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20 words or less: Spawning without a weapon

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Does no one know how to get away from zombies or stealth? All of these people are having such trouble and constantly dieing. I'm just not running into the same problems and I did not have weapons/gear before the patch came live.

I really hope he doesn't give in and give weapons back. Melee weapons eventually would be great.. I don't want to start with a gun.

If you don't want to start with a gun then throw it away or trade it for beans, I don't care what you do with it.

For the rest of us, we'll keep our gun thanks. Getting rid of it was an awful idea.

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-Bandits with weapons won't have to worry about getting shot back

-VERY frustrating to find any weapon


Maybe adds some authenticity' date=' who has a handgun at home?


Are you fucking kidding me? There's 90 guns per 100 people in America. It's probably not that far off in the Slav shithole this game takes place in. I have more than a few myself.

To the people saying this isn't America and people wouldn't have guns in Eastern Europe, you don't have a clue what you're talking about.

First of all, nearly all of us are just replying to what Rocket said when he claimed "who has a handgun anyway?" Second, Europe is full of firearms and Eastern Europe is one of the biggest weapons black markets in the world. It's where Anders Brevik said in his manifesto where he intended to buy illegal firearms from for his shooting spree but ended up doing it legally in his home country.

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Has given this a mod a whole new lease of life.

Dont need a starting gun, just balls of steel.

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not having a starting gun is great, just completely clear out all tents/vehicles so every one starts on an even playing field.

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I officialy love it' date=' makes it more realistic <3 love you rocket or implying this.


I find it hard to swallow that you could seriously think your character would have a plate carrier, backpack and supplies but not a weapon of any kind.

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Just updated and found myself being griefed by makarov bandits. Can't find a weapon without getting spawn killed.

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I thought I would hate this modification but it's actually horrendous amounts of fun.

No KoS attitudes from newbies, makes you have to be more covert or lose zombies chasing you... It's fan-fucking-tastic!

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In real life you would still have a melee weapon like an axe to defend you with.

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Maybe adds some authenticity' date=' who has a handgun at home?


Are you fucking kidding me? There's 90 guns per 100 people in America. It's probably not that far off in the Slav shithole this game takes place in. I have more than a few myself.

To the people saying this isn't America and people wouldn't have guns in Eastern Europe, you don't have a clue what you're talking about.

You just don't get it do you? Noone is saying there aren't any guns in eastern Europe. I'm saying that there are LESS guns.

America =/= 'Standard'

Also, "Slav shithole"? What the FUCK is wrong with you? If anybody talked about the US like that, people here would throw a massive fit! Your blind nationalism is an embarrassment to all of us.

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I think it's good. Now u can team up easier, if people u see are unarmed, you don't have to be afraid of them.

Would like 1 food and 1 water supply tho..

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It adds a new challenge, people will learn to pick up guns as soon as they can. If they die too early they'll need to adapt to surviving longer. This would be a definite YES if melee combat or throwing objects was in the game.

Also, it teaches people they should be armed when entering cities. They'll need to loot smaller places first.

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some form of melee weaponry/unarmed combat would solve this, but for now fun factor drops alot

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some form of melee weaponry/unarmed combat would solve this' date=' but for now fun factor drops alot


Melee isn't in the Arma 2 engine.

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Spawning with no weapon sets the premise for the game, increases tension. There are other gameplay mechanics that can be addressed to better improve survivability without the addition of a weapon.

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Definetly YES.

Its good and really makes your way individual and harder.

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before saying YES or NO...

I spawned several times now (I'm new) and I didn't even get a gun o.O I only get painkillers, no flares, no gun, no ammo... as promised... played a bit now, found me a flashlight but no gun and took some hikes when zombies caught me... is that even normal? makes it interesting though...

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The "no gun" feature was rolled out with 1.7.1.

I'm half tempted to suicide and respawn so i can survive and prove all the nay-sayers wrong. It is not impossible to survive without the pistol. It is far from easy to survive no matter what weapon you have with the new zombie behaviour.

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Had fun spawning without a weapon, managed to find guns easily each time. Keep the feature in.

Also more importantly, it makes you value your life more. Every little find of supplies feels better.

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NO, it will make you to vulnerable against bandits and zombies

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I think it was good the way it was. Now when you attrackt a zombie with the new range, you just run around with a train of zombies and no way to defend yourself

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NO, I think it makes the game more for pro's if you're adding the "no-gun-spawn", and that makes it harder for the beginners.

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