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DayZ Redux - DayZ purist focused custom DayZ Mod (Formerly DayZ DIAF)

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"ouch" for not having a 3rd party mod that isn't in vanilla DayZ? Interesting way of contributing your thoughts on the matter.

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To the guy that just tried to kill me at the Cherno apartments about 15 minutes ago, unluckly mate, I guess I win :D

I wouldn't bother going back for your body either ;)

Oh and thanks for the compass, just what I was looking for.

Edited by RedNome

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Presently, the toolbox does nothing at all. In vanilla DayZ, it was required only for removing cat wire and tank traps (which are both removed from DayZ Redux). However, I do plan on making it useful in DayZ Redux. This may involve making it required to repair vehicles.

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Nothing personal dude, relax.

I'm just not looking forward to having to fight my way through doorways again, I haven't had to do it since playing public hives months ago.

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Presently, the toolbox does nothing at all. In vanilla DayZ, it was required only for removing cat wire and tank traps (which are both removed from DayZ Redux). However, I do plan on making it useful in DayZ Redux. This may involve making it required to repair vehicles.

So i've spent my last few days searching for a toolbox in vain? Wow. Thanks for the clarification.

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A while ago I saw a "mod" that implemented a working power grid into the chernarus map. If that could be integrated into redux then wow, that would be nice. Would give people a reason to work together and a reason to fight instead of just a large death match with no real "end game" besides hoarding vehicles and gear. Think of the possibilities, it also adds some more realism.

Refer to this thread...

http://dayzmod.com/f...grid +chernarus

And this addon...


Edited by Sibexus

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A while ago I saw a "mod" that implemented a working power grid into the chernarus map. If that could be integrated into redux then wow, that would be nice. Would give people a reason to work together and a reason to fight instead of just a large death match with no real "end game" besides hoarding vehicles and gear. Think of the possibilities, it also adds some more realism.

Refer to this thread...

http://dayzmod.com/f...grid +chernarus

And this addon...


Now thats cool. Now a reason for street lights to be on in a city.

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My biggest problem with the power grid thing is to what end would I want to turn them on as a player? I'd want to keep things dark so it's easier to move (zombie limited vision) and players are forced to use chemlights/flares (although I would be, too). It'd also have to be a royal pain to get it up and running (lots of jerry cans, parts, etc), and it just doesn't seem worth it at that point.

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My biggest problem with the power grid thing is to what end would I want to turn them on as a player? I'd want to keep things dark so it's easier to move (zombie limited vision) and players are forced to use chemlights/flares (although I would be, too). It'd also have to be a royal pain to get it up and running (lots of jerry cans, parts, etc), and it just doesn't seem worth it at that point.

Agreed, not sure what the point would be to it tbh, it would have to be tied into so many other things such as powering a factory so you could start making and crafting items or things like that. Just being able to turn the lights on at night would offer no benefits to anyone really.

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My biggest problem with the power grid thing is to what end would I want to turn them on as a player?

This is where the possibilities come in. We are currently thinking inside of the box that Rocket built, many things could be added that would only work if there is power. Like what you ask? I have no idea, I just thought it was cool. Don't get me wrong, I love where you're going with Redux, it's really the only version of DayZ I've been playing lately. I've been playing DayZ since very early and am just itching for something "new" is all.

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My biggest problem with the power grid thing is to what end would I want to turn them on as a player? I'd want to keep things dark so it's easier to move (zombie limited vision) and players are forced to use chemlights/flares (although I would be, too). It'd also have to be a royal pain to get it up and running (lots of jerry cans, parts, etc), and it just doesn't seem worth it at that point.

I hear ya, rather just powering lights what about having it limit access to certain parts of the map where awesome loot can be at? Not sure how modable chernarnus can be.

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This is my first night playing in this server and I can see almost clear as day. Does it get dark at all? If it's full moon every night I don't see any purpose for a power grid.

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I'm thoroughly convinced you're just trolling me and have been from the start, noreaster.

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I'm thoroughly convinced you're just trolling me and have been from the start, noreaster.


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I'm thoroughly convinced you're just trolling me and have been from the start, noreaster.

Please do explain what exactly you are taking issue with out of these posts I have made in your thread:

A few questions if I may:

  • Roughly how many land vehicles are there?
  • How many choppers? Are there issues with them repairing, damaging upon server restart, or leaking fuel?
  • Any added buildings?
  • Do tents move upon server restart?


All valid questions here. I don't see what your issue is with me wanting to know this information.

Ouch, this server doesn't have stmovment? :/

Isn't it a stand alone mod? should only take a few seconds to include it.

What is wrong with being surprised that your server doesn't have stmovment incorporated into it? All it does is fix blatant issues with player movement. I guarantee 90% of your members were also surprised to find you haven't implemented it, whether they voiced it or they didn't.

This is my first night playing in this server and I can see almost clear as day. Does it get dark at all? If it's full moon every night I don't see any purpose for a power grid.

My first night playing on your server I noticed it was clear as day for my entire session. Is it so far fetched to suggest it might be a full moon every night on your server like so many others? Would you feel better if I gave you a pat on the back and told you I think it was a good decision to make it that way if in fact you did make it that way?

Is that what this is all about? I need to compliment you with every comment I make regardless if it is for or against you? At this point I think the only person trolling here is you.

I have a crew of over 20 people I have been solely responsible for when it comes to what server we call home. So when these other servers start pulling the special treatment for donator card, the 60 extra building crap, the 160 vehicle retardation I need to come scour the forums and start looking for a server that can please all of these people.

I like your purist idea. The anti-combat logging feature is pure genius. The flip vehicle thing is just amazing for ATV buffs like myself. No smoke at the chopper crashes is a great way to give people on the ground a way to compete with choppers. Your idea of what the weapon loot tables should look like is a great way to discourage people from camping and sniping places like Elektro.....etc...etc

Now, there is your pat on the back. Can we be friends now?

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This looks absolutely awesome. I will definitely be trying this out, will give me something to play while I wait for DayZ Standalone!

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Is it possible to fix the wheels of a dirtbike?

I heared that isn't possible.

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Feedback for the website:

- All boxes for writing your email, battleye guid and nickname shoud be white. Becouse atm i cant see a thing.

- Changelog is not loading / dayz forums are owerloaded.

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If you could implement something like this:

You would be my hero.

Mine too. Indoors movement of Arma2 really sucks.

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So shortly after killing a guy named Remus and getting killed by a guy named Sanjeet, I got a message saying "You were kicked off the game" and I was kicked >_>

Stuck on "waiting for character to create" ..... Ermmmm what.?

Edited by lanik

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So shortly after killing a guy named Remus and getting killed by a guy named Sanjeet, I got a message saying "You were kicked off the game" and I was kicked >_>

The only person with the power to kick is me, and I have never kicked anyone from the game even stemming back from my public US-2519 until now. I especially make it a policy to never kick in this mod because it can very well cause a combat log. I wasn't playing at the time, therefore you can be assured you weren't kicked by an admin.

I am guessing you were one of the following people:

13:41:58 Player Vest: Signature check timed out

13:41:58 Player Vest disconnected.

17:58:32 Player BeanMachine: Signature check timed out

17:58:32 Player BeanMachine disconnected.

18:13:29 Player Adam: Signature check timed out

18:13:29 Player Adam disconnected.

If you have poor connectivity to the server for an extended period of time, your client may fail to submit proper signature checks. These checks are done to stop people from deleting their tree/rock/bush models and being able to kill on what's otherwise a smooth terrain for them. This happens to our squad mate "Nofo" constantly because of his poor connectivity.

If you were kicked by an admin, it would tell you so and a reason would be listed. Just a "you were kicked" is indicative of a failed signature check. I wish I could change this for the better, but it's a necessary evil that this is enforced to make sure people can't shoot at you through rocks/trees and kill you.

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The only person with the power to kick is me, and I have never kicked anyone from the game even stemming back from my public US-2519 until now. I especially make it a policy to never kick in this mod because it can very well cause a combat log. I wasn't playing at the time, therefore you can be assured you weren't kicked by an admin.

I am guessing you were one of the following people:

If you have poor connectivity to the server for an extended period of time, your client may fail to submit proper signature checks. These checks are done to stop people from deleting their tree/rock/bush models and being able to kill on what's otherwise a smooth terrain for them. This happens to our squad mate "Nofo" constantly because of his poor connectivity.

If you were kicked by an admin, it would tell you so and a reason would be listed. Just a "you were kicked" is indicative of a failed signature check. I wish I could change this for the better, but it's a necessary evil that this is enforced to make sure people can't shoot at you through rocks/trees and kill you.

Thanks venthos for clearing that up. I was indeed Adam. I thought maybe someone was upset about me shooting the guys sitting in that jeep.

Edited by lanik

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Tried bringing some people over to try out this server but we get stuck on waiting for character to create. There is only 14 people in the server too :o

I'll try bringing them back tomorrow night if things are running more smoothly then.

Edited by noreaster

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Thanks venthos for clearing that up. I was indeed Adam. I thought maybe someone was upset about me shooting the guys sitting in that jeep.

Yeah, you'll definitely never run into that here, Ianik. Myself and the squad I hang with when I get time to play get reamed from time to time and lose everything/vehicles/etc. It's what happens in the game. It's the admins that do what you thought I did that anger me and is the reason I do choose to not release my server code to the public. I know a significant populous of the server admin community would do exactly what you thought I did. I totally understand why you jumped to that conclusion and don't blame you. They treat the server as their own private playground because "I'm paying money! REAL MONEY! Don't you understand!?". It really bothers me that the DayZ admin community is like that and it's why I'm ensuring I'm the only one to run servers hosting the mod. If it gets popular enough I'll have to find some trustworthy admins, but for now I can control them myself.

You can be assured that you will never be retaliated against on any of my servers in any fashion that you or any other player wouldn't be capable of doing the same.

Tried bringing some people over to try out this server but we get stuck on waiting for character to create. There is only 14 people in the server too :o

Not sure why. the server JUST restarted 32 minutes ago and therefore should have lightning quick login times. As you say, lots of people are playing right now. PM me the character names and I'll check the logs to see if it's some sort of issue with your mod files/etc.

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