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About vanilladragon

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  1. vanilladragon

    LF Aussie partner/small group

    nah but i will d/l it if that is what other people use mainly.
  2. vanilladragon

    LF Aussie partner/small group

    im in wa, +8 gmt, i play in the evenings after work and on the weekends. stopped playing for a while and havent tried the new maps and would like a group to try them out with. i have ts3 and dont mind playing any style.
  3. vanilladragon

    DayZ Challenge!!! Paying the iron price.

    isnt this what everyone does anyway?
  4. vanilladragon

    How many of you have come across a bear trap?

    that video makes them look quite useless against zeds. yay for another griefing tool.
  5. vanilladragon

    I'm Now a Deathmatch Player

    i agree. skins had their issues but they worked. i think a few people getting wrongly branded with bandit skins in awkward pvp situations (like a survivor defending himself and killing his attacker) was worth it when you consider the ultimate free for all deathmatch we currently have. i dont like playing a giant counter strike map.
  6. vanilladragon

    I'm Now a Deathmatch Player

    there is no mechanic you can put into the game to stop dicks being dicks. that is not the fault of the developers.
  7. occasionally? LOL i cant even count how many servers i have joined where entire towns are covered in wire. wire spamming would not be problem if it worked as intended, but it does not. most of the time you cant vault over it and the hit box to removing it is too small. its only used for greifing or server hopping. you can defend the former if you're an asshole but there is no excuse for server hopping.
  8. vanilladragon

    I'm Now a Deathmatch Player

    day z is a sandbox which allows you to make up any story you want; as long as that story involves you killing other players.
  9. clicking 'default' does not work. my m2 button no longer moves my body around, just my head. meaning i can no longer use m2 to turn and navigate. again default does not work, can someone tell me which button i need to apply to what action?
  10. are you being serious? LOL if you are
  11. vanilladragon

    L85A2 disabled? Reaaaly? DICE?

    so im just going to spawn without my l85? or will i get to keep it and no more will respawn? i will be slightly peeved if i spawn with no main gun, considering my secondary is out of ammo and the l85 is useless outside of information gathering.
  12. vanilladragon

    Rezzed DayZ Presentation

    dogs were out right confirmed. german sheppards.
  13. vanilladragon

    Could You Pull The Trigger?

    i dont think people who claim they would kill on sight in irl are taken seriously by anyone. real life behaviours dont impact how people play the game that much, its more about what the game mechanics allow them to do. i kos in the game but i would never do it in real life. by the same token i would not kos if there was a way to tell someones humanity level.
  14. vanilladragon

    Night Time?

    i dont mind it since i found my l85 with thermal/nightvision.