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About thermonuke1@gmail.com

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  1. thermonuke1@gmail.com

    Tickle me Rocket?!

    Did you raid my tent?
  2. thermonuke1@gmail.com

    Tickle me Rocket?!

    Answer # 3 : 42
  3. thermonuke1@gmail.com

    DayZ in 1080p Maxed out graphics on gtx 680 looks amazing!!!

    You dont even need a 680 to run it at max. I opted for the 670. The cost to performance ratio shoots off the map on anything higher unless your going SLI. It is indeed still a good looking engine. I run mine at max with adaptive Vsync on my i5 3570 / 670 GTX.
  4. thermonuke1@gmail.com

    GTX 670 FTW getting 20 FPS in cities ._.

    By not reading the thread you just made your self look like a huge ass hole. The guy wasn't bitching. He is asking for honest help. I will call you a bold face liar if you say you have never asked for help. Because God knows you haven't come to the forums for HELP or OPINIONS. Fail troll is fail. This is why people hate the DayZ community is because of fucking assholes like you who are too wrapped up sniffing their own shit.
  5. thermonuke1@gmail.com

    Hosting bubble pop?

    Noticed nearly every hosting company is cutting their prices or offering weekend deals. Are we seeing the decline of the server count? Thought and opinions?
  6. The elitist should be happy that the resurgence of a stale game that spurred a ton of new purchases puts money into Bohemia's pockets for future work. I dont give two shits about ArmA II. BF3, while not nearly as realistic, is more fun. I bought ArmA II for DayZ. Piss on your game, your opinion will not hold my flood of piss at bay.
  7. thermonuke1@gmail.com

    Dear US 1337 lover's,

  8. thermonuke1@gmail.com

    A static skill system.

    You are correct sir! My apologies!
  9. thermonuke1@gmail.com

    A static skill system.

    Ok in your first post you said you didnt want to add a RPG element to DayZ. In your retort... You defended by saying that the current elements are not RPGish enough. Dafuq?
  10. thermonuke1@gmail.com

    RE: Rocket announcement of new feature at PAX

    ... Ehh.. Yea im just going to leave this alone.
  11. thermonuke1@gmail.com

    Pantheon Gaming Community. Mass teleportation

    He got banned, he wont be back. Sorry for the inconvenience!
  12. thermonuke1@gmail.com

    Huge ship outside Electro

    FUCK! Were being invaded D=
  13. thermonuke1@gmail.com

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    I know a lot of people complained including myself and many have not. But were all thankful in the end for you working to make our enjoyment of this mod a little more complete one step at a time. Thanks for pushing yourself so hard to get this out to us.
  14. thermonuke1@gmail.com

    HFB Bad Posts being deleted?

    Edit: Derpness.
  15. thermonuke1@gmail.com

    Help settle an Argument

    Sounds like your friend is just bad at counter sniping.