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Phantasm (DayZ)

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About Phantasm (DayZ)

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  1. Phantasm (DayZ)

    Todays Fix Erased My Character

    What you fail, completely, to understand, is that things are never 100% as expected post patch, even when a game is not in alpha or beta. So, to cry out like you have never experienced this in any game, while calling those who point out the very obvious, that unexpected things like this happen ALL the time in games, retarded.....is actually beyond hilarious and ironic. Don't worry, once you get past puberty and mature, with age comes some realistic expectations in life (and gaming).
  2. Phantasm (DayZ)

    Todays Fix Erased My Character

    Whaaaaaaaaaaaa my virtual character in a virtual world during an alpha phase of a game was erased, whaaaaaa. :facepalm:
  3. Phantasm (DayZ)

    Pve Mission Loot ?

    I look forward to seeing you frolic in the field on those "pve" servers, merrily unaware of the spinning lead football on it's way to the wide receiver of your head. Touchdown....
  4. Phantasm (DayZ)

    Today's Pending Update.

    The harder the game, the fewer COD kiddies we have, the better.
  5. Wow, what a waste of internet bandwith, I can't believe this was actually posted. Heh...
  6. Phantasm (DayZ)

    From now on I trust no one.

    I laugh every single time I hear someone say "I asked if he was friendly". Do you really expect someone who is not friendly, to say no? Seriously, think about it. The only answer anyone will ever give to that question is yes, because you will either be asking someone who is friendly, and tells the truth, or someone who is deceiving you, and lies. If you can't think beyond "What are the possible outcomes to the question I'm asking", you're survival in a harsh environment such as DayZ will be very limited. Always expect the absolute worst, then when that doesn't happen, you can be pleasantly surprised, but you still never let your guard down.
  7. Phantasm (DayZ)

    Server hoppers in high weapon areas.

    Camp the area, and shoot anyone you see spawn.
  8. Phantasm (DayZ)

    More new items with pictures! Mosin Compensator!

    http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/166838-new-stuff-never-found-before-and-never-mentioned-in-patch-notes/ Much of this is old news.
  9. Phantasm (DayZ)

    Warning do not paint you Mosin 9130 !

    I have been taking this opportunity to paint EVERY mosin I find. Sure it's a curse to some, but for my asshole survival ways, you can be sure I'll carry paint on me and nail every mosin I see.
  10. Phantasm (DayZ)

    So, I found a map...

    There is also a N, S, E, and W
  11. Phantasm (DayZ)

    Character roll-back after new patch?

    It's an alpha, this is normal in most alphas/betas. Do they really need to state the obvious for the oblivious?
  12. Phantasm (DayZ)

    No Servers available

    This, you're an idiot.
  13. Phantasm (DayZ)

    Pc build for Dayz and future gaming

    650ti is a bad choice. At minimum, you want a 660+, I run a 760 evga gtx and it's comparable to a 670. For cpu, try to stay away from AMD, DayZ performs much better on intel cpus.
  14. Phantasm (DayZ)

    New Stuff never found before and never mentioned in patch notes

    Before, loot was not spawning at all in the white barns. What I'm saying now is, upon server reset, loot is spawning in the white barns, and there are some loot spots in the barn that were not in the mod.
  15. Phantasm (DayZ)

    New Stuff never found before and never mentioned in patch notes

    I found this, hadn't seen one before, so not sure if this is new or I just never seen one before. Also to note, loot is spawning properly in white barns. ;) One other thing, the moon now has phases, quite stunning to see the crescent moon at night.