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SurvivalServers (DayZ)

Game Server Hosting by SurvivalServers.com *** INSTANT SETUP | CUSTOM CP | FTP | CUSTOM MODS | ANTI-HACK **

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Could you please fix my Rcon password? I asked a week or so ago, and still no answer.

There's no way you asked a week ago. That said, reply to the ticket so I can see who exactly who you are.

As I've stated previously, please do not discuss account-specific issues on the forums, we have no way of identifying you.

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The vehicle and player map is indeed accurate! Also I believe SS has said they're working on their own version down the line which should be even better.

Note though, the map tool is currently only available for private hives (not public or community hives).

!!! Beautiful, cancelling with Vilayer at the end of this term.

Public hives are for sissies.

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Bliss v3.5 Update!

We're performing an update to Bliss to v3.5 tonight after midnight GMT-7.

Please be aware this is a *required* update and we'll be removing access to Bliss v3.4 and updating all databases to the new v3.5 schema.

NOTICE: All of your whitelists will be removed (private hive customers) - you will have to save this information and use a 3rd-party tool.

Are we still going to have side chat with Bliss v3.5 ?

When we use Rmod do our clients have to download and use Rmod too ?

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YES!!!!!!!!!!!! I LOVE YOU GUYS!

IM GETTING AN AIRCRAFT CARRIER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Edited by Khyron_UN

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STill waiting on that bliss hive update. Not sure if I didn't understand the time frame you guys had on putting it out or if your still making your rounds with all the servers. Hey, can't rush perfection! Also why are you taking the white list feature away? This has been extremely valuable since you can just set it and walk away. With the 3rd party lister you have to keep your personal computer running (admin) to ensure the white lister does not stop running. This is a pain and taxing on any computer I'm sure.

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STill waiting on that bliss hive update. Not sure if I didn't understand the time frame you guys had on putting it out or if your still making your rounds with all the servers. Hey, can't rush perfection! Also why are you taking the white list feature away? This has been extremely valuable since you can just set it and walk away. With the 3rd party lister you have to keep your personal computer running (admin) to ensure the white lister does not stop running. This is a pain and taxing on any computer I'm sure.

The bliss developer removed the whitelist feature, they don't really have a choice in the matter - nobody seems particularly happy about it.

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going on everyone's response here, i will likely be ordering a 40 person server from you guys since the MC server i was playing on decided to give everyone the shaft but streamers.. and still expect us donors to pay for their server.

prices are decent also. played on a few SS servers.. and while initially they werent good, they have improved dramatically over time and each SS server i log onto has loaded pretty damn quick.

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going on everyone's response here, i will likely be ordering a 40 person server from you guys since the MC server i was playing on decided to give everyone the shaft but streamers.. and still expect us donors to pay for their server.

prices are decent also. played on a few SS servers.. and while initially they werent good, they have improved dramatically over time and each SS server i log onto has loaded pretty damn quick.

For the price, its amazing compared to what I have seen else where not naming any names *cough vilacrap* Since ours launched alil over 2 weeks ago we haven't had any downtime. Little growing pains here and there with the new tools they are releasing but they are new so that is to be expected. The map tool and the players list is invaluable tool if someone does happen to slip past your anti-hax. I would suggest requesting access to gotcha-antihax no matter where you end up hosting. Its kicked over 20 people from our server for different hacks since I installed it yesterday. http://www.gotcha-antihack.com/

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Bliss 3.5 update as well as rMod will be released today!

If your still waiting for a pending order, I promise we are filling them as fast as we can! All orders from 10/9 will be done shortly. New orders will take 12-24 hours to process.

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Anyone else having trouble setting the starting loadout? I followed SS instructions to the letter however when someone spawns fresh after creating a new character it just keeps them at loading. I want to use SS's conservative loadout with no pack. That way we can put the vest pouch to good use as we update the loot tables. But again if I put a custom loadout it seems to lock up at the loading screen for fresh spawn players.

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Try this, edit what you want, tools and weapons go in the left bracket, items and ammo go on the right side. Make sure your server is offline then click save.


Edited by SurvivalServers

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Try this, edit what you want, tools and weapons go in the left bracket, items and ammo go on the right side.


I actually figured out what was going on. I had success using this string :[["ItemWatch"],["ItemPainkiller","ItemBandage","ItemBandage"]]: However it only added those items to the original base loadout. The patrol pack and flashlight where still there. Is there anyway to remove both the pack and flashlight?

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Bliss 3.5 update as well as rMod will be released today!

If your still waiting for a pending order, I promise we are filling them as fast as we can! All orders from 10/9 will be done shortly. New orders will take 12-24 hours to process.

NO, NO, NO. Please no.

If you update Bliss to 3.5 and remove whitelist you are literally DESTROYING my server. One week of entire work adding more than 200 players to the whitelist manually and now you are removing it?

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NO, NO, NO. Please no.

If you update Bliss to 3.5 and remove whitelist you are literally DESTROYING my server. One week of entire work adding more than 200 players to the whitelist manually and now you are removing it?

It's be stated already, SS isn't doing it. The devs of bliss removed it. Check out gotcha anti hacks it has seemed to have solved my hacker problem so far.

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I actually figured out what was going on. I had success using this string :[["ItemWatch"],["ItemPainkiller","ItemBandage","ItemBandage"]]: However it only added those items to the original base loadout. The patrol pack and flashlight where still there. Is there anyway to remove both the pack and flashlight?

Max: there's currently no way to remove the default loadout for new spawns. This is a bug/oversight in DayZ itself and the only "fixes" are server-side and messy. Bliss devs are aware of it but there's not much they can do.

So for now at least, we'll have to live with the default items being there no matter what.

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Do you guys check ur support tickets? i have pmed 3 servers already and ur the only 1 that didnt awnser yet.. and i have multiple questions

Edited by monkza

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Max: there's currently no way to remove the default loadout for new spawns. This is a bug/oversight in DayZ itself and the only "fixes" are server-side and messy. Bliss devs are aware of it but there's not much they can do.

So for now at least, we'll have to live with the default items being there no matter what.

Thanks for the info!! Now I can stop messing around with that and get back to tweaking the loot tables. We are aiming for a more gritty version of Dayz for our server and starting without a pack would have been a nice touch. I completly understand though, won't cry over it. Thanks again for your help Koldan.

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It's be stated already, SS isn't doing it. The devs of bliss removed it. Check out gotcha anti hacks it has seemed to have solved my hacker problem so far.

But SS are the ones updating to 3.5.

What happens if I remain in 3.4?

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