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About duffbeeer

  • Rank
    Helicopter Hunter
  1. duffbeeer

    Again no word about loot respawn

    Well thank you for taking the time and cheering me up again. It helps :)
  2. duffbeeer

    Again no word about loot respawn

    Yep thats exactly what i ment. Before SA everything was handled client side and this created alot of exploitable situations, i totally understand the move to the server side. BUT it was never stated anywhere that they are confident that the engine is able to handle this. This leads me to the conclusion that the task is way more complex then initially estimated by the dev team. This would also explain the lack of information on this part because frankly it seems they dont know therselves if this is even going to work. I know im being pessimistic on this topic and i really hope its just me doing false claims then anything else. I hope there wont be a day where the devs announce that the engine cant handle it and loot respawns are never implemented.
  3. duffbeeer

    Again no word about loot respawn

    Im just getting upset about the lack of communication about it, not the fact that we dont have it yet. Its a base mechanic of every simple MMO. Im fairly sure that the Dev team knows the importance of it and thus the lack of information makes me really worried.
  4. duffbeeer

    Again no word about loot respawn

    Even client side respawns would be better at this point....
  5. duffbeeer

    Again no word about loot respawn

    Thanks for completly ignoring the point.
  6. duffbeeer

    Again no word about loot respawn

    Dude no offense but i have started with dayz mod whe there was 10k players like 2 weeks after intitial release. I know this game pretty much since its existence. I know on how to find loot very well and i tell you that doors being open all the way is the worst immersion breaker ever happenend to this game. I appreciate your offer but its not needed because im talking about a missing feature not my inability to find loot.
  7. duffbeeer

    Again no word about loot respawn

    Seriously until loot respawning is fixed, this game remains broken amd unplayable. Its even less playable then all the mods out there. There is so much bullshit goin on around server hopping because of loot farming, that im really starting to question the decision to make the spawns server sided. No word on this very important issue from the dev team about it is very telling to me. I really lost hope that itll ever be fixed.
  8. duffbeeer

    Rocket: Losing faith.

    Calling others entitled and believing that your opinion is the only thing that counts makes you look retarded. Also taking this down to a personal level between users of this forums makes me think that you actually have nothing to offer to this discussion.
  9. duffbeeer

    Rocket: Losing faith.

    Im 30 years old and quite educated. You obviously didnt even read my post. My issue is with the communication lately not with the mod itself. Now go back to flaming son.
  10. duffbeeer

    Rocket: Losing faith.

    Maybe said Dev should stop announcing things he cant keep? Like keeping on working on the mod. To me it seems the mod has been abandoned in favor of the standalone. This is perfectly fine BUT then you should tell people and be honest to them.
  11. duffbeeer

    Rocket: Losing faith.

    I sadly have to agree with the OP. I dont have any issue with the mod being broken or being in alpha. I have issues with the way of communication presented lately by the DayZ staff. Actually communication is almost nonexistent at this point. I know that developing the game is a process and its very hard to stick to own timelines. It just makes me really sad that those basic flaws such as the GFX artifacts and saving issues are neglected for this long. In the early DayZ Rocket used to update us daily on why this is not doable in time or why the fix is taking longer then expected. Now he just has a twitter and we can run after him like his groupies. It just makes feel like the work of the community is not needed anymore nor is talking to it a priority. Do you really think that marketing hype will fix all of it? Tbh the interaction between the developer and the community was a big part of why DayZ was so special some months ago. Now its all gone....
  12. duffbeeer

    Hacker on DE 998

    look at those idiots cheating. and loosing to a good player. hahaha how embarrasing.
  13. duffbeeer

    Pending Update: Build

    oh god you whiners are so pathetic. This game is not going to die because half of us (including myself) cant play for a few days. The world is not coming to an end, you just need to chill the fuck out.
  14. Our TS Server hosted by hostaltitude went down and no response to our ticket yet. The control panel of our DayZ Server is also unreachable. Seriously you guys should have enough money now to hire more people. The communication is non existent right now. ticket is #801539
  15. duffbeeer

    Pending Update: Build

    Awesome stuff thanks rocket! Could you please have a look at rearming choppers? Right now only server restarts rearm the M240 door guns but we could use m240 belts to do it instead. That would be much more fitting to DayZ anyway imo.