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No ' date=' griefers would camp newly spawned players


How many times does this need to be said, WHY CAMP NEW PLAYERS WITH NOTHING ON THEM

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It's worth trying.

Also - increase availability of civilian weapons, ammo and supplies / Dramatically decrease availability of military items.

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No ' date=' griefers would camp newly spawned players


How many times does this need to be said, WHY CAMP NEW PLAYERS WITH NOTHING ON THEM

Because some of the players act like this is Battlefield and kill just to kill. Logic doesn't really apply in dayz.

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people complain about pvp as it is.. think of how easy it will be to shoot an unarmed man now..

No ' date=' griefers would camp newly spawned players


How many times does this need to be said, WHY CAMP NEW PLAYERS WITH NOTHING ON THEM

they do have things on them: painkillers, food, water, morphine, flares..

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YES! This is a game bent around survival, having to find a weapon would be another stage in your struggle for survival and I think it will add more to the gameplay. Not only this but as you mentioned it would help stop griefing from the start and make your virtual life in chernarus more valuable. If you are able to loose agro from Zombies then I cant see any reason why this wouldnt be a plus for a sense of survival in DayZ.

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Spawn killing mechanics would be unchanged, if someone wants to kill you from 300m out with an AK, or from the treeline with a DMR, it does not matter whether you have a Makarov or not.

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however if you should implant a background aka "classes" in the future you should be able to spawn as a solider with agun but also be able to choose for example a doctor (medic) with medicsupplies, no gun. (also these backgrounds can go even deeper but there's a post on that alrdy i think.)

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No ' date=' griefers would camp newly spawned players


How many times does this need to be said, WHY CAMP NEW PLAYERS WITH NOTHING ON THEM

Because people are dicks.

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no gun and no ammo at spawn.

Spawn camping the coast? a 225km coast? Wait I remember a tip you gave us.... oh yea STAY AWAY FROM THE COAST.

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I'm already shot at enough when I manage to die and respawn. It would only cause MORE problems for the new spawns.

A) No weapon to shoot at the person shooting at you.

B) No way to defend against zombies.

C) You could run a train of zombies to a new spawn and have them kill him.

It adds frustration without adding fun.

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This would only constitute more bandit kills. People already venture back to electro or cherno to kill new's.

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For the sake of testing it would be interesting. However, this would be better if we had melee weapons.


This would only constitute more bandit kills. People already venture back to electro or cherno to kill new's.

From my experience (both being the bandit and the victim), bandits that kill newbies tend to not even give the poor saps wielding maks the time or opportunity to shoot back. I doubt this would make the problem more severe. I think it should be obvious anyway, stay out of Elektro/Cherno until you get a gun from a smaller town/barn.

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As said above in some way.

YES and NO.

I would like to have the option. Eighter you spawn with gun and some ammo with just a can of beans and a cola box, thats it, OR you spawn with more beans, cantine, some bandages, morphine, painkillers etc etc, you get my drift.

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Having no gun establishes a immediate need for the player. "Gotta hide and find a gun." if you are to keep the same amount of starting supplies. Players who have no gun are forced to make decisions as to what to do, Instead of running to cherno and shooting up the place, players are forced to be deliberate and more decisive.

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- Maybe adds some authenticity' date=' who has a handgun at home?


I do, but if I wash up on the shores of some remote post-soviet state I'm unlikely to have anything with me but the clothes on my back. I still say, just to be nice we should give players a flashlight.

So... to correct your bullet point above...

- Maybe adds some authenticity, who the hell buys a makarov? :P

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Sounds perfect more realistic and ive only been spawn killed once in my 100+ hours into day z

P.S Mayby you could give players a flashlight instead of a makarov

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Realistic - Also' date=' it may promote cooperative play. If you can't attack each other, why not get to know one another?


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I'm on the fence. Reason: Just more questions...

The Zombie Apocalypse already happened and now we are the survivors. Those who are still alive were better prepared...correct?

Who are we? Why are we waking up on the Coast? How are we still alive? Why wouldn't we have a gun if we are still alive?

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1.Spawn in Komarovo/Balota. Each has like 1 house + 1 hangar. 1 house = cans, if lucky some food. Hangar = damn fuel/scrap metal. And then you have to run to cherno for a damn pistol.

2. You will have to make pistols spawn in houses more often for this feature to work. Ok, after 20min of gameplay you got your makarov. And then what hmm? Pistol spawns in every house for ppl to find? "Omg Im starving, maybe this house has some beans" - fuck you, here's makarov.

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How about all of the losers who want to make the game harder for themselves by having no gun and only a chest pouch just drop it when they spawn so the rest of us don't have to deal with the consequences of these 'hardcore' players not liking to have fun while playing a video game?

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It's worth a try. Could cut down on the bean wars raging in Cherno and Elektro if not everyone has a gun.

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The more hardcore, the better. It also puts more distance between someone who has survived for awhile and the random noob on the coast. More incentive to survive! ANTIGAME!!!!!!

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Not every home owner has access to a gun, make it random as to what weapons you get, makarov, 1911 or a empty whiskey bottle. Hey they get distracted right?

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Imagine the joy of finding your first Makarov. Avoiding pk's at the coast is par for the course anyway.

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