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THE Night is TOO DAMN DARK Thread. Others will be deleted etc.

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Euhm everyone can voice their opinion here but it is a FACT that 80% of all players are running towards "day cycle" servers' date=' and are "server hopping" from region to region to be able to play in day mode.

So either leave night mode, and let the scrubs with NVG and daredevils play on them, or make it a bit brighter so you can see you own hands and feet at least.


just no man, just because 80% of the players (me included) doesn't play on night servers doesn't mean you have to adapt the game to them. it's THEM who have to adapt to the game, which is brutal, unforgiving, realistic. you came here wanting to play this game, what sense is there if we change it into another one, more user friendly?

let's say that 80% of the players stops playing because when you die you lose everything, or because there are bandits in the game, does it mean you have to change the game? just no man, it just means that they realized they didn't want to play this kind of game, and went back to COD or battlefield, or WOW.

I was one the players who wanted nights to be "fixed" but then, the more I play, the more I understand that I love it the way it is, and I haven't played a single minute in the night. But knowing that there is an aspect of the game, even harder, which opens so many new possibilites, it's incredibly thrilling and I want it to stay it that way. because if you take away the hardcore realistic aspects of the game you just have a more of the same game once again.

please rocket read this.

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The problem is that the light engine of ArmA can create very easily situations that are as pitchblack as a bunker without energy.

That's just a fact. A moonless night at 0:30 with 50%+ overcast simply IS unplayable without NVG or a light source. Everybody can test with the editor which time/weather combinations are hardly or unplayable.

Somehow the bengal fires need to be reworked as well. Using them in an unplayable dark night is not very pleasant. Only red flickering and sparkles on the screen and makes you almost unable to see anything while you are aiming with the pistol.

It would be better to remove the bengal fires and replace them by a torchlight for which batteries have to be used. So that you have a light cone as with the M4A3. That torchlight even might be attached to the forehead.

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Always plenty of chemlights around (not as revealing as flares), just have to use caution are take your time. They last an hour each also.

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Let me reiterate my point to those who think this is a realistic darkness, because I don't think so based on my real world experience.

I, for a few days, went training in Germany in a field and the woods (Nothing, but natural light for miles). We prep'd by sitting outside the tents for a solid 30 minutes to allow our eyes time to adjust. And in the field or areas of the forest without complete over hang of trees, I could see without the NVGs issued to my fireteam. In the thick of the woods, I couldn't see anything. I think the game should reflect a more realistic natural lighting and not try to be extra dark everywhere because its "ALL HARDCORE, BECAUSE WE'RE MEN AND THIS IS A MAN'S GAME! For MEN!"

Eyes adjust to darkness, just because you went outside once for 5 minutes at night and it was really really dark, doesn't reflect the game circumstances, where you haven't see artificial light for days because there is no power! And you been stumbling around in the dark for an hour or so since you logged in.

I think if you get flashed by a flashlight it should kill your nightvision as well! Now THATS realistic!

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watch the first part of this and tell me it's not totally awesome how you only hear them coming and then see them just right before they attack. me and bud have lots of great gameplay in pitch blackness.

you guys just gotta be more patient and try it for a bit. it seems like you just played for 5 mins at night then quit and came here making a thread. ADAPT FFS!

and yeah human eyes can adapt but only to a certain point. only if there's enough moonlight. star light alone isn't enough to create a reflection on the ground strong enough for your eyes to catch it.

on most servers the moon will rise after a while giving more light. but as you can see in my vid it's very possible to play at pitch black darkness.

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Euhm everyone can voice their opinion here but it is a FACT that 80% of all players are running towards "day cycle" servers

I don't think the word "FACT" means what you think it means. While most would agree there is some preference for daytime servers, you could make the same conclusion about hardcore servers. More players tend to like the easier 3rd person + crosshair servers than the hardcore ones. So, what? Should we cater to those players as well and get rid of hardcore servers?

The point I'm making is, of course fewer players like nighttime servers and hardcore servers -- because they are harder! Not everyone enjoys this type of game. Instead of realizing this and moving on to L4D or CoD or the many, many other games that cater to this them, these players instead want to change DayZ to match more of their play style.

To sum up my feelings on dark nights:

Dark nights are dark. Deal with it. Even if it's pitch fucking black, deal with it. Even if it's unrealistic and you have a story of how you were in the middle of a cave 3000 feet under the ground and it wasn't that dark, deal with it. Even if you insist that 3 milliseconds after you light a flare you get shot in the head, deal with it. Don't fucking try to change it to make your personal style of play easier. Deal with it. Learn from your mistakes, overcome them and be the one who comes out on top in engagements at night because you were able to adapt to the dark when all the other guy did is post in this thread.

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I agree that it's too dark, I just can't stand playing during night-time... Why? Because it hurts my god darned eyes!

I wouldn't mind playing in the dark, but this mod's night is ridiculous! The only thing you can see are the stars - and barely the sky. Nothing else.

I've been trying to find a Day-Time server for over an hour, though I did find like 3 of them, they were US Servers and I lost connection to them after less than a minute of playing.

Turning up the Brightness barely helps anything, and turning up the Gamma causes my game to glitch out(Textures start flashing, shadows fail to render and etc.).

I know that DayZ is supposed to be realistic, but this really isn't. Even in the middle of a forest in the middle of the night, you'll be able to at least see your hands. Of course, this varies from different places on earth. But still, they have to change this because at the moment I find it to be gamebreaking.

I was really looking forward to playing DayZ(I got it today) and night-time have killed the whole experience for me, I want to be able to play a game for at least more than 10 minutes without getting a massive headache!

And as some other people stated, playing during day-time isn't an option to many players because they have jobs, why should we get punished for that?

The very least you could do would be to add a way to tell if a Server is running Day or Night-time before you join.

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I know that DayZ is supposed to be realistic' date=' but this really isn't. Even in the middle of a forest in the middle of the night, you'll be able to at least see your hands. Of course, this varies from different places on earth. But still, they have to change this because at the moment I find it to be gamebreaking.


No. No, no, no and more no.

During my training exercises here in Germany I can remember many times walking through the forest and not even being able to see my own feet.

Same in the UK. Walking around on night recon patrols having to literally hold on to the pack of the guy in front of you or you'll get lost. I myself don't play at night unless I've managed to miracle a pair of NVG's' date=' but it's not un-realistically dark. As far as I'm aware rocket can't make it any brighter or darker naturally aside from adjusting the time of year/month in the mission settings.

Now, I know it's been mentioned but fuck it, I'll mention it again. My view of those of you saying "hurp I can see at night", you're probably speaking from experience of being somewhat near a streetlight-lit area (I don't mean IN a town, I mean close enough that the lights will light up the horizon/cloud cover; known as light pollution or skyglow-this occurs for tens of miles around even a small town) which will do wonders for your visibility at night. I know that's a sweeping generalization, but you don't camp professionally like us soldiers do. You can ask any vet/active duty military personnel and they'll tell you; it's really fucking dark at night. An example being; 10-15% visibility (early or late moon) is almost impossible to see in on a CLEAR night, nevermind on a cloudy one; unless as I've said you're near a light polluted area. If there's light pollution creating skyglow, it makes little difference on a clear night, but the clouds will be illuminated somewhat on an overcast night. Bearing in mind that in this post-apocalyptic chernarus of ours, there's no streetlights to mention; it's bound to be pitch black.

This isn't the best example as it's far too orange, but this is the type of effect I'm speaking about.


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Just came along to laugh at those complaining about the dark

. Me and all the others playing on night servers are still having a blast! Cheers!

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Let me reiterate my point to those who think this is a realistic darkness' date=' because I don't think so based on my real world experience.

I, for a few days, went training in Germany in a field and the woods (Nothing, but natural light for miles). We prep'd by sitting outside the tents for a solid 30 minutes to allow our eyes time to adjust.



find germany, and guess is it rly as dark there as it would without any Electricity. But yeah som ppl talking about eyes adjusting in few mins are talking rubbish it takes up to 20-30mins and IF there is only very little of natural light it' still very very dark.

(every1 remember that ppl have "diffrent" kind of darks in game, depending on their monitors/graphic cards and drivers)

And badbenson nice vid :D

+ ppl talknig about wanting to see few meters radius around them, so they could see where they walk. And as you can see on the vid, Chemlight when picked up does JUST THAT.

edit: And it's lot quiter to play @ nights, when all the cod players are trying to connect to day servers :D

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The Darkness of the nights really bothered me before I got two weapons with flashlights, now we just swap leads, my partner runs to the end of my beam then I run to the end of his. I actually really like moving at night now.

but look at the lighting showcase for arma III's nights. those are awesome

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Being a pretty new player, I've actually started to prefer night games. Honestly, they're safer. In my defense, I haven't gone to NW or NE airfields yet- not until I have some better equipment, but I've been able to avoid some pretty nasty situations because of the darkness.

I've been on patrols in real life where it was overcast, clear, in the desert and in the forest, and nothing was ever as dark as it was in this game. But still, the cover of darkness is a powerful tool and I've been living in it for a while now. Get used to it.

One thing to do is throw a flare into a town whenever you see one- and then run in the woodline on your merry way. Anybody in the area- survivor and bandit alike- will tend to focus on the light source. And you can even hear it in chat, too. Act like you're in the town and friendly...there are tons of way that an ill-equipped player can survive readily in complete darkness.

Watch the map though. With basic land navigation you can avoid big areas and cover your movement. Running across massive fields is a bad idea day or night, but I do it, because I'm so hard. Towns are generally bad, though a lot of them have barns and stores on the outskirts that are exploitable without much trouble. Then pop that flare in the middle of town and beat feet to the next objective.

Seriously, fellow n00bs. Nighttime is the place to be. Just stay out of Elektro.

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lol Budiak, you took the words out of my mouth. I find the night much easier to play in than the day.

For me it feels like...


Other players = High danger (they can see you for miles and rape)

Zombies = Low danger (you can see them for miles and avoid)


Other players = Low danger (hardly anyone without nvg sees you)

Zombies = Moderate danger (harder to spot so might run into one but easier to not be noticed at night it seems)

Please don't make the night any lighter!

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I'm fine with night being a thing, but right now it's not for me. Having seen other players videos I think part of the issue might be my video settings aren't up to the task. If it's night + raining forget about it. Why not have the option somewhere down the line for ALWAYS DAY/ALWAYS NIGHT servers along side normal servers. Seems like some servers are just resetting the server clock to make it day all the time anyways and all the EU players are joining American servers during the day just to escape night.

Night is like impossible mode for noobs like me anyways. Probably 70-80% of the time I can play this game it's going to be night locally and to be honest at this point I'd just rather play in light at least until I get used to the game.

If realism is the key it's worth noting most people would hole up at night and only move during the day if the alternative was moving around with glow sticks bumping into zombies because they can't see 10 feet in front of them.

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there is nothing DayZ can do about it. Maybe if you're lucky you can tell Bis to re-release Arma2 with Arma3 engine ;)

a simple solution to the darkness problem is in my sig.

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Yeah night with rain is a total nightmare.... I like it dark but it'd be nice to faintly see the things in front of me. Really hard to find friends you want to team up with too.

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haven't seen a post in this for 10 days because the moon is full...before u go further, know that this game actually follows moon cycles and when there isn't much of a moon out its going to be pitch black...just like real life, this is a simulation engine after all. Its not that its too dark because this past week has been perfectly fine, and last thing look at the beautiful full moon while you can it wont last long

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Incredibly,there are plenty of solutions at night.

1. Flares.

2. Chemlights.

3. Don't play at night,SLEEP at night.

4. Daytime servers.

However,a rainy night cancels the two first points.

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I can deal with the night being so dark, it adds to the paranoia. Even rain at night, which is a pain in the ass is tolerable.

The issue I have is when it's pitch black and raining and I am trying to stealth through a building and it's not just pitch black, but raining inside as well.

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-1 night is fine

Was strolling around at 2 am (in-game), only the shadows kept secrets...

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Night is perfectly fine - It adds a great strategic alternative to daytime.

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