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Pending Update: Build

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So, let me get this straight. Once this update is out, IS IT COMPLETELY SAFE to wear clothes(Camo/Ghillie Suits)? Because I tried the Camo in and I got glitched and lost all my shit, except for my toolbelt and backpack.


Edited by SirTai

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Can you explain the disabling singleplayer, is it because you don't want people with DayZ SP playing it?

seems to me to have something to do with hacking. and if i understand correctly its only when dayz is loaded, so you can have only one instance of the program running. can do both, just not at the same time. just dont quote me! Edited by sivart

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double post.


should be a delete option

Edited by sivart

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I also wrote this on your facebook page rocket. I am a little concerned about this abort log/reputation(alt+f4 is fine with me). I also noted from previous replies on these forums that there were a few posts about others having the same issue I do.. I have a newborn, when he cries and wants to be fed I HAVE to abort. Hell hath no fury like an angry wife. Just curious are you planning on addressing this real life issue?

excuses are like assholes everyone has them and they all stink. man up be a dad and spend time with your child they grow up quick. the game isn't more important than being a father.

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Still no fix for the broken leg and the nerf for Zombies?

Let me explain:

-a broken leg (that a 2 meter jump can cause) will probably kill you character unless you have morphie! WTF????!!!

- Zombies are some kind of superzombies or what? They hear you from 100 meters away, run as fast as you, swim, climb?! WTF???

Fix this immediatly!!!

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Patch is not coming out this week per Rockets interview ......bout the 11 min mark ....11:30 been a busy week we hope after testing to have it out next week.

This interview was done last week. At the beginning he said DayZ has ~700.000 players atm.

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Potential Consequence of the "No Respawn"...

Griefers run up and down the coast breaking the legs of new players...

Run across an unarmed individual? Break their legs..

Solution? Respawn timer. Lets you use the respawn button once every X minutes/hours/days. Not sure if possible, but I can imagine all new sorts of hell, especially as legs are broke in the middle of the woods, where even crawling to town to get killed by Zeds could take a while.

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Still no fix for the broken leg and the nerf for Zombies?

Let me explain:

- Zombies are some kind of superzombies or what? They hear you from 100 meters away, run as fast as you, swim, climb?! WTF???

Fix this immediatly!!!


read the op. the hearing is fixed, and why wouldnt they be able to do the things a creature with 2 arms and legs can do? like climb? or swim? its dog paddle anyway.

fix yur face immediately

Edited by sivart

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Your a fanboy! Your a noob and don't know good games! Blah blah blah... I wish people would listen to themselves and wouldn't argue over the stupidest things.

Telling people to leave is rude, leaving assinine comments recognizing your preference is just as bad. I've seen this on so many forums. Don't bring up other things with assinine comments to try to get people to go with you and if those asinine comments appear don't retaliate and maybe we could progress.

Edited by Krobar

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This interview was done last week. At the beginning he said DayZ has ~700.000 players atm.

mmmm still not sold on that until we hear from Rocket ..

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I wish there was an update on what is going on , having to sort through 80 pages of posts to find anything officiall is a pain in the ass... Rocket Please Update orginal post on what is happening with this patch that was supposed to be out today

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Oh well if that's what you do, it must be right for the other 11 billion people in the world.

Please give us more examples of how you live your life so that we may follow your shining example. <_<

Was that really necessary?

The guy posted about a problem he had, I posted about how I've been dealing with the same thing. I was not being rude either.

You really have no call censoring me like that, you can disagree but I'm allowed to give my fucking opinion.

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I'd like to address a situation, based on my personal experience with DayZ (which may or may not be connected with most people, so take it with a grain of salt). So people are complaining about something that's no even getting implemented right now (Bans and such), since the ONLY thing Rocket said was that they're gonna start logging the data with the new patch. And many of the complaints are related to real life issues (have to feed my baby, etc etc ad nauseum), and the exhaustingly repetitive "I usually log in to X number of servers to check performance/day/night/crosshair/etc, and I need to do this everyday". So let me tell you, that sounds like a really boring way to get in game, and, it kinda (IMHO) takes away from the experience. You should find servers in which you like to play, and stick to them, for several reasons:

1) Building of a community in server, allows for cool RP'ing. For example, I'm currently trying to assemble a squad to patrol Cherno and Elektro outskirts and kill all noob-snipers there until they give up on the activity. And this is to be done in my main server.

2) I always know how the game will behave. My main server is Veteran, No crosshair, 3rd person ON, no kill messages, and it is -8h on my local time, so I always know it's daytime when I play in my evenings.

3) Vehicles and tents are server-bound.

4) My main server occasionally crashes/not updated/whatever, so I have a small list (3 servers) aside from my main in which I know I can play if needed.

So my point being, instead of a desperate chase everyday for "a server", why not check one you like and stick to it? Thus all the "omg I'm getting banned (which you're not, since the update will only log data) for server hopping to get the best experience" seems quite pointless to me. Unless (and I'm pretty sure there are those cases as well), that the complainer is just trying to find a "workaround" to keep using alt+f4/log on/log off for whatever "cheating" purpose they like.



Edited by gafa

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Since when do game developers make provision for childcare !

Geez wake up dude, do your gaming around your family not the other way round.

This. 1000x This....

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I have come to the conclusion that anyone "concerned" about "loosing connection" or having to abort due to "circumstances" are the one's who DC like little babies. If you actually lose connection then don't worry about it. If you have that many problems with your internet losing connection then i suggest you call your ISP and tell them they are crap. If you are in bad servers then never go back to them. Quit making excuses and play the damn game the way it is made and if you can't play it the way it is made then go play monopoly or CoD. Or make your own damn game and quit using ghetto computers and ISP's.

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Still no fix for the broken leg and the nerf for Zombies?

Let me explain:

-a broken leg (that a 2 meter jump can cause) will probably kill you character unless you have morphie! WTF????!!!

- Zombies are some kind of superzombies or what? They hear you from 100 meters away, run as fast as you, swim, climb?! WTF???

Fix this immediatly!!!

First off

You do know this is Alpha right?

Second of all

You really mean business if you use 3 exclamation points!!!!!!!! very intimidating on the internet..

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Still no fix for the broken leg and the nerf for Zombies?

Let me explain:

-a broken leg (that a 2 meter jump can cause) will probably kill you character unless you have morphie! WTF????!!!

- Zombies are some kind of superzombies or what? They hear you from 100 meters away, run as fast as you, swim, climb?! WTF???

Fix this immediatly!!!

Sometimes i really hope that i've had the power to actually punch people through internet..

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You do know this is Alpha right?

Alpha... the ultimate fanboy excuse for not fixing any bug... ever.

Rocket has even stated that it is GOOD for us to bring up what we view as bugs. Even though they are boring to fix and don't gain the attention like new features, the game is only as good as its worst bug. You're the type who would justify a bug that had a 50/50 chance to kill you on login as, "It's only in alpha... you should expect bugs, just ignore it."

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Alpha... the ultimate fanboy excuse for not fixing any bug... ever.

Rocket has even stated that it is GOOD for us to bring up what we view as bugs. Even though they are boring to fix and don't gain the attention like new features, the game is only as good as its worst bug. You're the type who would justify a bug that had a 50/50 chance to kill you on login as, "It's only in alpha... you should expect bugs, just ignore it."

Not a fan boy, chief. and bugs will happen in alpha you can't just fix things "immediatley!!!" do you even know what programing script looks like? do you know how long it takes to edit it or how it may effect other scripts and cause other bugs? bugs will happen and there is no need to have an immediate fix for anything play the game find a bug report it and keep playing. if it were beta and you paid for the game then i could see having to state the problem with an "ERRRMAGEERRRD BUGS FIX IT IMEDIATLEY!!!! HERP A DERP" go play in the street kid

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If i shoot a zombie next to me and then log out afterwards do i get killed? This is something that might not be able to be implemented safely.

The meter only pops up if a bullet is shot at you.

Im not quite sure what you mean by a bullet meter? Im assuming you mean that if a bullet is heading in your direction when you logout you almost take that bullet with you and when you respawn the bullet resumes it flight path toward you and you might get hit and die?

If that is what your sugesting that only discourages people who are under direct fire. I want to stop the the people DC/altf4 who know they are about to be killed because they are outnumbered, injured, surrounded, unarmed or pinned down in a building.

Its all about the RISK. If we are having a gun battle and i see you go into a building, I want you to know that IF you choose to DC/al-tf4 you run the RISK of me deciding to rush the building and and finding one of three things inside:

1. Bullets in my face, because your a man and chose to stay and fight.

2. I find your frozen body inside and kill/loot you because you DC/altf4 and didnt allow enough time.

3. I find nothing. You DC sucessfully because my counterstrike rush technique was too slow and you live to fight another day.

The meter has a 5 minute. There cannot be a timer for logout because of mass duplications. If a bullet hits you, or a bullet passes near you, a 5 minute bullet meter is thrown in just like the shock meter. This will solve the majority of pvp disconnects...not all but most.

That's a bit much, your obviously not looking at all the scenerios where a bullet may be passing near somebody. I've been in Elekrto / Chero / NW airfield before where a group of us were out shooting Infected, there's many a time a bullet has whizzed past or in the vicinity of a friendly ( bullet en route to infected). So if anyone of those guys decides they need to log for whatever reason because really, there's nothing happening you think they should log back in dead?

Shit while your spouting these suggestions just make it that everytime you log in your a fresh spawn...............

Itd be a 5 minute meter on, if you or your friends really need to get off the game within 5 minutes or else, than I think you won't mind having your character die because whatever you got off for was more important.

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I wish there was an update on what is going on , having to sort through 80 pages of posts to find anything officiall is a pain in the ass... Rocket Please Update orginal post on what is happening with this patch that was supposed to be out today




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Please remove the "Murders" and "Bandits Killed" from the Debug Monitor as these ENCOURAGE murder. Some people are likely to see this as a "Score" for deathmatching. Also perhaps you should remove the text "Debug Monitor" too, I don't see why it needs to be there and it'd be awfully neater.

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is this fantastic update ( still on track to be released today Wednesday July 25, 2012>?

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Please remove the "Murders" and "Bandits Killed" from the Debug Monitor as these ENCOURAGE murder. Some people are likely to see this as a "Score" for deathmatching. Also perhaps you should remove the text "Debug Monitor" too, I don't see why it needs to be there and it'd be awfully neater.

Highly doubt that. People will still hunt for humans. They will just simply fraps each kill or keep score themselves.

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