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DayZ Development Blog #1: The end of the beginning

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"according to him"

Yeah like other people have said, I'll wait till some gameplay footage of dayz in arma 3 before I get to happy.

What possible reason would he have to just fabricate that? Just to troll us?

What benefit would he gain by claiming that DayZ runs in ARMA 3 if it doesn't actually run in ARMA 3 or he has no plans to port it to ARMA 3?

I mean seriously. What kind of weird conspiracy theory has rocket somehow trying to drum up excitement for a product he has no intention of creating. And if he does intend to create it, somehow convincing himself that telling people it's working before it is somehow works to his benefit?

You're weird.

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good news imo. Although current arma engine is buggy to say the least, and the controls seem to have been designed by a spainish squirel, at least the right person is at the helm and it has the backing of a company can and has brought games to market sucessfully.

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Oh yeah!!

Exactly what I shouted in my room!

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If rocket is wanting to add underground base's that can be extended that are instanced and all them other things, can the Arma 3 engine realistically support that? that's the question really, the things he wants to add are quite out there. So you can have 5 people raid your underground base while you are in there, it would be fucking amazing but can the Engine support that, or would a different engine be the better option?

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If they're going to use the ArmA 3 engine how in the hell can we expect to get a standalone version any time soon? I find it hard to believe a standalone game using the engine is going to come out before ArmA 3 itself does. Since he's heading the team with BI behind him, he'll probably be using a heavily modified ArmA 2 engine capable of things the current engine just isn't.

ARMA 3 is releasing in 2014.

Meaning it is likely going Beta internally quite soon.

They can branch the code, continue to inherit bug fixes and optimizations form the ARMA 3 team during beta while starting development on DayZ stand-alone.

This would neither be unprecedented in the industry nor particularly technically challenging. Code branching in version control systems were developed precisely to facilitate this kind of collaborative and paralell software development process.

And it would be far less costly than tying a new game to a 4 year old engine.

rocket has already talked at length about the fact that the ARMA 2 engine will not support his plans for DayZ.

It's ARMA 3 for DayZ guys.

I would bet my firstborn on it.

Edited by ZedsDeadBaby

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The fact that he's signed on with BI is a pretty good indication that he'll be using the Arma 3 engine. I can't understand why he wouldn't. It makes perfect business sense from both points of view.

It IS possible that DayZ gets released before Arma 3. If it's standalone, it doesn't need to keep up with arma's dev schedule. Also, it will be released in the "minecraft model", much like this mod. It'll come out in Alpha, and then Beta form. If you buy into it during Alpha you'll pay a smaller % of what you'd pay if you bought it retail. This means that DayZ could release and function as a MASSIVE beta test for Arma 3.

If BI is smart, they'll realize that their meal ticket ISN'T Arma 3, it's DayZ. If DayZ shows off that engine well, people will also buy Arma 3.

Looking forward to some updates!

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The fact that he's signed on with BI is a pretty good indication that he'll be using the Arma 3 engine. I can't understand why he wouldn't. It makes perfect business sense from both points of view.

It IS possible that DayZ gets released before Arma 3. If it's standalone, it doesn't need to keep up with arma's dev schedule. Also, it will be released in the "minecraft model", much like this mod. It'll come out in Alpha, and then Beta form. If you buy into it during Alpha you'll pay a smaller % of what you'd pay if you bought it retail. This means that DayZ could release and function as a MASSIVE beta test for Arma 3.

If BI is smart, they'll realize that their meal ticket ISN'T Arma 3, it's DayZ. If DayZ shows off that engine well, people will also buy Arma 3.

Looking forward to some updates!

Quite logical, We beta test Arma 3 engine in the Alpha stage of the stand-alone Game, Rocket sends of the fix's and they get added to the Arma 3 engine, by the time beta is here everything is nice and smooth, Arma 3 Releases with an almost perfect Engine that has very few bugs.

if he decides to go with the Arma 3 engine, he did say he would want this out this year if he went stand-alone so we can probably expect it in a couple of months i would guess. Well alpha atleast.

Edited by Authentic92

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Your wildest dreams!


Great news. Congratulations to Rocket, BIS and ourselves.

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What is it? Not clicking the link.

Going to guess, just another it's going to be standalone info? Already knew that. Anything of real interest?

Click the link if your so damn interested instead of acting like a self righteous jackass.

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I'd be very surprised if it isn't Arma III

Im also amazed some people didn't think this would happen, this has always been inevitable. Of course they could never say as much because they were working out the details with BI.

Also having a proper team working on it, using an engine that is already (pretty much) developed will mean very fast progress.

Exciting times.

And those people that don't like the Amra II engine I think are really missing the importance of that engine in Dayz's success. So many of the features in the Arma II engine wouldn't make it into a "normal" game because they would be deemed superfluous or too hardcore. And the problems that have made hacking such a problem in the mod are also features that helped the development of the mod so successfully.

Maybe everyone can chill out a bit now eh? :)

Edited by Strategos
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It has to be ARMA3. If its going to compete in todays market and especially against WatZ it has to use the newer engine.

Although Im a tad crazy. I like the look and gritty feel of the older engine. The atmosphere feels more desparate. Looking at the videos of ARMA 3, Im afraid that the feel of what I like of the older engine will be gone and seem more like zombies in BF3.

Im all for ARMA 3 to be clear. This day people tend to gravitate towards looks over gameplay.

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I only hope rocket has some good idea's to stop script kiddies running rampant if he does use the Arma 3 Engine, which im sure he does as with Stand-alone he can control it alot better.

Edit, 300th post.

Edited by Authentic92

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The post Rocket made never mentioned anything about a standalone version soon. Just said it will be developed as a standalone game alongside the mod.

He's been on the record for saying possibly late September-October.

Calm down with the negativity man.

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Whoever thinks that Rocket will NOT use some kind of Arma engine (hopefully arma 3 one) is being naive.

Porting the stuff from mod to the non Arma engine would mean starting from scratch and would make no sense to have this deal with Bohemia Interactive.

Anyway Im glad its that way and hopefully they can manage to make the standalone more secure and optimalized.

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This is really good news for everybody.. Except for people who are in my situation: I have postponed the buying of Arma 2 & Day Z to the day after my final exam (30 august). I've been really looking forward to playing the game (I did not buy it because I know I'd be hooked and would mess up my study schedule)..

Now 2 options:

-buying arma 2 & play day after 30 august & afterwards buy alpha

-wait longer and buy alpha


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So I'm guessing that, with Bohemia Interactive developing this, it is going to be on the Arma 2 or 3 engine?

I'm just wondering because there has been a bit of speculation lately over, if DayZ was standalone, would it use its own, customized engine.

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This is really good news for everybody.. Except for people who are in my situation: I have postponed the buying of Arma 2 & Day Z to the day after my final exam (30 august). I've been really looking forward to playing the game (I did not buy it because I know I'd be hooked and would mess up my study schedule)..

Now 2 options:

-buying arma 2 & play day after 30 august & afterwards buy alpha

-wait longer and buy alpha


Option 1.

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Can someone explain what will happen here then?

I've bought A2 & OA to play DayZ... If they go standalone, will the Alpha get released separately at a cost?

Edited by Jobe

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this mod has probably tripled bohemia's income for the last 2 years. of course he's getting the go-ahead.

now let's just hope it all goes according to plan!


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i thought arma 3 was due out late 2012/early 2013, not 2014. anyhow, thats the game which uses that engine. a standalone dayz can come before arma 3 the game is released, still using the techinology of the new engine. so it worked out the obvious way - bohemia launching it as a standalone product on their engine. all the shit talkers can take a hike now. i am so excited about standalone dayz and arma 3 equally

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Bit of a shit deal for those who's paid for A2 & OA for DayZ alone. I hope we get some sort of decent discount.

Nah, still worth it, who knows when we'll start getting standalone alpha versions released.

Anyway, you clearly didn't read the post, where he said he'd be doing it the Minecraft way, "heavily discounted" in alpha.

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Just play Arma 2 & OA itself. Or use the ACE Mods. The game is more than just DayZ afterall.

Also, maybe they're going to coincide the release of DayZ with Arma 3? Even if they're not I'm still buying both.

Edited by AdmiralGreene
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