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About stryc9

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. And misspelled 'a lot' :P
  2. stryc9

    Would you quit if servers went expert?

    I would love it. 3rd person is for noobs who want to pan the camera around corners - play some CS and learn how to peek. There are those that get ill, and that sucks, dunno what can be done for them. I do know that the field of view by default is kind of crappy and that you can change this in the config files which makes it more bearable for some.
  3. This is what happens when you let developers be designers. I love how the bug was listed as: "[FIXED] You can no longer change clothes/eat/drink/etc. while in a vehicle". Really? That is what you fixed? Was the bug reported as "[bUG] You can drink and stuff in a car" or was it more like "[bUG] Duping in a vehicle is possible" They haven't fixed anything but instead instituted a workaround out of incapability or laziness.
  4. stryc9

    Do many people still play this?

    I guess I'll point this out. If you think that the number of players on private hives brings the numbers any where close to where they were, or should be, you are on crack.
  5. I have no problem with multiple threads for game breaking issues. The state of a game's forums should be an accurate representation of the state of the game. Consider the multiple threads related to hacking to be a type of civil disobedience if you will. People are mad at the amount of rampant hacking and BI/Battle Eye's inability to control it and they have every right to be. The fact that this likely cannot be fixed until the standalone is irrelevant and most of the players will never understand this fact.