Azrail (DayZ) 211 Posted November 19, 2012 (edited) if 3rd person enables you to turn your head into a giant telescope and look over walls/around corners without leaving your cover, then no to 3rd a realism shooter i expect everything to be as realistic as possible.granted, i already play 1st person only.and so i expect everyone to do the same, at least in combat.because - why play a realism shooter when you don't like realism and cheat. Edited November 19, 2012 by Azrail 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
St. Jimmy 1631 Posted November 19, 2012 Before we decide what ArmA has become, we also have to remember ArmA has had 3rd person since it was called Operation Flashpoint in 2001.It's a tool to give some freedom to players and might be handy in some situations. I'm not against removing 3rd person from Arma series but I'm against 3rd person in PVP and DayZ. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
hollisbrown 8 Posted November 19, 2012 I really like the current situation, where servers can disable 3rd person if they don't like it.I use both views depending on my activity and mood and I would miss 3rd person if it was disabled completely.If you really wanted to make it more balanced in terms of PvP fairness, you could make it harder to get into aim-mode when you're in 3rd person. So when you're in a battle, you can chose between increased field of view and faster aiming. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
CornBurrito 0 Posted November 19, 2012 3rd person compensates for peripheral vision. I don't care how many tweaks you make to 1st person, it's still like looking at the world through a restricting visor.You can get to 90 degrees in 1st person before you get the fisheye effect. That's less than half of our actual field of view (which is about 190 degrees). For a game that relies so heavily on situational awareness, 3rd person is essential imho.Have any of the "1ST PERSON ONLY FOR REALISM" crowd been able to come up with a counterargument to this? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
St. Jimmy 1631 Posted November 19, 2012 Have any of the "1ST PERSON ONLY FOR REALISM" crowd been able to come up with a counterargument to this?Buy triple screens and a good gfx card. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
WooleyWorld 56 Posted November 19, 2012 I use third person because I don't feel like watching my guy shake up a storm when I'm out of painkillers.I imagine some players do the same. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
wolfstriked 143 Posted November 19, 2012 (edited) Lately I am staying on 1st person servers and find myself way more immersed to point that I am now kinda milfed that there is only 3 servers.I am finding that there is no way to make a scary game with 3rd person IMO since you can see whats going on around you too easily.Its so easy that I thought that maybe restricting the amount you can freelook to force players to have to manually turn around would be better.In 1st person though I find myself having a harder time just dealing with infected and this goes a long way to giving Dayz greater fear factor.Even with the placeholder zeds I am finding myself jumping at times in game.Also,its kinda funny how the game is called the most realistic simulation of combat and people run around with 3rd person while the total arcade shooters like BF3/Counter Strike are FPS's only.That said if it comes with option I will still play it and just stick to higher difficulty servers. Edited November 19, 2012 by wolfstriked Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
badbenson (DayZ) 38 Posted November 19, 2012 Also,its kinda funny how the game is called the most realistic simulation of combat and people run around with 3rd person while the total arcade shooters like BF3/Counter Strike are FPS's only.that's because the arma community always focused more on Coop than on PvP. but there are still PvP servers that usually have 3rd person turned off because people are actually realising that in a competitive PvP enviroment an exploit/cheat like that just can't be allowed. that's the point i was trying to make. dayZ is mostly PvP so why keep it like that if it ruins it... 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Rastamaus 323 Posted November 19, 2012 3rd person only, maybe increase the field of view if that is possible. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
MarcDaKind 37 Posted November 19, 2012 (edited) Have any of the "1ST PERSON ONLY FOR REALISM" crowd been able to come up with a counterargument to this?A magical set of eyes floating behind you will never remotely be able to provide more realism than some restricted FOV, trying to claim anything else is either silly stupid or utterly pathetically desperate...I use third person because I don't feel like watching my guy shake up a storm when I'm out of painkillers.I imagine some players do the same.This post nicely sums up why 3rd person needs to be removed. Edited November 19, 2012 by MarcDaKind 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
wolfstriked 143 Posted November 19, 2012 (edited) that's because the arma community always focused more on Coop than on PvP. but there are still PvP servers that usually have 3rd person turned off because people are actually realising that in a competitive PvP enviroment an exploit/cheat like that just can't be allowed. that's the point i was trying to make. dayZ is mostly PvP so why keep it like that if it ruins it...I do see your point and feel the problem is that many people love the 3rd person so its not an easy issue to fix. Its something that I am troubled by in SA since it will be one main server with it most likely turned on and just a quick"if you do not like it turn it off" fix.I also have same issues with no crosshair and how people(like myself)will just mark the LCD screen itself to actually make a better crosshair than the one in game.Easy fix is to add in one click of aiming deadzone but doubt that will ever make it in either. Edited November 19, 2012 by wolfstriked Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 6 Posted November 19, 2012 (edited) I feel that this game is best experienced in first person. If other people are able to use third person, then I HAVE to use third person. If you don't then you're just throwing away any chance. Third person is all about one [and only one] person having an advantage over another person at a single moment. It is impossible to see someone with third person if they are already using third person to see you.First person is mostly an even playing field, a couple tiny scenarios where it isn't would be if you can see their feet sticking out somewhere. But for the most part, if you can't see them, they can't see you. That is very important in a game like this I feel.If third person was a two way advantage, I'd say, great! It's all about skill. But again, it's not, it's about one person being in a position to use third person and the other person not able to do the same. There is never an even playing field when one person is using third person to see another player.All that being said... currently in the DayZ mod are there some servers that are first person only? [Honestly I haven't played DayZ mod, I'm just extremely excited for standalone]. If there are servers that restrict third person currently, and if that stays true in standalone, then that is all that I ask! A way to turn it off for each specific server. I don't want to take away third person for the people that want it. But I very much want to experience this game without being forced to use third person.People that talk a lot about, "don't force me into your playstyle!" Well, guess what, by using third person, you force us into your place style all the time. We'd be stupid to not use it if the enemy could be using it. so again, as long as there are servers that have third person disabled then I'm going to be a very happy people! Edited November 19, 2012 by KRX 6 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
MarcDaKind 37 Posted November 19, 2012 (edited) I feel that this game is best experienced in first person. If other people are able to use third person, then I HAVE to use third person. If you don't then you're just throwing away any chance. Third person is all about one [and only one] person having an advantage over another person at a single moment. It is impossible to see someone with third person if they are already using third person to see you.First person is mostly an even playing field, a couple tiny scenarios where it isn't would be if you can see their feet sticking out somewhere. But for the most part, if you can't see them, they can't see you. That is very important in a game like this I feel.If third person was a two way advantage, I'd say, great! It's all about skill. But again, it's not, it's about one person being in a position to use third person and the other person not able to do the same. There is never an even playing field when one person is using third person to see another player.All that being said... currently in the DayZ mod are there some servers that are first person only? [Honestly I haven't played DayZ mod, I'm just extremely excited for standalone]. If there are servers that restrict third person currently, and if that stays true in standalone, then that is all that I ask! A way to turn it off for each specific server. I don't want to take away third person for the people that want it. But I very much want to experience this game without being forced to use third person.People that talk a lot about, "don't force me into your playstyle!" Well, guess what, by using third person, you force us into your place style all the time. We'd be stupid to not use it if the enemy could be using it. so again, as long as there are servers that have third person disabled then I'm going to be a very happy people!Everything you said here is so true, have my beans!The problem for me with allowing 3rd person servers is that every good server with a stable high population is a "3rd person ON" server, because the majority of the gamers always pick the easiest alternative when they start playing. And after all these months with the mod out, everybody has grown used to exploiting the lazy 3rd person and are afraid of change. Hell even I play on a "3rdP on" private hive server with my group, and use it all the time to have an edge over the enemy or when I'm driving. Although I know the gameplay would be ultimately more fun with if everyone used 1st person.I personally feel that the DayZ community needs a slap in the face with the 3rd person removed, and after a week of whining they will get used to it and benefit from it in the long run with more immersive and competitive gameplay. The real question is if Rocket is going to take that chance, because I'm totally convinced that he doesn't feel it belongs in his game but that he could't remove it in the mod; just like the way points and the debug monitor that is confirmed gone in the SA. Edited November 20, 2012 by MarcDaKind 3 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Azrail (DayZ) 211 Posted November 20, 2012 (edited) Have any of the "1ST PERSON ONLY FOR REALISM" crowd been able to come up with a counterargument to this?what a bullshit excuse.what does 3rd person view do?all it does is move the POV from the actual eyes of your character to some point above/behind your head.that is LESS realistic then using 1st person view, and it also allows to see things you shouldn't be able to see. if you can not agree on this, you are simply ignorant.also, if you don't like your FOV you can manually adjust it, guides for that are easily found via google.i am now running a resolution of 5760x1080 (triple monitor setup) and obviously this allows for a nice spread of view.i would think it comes close to the real human FOV, as when sitting infront of them i can barely peek from one end to the if you are out for REALISTIC FOV, better get hands on a triple monitor setup, but don't pretend to use 3rd person for "realism", thats pathetic. Edited November 20, 2012 by Azrail 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Enirox 0 Posted November 20, 2012 I think there are way more important things to discuss than camera position in the game. If someone thinks he's "hardcore" because he plays first person only, that doesn't mean that the game should be like that. However, I prefer 3rd person while running around (FPS only in firefights) because my laptop cannot run the game so smoothly, and while in third person you don't feel the FPS drop as much. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
BerntOve 0 Posted November 20, 2012 (edited) I think there are way more important things to discuss than camera position in the game. If someone thinks he's "hardcore" because he plays first person only, that doesn't mean that the game should be like that. However, I prefer 3rd person while running around (FPS only in firefights) because my laptop cannot run the game so smoothly, and while in third person you don't feel the FPS drop as much.3rd person breaks the balance of the game in many ways and are easy to remove, just read what KRX wrote and what many others have written earlier.PS: Get a new computer, or man up and deal with it! Why should the people who have paid 2000+ of their hard earned dollars on a new computer, have to suffer because you are a cheap and whiny bastard? Edited November 20, 2012 by BerntOve Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
terrvik 2409 Posted November 20, 2012 Again, I do not care about the balance. In my opinion DayZ is not a PvP game. Sure you can kill each other but the term PvP make it sound so competitive, like the focus of the game is to battle squads and be the best player. If this is why you play maybe vanilla Arma is a better choice.Third person gives me too much awareness. I love sneaking into a town and hearing that distinctive zombie growl that means "I'm going to eat you now fucker" and realizing I messed up. First person restricts my view, yes, but in a good way. I can see why some want third person for other reasons but in that case put the camera really close to the character to give some awareness, but no ability to magically look around corners or see whats behind you. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DayZoey 110 Posted November 20, 2012 This again?Goodness gracious people, there are servers with third person turned off and there are servers with third person turned on. For those of you who don't like "third person exploits", don't log in to servers that have it turned on. It's by your own choice that you're suffering from some imagined "disadvantage" that everyone has over you.Stop trying to make people, like me who just like the option of being in third person for the sake of it (I like watching my person run/crouch/crawl) accept that your opinion is your opinion and therefore is the only valid one.Jeeze folks... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Epic Dragon 0 Posted November 20, 2012 (edited) Third Person is amazing, but it does make it easier to see enemies around corners, but you can use that to your advantage too so its a hard subject. Edited November 20, 2012 by Epic Dragon Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
disorder 344 Posted November 20, 2012 1st person, better FOV, no (or at least fixed) grass. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Feral (DayZ) 622 Posted November 20, 2012 (edited) First person only please.I play on expert servers from time to time just to enjoy the game as it should be, trouble is they tend to be a lot quieter than the veteran servers so I switch between both.When I play first person I feel like it's me in the game, I literally inhabit my character, I do use third person but only because i know everyone else is using it and there's no sense in fucking yourself.It's the same with driving games and flight sims, I want to be in the drivers seat not floating behind a radio controlled vehicle.Third person view feels fake, it feels arcadey and it feels like cheating and it needs to be either binned or available on the very easiest pussy assed servers only and then we'll see all the KOS kiddies and wankers following it. Watch the deathmatching drift down to the recruit level servers.veteran? lmao - you have got to be kidding Edited November 20, 2012 by wabbit Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Trizzo 632 Posted November 20, 2012 (edited) A lot wrong with what you just said.Goodness gracious people, there are servers with third person turned off and there are servers with third person turned on.Very few exist or have the numbers to make it interesting for players.It's by your own choice that you're suffering from some imagined "disadvantage" that everyone has over you.Own choice? Not really, its a multiplayer game. I follow where people go. Then this really inane comment saying third perosn is an imagined disadvantage. Thought experiment for you. I'm hiding ontop of the school in electro by pressing V I'm hiding in the sandbox shape block ontop of the school roof. When i go into First Person all i can see is cement around me and the interior of the building because I'm glitched and hiding in a solid object. Then I turn on Third Person I now have a 360 degree field of view of the entire town. CLEARLY this is an "imagined" dissadvantge when player X is walking into town.Second. I'm walking down a hallway and try as i might i cannot get the camera to peek around the corner. Little do i know there is a player crouched at the end of the hallway peeking at me from safety. CLEARLY this is an "imagined dissadvantage". This is not opinion it is a fact that third person is unfairly balanced towards people laying ambush/defending/sniping/spotting.Any player prone to crying about PvP should embrace first person only. They are dying most of the time because of third person chiefly due to the unfair situational awarness that is actually killing you. Changing to first person changes everything. Players who periscope ontop of buildings/behind walls will have no clue what to do. Snipers/spotters would have to crouch more, previous locations would cease to be relevant. Players would need to acutally stand on the edge of buildings/peek around cover to see blind spots. Essentially your eyes therefore your body needs is put at hazzard to earn information about the battlefield. Currentlly your ghost self does all of this for free and then some.Watch any high tier PvP video. It is 90% third person then switches to first person for the kill. Third person is nice for the asthetics, place and context, navigation. It spoils suspense and combat.I'm not opposed to third person in all situations. Perhaps actions like opening a backback for current loadout and skin appearence could give us a third person perspective. Others like getting into cars, building things, gutting animals. Edited November 20, 2012 by Trizzo 3 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Azrail (DayZ) 211 Posted November 20, 2012 there are servers with third person turned offhave you checked the server list recently?i have not seen any 3rdp=off for a while now.maybe server hosters are scared that they loose their carebearsstandalone better be different. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
badbenson (DayZ) 38 Posted November 20, 2012 This again?Goodness gracious people, there are servers with third person turned off and there are servers with third person turned on. For those of you who don't like "third person exploits", don't log in to servers that have it turned on. It's by your own choice that you're suffering from some imagined "disadvantage" that everyone has over you.Stop trying to make people, like me who just like the option of being in third person for the sake of it (I like watching my person run/crouch/crawl) accept that your opinion is your opinion and therefore is the only valid one.Jeeze folks...yea and i'm sure you absolutely don't use it to your advantage yourself...i guess you don't see the issue because you are one of those just scavenging and avoiding players (nothing wrong with that).the funny thing is that i don't have an issue with third-person because i feel i'm getting unfairly killed or something. it's because as someone who lately only plays this for PvP i realised how in most of my kills third-person exploits played a huge role. it's not only unfair it also reduces PvP of the gameplay to "spots first gets the kill" which gets boring after a while. firefights would be much more unpredictable and dynamic without third-person.Own choice? Not really, its a multiplayer game. I follow where people go.this is the only reason this is discussed as an issue at all. if people weren't so cheap to only populate 3rd-person servers and day servers there would be so much more variation in gameplay for everyone. instead most people go the easiest path just to combat the uncomfortable feeling dayz is supposed to create. some people even go on empty night servers to gear up... :rolleyes: so the game has to adapt to people's mental weakness and force them. again. this can also be done by tweakig the third-person view. but saying there's no issue at all is ignoring reality.and to say dayz isn't a PvP game is just ignorant too. you may avoid other people and concentrate on scavenging but guess what happens most of the time when you meet someone...a firefight.i think people not seeing the issue haven't fully embraced the range of dayZ's gameplay or are just suppressing the fact that it's helping them too. and people who just avoid other players shouldn't take part in this discussion at all. you might have a legit playstyle but most people embrace this as what it is. a multiplayer experience. if other players are just an atmospheric element and implication of danger to you then you absolutely don't represent the majority of players. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
bad_mojo (DayZ) 1204 Posted November 20, 2012 I support first person only. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites