and the M24 found at heli crash sites also extremely rare. Ammo for both riffles only spawns with the guns so is also extremely rare and your more likely to find the gun with no ammo.

I've found two M24 riffles both had no ammo present :(

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Was driving an ATV around a rail yard when the ATV decided to randomly explode. Was driving rly slow and engine was yellow-green.

go arma2 physics :(

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Server desperately needs a restart. It takes a long time to get past the "wait for host" and then when you are "receiving data" the battleeye time kicks you after 60 seconds. So you cant join in.

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someone else have issues with lobby kicks while "recieving data" progress bar on screen?
Server desperately needs a restart. It takes a long time to get past the "wait for host" and then when you are "receiving data" the battleeye time kicks you after 60 seconds. So you cant join in.
Can't get into the server at all just get waiting for host for ages and nothing else happens.

Same here. Got kicked for idling in the receiving data process

Edited by Fastj@ck

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I'm suspecting the loot change I made to speed things up/prevent loot from slowing down is causing this. It's happened twice now since then. I'm just going to have to revert back to client side loot for the time being until/unless I can find a better way to do it

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A few questions if I may:

  • Roughly how many land vehicles are there?
  • How many choppers? Are there issues with them repairing, damaging upon server restart, or leaking fuel?
  • Any added buildings?
  • Do tents move upon server restart?


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Bad version, server rejected connection.

I followed the directions =/ I've tried both launch options while loading combined operations. I've tried opening it up through day z commander which wouldn't give me that error, it would tell me about files in @dayz I was opening up and I see you've said day z commander automatically opens up @dayz. I'm now going to try re-installing the latest beta, not through day z commander.

Edit: I'm a big loser and didn't follow the first trouble shooting point, thinking because I installed the latest beta it would automatically be loading it. *face palms in shame*

Edited by lanik

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A few questions if I may:

  • Roughly how many land vehicles are there?
  • How many choppers? Are there issues with them repairing, damaging upon server restart, or leaking fuel?
  • Any added buildings?
  • Do tents move upon server restart?


As I am not Venthos, do not take these answers as the word of god (Venthos).

About the same as normal. Maybe a few more. There are a few extra types.

3-4. 1-2 Hueys and 2 Littlebirds.


No? I know that vanilla dayz has a bit of an issue with tents moving very slightly when the server restarts. Other than that I don't think any thing has changed.

Edited by Nofo

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Oh and Vent, you could have warned us you'd changed the time, logged on and it was pitch black, usually it's day break at that time :)

Haha. I did it in anticipation of the EU server going live that evening. But it's more in line, I think, with US playtime now. Have no fear, I spent the past 2 hours researching providers and ended up on a provider out of Amsterdam. I think that's a reasonable balance (I could be dead wrong) in geographical location for most EU players. The price was amazing, too. I'm not sure on their turn-up time, but I'm just waiting on that to happen and I'll get that spun up and you guys will have a sexy server to play on.

Vent can you consider adding more weapons to the loot tables? Like

General Military







AK107- Kobra




Helicopter Crash Site

Ak107 PSO


That's on my list of things to do. Honestly with the company conference last week and then working on spinning up the new US box (and trying to spin up the new EU box) I've had no time to add content to DayZ Redux. I'm eating an early dinner now, and the plan is to start working on something at least this evening.

A few questions if I may:

  • Roughly how many land vehicles are there?
  • How many choppers? Are there issues with them repairing, damaging upon server restart, or leaking fuel?
  • Any added buildings?
  • Do tents move upon server restart?


About 60 total, which includes 10 bicycles and 6 ATVs. For the other cars they usually sit at a 2-3 cap each, with some exceptions. Helis are capped at 2 each. But, remember, this is the MAXIMUM vehicles. Not guaranteed to be up. When I run the respawn script, it may not fill out a full compliment of vehicles. The vehicle spawn stuff is also something I intend to tweak a lot soon. I think I've addressed the issues with helis leaking when fully fixed.

No added buildings (yet). It's planned.

If by moving tents you mean how tents seem to shift a few centimeters every restart further into a tree (like Nofo said), I don't know if that's something I can resolve given how ARMA does item placement in game and how it's not really meant for this degree of a persistent server environment. I've always wondered if it has to do with how Rocket forces tents to be flat to sea level and not in contour with the terrain. Stopping that may allow tents to "stay" better, but I've yet to test it.


TLDR for people who don't read the above:

-Sorry for the stagnant week due to the company conference/new US box. I plan to work all this week on new stuff.

-Sorry for the EU server tease, I've placed an order for an Amsterdam based box and hopefully will have that up sooner than later (not sure how their turnaround time is on setting things up)

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Wow. Scumbag of the year. Trying to get hero skin, runs into a guy, he tried to shoot me even tho ive got my weapon down and making it easy for him to get me. Once he runs out of ammo he tried to kill me with an axe. Still i do notting, he runs and i kill the zeds hes now pulled. I follow him round the fire station shouting the whole time im friendly im friendly, for him to break my legs with the axe and kill me... just disappointing...

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I had a run through the mod last night. Very nice - one comment though, it may have just been me but i came across dozens of the little vest pouches and crowbars in Cherno. Almost every building i entered had at least one. In one apartment i counted 6 crowbars!

Also how are zombies supposed to react to gunshots? If i can hear someone firing shouldnt the zombies as well? I heard loud gunfire and zombies seemed to just wander around as if deaf, yet if i walk across a road 10 come storming after me! I understand this is a DayZ thing and not your modification.

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Amsterdam should do the job nicely, cheers Vent, looking forward to being able to see what the fuck I'm doing ;)

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Stary was a busy place the last hour. Could have easily shot 2 guys but didn't. I'm too nice for this game aparently.

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Logged out in hospital the other night..

And now Im stuck.. Ammo took out the glass but I cant walk through it and now I am out of ammo and stuck inside hospital.

Can someone kill me? Im in Cherno in the hopital across from the military camp site and big stone smoke stack.. Ill be looged in all night.. going to bed... please kill me. You can haz ma stuff!

Maybe Ill just starve to death.. =)

Edited by opeth

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Stary was a busy place the last hour. Could have easily shot 2 guys but didn't. I'm too nice for this game aparently.

You should have seen the NW airport just one hour ago. There was a helicopter flying low in circles over the airstrip. Shots were heards from the distance. I was on my way out from the south barracks when I saw a guy moving in a tree. Killed him before he could shoot me (sorry if you were friendly, man D: but I don't take chances anymore) and started running from all the zeds that I called for dinner. Then I met another guy (I don't know if they were together) among some trees. We shot each other, he broke my leg but he died. I couldn't run and I had like 20 zeds going my way. We both had AKM's, so we made quite some noise. I killed a couple of them but I was bleeding, so I had to crawl to a tree to bandage myself and apply some morphine. Then, I waited there while the zombies walked around me, passing like 1 feet away from me, trying to find me, until they eventually gave up and started to slowly go away, one by one. I felt my heart was about to explode.

Logged out in hospital the other night..

And now Im stuck.. Ammo took out the glass but I cant walk through it and now I am out of ammo and stuck inside hospital.

Can someone kill me? Im in Cherno in the hopital. Ill be looged in all night.. going to bed... please kill me. You can haz ma stuff!

Isn't there garbage inside the hospital? Like empty tin cans or empty soda cans? Try to throw them to the glass. It's the way to enter a hospital silently without switching to your hatchet.

Wow. Scumbag of the year. Trying to get hero skin, runs into a guy, he tried to shoot me even tho ive got my weapon down and making it easy for him to get me. Once he runs out of ammo he tried to kill me with an axe. Still i do notting, he runs and i kill the zeds hes now pulled. I follow him round the fire station shouting the whole time im friendly im friendly, for him to break my legs with the axe and kill me... just disappointing...

I used to be a good guy like you, but then I took an arroadaosasdghghhgh... I can't do it.

Seriously though, don't be nice. There's scumbags everywhere. And the ones that are not scumbags just kill the people they meet before they shoot, or at least that's what I do. But yeah, that guy was an asshole. You could have killed him, but didn't, and he still went for the kill.

Haha. I did it in anticipation of the EU server going live that evening. But it's more in line, I think, with US playtime now. Have no fear, I spent the past 2 hours researching providers and ended up on a provider out of Amsterdam. I think that's a reasonable balance (I could be dead wrong) in geographical location for most EU players. The price was amazing, too. I'm not sure on their turn-up time, but I'm just waiting on that to happen and I'll get that spun up and you guys will have a sexy server to play on.

Yeah, I think the Netherlands will be all right. Maybe it's already been asked, but will the EU server use the same hive as the US server? Anyway, nice work with the mod. I love the combat logging prevention you pulled off, and the loot changes make the game harder. Spawning without a backpack and removing the ALICE and Czech Backpack from civilian loot piles are some things that I don't know why Rocket hasn't done in vanilla. I'm still with an Assault Pack (12) and desperately searching the military sites for a better backpack.

Anyway, thanks for this mod! I don't think I will be playing Vanilla until standalone. At least not in the Chernarus map.

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Input Requested

What features/content should I work on next:


What bugs should I try and fix (if they're fixable) next:


The first one I'll probably try and stay pretty close to, the latter is just to make sure I'm aware of the bugs and can prioritize them accordingly without posting all the exploits/bugs for people to see (although I'm sure most are well known already).

Tomorrow I start back in on full dev work to try and get some content out by the end of the week.

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Just started playing on this server, looks good for the 5 mins I've been on so far. Hoping to make this my new home, or at least until there is a eu server up.

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Just got killed by some guys with 2 helicopters at elektro...o_o

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Input Requested

What features/content should I work on next:


What bugs should I try and fix (if they're fixable) next:


The first one I'll probably try and stay pretty close to, the latter is just to make sure I'm aware of the bugs and can prioritize them accordingly without posting all the exploits/bugs for people to see (although I'm sure most are well known already).

Tomorrow I start back in on full dev work to try and get some content out by the end of the week.

Gave my input on the first survey. Didn't do anything for the second, as I cannot think of anything as

far as bugs/glitches go at the moment.

Also as far as logging into the game, A bud of mine reported not being able to get in

around the time as everyone else, but as for me, it didn't happen, but I wasn't really on

to much when it was going on.

Edited by Remus

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Just got killed by some guys with 2 helicopters at elektro...o_o

What helicopters were they? The MH-6J littlebirds or UH-1H Hueys? One of each? This sounds a bit shady given how only 1 flight capable was up until the recent restart.

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What helicopters were they? The MH-6J littlebirds or UH-1H Hueys? One of each? This sounds a bit shady given how only 1 flight capable was up until the recent restart.

Think it was a huey, but I just found a huey in elektro when I respawned, got chased by the other chopper through the night sky with bullets whizzing past me, after 5 minutes i pulled a sneaky low 180 turn from 220kmh to stop to 150kmh the opposite way, heli physics eh? then decided to just go up high into the sky and sit at 1400ft for a while and fly out of the map to stop my hands from shaking...glad i lost them...

EDIT: I've seen the little bird about earlier in elektro, and the chopper chasing me was a huey as it had the guns.

(Had to look up some images to see which heli's they were)

Also, I gave input on your survey :)

Edited by plyr2

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