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About misterblort

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  1. misterblort

    Broken legs mechanic is...broken.

    Agreed! Legs break far too easily. And if you break your leg you're basicly screwed because morphine is SUPER-rare :(
  2. misterblort

    Drinking from a pond or well

    Yeah canteens aren't that easy to find, it's all about luck really. But it sucks that you can die of thirst while u are next to a pond/lake. Maybe you could add some kind of sickness with a timer. 30% chance to get sick? So you lose body temperature for an hour or 2?
  3. misterblort

    Blood Types - Adds realism and dynamism to DayZ.

    I think that would be a bit too much. U can go far in making the game harder and more realistic but this would be a bridge too far imo..
  4. misterblort

    Is it possible to trust?

    Yesterday I saved 2 people running from zombies. I was in the forest and saw them both running down. I had a clear shot on both but I decided to kill the zombies and help. I voiced "Friendly?" and they were extremely glad I helped them, or they would've been dead. So yes it is possible to from bonds with other players and not shoot on sight. Altho if one of them would've shot me I would've killed everyone in sight from that moment ^^
  5. Because new players don't have a clue? You're being dropped on an island. U have no idea where u are if it's your first time playing. You run 5 meters and u have a gazillion zombies behind your ass. Yeah I can see why that would turn of new players.. U said it yourself, "I ran straight to the tower at the airfield." New players don't know where to find the loot..
  6. misterblort

    Drinking from a pond or well

    I used the search function and didn't find anything.. People like u, who do nothing more than whine about threads and suggestions and everything.. Don't u have anything better to do? Like maybe? Work? Or Study? Or atleast doing something with your life besides being an internet troll whose sole purpose is being a fucking cunt?
  7. misterblort

    Incentive to rent servers

    To be honest i would be absolutely flabbergasted if Rocket didn't gain anyhting from dayz.. He's making ArmA 2 sell 10 times more then they did when it came out.. + he's a Dev for ArmA 2 so.. It's a mod for a game! You bought the game, so u payed for it anyway. If u really want to give Rocket money, ask for his paypal and give it to him! Instead of asking to make servers pay 2 play..
  8. misterblort

    Drinking from a pond or well

    Well if u can jump in and swim, it shouldn't be that hard to drink ;-)
  9. Yesterday while I was running around with my "thirst-icon" flashing red, I was really desperate for water. Then I found a pond and I hoped I could drink from that. I know you can fill your canteen with water there and then drink it, but there is no option to just drink it straight from the pond. It would make sense that u could just fill your hands with water and drink.. Now you can only drink from a water source if you have a canteen to fill, which doesn't make alot of sense to me. So my suggestion is, make it so that when u are near a pond or well, that u have the option to drink from it! It could make the game easyer perhaps, but that's not the goal. The goal is to make the game more realistic :) because face it, if you are thirsty you would just drink the water with your hands ;)
  10. misterblort

    What happens when DayZ is out of alpha?

    It will probably go to beta ?
  11. Critisim is needed in Alpha's. If they are negative or positive. It doesn't matter. I think rocket is smart enough to see who is just talking bullshit or expressing a real concern. U don't have to love and stick your nose in Rocket's ass but having a little bit of respect is the minimum. So if people criticize something, don't go all bonkers on him saying go play CoD noob, u suck! Because that is being more retarded than posting a concern about the game. If u don't like the critique just ignore it? Or say, "No, because this and that." not "U suck noob go play CoD"
  12. misterblort

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    Thanks alot :-) Any things u got in your head for a futere (near future) release?
  13. YES Because I hate to shoot friendly survivors in the face.
  14. misterblort

    Ghost character

    If u install dayz trough six updater, does it also apply the beta patch?