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About sudZ!

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  1. That was a good study break! So close on the attempted gun plant too.... that would have been epic. I also enjoyed the point when, as you were DMR sniping the final attack, you gave up being stealthy and DMR raged on the zombies haha... Just before you started doing that I was thinking, "man, I think I'd just start DMRing the zombos".... *BANG!*
  2. Good concept... impossible application. If I only had one life I would hope I didn't spawn near a city and would hop through medium and high density residentials/barns and deer stands until I had: an AKM, a pistol, bandages food and drink galore. Then I'd head towards an airfield with the intent of letting someone else do the looting while I watch, and then ambush them. Once I had maximum firepower I'd focus on CAREFULLY trying to find a ghillie. After that, it's all about laying low and waiting for the rescue to come.
  3. sudZ!

    Bambi camps?

    1. figure out if hackers are running god mode - no? 2(a) - Kill all of the bambis like a baus until I get a decent weapon from the hackers 2( B) - Get released into the wild and wait until the next group was brought in 2© - bambi uprising and/or glorious death - yes? 2(a) - frustrate the hell out of hackers by pretending I don't even know the inventory key, etc... 2( B)- play this video over directchat until they kill me: <----- warning, fucking annoying.Come at me script kiddies! p.s. Icons are all messed up because of editing mode... studying for exams and just don't care enough to fix it!
  4. sudZ!

    Body shields

    Thread over.
  5. sudZ!

    Explain Your Avatar!

    Because I hate mustache violations as much as the next Sgt. Major.
  6. This is the only real legitimate downside to punishing combat loggers. Server resets could also cause this issue if there isn't a provision in the code for that specific reason for DCing (if it's even possible...) - However, I think it's a palatable balance. FAR MORE people combat log than drop randomly. Honestly, if you drop every few minutes, you should probably not play an online FPS anyways. I feel your pain (I had a shit connection a few years back), but these patches need to be more utilitarian than otherwise.
  7. Amazing content patch. Well done guys. These are some of the things I hoped the SA would address... let's hope the brain is talking to the arms.
  8. I had to revive this, sorry mods. Glorious.
  9. Oh... the small city surrounded by woods... I know exactly where you are! The guys have already said it... you're joining separate private hives. Find a server you like and try to stick with it. You'll get to keep your stuff that way. As for spawning in the same place... That's a bit weird but I'm guessing you're just getting bad luck everytime you join a new hive. Good luck with your issues!
  10. sudZ!

    DayZ: Partners In Crime - Cherno Sniping! (Video)

    Honestly... I didn't watch more than a few minutes, so you may have gotten off of the roof, but that was not entertaining. I don't understand why there is such an influx of videos of people sniping with as50s in 3p. There is nothing skilled about it, and there's nothing entertaining about it. Anyone can do this... you prove that by playing with 20fps. I'm really not hating on you personally.. I'm sure you do some interesting things in DayZ. Unfortunately, this certainly isn't one of them.
  11. sudZ!

    we own namalsk !

    Holy shit is that Ja Rule I hear? wtf turn of the century throwback garbage rap! As for the video. I'm sure it was pretty fun for you, but it really isn't interesting to watch. Next time try stalking people or pincering others who are camping... that's the fun banditry to watch.
  12. sudZ!

    Ambushed on Panthera!

    Doorman private hive.
  13. sudZ!

    Ambushed on Panthera!

    So I hopped in game with a buddy and a few of his buddies. Turns out we got baited into an ambush. It happens WAY too quickly to be a coincidence. Check it out! Oh yeah... And I have no idea how I was never hit. Pretty lucky... until....
  14. sudZ!

    F*** Combat Loggers

    You bad?
  15. sudZ!

    Trolling people

    Well done. The horn will haunt their dreams. Personally I would have turned around and driving back through the town after a minute... just to be a dick.