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Standalone Poll: First Person Only?

First Person View?  

28 members have voted

  1. 1. Would you support first person only view in future versions of DayZ?

    • Yes, first person only
    • No, i want other camera options

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Booo FPV only. I like being able to see whats off to my left and right like IRL. The only con to being 3rd for realism is the fact that ya' can see over small walls. Even if thats the case - the guy thats already searching activity for you is most likely going to get the drop on you anyways using his sound.

Might I suggest... FPV... and remove 3D sound... because that also aids the person in locating people...

Point is ... I want my damn peripheral vision, because I have it IRL. No I can't see over walls, but a single monitor won't cover what the human eye does... I can see my dresser right now as I type - its almost 90 degrees to my right... FPV ... doesn't give me this.

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Booo FPV only. I like being able to see whats off to my left and right like IRL. The only con to being 3rd for realism is the fact that ya' can see over small walls. Even if thats the case - the guy thats already searching activity for you is most likely going to get the drop on you anyways using his sound.

Might I suggest... FPV... and remove 3D sound... because that also aids the person in locating people...

Point is ... I want my damn peripheral vision, because I have it IRL. No I can't see over walls, but a single monitor won't cover what the human eye does... I can see my dresser right now as I type - its almost 90 degrees to my right... FPV ... doesn't give me this.

To be honest, you and everyone who thinks like you is stupid in this matter. As far as the content of your character or your overall intellect, I won't make judgements on that.

First off... the difference in FOV between first person and third person is NEGLIGIBLE. It doesn't even increase the FOV it just moves the screen back more allowing you to see the SAME FOV from further back. So I have no idea why people make this ridiculous claim that it increases FOV. If you think this, it means you have not attempted adjusting your first person FOV. (Even just double tapping "-" will put it on par to 3rd) So any people making that argument can stop now because it has no foundation to even exist upon.

Secondly, it doesn't simulate periphery at all... Not at all... I feel like an idiot even having to explain this... Can you see objects in your periphery perfectly clearly? Or clearly at all? No! You can just be aware of movement, (EDIT: and a blurred, vague image) you cant actually see anything going on enough to actually draw an image like 3rd person gaming does, which is PERFECTLY as if its right in front of you. and since the computer monitor is flat and right in front of you, what you are calling "periphery" is right in front of your eyes and thus is perfectly focused! so yes another moot argument on the defense of third person.

I think you people are all thinking of depth of field, which involves the focusing of the eyes (your periphery is unfocused) and if DOF WAS included everyone would complain "wah it makes me sick"

on that note, head bob is optional, why are people making claims that its a medical issue? turn it off... what the hell is wrong with people! lol i'm freakin out now at this incompetency!

on the note of the periscope, its ridiculous obviously. first person only could just include the peek and tip toeing to see OVER things. just "slice the pie" or something like that. People have realized to do it in real life as an effective way of minimizing risk and maximizing observance. You are people too, I have faith in you.

Anyways i'm obviously pro FPV only, but I don't actually care as much as this post suggests. The source of this rant is more directed at the baseless arguments people make in the name of third person. Just say "I like third person and I want to play with it enabled." that is a solid argument believe it or not, I won't dare tell you how you prefer to play the game, so you're set! just please stop insulting peoples intelligence and common sense with these absurd claims.

EDIT: not picking on you specifically finkone i regret quoting you lol.

TL:DR - who cares!!!

Edited by Roark92
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Read the thread before posting the same BS argument again and again... Please read through a 10+ pages wall of text before accidently re-posting a valid argument

Fixed that for you, if you cant take in and process an argument for the fact that DayZ is less about shooting everything that moves where things that are in front you are the only things that matter, But more about knowing everything what is going on around, I pity you, i pity your teachers and i pity your future employer. Because you fail at basic logic and common sense.

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Gues you cant read, if i wanted to customize the FP to give a view even close to that of real human vision, it distorts the image quite a bit, also as i do not have control over individual extremeties of my body, I.E. head, limbs, you can go and sodomize yourself, my argument is valid. 3rd fixes the short comings of FP, in game that is based on a war "simulator"

only in this game will r-tards bring up FOV to jusity laziness. Every single FPS has this basic FOV (usually fixed, unlike arma). The ALT key is used to look around FYI (more control than any other shooter). ARMA has the BEST 1st person view in the genre, it's the #1 reason I (& many others) play the game. The reason? when ALL players are using 1st person (as designed) the game is immersive, dev balanced and forces one to make combat judgements and learn small arms tactics. 3DP must be limited to RUNNING ONLY or simply removed. Maybe bohemia are still looking at console release? *jokes*

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I don't mean to offend, but if this statement is true:

ARMA has the BEST 1st person view in the genre, it's the #1 reason I (& many others) play the game.
then there's clearly some form of cognitive dysfunction at work.

There's a *little* bit more to it than the camera view. Maybe that's beyond your comprehension.

Also DayZ has more to it than ArmA, in terms of the need to have an awareness of your body. This shouldn't be a point of contention, it's simply a fact.

RE: Your *joke*: Yes... console = 3dp. :wacko:

Go read a book or something.
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only in this game will r-tards bring up FOV to jusity laziness. Every single FPS has this basic FOV (usually fixed, unlike arma). The ALT key is used to look around FYI (more control than any other shooter). ARMA has the BEST 1st person view in the genre, it's the #1 reason I (& many others) play the game. The reason? when ALL players are using 1st person (as designed) the game is immersive, dev balanced and forces one to make combat judgements and learn small arms tactics. 3DP must be limited to RUNNING ONLY or simply removed. Maybe bohemia are still looking at console release? *jokes*

You know reading stupid shit like this, spewed by people who dont give more than ½ a second of a thought for their own comment allways puts a

on my face :) Why? because i know there are still people who cant use common sense, and that justifies my field of work.

basiclly, the FPW and 3rdp go hand in hand due to the limitations of the game, go play on a FPW only server if it bothers you so much.

Edited by DiazWaffleCrabstro

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This is an FPS game, it should be played in FPS view. If you don't like FPS games, why are you here?

Please go away?

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Also DayZ has more to it than ArmA, in terms of the need to have an awareness of your body.

Can you elaborate on this a little?

The way I see it the main goal of ARMA is: Don't get shot.

The main goal of DayZ is: Don't get shot or mauled.

Effective use of cover and concealment is pretty critical to being successful at either. Why should DayZ be 3DP=ON when most PvP and TvT ARMA is 3DP=OFF?

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Third person can be wank in fights when people are using it to peek over walls and around corners and crap, I agree, but 3dp=off doesn't necessarily equal realism. When I can't figure out where my feet are on a rock because my Arma2 robot avatar can't lean forward, that's not realistic. When I can't see what my car's backing into because my avatar can't lean out the window, that's not realistic. When I can't see around a pine branch because my avatar can't move it with his hand, that's not realistic. For every time third-person breaks immersion, there's a time it saves it. Pushing the camera out of my skull and learning what a person would intuitively know about a given situation is a valuable tool, and I'd never give it up, no matter how many times a douchebag stands up from behind a stone wall with his crosshairs already on me.

Really, he could have been huddled on that rooftop with just his eyes poking out, instead of hanging his gun and entire torso over the edge to get a look at you. I'm reminded of the scene in Rainbow Six (book) where they're doing VR training and they lose because Chavez's electronic boonie hat gets spotted by the enemy team while he peeks around a corner. He could have folded up the brim, or taken it off, or used a mirror, but because the game required him to expose the polygonal head with the polygonal hat on it, he and his team lost. Third person cameras make up a lot of the difference that good body positioning and wise decisions would make up in the really real world. I don't know of a better way to do it without some incredibly costly work, so I'm all for the third-person view.

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I switch between both for different situations that call upon different perspectives. I say leave as is or Servers that cater to your play style. I like to admire a new back pack ive obtained and my Avatars sculpted glutes from time to time among other things :P

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FORCE the 1st person view when you are IN COMBAT. It can reduce the exploit of the angleview during PvP situation.

Anything "forced" can lead to awkward/cumbersome/idiotic/bothersome situations for the players that requires the game to "determine" something the player is trying to do or someone trying to do to them. so not a huge fan of a this version either. The most simple fix of them all... Play on a FPW only server. problem solved.

P.S. a Good example of what i said is the Press Space for "combat roll/dodge/Murder a prostitute/revive a team mate/activate object/Running/pick up an object/Do a barrel roll/Vault over a cover/Inhale super Glue" in mass effect 2 and 3. that is precisely "game trying to determine what a player is doing" at its worse, and i dont see an easy implementation of said detection to DayZ either.

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Anything "forced" can lead to awkward/cumbersome/idiotic/bothersome situations for the players that requires the game to "determine" something the player is trying to do or someone trying to do to them. so not a huge fan of a this version either. The most simple fix of them all... Play on a FPW only server. problem solved.

P.S. a Good example of what i said is the Press Space for "combat roll/dodge/Murder a prostitute/revive a team mate/activate object/Running/pick up an object/Do a barrel roll/Vault over a cover/Inhale super Glue" in mass effect 2 and 3. that is precisely "game trying to determine what a player is doing" at its worse, and i dont see an easy implementation of said detection to DayZ either.

I understand your point about the "context sensitive" multifunction button and I agree with you on that, but start shooting seems to be quite unmistakable trigger to hop in a forced 1st person view.

Thinking about when I have to fire in DayZ:

  • Hunting
  • Player Vs Zombies
  • Player Vs Player
  • Blow up some tires? (see PvP)

I don't see any problem to have a forced 1st person view in this cases.

You'll be welcome to destroy logically any single point of my post. ^_^

Edited by NormanVauxhall

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Also DayZ has more to it than ArmA, in terms of the need to have an awareness of your body.
Can you elaborate on this a little?

The way I see it the main goal of ARMA is: Don't get shot.

The main goal of DayZ is: Don't get shot or mauled.

Effective use of cover and concealment is pretty critical to being successful at either. Why should DayZ be 3DP=ON when most PvP and TvT ARMA is 3DP=OFF?

Cover / concealment was not what I was referring to.

To elaborate: Two things stand out immediately-

  • Bleeding + Status
  • Breaking your legs on a tree root / stone / kerb

The reason I switch to 3dp immediately after every fight is because I don't trust the HUD to tell me if I'm bleeding out.

If the boss goes with his plan to minimise the "icon / health bar" clutter, this awareness will become EVEN MORE vital in SA. Case in point, disease symptoms.

The second factor has become less of an issue recently (whether it was patched out or I'm becoming more careful is debatable) but it's a pisser when it happens and you know it could have been easily avoided or shouldn't have happened. (who crawls their own leg in half?)

People here need to broaden their scope a little. See what's happening with this game and look at DayZ with an open mind.

The fact is DayZ is not ArmA.

FPS preconceptions are misconceptions by default.

Colour-coded, for your convenience. :thumbsup:

DayZ ArmA

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I reckon shoulder-cam would be pretty spot-on. There's no need for the OTT zoomout 3dp that we have just now.

I'm pretty sure a few pages ago I had Res 4 screens compared to DayZ screens as an example.

No way I'm going to rake for the post though, the forum is 504 timeout hell recently. :P

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Cover / concealment was not what I was referring to.

To elaborate: Two things stand out immediately-

  • Bleeding + Status
  • Breaking your legs on a tree root / stone / kerb

We will have to wait and see how status effects & the HUD play out, but frankly if the only way to tell what is happening with my character is to visualy inspect him in third person I would find that pretty immersion breaking. I would also be pretty surprised, and disappointed, if that is how player status is conveyed in the standalone.

As for our femurs made of glass, I think it is pretty difficult to consider them anything other than bugs. Letting bugs dictate the design of game mechanics is probably a bad idea.

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I'm sure you think your potential disappointment is revolution fuel but, to be frank, 1st person camera will make a poor tool for representation of player status and restricts awareness to an unnatural degree.

Yes, holding Alt to look around makes up for some of the restrictions, but it doesn't negate them. Not by a long shot.

As for bugs dictating design, isn't that what alpha/beta testing is for? We've got to see what SA does with these mechanics.

Personally, having thought about it, I find the threat of breaking your own leg to be engaging and authentic (within reason), just too easy.

Besides that, if I'm crawling around on the floor I should be confident of my own body positioning at all times.

Even with paper shins I would have the awareness to prevent injury without literally having to look over my shoulder.

3dp may be a break from authenticity, but it's a perfectly logical method of compensating for the lack of sensory perception.

To be perfectly honest, I just feel that different players take immersion from different factors, and to want gameplay restricted to your preference is selfish.

A well-implemented "context sensitive" camera would be fantastic, but I can't imagine it being as easy as it sounds.

Swap *wide panorama* 3dp for an over-shoulder cam and remove crosshairs entirely and I would be a happy bunny.

I still can't understand how people can engage in combat with 3dp. AIM YOUR DAMN GUN, FFS!

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I'm sure you think your potential disappointment is revolution fuel but, to be frank, 1st person camera will make a poor tool for representation of player status and restricts awareness to an unnatural degree.

Yes, holding Alt to look around makes up for some of the restrictions, but it doesn't negate them. Not by a long shot.

As for bugs dictating design, isn't that what alpha/beta testing is for? We've got to see what SA does with these mechanics.

Personally, having thought about it, I find the threat of breaking your own leg to be engaging and authentic (within reason), just too easy.

Besides that, if I'm crawling around on the floor I should be confident of my own body positioning at all times.

Even with paper shins I would have the awareness to prevent injury without literally having to look over my shoulder.

3dp may be a break from authenticity, but it's a perfectly logical method of compensating for the lack of sensory perception.

To be perfectly honest, I just feel that different players take immersion from different factors, and to want gameplay restricted to your preference is selfish.

A well-implemented "context sensitive" camera would be fantastic, but I can't imagine it being as easy as it sounds.

Swap *wide panorama* 3dp for an over-shoulder cam and remove crosshairs entirely and I would be a happy bunny.

I still can't understand how people can engage in combat with 3dp. AIM YOUR DAMN GUN, FFS!

can't someone just make a zombie mod for World of Tanks and just shut these c--ts up?

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Happymrsnowman, on 06 December 2012 - 07:42 PM, said:

I can peek around a corner without leaning. This is why I favor 3rd person.


The fact that DayZ players can say things like this with a casual tone is just purely disgusting, sorry if this offends anyone but I'm just describing the bad taste I got in my mouth when reading this.

What has happened to PC gamers, why is the easiest and laziest option always what most people want? Why don't people want immersible realistic and balanced gameplay, that makes you have to actually play smart to succeed?

yeah it's sad.... everything Roberta Williams said about the modern gamer is true.

Edited by dystopeon
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The argument that third person view should be in the game "because I like it" is an inconsistent one .

Many people want many different things from this game , some want NPCs , some want achievements or classes etc , etc , etc ( it's a pretty long list ).

Many of these suggestions , that could potentially make the game more fun , or better for other people , are going to be ignored .

The bullshit parts of this game that can be avoided , SHOULD be avoided , and one of those things , is third person view .

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I don't know what happened to pc gaming, but it didn't happen overnight. ArmA/OFP have had 3rd view since 2001.

If you don't like playing in 3rd person, go play 1st person.

If you don't like playing aloen, go play 3rd person. :D

Edited by Dallas

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I would honestly prefer only first person, but we would most likely loose a LOT of players if there was no third person.

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My decision to play this mod was based on some let's play videos of it I saw on Youtube. One of my first reactions to what i saw was something among the lines "wow, finally a cool third person shooter for online play", so yeah, if the third person view goes, so do I (and frankly, I don't think I am the only one).

I understand that most of you come from the shooter crowd, and I myself enjoy those games once in a while, be it to blow off some steam or just for the sake of mindless slaughter.

But I grew up with games like Time Commando, Tomb Raider, Max Payne, Alone in the Dark, Resident Evil and Hitman or the one Kane & Lynch game that doesn't suck donkey dick in hell and therefore consider myself a third person player. I love this point of view because of it's cinematic atmosphere, my "immersion" is thinking that I am the director, screenplay writer and star actor of my own season of The Walking Dead while still being a poor bastard that just couldn't die with the rest when mans time was due. I hope you can wrap your heads around that since I don't find it easy to put it in (not native) words ;)

This just wouldn't work for me in first person.

Unfortunately there aren't many third person games released at all and the ones that are good for competitetive online play are countable with one hand, with two fingers....by a blind person

So please don't take that away from me, don't force first person in the SA, let server hosts be the one to decide how the game is played in their dominion.

Another thing. One of the more common arguments against the third person perspective seems to be realism. If I where to stand in front of a wall too high for me to look over, I would find many ways to see whats behind, other than looking/leaning around the corner. I could for starters, stand on my toetips, my backpack, a dead zed, a spare wheel I happened to carry or just do a pull up high enough to get my nose above. So, in reality, i could see over a wall as high as the ones ingame easily in seconds with being nowhere as exposed as I am now with leaning/looking. Since the game does not give me that option, your argument for the sake of realism is not that valid.

Edited by Whaddapitty

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