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About Kar98

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  1. Kar98

    Need NVG heres a Trick!

    This only works if there is already some light around. If it is pitch black (you cannot see your character) then this won't work, it will turn all the black to a grey and you still can't see shit
  2. The server reset over a forest and we didn't see the chopper, so I guess we'll go back to where we landed. Thanks
  3. I'm wondering what happens to the heli on a server restart when it is being flown in the air? Both passengers spawned back on the ground but the heli is nowhere to be seen :(
  4. I think the legacy thing is very cool :D. I joined a private hive and I've already killed 3 of the server owners and I"m on top of the zombie leaderboard which is always a fun thing to shittalk about
  5. Agreed. Very fishy. I'd say this guy killed him and he wants to claim he's a hacker
  6. Kar98

    Favorite youtuber for Dayz?

    Sacriel for me too although I'm not very active in checking out others. I might seeing this thread though
  7. He probably left it at the bottom of a lake :/
  8. If you want worse spawns I would think Krutoy cap is one of the worse. Either run 20mins to elektro and risk getting shot or spend 20mins running up to solnichy finding only residential and barn weapons, then another hour to run to berezino (which is a good loot spot)
  9. If you all had helis then you are obliged under Dayz law to fly in formation while playing ride of the valkyries
  10. Kar98


    It's your anonymous word against you being banned. So I'll just go with it's your own fault ;)
  11. Kar98

    Restart while driving

    You'd have to hack the server and gain shell access. Highly unlikely
  12. Kar98

    DayZ Standalone Images? (Fake)

    Considering the OP doesn't provide a source: no
  13. Kar98

    High pop = Unplayable

    Even low pop servers have them. I remember being on a 10 person server and I had some guy drive towards me in a ATV, I put 20shots into him, he disappears shoots my 2 mates then me 5mins alter :/
  14. Kar98

    Restart while driving

    No hackers cannot restart the server
  15. I think what makes thish video so much better than nearly every other Dayz video is you cut out all the shit and skipped to where stuff actually happens. So many guys who make Dayz videos have like 10mins of crap just to show some bullets going past them "I don't get why nothing seems to be done to prevent hackers. From my knowledge about how technology works it should be very simple to add some functionality that checks different things and ban people who do stuff they're not supposed to do." You may know how 'technology' works but do you know how the internal code works ;)