Delta Smoke 01 765 Posted September 5, 2012 (edited) If its such a simple fix why dont you do it yourself ? Let me answer that for you. You cant. Its not simple. At all. Scripting is one of the most difficult things i have ever come across. Its like algebra on steroids. Want a good place to keep your as50 ? How about on your players body like everyone else. You just basically said "fix tents so i can dupe again". Seriously now, he's a busy man at the minute. The reason he isnt releasing anything is because it simply isnt ready, and he doesnt want to release another broken patch like the last one. Also you think he isnt working on stuff because he's out and about promoting? He works on a laptop......Enough said. Edited September 5, 2012 by Delta Smoke 01 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
RaysGoodLiquor 93 Posted September 5, 2012 I'm getting second thoughts about the standalone. If Alpha patches are going to reflect standalone patches, which they will, because it's the same coders and idea men, then I don't have a lot of faith that problems that pop up after final release will be given just attention. Does this also mean that after the standalone is released, will the next Bohemia project make everyone ignore the DayZ final release? I need to gain a little more faith in the company before I start writing checks to people that are already having serious issues with breaking their own game with improvement patches. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
hunterkilla 67 Posted September 5, 2012 See for me its the artifacts that are more important than tents, people aren't going to NW airfleid or Stary etc due to not being able to see anything.I think in one sense Rocket was a genius in getting Dayz out when he did in alpha state and got so much interest ( way more than he expected) and has been able to see what works and doesn't work. However by releasing patches which can break the game he has had a backlash from people expecting a released game when its in an alpha state and during development you do put things in that can cause major problems, however in a usual game development cycle the end user doesnt get to see or have to deal with these issues.Also I think Rocket has gone from doing this little mod to now having alot of interest and having to spread his time around, he has all the press and events to goto, standalone and the mod. How do you prioritise with everyone wanting a piece of you.In my opinion he should get the main issues sorted ie artifacts and if possible the tents and then concentrate on the standalone...hackers are going to be an issue in the mod and not so much in the standaloneIf anyone is really fed up and losing faith in him, step away for a bit, allow him and his team time and don't expect everything straight away. That way you won't be dissapointed and then maybe you will come back and enjoy the game.... or maybe go and find a new game to enjoy. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
hunterkilla 67 Posted September 5, 2012 I'm getting second thoughts about the standalone. If Alpha patches are going to reflect standalone patches, which they will, because it's the same coders and idea men, then I don't have a lot of faith that problems that pop up after final release will be given just attention. Does this also mean that after the standalone is released, will the next Bohemia project make everyone ignore the DayZ final release? I need to gain a little more faith in the company before I start writing checks to people that are already having serious issues with breaking their own game with improvement patches.But in alpha you do add things that can break the game, you have to try things to see what works and what doesnt. he is just releasing it to a much larger group of testers than normal. Have you ever tested an alpha COD or Battlefield? Nope.... bet they had MAJOR issues and glitches but we never got to see them so arent worried about them. My guess is he is now going to be much more careful with releasing patches and taking longer to do so, he released alot in a short space of time and got backlash when things went wrong... so now he would be sensible to slow down the releases and try to get it working as much as possible beforehand. However he will then get a backlash from people who want patches quicker.... methinks he cannot win Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 110 Posted September 5, 2012 (edited) If its such a simple fix why dont you do it yourself ? Let me answer that for you. You cant. Its not simple. At all. Scripting is one of the most difficult things i have ever come across. Its like algebra on steroids. Want a good place to keep your as50 ? How about on your players body like everyone else. You just basically said "fix tents so i can dupe again". Seriously now, he's a busy man at the minute. The reason he isnt releasing anything is because it simply isnt ready, and he doesnt want to release another broken patch like the last one. Also you think he isnt working on stuff because he's out and about promoting? He works on a laptop......Enough said.Um we did? Have you seen the community fixes posted? Or are you all that disconnected?The community has done nearly all the work and we still cant get a hotfix??The problem isnt even in the scripting. It's in the hive database interfaces that is screwing up the database calls.Do you have ANY idea what the fuck everyone is even talking about?No, im not sure where you got duping out of that.And yea, hes busy. Doing everything but coding on his laptop.He's not ready to release a hotfix? What, the conventions have him pinned down?And algebra isnt that hard. Edited September 5, 2012 by ThermoNuke 3 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Delta Smoke 01 765 Posted September 5, 2012 Um we did? Have you seen the community fixes posted? Or are you all that disconnected?The community has done nearly all the work and we still cant get a hotfix??The problem isnt even in the scripting. It's in the hive database interfaces that is screwing up the database calls.Do you have ANY idea what the fuck everyone is even talking about?No, im not sure where you got duping out of that.And yea, hes busy. Doing everything but coding on his laptop.He's not ready to release a hotfix? What, the conventions have him pinned down?And algebra isnt that hard.So you have a fix to the problem your post was about. Then remind me again WTF the point of this was other have having a stab at rocket ? 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
FrankFisher 46 Posted September 5, 2012 Its this thing called patience, a thing where you wait, yeah, 1.7.3? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
4Lex 15 Posted September 5, 2012 Just focus on the standalone Rocket. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 110 Posted September 5, 2012 (edited) So you have a fix to the problem your post was about. Then remind me again WTF the point of this was other have having a stab at rocket ?Im going to suggest you go to post #1 and start rereading. Edited September 5, 2012 by ThermoNuke Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mjrtom 0 Posted September 5, 2012 Gotta love the sense of entitlement some people have – we are not owed Rockets undivided attention and time. Why is Rocket not entitled to go to conventions to raise Dayz profile and his own while spending a little time enjoying the fruits of his labour, he is after all human and I think he has earned it?Also is the game unplayable, is DayZ properly broken by tents not working? If not then really is slagging off the creator of this mod really necessary, if you don’t like it then you can choose to walk away from the game and play something else. That’s how this works, it’s not like Rockets going to read these posts and think “Crap, I never realised how bad it was – let’s blow off gamescom and go fix tents guys” Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
C0LDKILL (DayZ) 34 Posted September 5, 2012 GO GO ANTI ROCKET ALLIANCE!! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 110 Posted September 5, 2012 (edited) Gotta love the sense of entitlement some people have – we are not owed Rockets undivided attention and time. Why is Rocket not entitled to go to conventions to raise Dayz profile and his own while spending a little time enjoying the fruits of his labour, he is after all human and I think he has earned it?Also is the game unplayable, is DayZ properly broken by tents not working? If not then really is slagging off the creator of this mod really necessary, if you don’t like it then you can choose to walk away from the game and play something else. That’s how this works, it’s not like Rockets going to read these posts and think “Crap, I never realised how bad it was – let’s blow off gamescom and go fix tents guys”No i guess its not broken when a newb can spawn on the coast, run to a broken duping tent, grab a L85/AS50 TWS and a ghillie and wreak havoc.. When no matter how many times you save that tent empty.. It always comes back.Nope. Not broken. Edited September 5, 2012 by ThermoNuke Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Caracal 0 Posted September 5, 2012 Interesting thread. I thought the OP was a little harsh in his post but i really do sympathize with his frustration, he is clearly passionate about this game, even owning a server.To me though, this game is dead, for a mod atleast. I havn't played in weeks because there is absolutely nothing to do when you reach a comfotable point other than to grief or be griefed by some means. You only have to look at the server lists as of late; they used to be full and even hard to get in! (those were the days eh?).Look on the horizon guys, there is so much competition on this genre already with games such as The Dead Linger, State of Decay, and The WarZ, all this heartache isn't worth it, and who is to blame Rocket for concentrating on the standalone. I personally would be shitting it and getting as many producers or whatever on my bandwagon.Its only a testimate to guys like this who provide servers for the rest of the community that help the mod stay alive. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
FrostDMG 398 Posted September 5, 2012 The amount of people being blind fanboys is quite scary. Open your eyes and see the things for what they truly are. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Sakeoe (DayZ) 115 Posted September 5, 2012 in after "it's a alpha, will be fixed in the standalone, shut up you are retarded" etc while at the same time I can go on the Forge forums (which is also in alpha), make a post and get a reply from a dev within 24 hours. I can report a bug and dev's themselfs will thank me for finding them and fix it. I can play the game without getting killed by hackers nor exploiters."It's a alpha" really does not fly. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
internetTAB (DayZ) 76 Posted September 5, 2012 (edited) I completely agree with you on the wipe, but tents on are working just fine. As far as tents / 7day limit I have no idea what you are talking about. I've been back to tents on random servers numerous times which are still there weeks later since I've been to them last. Tents were supposed to have a shelf life, but in my experience they absolutely do not, if they don't dissappear after the first server restart they are there until the next wipe...I think the biggest problem people are having with tents/vehicles is that they are expecting them to work properly on servers in spite of the fact that the latest patch broke them all to hell. If you want working tents/vehicles roll back to and all you will have to deal with is the tent duping problem (as always).they're still there cause it's broken :D But I had 3 disappear on me while I went to gen-con a couple weeks ago, so i'm fairly sure it still happens. I can go back and see if they've re-appearededit: they+are contraction.. I sux :) Edited September 6, 2012 by internetTAB 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mjrtom 0 Posted September 5, 2012 No i guess its not broken when a newb can spawn on the coast, run to a broken duping tent, grab a L85/AS50 TWS and a ghillie and wreak havoc..Nope. Not broken.And how many people are actually doing this in the grand scheme of things? Is it the case of 49 other playes on a server running around with such weapons Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
sostronk 334 Posted September 5, 2012 Yeah well hackers kind of took a big dump on him. Thing is though, I don't think Rocket ever had big ambitions for this game and I still think he doesn't. I don't think he even realises the potential it had. He's basically decide to do a small release game version to make some money out of it. I have no problem that hes doing it that way but honestly don't get your hopes up for this game. Its not going far. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
internetTAB (DayZ) 76 Posted September 5, 2012 (edited) If its such a simple fix why dont you do it yourself ? Let me answer that for you. You cant. Its not simple. At all. Scripting is one of the most difficult things i have ever come across. Its like algebra on steroids. Want a good place to keep your as50 ? How about on your players body like everyone else. You just basically said "fix tents so i can dupe again". Seriously now, he's a busy man at the minute. The reason he isnt releasing anything is because it simply isnt ready, and he doesnt want to release another broken patch like the last one. Also you think he isnt working on stuff because he's out and about promoting? He works on a laptop......Enough said.hahaha, if they were fixed, would they dupe?You would laugh at your words if you saw the crap my tents are full of x) I really only get low-mid teir loot often. Hospitals, grocery stops, fire houses and churches are my main fodder. So I basically have tools, food, and crappy guns x) I have fun running into random towns naked, finding stuff, helping people. Many times I've gotten a nice pack from the store, a decent automatic from the firehouse, then giving it all to some random player who looks like they have nothing and run away saying take it, hoping they don't shoot me. It's how I play the experiment! I keep a good one on me I've found though. Found 3 choppers in my dayZ life. Die all the freakin time >.>Seriously can I just apply to help if i've got the coding experience? I didn't know they were open to help from the public :D Edited September 6, 2012 by internetTAB Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Dynami 18 Posted September 5, 2012 I don't understand how most of you think the OP is "Whining" you're getting the false impression that he hates the game or something.The Vehicle/tent issue is a huge problem, definitely worth mentioning. It's not like he blatantly said "hey Dayz sucks, CoD rules, Rocket is lame". No, he's worried as all of us should be. It is an alpha I know, people stress this enough. But it is also a period for bug fixing, and this particular one is big and has been around for a while with little to no news about the progress. 3 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DYLANBROCHILL 46 Posted September 5, 2012 his main argument was basically "TENTS ARE A HUGE PART OF TEH CORE GAMEPLAY". they arent, you can get by just fine without tents. you died and have nowhere to gear up? though shit, this is a survival game. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 110 Posted September 5, 2012 (edited) his main argument was basically "TENTS ARE A HUGE PART OF TEH CORE GAMEPLAY". they arent, you can get by just fine without tents. you died and have nowhere to gear up? though shit, this is a survival game.Not true. I have mentioned a couple times this is my opinion. I do feel its a huge part for a lone wolfer or an in game community.Your opinion doesnt match mine. Does that make your opinion or mine any less important seeing as we enjoy the same game in two different ways? Lets not pretend that somehow I am the only one missing this function.And a lot of the above posters are correct and I thank them. If i wasn't passionate about this mod I wouldn't be wasting my time posting here. This wasn't a call to abandon ship. Edited September 5, 2012 by ThermoNuke 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
lordopeth 274 Posted September 5, 2012 (edited) Oh noes, Op has been waiting since Aug.10. Now if I do my math correctly, thats 4 years!Oh noes.. Cant play other gamesOh noes.. Cant go outside..WHat shall we do...Oh noes. Must play DayzOh noes... Edited September 5, 2012 by opeth Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
IMil 0 Posted September 5, 2012 No i guess its not broken when a newb can spawn on the coast, run to a broken duping tent, grab a L85/AS50 TWS and a ghillie and wreak havoc.. When no matter how many times you save that tent empty.. It always comes back.Find a grenade and blow it up. Will it respawn then? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Nergalwaja 20 Posted September 5, 2012 OP, I hope you're aware that Rocket has been doing a substantial amount of traveling to various conventions and interviews, getting resources and building a network of people that will open doors for him and his standalone product. He's kind of a big deal, with creating an alpha build survival experiment/ anti-game that has had over a million players at least try the alpha experiment and all, which is more than a lot of free-to-play MMO's can say. If you can't be patient enough for him to postpone an update for a few weeks then you should find another game to play. Those of us here who were raised by our parents to not be spoiled brats who know they don't get everything they want or asked for don't want people like you sharing our experiences. I can guarantee that whatever game you leave DayZ for won't give you nearly the emotional experience that DayZ has given us all.Oh and for the record, Rocket has been caught multi-tasking between giving interviews and working on the DayZ mod at the same time, as well as working on the artifacting from hotel rooms while he's been away. Most devs would say fu*k it and take that time off, which says a lot about Rocket. Just saying.Talk shit get hit. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites