frankie (DayZ) 0 Posted October 9, 2012 Thanks!Works nice now! ...although we died and spawned in debug. But reconnected and everything is ok! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
stapo 188 Posted October 9, 2012 Yeah we did the "temporary" slot reduction for abit, it was fine then except for the part when i get endless messages and pm's telling me "i cant get in because the servers full all the time". but we soon fixed that because i was annoyed haha, and now we just got our 1st UK server running the SurviveDayZ Mod and its brilliant, it feels good to get 50 Slots again.. and our main is 30 or 40 slot i think? because we have the 2 Vanilla dayz servers on the same box.but yea best of luck and its sucks with that conference coming at the worst time. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 4 Posted October 9, 2012 Would be nice if Vilayer allowed custom mods to be installed on their servers because they run sweet, got a 40 slot Chernarus one that I would happily donate if was able to. Will hopefully be on soon and see how the server is running with some of the guys and give you some feedback. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
kacsa 0 Posted October 9, 2012 Hey, guys if you already updated your client to 97771 and still bad version you have to go arma2oa/expension/beta/arma2oa.exe-> copy to the arma2oa folder and overwrite. and wooorking^^ Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Mazz 4 Posted October 9, 2012 Is the server down? It was restarted a couple hours ago and I havn't been able to join since. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
venthos 605 Posted October 9, 2012 Something screwed with the restart at 8am server and the previous instance crashed/never exited. This caused the new instance to start up on another port and whitelisting wasn't enforced anymore. I'm restarting the server again in 15 minutes to get it back on the proper port and enforce whitelisting. But it's been up, 20 people are on now. I'll also be lowering the slot count to 30 until I can get the time to order up a more robust server to accommodate more people. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
venthos 605 Posted October 9, 2012 It's now restarted and running on the proper port. Thanks again everyone for being patient with me on this. Gave my speech today at the conference. Things are moving along. But lots of conference stuff to do yet for the company before the week is out. The plan will be to have a robust US box up to replace this one as well as a robust EU box up. Then I will do another bugfix/tweak patch (I'm unhappy with how frequent the LMGs seem to be since they also spawn at barracks).When, and only when, I'm happy with the stability of the boxes and their ability to support a full compliment of players then I'll work on the next content patch. Assuming all goes to plan (and I do have a plan... a good one) then the content patch will be "CheranrusRedux". A redone Chernarus with, at the very least, all towns made to have reasonable amounts of enterable buildings such that it's always a good idea to stop by a town you're passing by. I've got the basis for how I'd go about doing this in my mind, but I may be able to extend it to the point of removing virtually all non-enterable buildings and replacing them with enterable ones. In short, I'm not sure about the specifics about ChernarusRedux, but it is the next planned content patch. It may end up being a long-term implementation though and I'll implement other stuff in between.I also want to hold some sort of "event" in game to thank you guys for being patient with these server/mod growing pains that has some item rewards or something. I know it's incredibly easy to just say "screw it" and go play on another private server/mod, so I appreciate that you guys have stuck it out (especially through the "loot drought"). 6 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Fastj@ck 0 Posted October 9, 2012 I like the idea of ChernarusRedux. I'm sad about crossing an small village with no enterable buildings.That makes those places totally uninterresting in my opinion. Additionally, all players are forced to concentrate at the major towns and lower equipped player have not much chances versus the better equipped ones. Makes camping to easy.It would be cool, after you finished your ChernarusRedux project, to see a LingorIslandRedux.I like this map because it have already more towns and villages with enterable buildings and the island looks pretty cool.But first go ahead with your plans. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
no2_punk 2 Posted October 9, 2012 The idea of more enterable buildings is interesting. Would breathe some new life into Chernarus. I gave the Panthera mod a go today and some of the buildings in that are a lot more interesting than the Chernarus architecture. I would like to see some of them assets used on ChernarusRedux.Please turn Otmel into a small town. It would be good to have some large buildings on the north side of it, to provide cover from pesky snipers on the south coast. And it would be nice to have a reason to visit the place other than for the thrill of a short paddle in the marshes. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DemonGroover 8836 Posted October 9, 2012 How about Green Mountain - i think that place needs something more than what is there now - at least a couple more enterables. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Hetzer_ing 22 Posted October 9, 2012 I love this mod. Even with the desync/server issues at the moment its far more enjoyable than what vanilla DayZ has been for a long time.Loot drought can be an awesome experience aswell, reminds me of when hatchets were brought into the game in version 1.7.x.x and it messed with food/beverage spawns. Entire towns and cities without it. I actually died of hunger for the first time yesterday as no loot was spawned in the 6-7 cities i ventured into. wasted all my ammo on zeds, but no can of beans to be found :(I actually like having little food and drinks around, it makes that empty water bottle and the occasional box of matches much more valuable. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
venthos 605 Posted October 9, 2012 I love this mod. Even with the desync/server issues at the moment...How has desync been as of late, such as today (10/9)? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
RedNome 443 Posted October 9, 2012 (edited) I love this mod. Even with the desync/server issues at the moment its far more enjoyable than what vanilla DayZ has been for a long time.Loot drought can be an awesome experience aswell, reminds me of when hatchets were brought into the game in version 1.7.x.x and it messed with food/beverage spawns. Entire towns and cities without it. I actually died of hunger for the first time yesterday as no loot was spawned in the 6-7 cities i ventured into. wasted all my ammo on zeds, but no can of beans to be found :(I actually like having little food and drinks around, it makes that empty water bottle and the occasional box of matches much more valuable.You've pre-emted me there, I was going to suggest that food and drink be made a lot less common too. It's far too easy to survive right now imo, there's drink and food everywhere and so little concern about where the next meal or drink is coming from. Seeing as we're going for hardcore here I'd be very happy with cranking this part of the games difficultly up a few notches. Maybe have sodas and canned food spawn in supermarkets only and then this would give canteens and hunting greater importance to the game? Maybe that's a little too much, but you get the idea.Oh and Vent, your ideas for Chernarus Redux sound fantastic mate, can't wait to see this implemented, the map needs a little fresh blood. Edited October 9, 2012 by RedNome Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Hetzer_ing 22 Posted October 10, 2012 It still desyncs from time to time. Sometimes its just the individual and sometimes the entire server gets out of sync for a short while. its hard to really give an accurate assesment, but its not terribad and absolutely playable even with a bad internet connection and living 9 timezones away from the server which gives me an average ping of 170ms ~.Today has been pretty good atleast. some desync here and there, but all in all its pretty stable. (stable enough to enjoy playing.) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Fastj@ck 0 Posted October 10, 2012 I actually died of hunger for the first time yesterday as no loot was spawnedLol, and i tought first i was the only one who died because of the lack of food.I actually like having little food and drinks around, it makes that empty water bottle and the occasional box of matches much more valuableAgreed. Good suggestion. I like the survival aspect of the game too. Let start the fight for the last cows xD. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
BIOSEMTEX 77 Posted October 10, 2012 What this mod needs is more shotguns. It was so satisfying cutting snipersqrl in half with pellets today. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
toxicsludge 406 Posted October 10, 2012 I think its great to see Vent and Stapo sort of 'helping' each other out...or at least being civil, they are both great guys. This and SurviveDayz are the only "Dayz" I play now and cant see myself going to any other server anytime soon...(except when standalone comes out!) 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
venthos 605 Posted October 10, 2012 I am civil when approached in a civil manner ;) The other individual who came out of the gate accusing me of stealing code, however, chose a different introduction for himself. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
toxicsludge 406 Posted October 10, 2012 I havent played in a week so have missed the updates...the random spawn thing for heli crashes is a great idea! I only hope there is more than 4-5 people playing like there was last weekend :) Still, I made it to the NWAF and got myself a decent weapon, only to be shot down like a dog as soon as I left the barracks! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
4L4N 276 Posted October 10, 2012 I havent played in a week so have missed the updates...the random spawn thing for heli crashes is a great idea! I only hope there is more than 4-5 people playing like there was last weekend :) Still, I made it to the NWAF and got myself a decent weapon, only to be shot down like a dog as soon as I left the barracks!4-5 ppl ha ! we should be so lucky now :PThis past week has seen an explosion in players joining the server. So much so that the hardware needs updating to handle them all.I've been seeing DayZRedux mentioned on other gaming sites now too B) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
venthos 605 Posted October 10, 2012 (edited) I'm presently in talks with an EU based host to turn up an EU server for me to setup DayZ Redux EU. Tomorrow I'll also be hunting likewise for a new box for the USA machine. I'd go with my current host, but while their VPS pricing is competitive, they only have gigantic massive $300/month machines for dedicated servers. There's no middle-ground.When all is said and done, my costs are going to go up significantly from the $60/mo I'm paying now for a lil' VPS to get these two boxes going. But, they'll be proper boxes that should handle a full 40 slot load if not more each. While I have no desire to try and make money from this experiment, I am considering opening up donations towards the cost of operating these servers. I can't really justify ~$250-$300/mo for very long on a mod experiment like this ;) But it is, after all, a personal choice I am making to try and protect the quality of the experience versus unleashing the server code into the unruly hands of the average DayZ server admin. I consider self-entitled server admins second only to hackers in terms of things that destroy the DayZ experience most. Although with DayZ standalone around the corner, I may very well not have to worry much longer and people will bail for that.The short of it is, an EU box is actively being pursued (just got a quote on one today) as is an upgraded US box.Until/if such time that I open up monetary donations to soften the costs of the servers, if you guys want to "donate" to me I will gladly accept donations in the form of YouTube videos ;) . I have some footage of my own I've been meaning to put together. But, that's what is going to make working on this mod worthwhile to me. Playing it, and seeing videos of others enjoying it.I don't know about you guys, but the sheer rarity of snipers now has made the experience so much more fun. There's actual fire fights now, diving for cover, exchanging bullets/kills. It's a blast when I get the chance to play and we run into other people ;) I've had just as many friendly experiences as combat experiences. Then the one time I heard M24 shots from the tree line I nearly shit myself. If anything, snipers become so much more valuable now because of how no one will expect one being present.4L4N: Er, what? What gaming sites? hehe Edited October 10, 2012 by Venthos 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ryahn 112 Posted October 10, 2012 If you would like something that is on a small budget, you can go with server4you. But also remember you you do get what you pay for. has some good prices Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
toxicsludge 406 Posted October 10, 2012 What recording software do people recommend? I've heard fraps causes a major fps drop... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Angmooren 0 Posted October 10, 2012 (edited) I personally have played on DayZ redux for a few days now and find the difficulty a welcome change. the loss of sniper rifles IS A GOOD THING. i feel this promotes people to actually play together and form squads and build actual survival stories. Rather than have it be a one man tank buster armed to the teeth with thirty vehicles stashed somewhere, being overjoyed when you find a bloody AK-47 is a welcome change from merely tossing those in the "trash"I look forward to playing on this server for a long time to come. Most of my friends do as well.~AngmoorenP.S: i too have seen a major jump in the server population. when i first rolled my character there were around 15 people on, which quickly dropped as it got later and later into the morning, i look foward to posting this on the forums i belong to, to spread the server. Edited October 10, 2012 by Angmooren Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 27 Posted October 10, 2012 In a week or so both DaZR and SDayZ will have nearly over-crowded servers (actually there will be just 4 available worldwide or so for all eager players). So people - we have to boost donations right? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites