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About Bomfy

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  1. Bomfy

    do you die from being too cold?

    It gets so bad that you pretty much will give up and respawn. I gave up when my blood was 4k and the shaking was horrible.
  2. Bomfy

    Pending Update 1.7.1 Details

    So, I can be safe when crouched in a building doing something? Excellent, no more super sight zombies.
  3. Bomfy

    Where does everyone hang out at?

    You've been very lucky. I would love to go three days without seeing another person. A vast majority of people will kill you on sight.
  4. Bomfy

    Lucky Me

    The Debug Sea, causing the water level to rise from tears and all the great gear sitting at the bottom. *EDIT Yes.
  5. There is bullet drop, some rifles can be zeroed. That makes it so when you are shooting something at say 300 meters and the scope is zeroed at 300 meters what you see in the reticule is what you hit. The ones with multiple markings are not ones you can zero. They are used to guage bullet drop due to distance.
  6. Bomfy

    sandbags non-persistent..?

    They appear to be the only damn thing I can find in Deer Stands.
  7. Bomfy

    Kamikaze Hacker Pilot ( Video )

    I will be honest, I thought I sucked flying a chopper. I feel way better about my abilities now.
  8. People are selfish, extremely so when there is anonymity. I like to think ITSHTF in real life the people would band together. The truth is I expect only a few would and the others would only be out for themselves.
  9. I dream about finding food and drink. I am down to my last can of beans and canteen. I have had crap luck in finding food lately and know not where the nearest water source is.
  10. Try another 30 minutes and you will be dialed into the UI. It's just like if you changed the controller layout in any game. Weird at first. there are plenty of servers what are time inverted, there is even a thread that is working on listing them. Granted it's always REALLY dark when dark most of the time, but I have seen it be just as dark when camping myself. DayZ is, has, and hopefully will never stop being an extremely unforgiving game. Lastly, get used to playing at night, it's a big fat pain, but exponentially safer.
  11. Bomfy

    Riding my camp

    A good spot for camp will not be close to anything major and therefore kind of inconvenient unless you have wheels. I'm sure some have done it, but I think they might just be lucky. I have considered outside of the map past Kamenka. I saw a couple guys hoofing it way out in the distance when I swam in from the Debug Sea. I considered following, but since I was nearly dead from hunger/thirst (it was a long swim) I didn't. I theorize that a 7-10 minute run would be enough, since the average person just looking around would get bored after maybe 5 minutes of nothing.
  12. Bomfy

    Random massive loss of blood?

    I've died crawling out a doorway and down on small step. I've gone from crouch to prone almost (or actually touching) a tree and lost about 7K blood and broke and sprained myself.
  13. Bomfy

    ATV flip due to rabbit!

    Wait what? Translation please.