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About petllama

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  1. petllama

    Helicopter question.

    http://www.logitech.com/en-us/gaming/joysticks/291 I have that and it has been working perfectly for flying the heli
  2. The times were purely as an example, im all for an hour lockout if you meet the criteria for server hopping / flanking
  3. My idea: - If you drop from a server, database gives you a "flag", we'll call it "1". - If you drop from a server, and join a DIFFERENT server within X amount of mins (1-2), you are flagged as "2" If you are flagged as "2", you can not join previously joined servers for X amount of minutes (5-10). This will allow people who crash (would be flagged as "1") to continue connecting, while dis-allowing a server hopper (flagged as "2") you could progressively add +1 to the flag and use it to stop server hoppers looking for loot as well; ie- if you are flagged as "2", and repeat the disconnect + different server action, you are now a "3"; now, in addition to not being able to join your previous server for a short amount of time, you now also have a 1minute additional load time tacked onto the loading of your char on the next server you join. Apply a stacking penalty for char load times to this flag. each # increase other than "1" and "2" gets 1 minute tacked onto their next (within 5 minutes) char load time (a "3" has 1 extra min. a "4" has 2 extra, etc) After 15 mins of being disconnected or successfully connected, you will be reset to a "1" on your next DC.
  4. This is excellent! i too have access to a printing shop, you just gave me an epic idea, have some beans. The spreadsheet is what we use as a squad so everything is real time on everyone's notes, but ill def be making a printed one like that now
  5. the spreadsheet has a link to that site. this is for keeping track of personal things; tents, sniper spots, anything really.
  6. Need to keep track of locations? I came up with this Google Spreadsheet to help me with that. Enjoy. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0Ap080MNLeswPdDQ1WE1OcnNsay1QZmhMWElYUEJTMFE File -> Make a copy if you want to use it.
  7. Looks like you found Mr. Earacorns dupe tent city. Careful raiding it, he reacts with chain-kicking you from the server. Its relocated and much bigger now, but here is a post on his original tent city. http://dayzmod.com/f...40-admin-abuse/ He also likes to lock it http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/18629-us-140/page__hl__earacorn
  8. petllama

    dayzmod.com - Aug 2012 - Q&A with Rocket

    When the standalone comes, will it use the arma III engine as you planned to with the mod? Also, kickstarter.
  9. Mumble. No need to register for a free license like TS requires. Able to support a TON of users. Administration is <3. Can link channels together so leaders can address multiple squads at the same time (while each squad is in their own channel)
  10. I'm having this same issue since early this morning (EST), I cant ping the server ip. I too am waiting on a ticket response
  11. Seriously, start a kickstarter if you need to.
  12. petllama

    Body Armor

  13. Agreed. All it would have taken was due diligence. Why were MULTIPLE clients sent NON working ACP login credentials? There is absolutely no excuse for that. Then keeping those people waiting over 24 hours after they submit tickets? Your ticket system has a low / medium / high priority. I suggest you start looking at "high" priority ones more often.
  14. update, Friday 7pm - decided to file a paypal dispute and go with another host. Hopefully my next choice is more responsive.
  15. Ive gotten an email that my server was setup, but it is infact NOT. I received login details and a link to the panel. The username does not exist in the system. I have copy pasted both the user name and the password into the fields and manually typed them multiple times. when i attempt to recover a password for my given account name, i am told the account does not exist, nor does my email. The service on my client panel on vilayer.com shows status as "PENDING" still timline: Wednesday July 18th, 11am EST - Placed order Thursday July 19th 1:30am EST - Received email that they were backed up and i would have it within 24 hours. Cool no problem, responded thanking for the update. Friday July 20th 12:30am EST- Receive confirmation of server setup, including url, and non working username and password Friday 7am - attempt login again, no success Friday approx 8:30am - Submit ticket Friday 3pm - This post. Stil no answer on ticket. Service status still "PENDING"