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Rocket: Losing faith.

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It's quite funny how OP's thread is bringing out the "best" in people.

OP is 100% correct with his assertions. The funny thing is, most of you are so far up Rocket's ass that even the light of logic can not, and will not, ever reach you.

When this hot"fix" was first released on 8/10. The statement made, was that the real patch ( would be out within the week. In fact, I remember it clearly.

Rocket posted some snotty thread about how we bitched enough for it, so here it is. Followed by a statement about how we should not bitch if we could not find a server to play on, over the weekend.

I also find it funny. How Rocket went from this guy of the masses. A real down to earth Joe. Then, when the game concept sold(out), Rocket decided to flip the script and slowly but surely (not so slowly) he became the very thing (seemingly) that he stated he wouldn't become.

A corporate h00r. Now, I know I'll get a lot of guff for this, but it is the truth. It's been almost a month since the last "patch" and over what, two months since the last build patch? Enough is enough.

I say to you, Rocket. Stop flying around to dinky conventions peddling your BS and start flicking those coding fingers. Or, better yet, hire a team with all the new found BIS money you have gotten. And don't BS -- I bet you sold the concept for a pretty penny along with creative control -- good on you for that one. The whole thing stinks and is on the verge of fizzling out.

I'll laugh when a few developers, with real creativity and drive beat you to the punch and create something leaps and bounds above anything you could have thought of. I personally have lost faith in Rocket's words and I know I am not alone.

It's time for Rocket to start owning up to his original statements. It's time to start placating to the right people. Not the corporate dickheads that just want to fuck your girl to death, just so they can say they put their mark on her.

All we ask is fairness. And, the fair thing to do would be to finish what you started. No, not the standalone at another premium. But rather, finish the mod build and also put forth all your efforts into the standalone. I know this would take a team twice as long or just having a larger team working on it. Frankly, we don't care how you get it done. We just want it done. We are the consumer. We make or break you.

Don't get shit twisted. This isn't about entitlement. This is about what is fair. DO NOT GO THE WAY OF CORPORATE BS.

I will boycott just out of principle, if you do this.

So, what have we learned? Well, we just want what is fair. We bought a stale game, to playtest a mod that is in Alpha. What is preposterous, is the fact that this mod will never leave alpha. I mean, why would it? From a business standpoint it doesn't make sense. Basically, JUST DON'T!

Just do what you originally said you were going to do. Finish the fucking mod, and complete the stand alone for those that would want it. As it stands now, I will not buy the standalone unless you finish the mod, first and foremost.

This should be everyone's stance. That is, if you are a real human being and not just some sycophantic pleb.

That is all.

"This should be everyone's stance. That is, if you are a real human being and not just some sycophantic pleb."

^^ Funny, I think Hitler expressed his beliefs in a similar way...

Edited by Nergalwaja

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OP, I hope you're aware that Rocket has been doing a substantial amount of traveling to various conventions and interviews, getting resources and building a network of people that will open doors for him and his standalone product. He's kind of a big deal, with creating an alpha build survival experiment/ anti-game that has had over a million players at least try the alpha experiment and all, which is more than a lot of free-to-play MMO's can say. If you can't be patient enough for him to postpone an update for a few weeks then you should find another game to play. Those of us here who were raised by our parents to not be spoiled brats who know they don't get everything they want or asked for don't want people like you sharing our experiences. I can guarantee that whatever game you leave DayZ for won't give you nearly the emotional experience that DayZ has given us all.

Oh and for the record, Rocket has been caught multi-tasking between giving interviews and working on the DayZ mod at the same time, as well as working on the artifacting from hotel rooms while he's been away. Most devs would say fu*k it and take that time off, which says a lot about Rocket. Just saying.

Talk shit get hit.

Yea, I'll be here waiting on the get hit part.

Maybe you should re-read my initial post and discover my awareness of yonder travels.

Or explain how a month translates to a "few weeks".

Anyways, despite your condescending tone, you as well seem to be missing the point.

Were not talking about a feature patch. Were talking about a fast and easy hot fix to repair what some find to be a core mechanic.

I do feel I have been patient. This patch has been broken since day 1 yet I hardly said anything. I still love the game. In fact, part of my frustration stems from providing the community with a server that no longer carries some features that were once enjoyed by many.

I dont understand how it is beyond reason to expect a hot fix, not a full feature patch.

Maybe it's because the issue at hand doesn't affect your enjoyment of the game so you by

default render all other opinions and points moot and invalid.

I do how ever award you "sir points" for trolling like a sir.

Edited by ThermoNuke

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Though for me personally tents are not the biggest issue at this time (for me its artefacts and hackers), I can totally agree to the root cause of the OPs anger. In my opinion its rocktes prioritization.

Lets face it, at this state EVERYONE interested in a hardcore zombie-survival pvp deathmatch thingie owns a copy of DayZ. Maybe there is a small amount of potential customers which have only seen lets plays and wait till its beta but i doubt there are many. So, as much as "this is an aplha, live with it" is true, we the alpha players will be the majority of the standalone buyers and players.

Loosign a huge amount of them now will probably lead to loosing a huge amount of potential buyers. I will buy it, i´m a total dayz fanboy. I own 2 copies, a map of chernarus and just ordered Mountain Dew to drink this magic potion myself. I love dayz.

But even I am totally pissed of when i loose all my gear ive gathered in hours and hours of playing to a frickin hacker and afterwards see a interview with Rocket where he gets hit by a hacker in a heli while playing and says he hates them but yeah, they make all this funny experiences. Ha Ha.

So the OP is totally right, before doing all this interviews, before bringing us dogs and base building. EVEN IF IT IS AN ALPHA, please make this alpha playable by fixing the main issues. It will affect your amount of copies sold when its standalone. Significantly.

Edited by okami
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Promoting a game is necessary. It was stated a patch would be coming on or around Sept 6th.

He rushed out the 2.5 patch to attempt to fix the artificing many people were having, RIGHT before going off to promote the game. It's unfortunate but no patch is perfect, and in this case it broke containers saving.

If it bothers you that much, just leave. No one's making you stay.

Edited by Phantasm

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Promoting a game is necessary. It was stated a patch would be coming on or around Sept 6th.

He rushed out the 2.5 patch to attempt to fix the artificing many people were having, RIGHT before going off to promote the game. It's unfortunate but no patch is perfect, and in this case it broke containers saving.

If it bothers you that much, just leave. No one's making you stay.

Who said it was to the point of leaving? Or that we were mandated to stay?

If I felt this way I'd be off to other things, not here talking about it.

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So you have a fix to the problem your post was about. Then remind me again WTF the point of this was other have having a stab at rocket ?

Moderagger! lol

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Yea, I'll be here waiting on the get hit part.

Maybe you should re-read my initial post and discover my awareness of yonder travels.

Or explain how a month translates to a "few weeks".

Anyways, despite your condescending tone, you as well seem to be missing the point.

Were not talking about a feature patch. Were talking about a fast and easy hot fix to repair what some find to be a core mechanic.

I do feel I have been patient. This patch has been broken since day 1 yet I hardly said anything. I still love the game. In fact, part of my frustration stems from providing the community with a server that no longer carries some features that were once enjoyed by many.

I dont understand how it is beyond reason to expect a hot fix, not a full feature patch.

Maybe it's because the issue at hand doesn't affect your enjoyment of the game so you by

default render all other opinions and points moot and invalid.

I do how ever award you "sir points" for trolling like a sir.

I'm sorry, are you a professional coder or game designer who knows the ins and outs of how to fix broken code? If so I would like to see some credentials or some legitmate proof of this claim. Because if you're not, you are in no position to label anything as a "fast and easy hot fix". You don't know what Rocket and his team are having to deal with by isolating the problems you want fixed. If they haven't fixed it by now, it's probably not as "fast and easy" as you might think. I'm condescending you because you, like many others, are butthurt over the fact that things aren't going the way you want them to. The problem with people like you is you lack the capacity to see situations from different views other than your own. Rocket has a high demanding, stressful job who has more to worry about than some glitches in an alpha stage mod.

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While you're at it, can you also remove that monster that eats my backpack whenever i change a skin. Dropping my backpack before killing someone is not the ideal user experience.

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I like being able to go to a set place and gear myself with an AS50, l85, ghillie, every tool, every item, and a car after every reset.

Wait....no I don't.

Our server has gone from 40-50 players to 4-12.

When I filter for all servers with ping under 100, I see hundreds on the list, but only one or two with more than 15 people on it.

You're losing the grass roots here Rocket, the only reason anyone knows about this game, and who you are. If you get a standalone out on the timeline that you've set, maybe all will be forgiven. Making your mod unplayable for a month does not serve your testers, or the development process.

The only bugs that matter at this point are:

- hackers (which you've tried to get rid of, not really your fault)

- The inventory/vehicle save issue

- Graphic artifacting

These three problems are so large that it keeping testers away, and those that remain can't see past them to discover other problems.

I hardly play anymore :(

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I don't understand how most of you think the OP is "Whining" you're getting the false impression that he hates the game or something.

It's a fanboi thing, not being smart enough to have own opinions. Blindly following people anywhere no matter what. Not just in games, it's everywhere.

Promoting a game is necessary. It was stated a patch would be coming on or around Sept 6th.

He rushed out the 2.5 patch to attempt to fix the artificing many people were having, RIGHT before going off to promote the game. It's unfortunate but no patch is perfect, and in this case it broke containers saving.

If it bothers you that much, just leave. No one's making you stay.


For the last 5 or so years companies seem to also think promotion is the most important. Then they put 90% money in marketing and 10% in development. Because if you hype and spam enough you create fanbois that will buy shit no matter what. For example minecraft didn't have any promotion except word of mouth and it got very famous fast. Just like this mod did in the beginning.

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1) Um, ok. You didnt have to read it? If your irritated at reading these then how does it speak for your intelligence that you committed to reading another and went a step further to reply?

2) That still validates my point of taking entirely too long to fix a core mechanic.

3) Negative or positive a developer needs the heart beat of the community. If no one complained about certain bugs/features their importance would be diminished.

4) Never said I didnt like DayZ or that I would quit. Not sure where or why you made this up. I still pay my server bill every month.

5) Uhm yea, thats the result.

You can troll all you want but you know as well as I do the fix for the tents and vehicles is a simple one. One that could have easily been encompassed in a hotfix many weeks ago with little effort.

1) It took me 2 minutes to read your post, and one to reply. It speaks to my intelligence in that I can display the rationality of a person playing a game that is currently still in development without bitching every time things aren't working the way they should. How does it speak of your intelligence to create this thread in the first place?

2) How does it speak of your intelligence to make a thread that's horribly redundant and accomplishes NOTHING, knowing full well when the next update is slated to drop?

3) Agreed that negative and positive feedback both have a place in the community. Fact is, ANOTHER one of these threads proves nothing past your lack of patience or understanding for what the devs are dealing with. Do you really think anyone of any consequence will read this thread before the 10,000 other threads on the same subject? Do you really think that your rehash of the same subject will garner new revelations about the current problems, or spur the devs in more? They all tuned you out after QQ thread number 1,467.

4) Dude you are obviously not happy with the game currently = not happy with DayZ, thats where I got it from. The simple solution, take a break, find a game you like that isn't broken. If you don't have the patience for all aspects of this games development (promo tours count, sorry), you shouldn't be playing an Alpha.

5) These last few weeks of DayZ history will be long forgotten soon enough, and when you look back at your bunched up panties, let's hope you feel a hint of shame. When the standalone drops, I'm sure a resurgence of interest in the game will take place, and thousands of people not involved in the Alpha are going to throw money at their monitors. Your $$$, and the $$$ "lost" from the perceived exodus of all the flavor of the month players that left recently, will not be missed in the slightest.

If you think my first post was trolling, then you haven't seen me troll.

Actually, it was my slightly more elegant way of saying, STFU!

There are many many games I have paid 50$ for in years gone by that ended up collecting dust on my shelf.

The hours of fun gameplay I already have had playing DayZ make it worth every penny, and then some.

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Gotta love the sense of entitlement some people have – we are not owed Rockets undivided attention and time. Why is Rocket not entitled to go to conventions to raise Dayz profile and his own while spending a little time enjoying the fruits of his labour, he is after all human and I think he has earned it?

Also is the game unplayable, is DayZ properly broken by tents not working? If not then really is slagging off the creator of this mod really necessary, if you don’t like it then you can choose to walk away from the game and play something else. That’s how this works, it’s not like Rockets going to read these posts and think “Crap, I never realised how bad it was – let’s blow off gamescom and go fix tents guys”

Let me ask you,how did DayZ gain the initial 1M players,brought attention of all the major game media, and sold hundreds of thousands Arma 2 copies? Was it through ads on game sites and clever marketing? No, it was due to comminity's word of mouth telling everyone how aboslutely awsome the mod was that brough people to DayZ. And just like that a dissastisfied coomunity could become his downfall. Some suits brainwashed Rocket that it was important to go to conventions to tell other suits how great the DyaZ concept is. Why Rocket? You have already gained our attention and money, a month ago I bet a million people would have pre-ordered DyaZ standalone giving you time, money and freedom to work on both the mod and standalone for as long as you wanted.

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I'm sorry, are you a professional coder or game designer who knows the ins and outs of how to fix broken code? If so I would like to see some credentials or some legitmate proof of this claim. Because if you're not, you are in no position to label anything as a "fast and easy hot fix". You don't know what Rocket and his team are having to deal with by isolating the problems you want fixed. If they haven't fixed it by now, it's probably not as "fast and easy" as you might think. I'm condescending you because you, like many others, are butthurt over the fact that things aren't going the way you want them to. The problem with people like you is you lack the capacity to see situations from different views other than your own. Rocket has a high demanding, stressful job who has more to worry about than some glitches in an alpha stage mod.

However comfortable you are living under a rock, it doesn't suprise me that you confine yourself to Dayz forums for your Dayz news. I assume you don't run a server so I wouldn't expect you to check the server threads but since you haven't, let me suprise you.


The problem is, the only way to apply these fixes is to have access to your server files . For those of us that rent a server, we have to get the server hosts to apply the fix. And most of them don't or won't unless there is an official patch. So please, hold your tongue. We are aware of how hard coding is, but the coding has already been done. It just needs to be revised and polished to a hotfix by Rocket.

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And how many people are actually doing this in the grand scheme of things? Is it the case of 49 other playes on a server running around with such weapons

49 person servers are a thing of a month ago.

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"okay, but it's not done. It's just a quick fix for some issues."

"WTF! Da download takes too long!"

"WAH! I cantz find no servers!"

"WTF! The patch broke der game!"

"WTF! Where r da dogs?"

"WTF! Why it not fix everything for me?!"

"WAH! I want to dupe!"

"WAH! No more infinite ammo? Faith lost!"

"WAH! This change makes the game too hard!"

"WAH! I can't bog down the entire server with 30 dead bodies in a single hour because I'm too lazy to run ten minutes!?"

RAPIDLY!" "WAH! I'm too impatient to let a thread load so I clicked the submit button three times!

RAPIDLY!" "WAH! I'm too impatient to let a thread load so I clicked the submit button three times!

RAPIDLY!" "WAH! I'm too impatient to let a thread load so I clicked the submit button three times!

"WAHT! No dupe items or infinite ammo!? What search!?"


I'm going to go ahead and assume a lot of the whiny bitches in this thread have never worked a real job and have no idea how important trade shows are for any given industry.

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"okay, but it's not done. It's just a quick fix for some issues."

"WTF! Da download takes too long!"

"WAH! I cantz find no servers!"

"WTF! The patch broke der game!"

"WTF! Where r da dogs?"

"WTF! Why it not fix everything for me?!"

"WAH! I want to dupe!"

"WAH! No more infinite ammo? Faith lost!"

"WAH! This change makes the game too hard!"

"WAH! I can't bog down the entire server with 30 dead bodies in a single hour because I'm too lazy to run ten minutes!?"

RAPIDLY!" "WAH! I'm too impatient to let a thread load so I clicked the submit button three times!

RAPIDLY!" "WAH! I'm too impatient to let a thread load so I clicked the submit button three times!

RAPIDLY!" "WAH! I'm too impatient to let a thread load so I clicked the submit button three times!

"WAHT! No dupe items or infinite ammo!? What search!?"


I'm going to go ahead and assume a lot of the whiny bitches in this thread have never worked a real job and have no idea how important trade shows are for any given industry.

The conventions he goes to are generally 3 days long. Friday, saterday, Sunday. Are you saying that between weekends and travel time, there is just no time to work on the mod?

As for your job comment. I'm in the military, go fuck yourself.

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Some very valid points in here.

TBH i left DayZ about a month ago. Its a broken mod made by a clueless coder. The drama of the rise and fall is epic though.

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I sadly have to agree with the OP. I dont have any issue with the mod being broken or being in alpha. I have issues with the way of communication presented lately by the DayZ staff. Actually communication is almost nonexistent at this point. I know that developing the game is a process and its very hard to stick to own timelines. It just makes me really sad that those basic flaws such as the GFX artifacts and saving issues are neglected for this long. In the early DayZ Rocket used to update us daily on why this is not doable in time or why the fix is taking longer then expected. Now he just has a twitter and we can run after him like his groupies. It just makes feel like the work of the community is not needed anymore nor is talking to it a priority. Do you really think that marketing hype will fix all of it? Tbh the interaction between the developer and the community was a big part of why DayZ was so special some months ago. Now its all gone....

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Look, I get this is alpha.

No you don't. What dev in the fucking world is required to fix their alpha version once testing has run its course? The process is that you move on to beta once you have identified the problems via alpha testing.

What is so hard about rational thought?

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No you don't. What dev in the fucking world is required to fix their alpha version once testing has run its course? The process is that you move on to beta once you have identified the problems via alpha testing.

Ok, we've identified the problems via alpha testing:

Theres no content and what little there is, nothing works.

Great place to gear up for Beta!

Edited by Never

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No you don't. What dev in the fucking world is required to fix their alpha version once testing has run its course? The process is that you move on to beta once you have identified the problems via alpha testing.

What is so hard about rational thought?

Maybe said Dev should stop announcing things he cant keep? Like keeping on working on the mod. To me it seems the mod has been abandoned in favor of the standalone. This is perfectly fine BUT then you should tell people and be honest to them.

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Idle curiosity... Based on what I've seen, Rocket doesn't seem to have much problem telling people 'no'.

If he's no longer supporting the mod, what would telling us the mod is no longer supported lose him again? We've already paid for ArmA 2, and the standalone has been announced so people are most likely going to be waiting for that if they don't already have ArmA 2.

What is the logic behind this theory again?

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