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20 words or less: Spawning without a weapon

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Now the survivors are forced to sneak around and try their best to not attract attention to themselves.

No more zerking! Yay! In the major cities its most common to see ppl run in with their makarov blazing. Die. Respawn near your previous location. Rinse and repeat x10.

20 words or less :((

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the worse thing is that and it realy goes for all dev in general, they have a really good thing going and then make a bold patch that adjusts way too much all at once.

should have either gone adjust zombie sensitivity ( now its way to high)

or spawn load out.

I've spawned in taken 1 step and agro'ed a zombie, sure being able to lose them now is great but way to much was adjusted in this patch.

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Unarmed, defenseless noobs in predictable spawns? This is a bandit/griefers wet dream.

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I think there will be an even more roguelike feel to the game and finally finding a gun and supplys will be more rewarding, it will also possibly curb the shoot on sight mentality.

although we wont know for sure in till the patch has been playtested more.

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There are other ways around griefing such as spawn protection from players. The harder zombies balance starting with weapon.

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No , but ...

...but limiting player's ability to properly fight and grief right after spawning is the step in the right direction.Instead of giving no weapons,give players only 1-2 mags on start.

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I like not spawning with a weapon, but now I feel an option for melee is more important than ever. Being able to kick a zed off you or whack them with a flashlight would greatly increase the amount of realism in this game.

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but if we can melee, It is a we make little bit happy.

even if we got a katana, we can't fighting like Ninja! it is due to limitation of arma 2 engine

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No point in shooting at fresh-spawns, because they have nothing. Adds tons of challenge and stealth gameplay.

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Forces survivors and bandits not to be trigger happy, plus gives other bandits who are geared no reason to shoot.

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It was still hard enough to escape the beach without being shot by bandits just for fun!

Now: no weapon = no chance!

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gives players inability to defend themselves from both zombies and other players with a gun.


if there was some way of having the weapons have the clip inside them and not fill up an inventory space (which i still find weird) you could give new spawning players a gun with only the one clip inside it to defend themselves from zombies and other players alike when they venture into a town.

- or


if players had some way to defend against that one random agro zombie say like an action wheel command where you can take down a zombie silently while playing an unskippable animation. while players will still receive some damage from the zombie getting close, this will give players some hope (keyword there) and not cause them to respawn a new character if they agro a zombie and can't get rid of it.

-side effect: players who begin the animation might agro another zombie and start getting hit while they're trying to kill the first zombie.

maybe tie it to just flashlights and have the animation be the survivor bashing the zombie skull in with the butt of the flashlight?


if the flashlight had a mouseclick attack function to help survivors defend themselves. (maybe implement through very short projectile shot? haven't messed with modding Arma2 myself).

-side effect: watching hilarious sissy new spawn fights of players circling each other swinging their arms and flashlights around.

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NO. Definitely NO. It's too hard now to play. 'll wait for a cancellation of that.

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This game the way I understand it so far is built around surviving and is supposed to be a simulation. What better way to add to the experience by starting off with no guns. Carebear tears will come and they will be delicious :)

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You can't defend yourself because of bad zed AI.

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I don't have issues with spawning without tools and things but this game has no melee function at all you can't even punch anything. If you could at least knock things out or knock Zombies down and stomp them to death I would be happy. I have found an axe but it is unusable as a weapon....

I think you should spawn with something if not your own fists than a pipe. I mean in a situation like this your going to get a weapon whatever you can find. A branch a pipe laying in the street a wrench you know something. How many here would really walk around during this sort of thing unarmed. Sure many wouldn't have guns depending on where you live I myself own a lot but I am sure many have access to a shovel or axe and other such things.

I wouldn't care about being without a gun if melee wasn't an issue.

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- Maybe adds some authenticity' date=' who has a handgun at home?


Yes. (When zombie AI is more fine tuned, for now no)

I have five. Can I spawn with what I have available in my house? Would ruin the game, if true.

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- Maybe adds some authenticity' date=' who has a handgun at home?


I have five. Can I spawn with what I have available in my house? Would ruin the game, if true.

The majority of people do not have guns at home, that is what he is getting at. And "spawn with what you have available in your house", where did you get that from? Noone ever suggested such a thing. Ingame character =/= real life person, let's get that straight shall we?

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There is no alternative way of defending yourself like knife or hatchet or even a piece of 3x4 so basing it on "how many have handgun in real life" is retarded. You can pick a brick and bash someone's head till it opens in real life if you don't have a gun. Someone is forgetting this is a game first.

Also trying to make game more frustrating to the player is for the lack of better word - idiotic.

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