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About milasiusa@gmail.com

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  1. There are Lithuanian DayZ server ? :O I'm from Lithuania and I didn't knew that.
  2. milasiusa@gmail.com

    Why is this mod so popular among russians?

    ArmA 2 alone is pretty popular among russians, so that is one of the reasons.
  3. milasiusa@gmail.com

    food shouldn't give blood.

    I agree with Budiak
  4. milasiusa@gmail.com

    Make soda cans extremely rare.

    Good point. I rarely use my canteens because there are so many sodas lying everywhere
  5. milasiusa@gmail.com

    20 words or less: Spawning without a weapon

    While there is no melee or other means of defense i would say.. NO
  6. milasiusa@gmail.com

    Player corpses disappearing in new patch?

    Same thing happend to me and my friend. Killed a bandit, came to loot him and BAM there is no bandit anymore :D
  7. milasiusa@gmail.com

    Longest survival

    Day 12 Zombies 384 4 Murders 2 Bandit kills. ALIVE = TRUE, continuing my survival :)
  8. milasiusa@gmail.com

    Takistan map?

    Takistan lacks vegitation and it is too bland, so no no by me. Chernarus and sahrani - best maps.
  9. milasiusa@gmail.com

    Melee Weapon Petition

    Melee in ArmA 2 is possible but it is pain in the ass. Not only you need to create somekind of short range weapon, but you also need to create animations for melee. It would take alot of time from the devs. I'd say no melee for now
  10. milasiusa@gmail.com

    Losing your backpack in water/filling up water bottle

    Droping backpack and other stuff in water is not a bug and it is implemented in ArmA 2. If you don't want to lose your gear, wait until you are fully rested and then you can jump into the water to fill you bottle
  11. milasiusa@gmail.com

    Exploding Barns?

    I think rocket mentioned that zombies which are in building might destroy that building by accident
  12. milasiusa@gmail.com

    Ruining ARMA 2?

    I've been playing OFP series since 2001. PVP and Coop and I can say that I love DayZ! It shows what a great game ArmA 2 is.
  13. milasiusa@gmail.com

    Something for the woods

    In one of the "Chernarus Apocalypse" missions ( ArmA 2 Zombie mission) there was a mysterious creature that watched you with his big white eyes and black smoky body while you were walking down the road through the forest. Sometimes he dissapears and sometimes he appears again, but everytime i saw those eyes i had a bad feeling... He always kills you if you enter the forest. I think some kind of creature like this should be included into DayZ. Of course not as aggresive and powerfull as in "Chernarus Apocalypse".
  14. milasiusa@gmail.com

    Anyone else like night-time better?

    I like playing at night only when there is a moon or i have a nvg. Without a moon it's just too dark.
  15. milasiusa@gmail.com

    MERGED: changing Humanity

    -With two friends no loner will ever attack you for your gear. Ohh man you are so wrong here :) Sometimes i go to 1v3 fights Withm my cz ;P