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I have a handgun at home. Glock 17' date=' can I spawn with that?


I have a refrigerator at home, can I spawn with that? How about my car? What is your point?

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Stupid stupid stupid.

I can't speak for everyone but the majority of my spawns just so happen to be Elektro and Cherno. I cannot imagine trying to sneak around those cities with no weapon without being killed by zombies or players.

That being said. If this is what must be done to catch the hackers then I am all for it.

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Word of mouth is already out. This game is amazing and in alpha is the time to take risk. The full retail version is over a year away so the idea of scaring peopel away permanently is a foolish thing to be worried about. They'll always come back, the Youtubers do the advertising for you and the Streamers.

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Because, Realism.

Seriously, not everyone owns a gun (lets see this fact worldwide and not US only..)

Also it makes the Survival part way more interesting - you have to find a way to lose following zed´s or you'll die. Simple as that.

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But I also like the randomised selection may be 5 items in total including the possibility of pistol, ammo, beans, water and med supplies.

Would also like to see makarovs spawn in some places available out side of cherno / elektro on the coast.

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But only if you implement a weight system so you move faster with less gear

Right, dropping your backpack and other stuff to run faster would be great. But to work properly and have some kind of utility, the key is that people to give value to their own lives first (even more than their gear). Indeed, facing a new start without a gun, and who knows for how long, goes in that direction.

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NO: Too vulnerable against spawn killers.

HOWEVER: Starting with only two clips of Makarov ammo, NO backpack, NO food, NO drink and NO medicine. That would be awesome!

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NO: Too vulnerable against spawn killers.

HOWEVER: Starting with only two clips of Makarov ammo' date=' NO backpack, NO food, NO drink and NO medicine. That would be awesome!


Most spawn killers are other people who just stay on the beach after spawning.

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- Maybe adds some authenticity' date=' who has a handgun at home?



For us Americans, I'd bet over 50%. I personally have enough weapons and ammo at home to supply an entire Day Z squad. And I'm willing to bet money that the majority(50%+) of Day Z players are American.

But, you not in Amerika no mo', Yankee. In Soviet Russia, gun owns you! :D

Also, guys, like I already said once before, this game isn't truly hardcore till we strip all new spawns of all starting equipment and break their freakin' legs.

In all seriousness, randomized starting gear could be a lot of fun, although you'd have to deal with all the people hitting the 'respawn' button over and over until they get something to their liking.

BTW, Jester, love your YT vids. Great stuff.

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I see two good reasons to not do this' date=' people that got guns got free loot. This will make people shoot u even more than before.

And as someone else mentioned, make the player be able to use his fists.



Did you miss the part were you only start with a bandage? I wouldn't waste a bullet for a bandage.

Well. I promise most of the badass-bandits would practice shoot at anything without a way to defend itself, animal, survivor or respawned bandit.

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But what we really need ATM before do it is apply the 1.7.1 patch and try to add a few melee weapons and punchs and kicks, my idea is to begin with a Wood or anything like that to hit zombies and maybe make them down to the ground like crouching for a few seconds

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NO: Too vulnerable against spawn killers.

HOWEVER: Starting with only two clips of Makarov ammo' date=' NO backpack, NO food, NO drink and NO medicine. That would be awesome!


Most spawn killers are other people who just stay on the beach after spawning.

Even better. They will be very quickly out of ammo if new players carry only two clips.

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But add melee... If you don't have a handgun, you have a kitchen knife. PS fix tents.

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I simply do not agree with you on that. Yes I agree it's designed to make you suffer' date=' but it is still a game. An anti-game would be the real thing. No one plays DayZ or ANY other game because it IS NOT fun, they play it because it IS fun. And while most of the fun stems from the difficulty, there is a point when the difficulty makes most players not even want to give the game a chance, let alone stick with it any extended period of time.


Yes, I know. I was just being facetious. Sorry for the troll, but I've been abused so much when trying to point out obvious, common sense things like this that I've now crossed over to the other side. The side that advocates tears, misery, suffering and just wants to watch the world burn. You could say I can see which way the wind is blowing and have become a traitor to my own cause. I only pray that it is a radioactive wind that brings death and destruction to all us assholes deluded enough to think that we can ride it. There will be no taming the beast we create. Ok, I'm starting to lose it. But, damn, I gotta tell you that this is way more fun than taking any of this shit seriously.

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but make us start without a backpack and take some bandages ect away, + only start with 1 or 2 clips

take baby steps and see how it goes

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A shift in availability from secondary weapons to primary weapons would be very interesting - Maks would become a lot more valued for their quietness. And you're not stuck right off with a gun you can't lower.

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Don't forget to make people start with a flashlight to atleast give that spooky feeling when you're in the dark.

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To work and prevent griefing from established players this needs more spawn points around the map to stop beach camping.

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But only if hackers can be stopped. Hard to spawn in the beach with someone who just hacked in a AK.

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Try the Zombie changes in 1.7.1 first, then a limited test on servers without weapons. Without melee, having no firearm is bad.

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Basically because of the pros you have outlined - the pros outweigh the cons vastly.

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