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All players with vehicles are hackers?

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Lol all vehicle owners are hackers. . . . Im a solo player and most of my game time is to find a vehicles fix them and hide them in my camp sites. I remember at one point I had 5 bicycles, 1 bus, 1 pbx, 2 offroad pickup, 3 atv, and a Ural spread out in 3 camps in case one gets raided. Ive found choppers too but I usually just blow them up since I dont know how to pilot them. I play on a mid pop server where on day time there's 20-30 people online.

I do agree finding parts can be time consuming but you dont have to fully repair a vehicle to drive it. All you need is to do is put the missing tires and a jerry can to fuel it then you drive it to your secured camp. From there, you can take your time finding the other parts. The new version is a bit broken atm since vehicles tend to respawn where it was last found broken so if your really fixated on finding a vehicle and keeping it long term i would suggest playing on or older servers.

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atm the DayZ database does not save tents & vehicle content... no matter what you ether from a player or admin position...

Unfortunately until DayZ fixes the issues on the backend saving items in tents & vehicles are pointless

You are playing the wrong patch. Vehicles are working and saving just fine on Why everyone is still using (and bitching about) Hotfix when it broke vehicles and did not even fix the glitches it was released to address is beyond me. is the only way to go until we can see how much 1.7.3 breaks.

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I don't know if this is well known, but you can still operate a broken vehicle. FIRST thing I do when I find a spawned vehicle is hide it. THEN fix it up.

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There's two type of players I hate.

People who steal the vehicles I've painstakingly repaired and hidden in a bush out of the way.


People who hide vehicles out of the way and leave them there.

Heck, even worse are the people who hold not one, but MANY vehicles.

Even the frikkin' bikes are hidden in bushes.

Now, if there was a few bikes per townlet, it would be okay. But you can forget about ever finding one.

Only once did I find a vehicle in a "legitimate" way.

it was the car that had been stolen from me a day prior (all of my stuff was still in it).

It was hidden, badly, in a bush near the road west of where I had been killed.

Surely enough, I found the camp a north-east from the UAZ.

There was a quad, a bus and a bike.

Damaged the quad's engine, stole the bike (and dropped it a bit further south in a bush) and placed my three bear-traps around the bus, one directly near the entry-door.

Illegitimately, I've asked around for the cords of old bicycles a few times.

I prefer ridding a bike.

Really, I'd up the bike spawn rate by a few factor and have them respawn every few server restarts so new players actually have a chance of finding one.

Edited by Axelord FTW

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I've managed to find and repair a car fully. I then drove about 6 kilometers after which the server was rebooted and I ended up beside the road where I had drived to, without the car (which had disappeared). Rather frustrating to say the least.

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There's two type of players I hate.

People who steal the vehicles I've painstakingly repaired and hidden in a bush out of the way.


People who hide vehicles out of the way and leave them there.

Heck, even worse are the people who hold not one, but MANY vehicles.

Even the frikkin' bikes are hidden in bushes.

Now, if there was a few bikes per townlet, it would be okay. But you can forget about ever finding one.

Only once did I find a vehicle in a "legitimate" way.

it was the car that had been stolen from me a day prior (all of my stuff was still in it).

It was hidden, badly, in a bush near the road west of where I had been killed.

Surely enough, I found the camp a north-east from the UAZ.

There was a quad, a bus and a bike.

Damaged the quad's engine, stole the bike (and dropped it a bit further south in a bush) and placed my three bear-traps around the bus, one directly near the entry-door.

Illegitimately, I've asked around for the cords of old bicycles a few times.

I prefer ridding a bike.

Really, I'd up the bike spawn rate by a few factor and have them respawn every few server restarts so new players actually have a chance of finding one.

If you're playing on .5, then just wait around a bicycle/dirtbike spawn around reset time. Problem solved.

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Lmfao at all vehicles are hacked in, In the last 4 day's alone I have fully repaired and refueled 5 Helicopter's and flew them each for over five hour's. Granted I have a group of 4 people helping me but even with server restart's it takes us maybe 45 minutes to get a helicopter fully repaired and in the air. The key to it is, Once you have the vehicle up and running use it to stock up on parts for the next one. After about the second vehicle you will start having more part's than you know what to do with. There's a rhythm to repairing vehicles and unfortunately you just haven't found that rhythm yet. Many people have listed numerous step's to getting vehicles up and running. I have gotten god only know's how many vehicles up and running all by myself but no matter how prepared you are, You will never match the speed soloing it as you would with a group.

Just my 2¢.

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99 out 100 times......Yes

And all the videos you see on Youtube with groups of people playing together with everything and the kitchen sink in their backpack are hackers also.

the videos with legit players are actually a minority and have been for a couple months at least.

Hell, even Sidestrafe is now running around with weapons he got given to him by a hacker in his latest videos.

So much for his "Digital entertainment with standards" policy......

Way to show how stupid you are. My group is very well kitted out and we play on a private hive, we have very strict rules in regards to logging out in combat and duping. The other day we accidently duped an AS50 mag that we desperately needed but because we duped it, we got rid of it. We all have NVGs, GPS and high powered rifles and machine guns.

We also have a Ural, helicopter, UAZ and a small camp. The server spawns have not been tampered with in any way at all, there is no password so you can't just farm the barracks and spawn stuff in either.

I'm sick of this "Oh he is well geared, must be a hacker!!!11!!!" bullshit.

My character is 13 days old, our squad has killed at least 25 people in the last 2 weeks, we've acquired gear from players we've killed or from loot spawns.

People need to sort their shit out.

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