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Hackers, and the state of the standalone game?

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Just like this thread.

So you're admitting not being better than what you're criticising. I think the next step is to realise then you are in no position to criticise and that you should just stop posting.

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I agree, the game is becoming unplayable. Every night for the last week or so, I get on a server, find some good spots, start engaging in some PVP and BAM. Everyone is brought to some place and killed. Not just one night, but every single night now. All on different servers.

I have faith that this will all be solved, if not in the mod, then for sure in the stand alone game with it's own engine. I look forward to it, but hope that something can be solved in the meantime so that we can enjoy Dayz mod, without all the bs.

Great game btw and grats to the developers.

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Thread Stickied

I'm tired of seeing these threads, and I do agree it's completely out of hand. However DayZ Staff have no control over it.

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I never seen 1 person that i could confirm was a hacker. Ever@

I've only seen one myself, in about three weeks of playing. I was turned in to a sheep and Thunderdomed once.

Edit: Sorry, a cow. I was turned in to a cow. It was actually funny for about five seconds.

Edited by Ulfhedjinn

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So you're admitting not being better than what you're criticising. I think the next step is to realise then you are in no position to criticise and that you should just stop posting.

Okay, let me break this down for you. #1a Your OP raises a well-documented, well-known, and well-whined-about-in-the-forums-ad-nauseum problem with the DayZ mod. #1b Despite the fact that there's about a thousand threads about hacking in the General Discussion section of this forum, you either A. didn't use the search function to figure this out or B. didn't care and posted anyway. #2 Your OP didn't provide anything constructive like a suggestion or pose any questions to the community to discuss. You did what's called "raising issues," which solves nothing, and clutters up the forums unnecessarily. #3 Your OP suggests that you've been a victim of or witness to hacking, in which case you should be posting in the Cheat Reporting section of the forum, with specific information regarding the incident(s). And finally #4 you're speculating on a stand-alone that's just been announced, with no specific details or information yet released to the public about anti-cheat protection or admin tools. I'm pretty sure it's too early to start worrying about hackers on a stand-alone that was just announced.

Thanks for playing.

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I never seen 1 person that i could confirm was a hacker. Ever@

Well just you wait. The best kind are the ones who teleport to you, suck so badly they dont see you. Allow you to shoot them not once but twice in the chest with an AS50, then they spray you with whatever gun they have. That is the most fun ever.

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Okay, let me break this down for you. #1a Your OP raises a well-documented, well-known, and well-whined-about-in-the-forums-ad-nauseum problem with the DayZ mod. #1b Despite the fact that there's about a thousand threads about hacking in the General Discussion section of this forum, you either A. didn't use the search function to figure this out or B. didn't care and posted anyway. #2 Your OP didn't provide anything constructive like a suggestion or pose any questions to the community to discuss. You did what's called "raising issues," which solves nothing, and clutters up the forums unnecessarily. #3 Your OP suggests that you've been a victim of or witness to hacking, in which case you should be posting in the Cheat Reporting section of the forum, with specific information regarding the incident(s). And finally #4 you're speculating on a stand-alone that's just been announced, with no specific details or information yet released to the public about anti-cheat protection or admin tools. I'm pretty sure it's too early to start worrying about hackers on a stand-alone that was just announced.

Thanks for playing.

Let me break this down for you. Step 1...grab a pencil. Step 2...write down the name of this thread. Step 3...go back to the general discussion page. Step 4...compare your recently taken notes with the thread you are about to click on, success!

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Hi. Am I the only one wondering about that stand alone project, when you can't play the alpha because of hackers ? I mean, it's everyday now. And I'm not talking about that cute and funny hacker that'll spawn some gear for his friends and himself and play the game, or the one that'll find vehicles with a radar.

No, I'm talking about server wide grenade launcher nuking, killing everyone almost instantly (plus their vehicle), server wide teleporting in the air without parachute, and so on.

Considering how long it takes to gather pieces to patch a chopper, how long it is to grab NV/L85 and so on, and how quick and often you'll get it wiped by a hacker, my question is: how the hell do you think you'll get a stand alone ?

I really don't think that game will continue its growth without a serious anti-hack system.

My understanding is that because its not standalone it allows arma2 scripting - this is what the 'hackers' use. Once its standalone they can remove scripting support or add additional controls to stop its abuse in dayz. The current client server model is designed to be open, rather than aimed at a mmo type client server model where the server has ultimate control and will not allow clients to manipulate the game world.

Standalone is great news!

Edited by Gadget

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I never seen 1 person that i could confirm was a hacker. Ever@

Me neither, however you know what they say:

"If you can't spot the hacker, you're the hacker!" :)

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In other news I was reading on a forum where someone said some client side scripting had been disabled. This was then declared unintentional and it made me say "wtf?" Someone who knows what I'm talking about should explain it to me, I'm the laziest person ever.

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So many blind fanboys in this thread, hacking is wildly out of control THAT's why you are seeing so many threads about it. That's why the mod agreed in the reply above, that's why there are loads of youtube videos with hackers in them. Also to the people saying the standalone version will fix it, ARMA 2 is standalone and it's just as easy to hack so lets hope they learn some lessons.

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You want to know how common the hacking is? This is a post from a script-kiddie on a hacking website - they're discussing why they hack:

actually guys, more and more knows of this website. It was fun in the beginning but now when everyone is cheating its a giant minge war.

You think you have an advantage over all, but every 2nd person u meet is probably also a hacker.

DayZ has turned into HacZ

Yes, that's right, even hackers are getting fed up with how many hackers there are! When one script-kiddie sends everyone to the thunderdome, he does it to all the other cheaters on the server too.

Edited by Zarathustra

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I am so fucking sick of these god damn threads.

Am I literally the only person who has seen a hacker once, and I didn't even die from him?

Seriously, in all my time I've sunk into DayZ, a hacker has never graced me.

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I am so fucking sick of these god damn threads.

Am I literally the only person who has seen a hacker once, and I didn't even die from him?

Seriously, in all my time I've sunk into DayZ, a hacker has never graced me.

How do you know he was hacking? And how much time are we talking?

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I see hackers every day these days. Yesterday one teleported on top of me but coudlnt' find me in the trees (ghille suit, right in the middle of 3 big trees), heard him, spun around and shot him. Scripter? Yes, M240 Scoped, he also had a CAR HORN in his inventory. Next day, different server I'm running along when I see the kill feed light up with one name. Then another. Then about 15 in a row. I aborted straight away (I was in the middle of a forest). Server admin took that server down for a little after that. It is prolific, it's easy to do and you only have to look at the number of members on scripting and cheating forums to know how widespread it is. Some cheaters will just spawn in gear for themselves and use them to find vehicles - nothing you can see directly. A smaller portion prefer to grief by killing servers, teleporting, carpet bombing, etc. I think for every player griefing, there's probably another 3 or 4 just hacking in weapons for themselves (probably because they're sick of perma death because a hacker killed the server and want to get their gear back on restart).

Just get used to it unfortunately. Battleye seems to be getting a little better, but it remains to be seen if it's anywhere near effective.

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Things i've learnt running a DayZ Mod fan page * http://www.facebook....rma2dayz?ref=hl *(with around 2,500 likes) on Facebook;

When we first started it, which was when the game was a few weeks old, there were so many great stories, people revelling about how great the game is, their 'DayZ moments', just generally very positive words towards the game and the times they had in them. But just recently, within maybe the last 2 or 3 weeks, the comments have been getting gradually worse. Almost every post now has a negative vibe, mostly how bad hackers are and how they have no faith left in DayZ. I posted a video celebrating the One Million concurrent players mark, and there were just comments like - 'yep 1m players, 500,000 of them hackers' etc. This is all the time, there are rarely any good stories or talk of good times coming out any more. Is it really that bad? I know no game will ever be without hackers, and i've only had a few run ins with them myself, so it didn't seem to be a huge problem to me personally. But I miss the talk of good times, the DayZ moments there doesn't seem to be any more of. This is not my opinion, but from doing this fan page, it seems DayZ is getting a very negative image of late. I think something really needs to be done, anything, just to put a little bit of faith back into the community who are losing hope.

Edited by RandomAxe
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Thread Stickied

I'm tired of seeing these threads, and I do agree it's completely out of hand. However DayZ Staff have no control over it.

Create a subforum for complaints and start giving warning points to people complaining in the general section.

Nobody likes hackers, but there are people who want to actually discuss the game and are tired of being flooded with complaint threads.

Edited by Swineflew
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create a subforum for complaints and start giving warning posts to people complaining in the general section.

Nobody likes hackers, but there are people who want to actually discuss the game and are tired of being flooded with complaint threads.

Since this thread has been stickied in this forum subsection, at least 5 different NEW hacker-related threads have been created in this same section, despite this thread being stickied.

Ergo, some people are completely out to lunch.

Edited by NightRipper
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I'm pretty sure it's too early to start worrying about hackers on a stand-alone that was just announced.

Thanks for playing.

So by stating this, you're acknoledging that the issue I raised deserved an answer, this isn't some kind of "OBVIOUSLY OBVIOUSLY" subjet.

My OP isn't useless, then. "Thanks for playing". You tried to be a clever douche, you managed to be a dumb douche. Next time you come across a thread title that doesn't appeal you,try to act like an actual adult: don't read it.

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Since this thread has been stickied in this forum subsection, at least 5 different NEW hacker-related threads have been created in this same section, despite this thread being stickied.

Ergo, some people are completely out to lunch.

I have no problem with multiple threads for game breaking issues. The state of a game's forums should be an accurate representation of the state of the game. Consider the multiple threads related to hacking to be a type of civil disobedience if you will. People are mad at the amount of rampant hacking and BI/Battle Eye's inability to control it and they have every right to be.

The fact that this likely cannot be fixed until the standalone is irrelevant and most of the players will never understand this fact.

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I have no problem with multiple threads for game breaking issues. The state of a game's forums should be an accurate representation of the state of the game. Consider the multiple threads related to hacking to be a type of civil disobedience if you will. People are mad at the amount of rampant hacking and BI/Battle Eye's inability to control it and they have every right to be.

The fact that this likely cannot be fixed until the standalone is irrelevant and most of the players will never understand this fact.

The forums will ALWAYS be a vocal minority of players.

Hacking has been a verified issue and has already been stated that it can't be fixed as a mod. The problem is that people don't read stickies and our mods are overly lenient.

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So by stating this, you're acknoledging that the issue I raised deserved an answer, this isn't some kind of "OBVIOUSLY OBVIOUSLY" subjet.

First of all, learn to spell above a third grade level. Secondly, my statement was actually making the exact opposite point. Your thread IS concerning an exhaustively-reported, thoroughly discussed subject. I also suggested that maybe if you were to do some reading in the forums before posting, you'd have figured that out.

My OP isn't useless, then. "Thanks for playing". You tried to be a clever douche, you managed to be a dumb douche. Next time you come across a thread title that doesn't appeal you,try to act like an actual adult: don't read it.

I'm not a clever douche. I read your OP. The point of your post was to speculate on a stand-alone game that was just announced. You pointed to the fact that there are many hackers in the current DayZ mod. You may not be aware, but the DayZ mod is subject to a vast number of limitations in the ARMA II game engine. If you took a second to educate yourself, you'd learn that ARMA II is plagued by much of the same hacking that you see in DayZ.

A stand-alone, however, gives rocket and his team more flexibility to implement their own safeguards and anti-cheat protection that they are unable to implement in the mod. Common sense would dictate that they would take steps to do this. The point is, just because there is widespread hacking in this mod, doesn't mean there will necessarily be widespread hacking in the stand-alone.

Also, maybe the fact that the "dumb douche" has better spelling and is more articulate than you should tell you something.

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First of all, learn to spell above a third grade level. Secondly, my statement was actually making the exact opposite point. Your thread IS concerning an exhaustively-reported, thoroughly discussed subject. I also suggested that maybe if you were to do some reading in the forums before posting, you'd have figured that out.

I'm not a clever douche. I read your OP. The point of your post was to speculate on a stand-alone game that was just announced. You pointed to the fact that there are many hackers in the current DayZ mod. You may not be aware, but the DayZ mod is subject to a vast number of limitations in the ARMA II game engine. If you took a second to educate yourself, you'd learn that ARMA II is plagued by much of the same hacking that you see in DayZ.

A stand-alone, however, gives rocket and his team more flexibility to implement their own safeguards and anti-cheat protection that they are unable to implement in the mod. Common sense would dictate that they would take steps to do this. The point is, just because there is widespread hacking in this mod, doesn't mean there will necessarily be widespread hacking in the stand-alone.

Also, maybe the fact that the "dumb douche" has better spelling and is more articulate than you should tell you something.

Dang ol yep.

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It's funny you post this on the day BattlEye seems to be banning thousands of people.

Since Battleye does not give summaries for the ban issue, how do we know that people have not been wrongfully global banned?

From what I've found reading the hacker forums, a hacker can take you GUID and use it. If they use it and inject a cheat without bypassing battleye, that account GUID is instantly banned. So then two people are then kicked/banned globally, but all the hacker has to do is reastart their game and they are back to using their original GUID, While the client who had their GUID used illegally losses their copy of Arma2.

So, without summaries comming from BE as to the issue of the ban, I'm looking into a class action to have those summaries, based on logs, made public. Because in the past other anti-cheat faulse positives and hickups have had people lose their games, but the companies involved in the protocol do extensive resaerch to understand their issues and report them back to the comunity. I'm going to assume that an anti-cheat company that does not share summaries of bans has broken protocols to hide. So for that, I'm looking into a class action to have these accounts of hacks made public so that we may understand if BE is just having identity issues based on client-to-client script injection(which are noticed in the logs), or if it is truly a broken service.

Why I'm doing this. I now know 5 people who have been GUID banned and they don't have enough knowledge to be able to do such things. And each of them received their global ban while defending a camp or attacking other groups.

If the standalone is C++ with important files run client side, I'm staying away from DayZ. I've not seen any writing on what engine they are moving to, which makes me concerned for my money!

More to come... Now, all the children and tweenies can talk all the shit they want!

Edited by pdxmark

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