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All players with vehicles are hackers?

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So I just spent my entire night trying to fix up a car in Stary. It was totally wrecked, needing every part. I scavenged the industrial area there, the NWAF, and even rode a bike all the way to Cherno and back for parts. I ended up fixing the fuel tank, repairing the engine, repairing the hull, filling it with fuel, and putting two tires on it. All it needed was two more, but I was tired, so I went to bed, and came back 8 hours later. My bike was gone, and I was shot shortly after logging in because I tossed a flare trying to find it. So I respawn on the coast, scavenge enough stuf to head back to Stary, as well as a third car wheel over an hour or two. Run ALL the way back to Stary. When I get there, someone is circling in a chopper! I wait for them to leave, and check for my corpse. Of course it's gone, they hid the body (I wish that "feature" would be removed from the game, it's so unrealistic and only serves to annoy people.) Finally check the car again. Guess what, it's reverted back to it's completely wrecked state. Also, all the stuff I put in it was gone, but that is nothing compared to the car parts that I spent forever loot piling in Cherno trying to get. 8 hours of playing just gone. This is incredibly frustrating and makes me want to stop playing this game forever.

How does ANYONE have a vehicle? Why is it that every server, someone is flying around in a chopper, yet I can't even get a UAZ running because of rollbacks? Is every player in a working vehicle a hacker or what?

This game is completely unplayable to me right now. My favorite part of the game is fixing up vehicles and riding around in them. So there is absoltuely no point. I'm so tired of playing walking simulator 2012.

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Vehicles grow in the woods like mushrooms. Search, and you shall find.

Stealing is a lot easier than fixing.

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Cause prick server owners, lock the server when it starts; hoard all the vehicles and hide them so other players cant find them.

Just hope you get lucky and find someones hidden vehicle :)

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try fixing the chopper on skaliciky island then, 14 hours on my own to get all the parts and repair it, always in fear someone would log in at any point next to is with the right parts to get airborne. it took an hour and a half with 7 of us repairing it.. unfortunately choppers dont magically appear 3k north of black lake! however most other vehicles and camps do ;)

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We have a helicopter and 4-5 vehicles, we have acquired them all legitimately but pretty much lose them every 1-2 days due to people using map hacks or hackers teleporting them.

The other day the admin banned 5 people that ran straight to vehicles from fresh spawns.

Don't assume everyone is a hacker, hacking may be rampant but far to often I see stuff being blamed on hackers when it's quite likely it isn't a hacker

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Fixed a UAZ that had almost everything broken today. It helps having friends with you that can spread out and search for parts.

...of course then the said UAZ ended up being "liberated" from our possession a few hours later.

If you really want to find vechiles, you need to focus on it. Find a loot-map online somewhere and check at the usual spawn-sites. Very small chance for each spot, but if you put down enough time on it you'll find something eventually.

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I salute you, someone who actually tried to repair a vehicle. The best bet for solo players or two-man-team players is a motorcycle. They have no need for repairs, only fuel. I always use motorcycles since most of their spawn locations are pretty remote, and their bright colors make them hard to hide in pine trees far north.

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Sorry for your troubles mate, had that happen myself. Few things to note... to my knowledge the DayZ mod config (which is set by DayZ) only allows 11 vehicles at one time on any given server. More than that & they are usually hacked in. Also, atm the DayZ database does not save tents & vehicle content... no matter what you ether from a player or admin position... tents & vehicles will always revert back on server restart, which most servers need to restart more than they do (6/8 hours). Vehicles do maintain there location on restart, hence the problem on many servers as players simply fly or drive vehicles into the ocean... server restarts & the vehicle respawns underwater.

Unfortunately until DayZ fixes the issues on the backend saving items in tents & vehicles are pointless, having more than 11 or better stated.. 11 vehicles that you can actually use on land won't change & getting vehicles back at all via a server whip is again, not allowed even when requested my the Admins for the purpose of cleaning up old tents, vehicles, ect....

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try fixing the chopper on skaliciky island then, 14 hours on my own to get all the parts and repair it, always in fear someone would log in at any point next to is with the right parts to get airborne. it took an hour and a half with 7 of us repairing it.. unfortunately choppers dont magically appear 3k north of black lake! however most other vehicles and camps do ;)

14 hours ?, 7 ppl ? you are doing it wrong mate, just get one piece of scrap metal, one engine, and some jerry cans, repair the engine, repair the main HitvRotor with the scrapmetal and just fly the helicopter north of Dolina, land it inside the courtyard and just empty the industrial spawns there untill you have every part needed, there are also 3 spots where you can refuel jerry cans, it takes me a maximum of 3 hours to get a chopper fully repaired and fueled

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No, not EVERY play with a vehicle is hacker, and you should slap yourself for thinking so.

I stole a V3S, Heli, URAL, motorbike, offroad and something else from a group the other day.

I left them a hatchback with all wheels blown out and a double barrel shotgun in their. The ultimate torture.

Also, I've fixed up a bus, motorcycle, found a bike, fixed up an offroad, fixed up a GAZ, fixed up a UAZ and fixed up an ATV in the past weeks or so. In fact, several of said vehicles.

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No, not EVERY play with a vehicle is hacker, and you should slap yourself for thinking so.

I stole a V3S, Heli, URAL, motorbike, offroad and something else from a group the other day.

I left them a hatchback with all wheels blown out and a double barrel shotgun in their. The ultimate torture.

Also, I've fixed up a bus, motorcycle, found a bike, fixed up an offroad, fixed up a GAZ, fixed up a UAZ and fixed up an ATV in the past weeks or so. In fact, several of said vehicles.

You stole six vehicles from a group by yourself? Sorry I'm calling bullshit.

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You stole six vehicles from a group by yourself? Sorry I'm calling bullshit.

No no, sorry. I found the vehicles, but I had a group member/friend to fly the chopper and airlift me back to retrieve the vehicles [repeated process].

I have footage.

Also, it wouldn't be hard to steal said vehicles by myself; all I would need is time. In fact, it's really easy.

Edited by Inception.

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As a lone wolf I have fixed a few vehicles, but find many more to steal.

The best vehicle for me right now is the motorcycle, and most of them "self repair".

I often find motorcycles in one particular spawn location, which is a mislabelled location for a different vehicle on the Wiki....

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I cant imagine the frustration of trying to fix a vehicle alone. We always do it in teams of 4 at least, and it can still be frustrating finding that last peice.

The additional fact that vehicles dont seem to save properly, and that hackers can clearly find any vehicle on the map means it only a short term gain even if you do fix one up.

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99 out 100 times......Yes

And all the videos you see on Youtube with groups of people playing together with everything and the kitchen sink in their backpack are hackers also.

the videos with legit players are actually a minority and have been for a couple months at least.

Hell, even Sidestrafe is now running around with weapons he got given to him by a hacker in his latest videos.

So much for his "Digital entertainment with standards" policy......

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Sorry for your troubles mate, had that happen myself. Few things to note... to my knowledge the DayZ mod config (which is set by DayZ) only allows 11 vehicles at one time on any given server. More than that & they are usually hacked in. Also, atm the DayZ database does not save tents & vehicle content... no matter what you ether from a player or admin position... tents & vehicles will always revert back on server restart, which most servers need to restart more than they do (6/8 hours). Vehicles do maintain there location on restart, hence the problem on many servers as players simply fly or drive vehicles into the ocean... server restarts & the vehicle respawns underwater.

Unfortunately until DayZ fixes the issues on the backend saving items in tents & vehicles are pointless, having more than 11 or better stated.. 11 vehicles that you can actually use on land won't change & getting vehicles back at all via a server whip is again, not allowed even when requested my the Admins for the purpose of cleaning up old tents, vehicles, ect....

There is no way that 11 vehicles is the limit for a server. My two friends and I at one point had 7 different vehicles at one time before began eating cars.

Edited by Crayolacrayon

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How does ANYONE have a vehicle?

I have a bus, an ATV and a UAZ. The issue at the moment in is that many vehicles do not save properly and can actuall dissapear into thin air for no apparent reason, even if the server does not restart. I have had this happen with the V3S recently, sometimes vehicles can despawn from their spawn location only a few minutes after partially repairing them.

This is, of course, incredibly frustrating.

It seems that some vehicles are more prone to vanishing or not saving after log out and server restart than others. The ATV will usually reliably save, I have so far found the UAZ saves for me as well, the helicopter and V3S will nearly always disappear and not save location.

My suggestion is, find an ATV (one spawns next to a rock at black lake), these only require a fuel tank, engine and two wheels to full repair, you will also need at least one jerry can. That will take up 27 slots, if you have an Alice pack or Coyote Backpack you can carry all of this at once without making any trips back and forth. Once you find it though, be very careful not to flip it (I have a guide on my YT channel linked below on how to unflip these if you don't know how). The ATV is also very easy to hide because of its colour and size, and goes pretty fast off road and on.

Hopefully the next update will fix the issue with vehicles (and tents) not saving properly.

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I'll tell you why people can fix up choppers easy. It's because groups like I'm with stash a tent full of chopper parts on skalitzy island and since tents saving are behaving very oddly, they seem to remain the same loot on server reset regardless of what we take out

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really hard

dont suck at dayz and vehicles are common as hell

Reading that post you were incredibly lucky. Mountain dew and ghillie within what an hour? Trying to find a new server is also difficult considering there is a dropping off of players

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There's so much fail in this thread. 99% of people with vehicles are NOT hackers, and the theory that only a handful are on the server is ridiculous. Theres usually 2 Motorcycles, 2 4x4 pickups, One UAZ (car), UAZ (Russian 4x4), GAZ, hatchback, URAL, V3s, 5-6 bikes(maybe more), 1 PBX (5-6 crap boats too) and aprroximately 6-8 ATVs. Plus a chopper. I'm forgetting some I'm sure, but thats the majority of them. The other day a hacker teleported all vehicles (and people that were inside vehicles) to one spot... needless to say, Chaos ensued.

Vehicle owners/hoarders are NOT USUALLY hackers. If you still believe they are you need to reevaluate your DayZ skills, as you probably suck. Why? Hackers don't need vehicles, and most of them either are there to create stupid scenarios for their amusement (Thunderdome, weapon crates, Ghost hauntings/Green mountain hauntings) be it *good* or bad. They can easily teleport around and are usually invincible.

I'm sure I'll take some heat for this, but people need to stop crying about their suckiness, or find a new server.

P.S 2-3 tractors, and 2-3 buses as well on top of all the other vehicles spawn. Just remembered.

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Reading that post you were incredibly lucky. Mountain dew and ghillie within what an hour? Trying to find a new server is also difficult considering there is a dropping off of players

yes luck

i went to the places that nobody goes to

i know how to find shit

i know how to play to last longer than 1 hour

until people figure out the basics other than starting in cherno/elektro and hoping to survive the dash for gear they wont get far at all

edit: you might want to read the whole thread

it contains the lives of 3 characters, not just one

Edited by Buffjesus

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To the people saying I just suck: You're missing the point. This isn't the first time I've spent HOURS fixing up a vehicle only to have it reset to completely damaged state the next time I came back. I have wasted DAYS of my life on these little "fix up a car solo" missions.

In fact, I can honestly say that I have NEVER had a car NOT reset on me. I have NEVER had the satisfaction of COMPLETELY fixing a car and driving away in it. Not once. I've been playing for months, and I might as well say that fixing vehicles is basically the entire point of the game to me, for how often I attempt it.

I don't understand. What am I doing wrong? How come other people can get vehicles and not me?

I know a lot of people are doing it legitimately. I've played with them before. I want to know how I can, too.

Edited by CrimsonRisk

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With regular server resets it isvery difficult (as you have noticed) to find a vehicle, source all the parts and get it running in the time avalible.

If your really keen on getting a vechile up, i suggest the following actions :

1) get a team of like minded people to assit you.

2) Try to hit up servers that have recently restarted to give you the maximum amount of time

3) get to know the likely vehicle locations and check them out

4) if your not afraid of a little exploit cheating you can get yourself into a location close to a regular vehicle spawn point and then server jump until you find a server where the vehicle has appeared.

5) Collect everything you need to fix the vehicle and hold it on your character (and your teammates characters). DO NOT half fix vehicles. As you will no doubt be aware, if you get a sudden restart you will lose all the work you have done. At least by holding onto the parts if you lose the vehicle, you still have your collection of parts. Our group managed to fix a heli in around 30 minutes once as we were all holding most of the parts required in our inventories already.

Good luck.

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