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Pending Update: Build

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The new patch won't count it as anything. If any of you guys live in a major metropolitan area, you might notice surveyors or pressure hoses across traffic lanes or a guy in a lawn chair, with a clip board, watching traffic.

They are assessing for upcoming changes to the traffic flow. Maybe upgrading a stop sign to a light, maybe adding a turn lane.

You guys are all yelling as if they're going to do it right now. The alt f4 stuff is being measured. Connects and disconnects. Measured. Logged. That way, the toolset that they have in the future won't be based on my anecdotal belief, or yours, but on real numbers.

You devaluing my belief, boy?


Edited by Sparky245
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Then you are playing the wrong mod ^_^

War Z beta sign ups are -----> that way

2 "get lost" statements in one post, and for what ? A guy saying he doesnt fancy a broken leg ? Some of you think you own the game. Your a fool,

Edited by Delta Smoke 01

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It would turn the game into a death match, if you had two reasonably sized groups meeting in cities with spawn points, they could just keep spawning, running in and rejoining the fight. That sort of thing would get stupid after awhile, and I think, not conducive to the overall atmosphere of the game.

Why should it even be a specific "spawn point" to begin with?

Yes, I'd like to see ability to select your spawning area. Three segments: east coast, south-west, south-east for example.

Edited by Private Poptarts
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This mod is one of those small gems that come around in the gaming community once in a blue moon, my advice would be to enjoy the game for what it is and roll with the changes because this mod is one of those gaming experiences you'll look back on and say "Remember when this game was just a mod, IT WAS GREAT!" and you'll feel all nostalgic even though you're complaining now.

Enjoy the ride, adapt and help the process.

Enjoy yourself!

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You are so cool.

You refer to this post?

So your advice is that I should read rockets posts (which I do)?

Or do you refer to the statement that you will no longer spawn out of bounds? In case this case, how long do you think that this bug is scheduled to be fixed (and it is definitely not fixed up to now)? As long as there are still reports of people spawning at debug hill, you should not take away the only way out (Respawn). ***IF*** this is ***REALLY*** fixed, you could decide to remove the respawn button.

I do not see how the removing of this feature does improve the game. I don't care if sb uses this to have an easier start. I go from where ever I start... except from debug hills!

i refer to if you are too lazy to do your research at least read the posts of the page you are on. now you are wasting more time for everyone...

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My problem with all this trying to tackle server hoppers is it'll ruin my gaming experience....

Sometimes I join several servers before I find one that I like and sometimes I join a server where I think it'll be day and it's night.... I like playing on daytime servers. Then you have other issues like some servers have no loot or what ever bugs like still zombies and so I have to then find another one. There is other problems like the game crashes or lags out or my fps slowly drops over time for some reason. Right now I have no idea how to look at which server I'm on once I'm in it so I end up moving. You also get them annoying servers with the chat box spam so again I change server.

Not only that but zombies aren't fun to fight right now, they lag all over the place and animate really badly so fighting them is just annoying. So normally I just run into a building and log because it's more fun than engaging with them. If you're unarmed as well then there is no fun way to try and lose the zombie, you have to glitch their A.I basically, I'd rather just log out and back in. I can be sneaking and doing perfectly fine and all of a sudden one will coming running from miles away........ like sigh relog.

I just don't think the game is good enough yet to be focusing on this stuff. I want the zombies to animate properly and move at a slower pace so they aren't so jerky because you do this stuff. I've never disconnected when in combat with other players or server hopped, moved and logged back into the previous server. I just use these mechanics because of several bugs and the poor zombie A.I and animation.

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Love the game, but I think the login/logout timer feature could have some unintended consequences.

There are still servers where I get stuck at the loading screen forever. It's quite common for me to have to attempt 3-5 servers before I get into one and can play on it.

I still get the bug where I'm auto-killed at launch and respawn in the wilderness. It is much more rare now, but when it happens I immediately disconnect, run "verify" on the six launcher, and try another server. I almost always load into my original location or one of the spawn points on the beach after using this method. My character is not dead, and I have all my items back.

There's also the fact that server settings can't be known until you get into the game.

The point is that I almost always end up logging into 3-7 servers per hour just to get the game to function. My friend, who I usually play with does not have this problem, or at least it's not as severe for him. I can only think of one time where my first server has worked correctly until I was ready to log off.

Yeah, I have the same problems. It's a hell of a lot better than it used to be but either i get stuck on loading sometimes, the frame rate on a server makes the game unplayable, i can't use stuff in my inventory or the server settings aren't what i want... So yeah, you bet your ass i'm gonna hope servers if this stuff doesn't get fixed

I hope rocket thinks long and hard about how any future restrictions or punishments will effect the player community and the game in general.

Fix bugs and balance alt- f4 before you start punishing me for trying to play this amazing game please.

Edited by Rek Seven

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I'm all for the no respawn button, But..... What happens if you spawn in the debug forest? You cant respawn, nothing to kill you there.

You get teleported to the coast. Rocket said this before.

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Yeah and my friend has kids, he's constantly logging out to go and feed them or see what they've done now lol. So all these mechanics will just have a big impact on him too because he has a life :\

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The Adventure in this Game is the Game itself. That sounds a bit "gay" i think but when you only spawn, hold W 20 minutes to Loot Cherno, Congrats you have done 1% of the Game. Now you are running loudly around and die...I think most of the Players which want the respawn button die to often. Have you ever seen "Day 10" when you logged back in. Day 10 is not as hard but have you ever seen it? The Bugs and glitches are not so big as the most say. When you know them, and most of you know them when you died once from that, you normally dont do that again. Seek your Adventure in the Game and not only in the Looting. We had severall nice adventures in the last weeks and i really can say "there is no other game which have this feeling".

Stalking with friends, search Cars with System and try to stay alive. Yes for some people which have deinstalled Call of Duty that sounds boring, yes sometimes it is a little boring. But the Adventure is that what you do! When you only have your Adventure when you PvP other People, go play CoD or BF3.

I'm starting to think some people just lack imagination to create an adventure for themselves in this beautiful open dangerous world. They require either retarded quest markers or quick PvP action.

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My problem with all this trying to tackle server hoppers is it'll ruin my gaming experience....

Sometimes I join several servers before I find one that I like and sometimes I join a server where I think it'll be day and it's night.... I like playing on daytime servers. Then you have other issues like some servers have no loot or what ever bugs like still zombies and so I have to then find another one. There is other problems like the game crashes or lags out or my fps slowly drops over time for some reason. Right now I have no idea how to look at which server I'm on once I'm in it so I end up moving. You also get them annoying servers with the chat box spam so again I change server.

Not only that but zombies aren't fun to fight right now, they lag all over the place and animate really badly so fighting them is just annoying. So normally I just run into a building and log because it's more fun than engaging with them. If you're unarmed as well then there is no fun way to try and lose the zombie, you have to glitch their A.I basically, I'd rather just log out and back in. I can be sneaking and doing perfectly fine and all of a sudden one will coming running from miles away........ like sigh relog.

I just don't think the game is good enough yet to be focusing on this stuff. I want the zombies to animate properly and move at a slower pace so they aren't so jerky because you do this stuff. I've never disconnected when in combat with other players or server hopped, moved and logged back into the previous server. I just use these mechanics because of several bugs and the poor zombie A.I and animation.


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You get teleported to the coast. Rocket said this before.

What if you want to find a better starting location near your friends?

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I'm here. Dealing with the Gamespy problems at the moment. We're pushing out some serverside stuff to assist Gamespy.

I totally forgot about the Gamespay issues as I'm at work. Sorry bro, thanks for the update and even more awesome to know you really do monitor the important threads. I am in no rush to get the update so continue with your helping Gamespy thats much more important!

Edited by witalit

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In my opinion a good punishment to ALT+F4ers would be, before the ban, let them spawn with some kind of fluorescent chemlight skin and more noisy movements for few weeks. In this way they will have harder life both at daytime and nightime, and the community will recognize them and give them the meta-punishment they need.

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What if you want to find a better starting location near your friends?

Rocket talked about maybe adding a choice to choose your spawnpoint in the future... Until then, slip on your Nikes!

Edited by Sturmen

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What if you want to find a better starting location near your friends?

You have to run around like a noob and wait for a zombie/player to kill you.

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Yeah and my friend has kids, he's constantly logging out to go and feed them or see what they've done now lol. So all these mechanics will just have a big impact on him too because he has a life :\

god I'm sick of hearing this shit. no one forces you to play the game if you don't have the time. if your kids need supervision, maybe you shouldn't be playing the game at that time

Edited by daze23
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A single person is not even strong enough to right a motorcycle. I've seen it countless times IRL.

maybe you are a little dude. there is a right way.

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god I'm sick of hearing this shit. no one forces you to play the game if you don't have the time. if your kids need supervision, maybe you shouldn't playing the game at that time


I have a child as well. What do I do? I don't play computer games while she is awake. Kids go to bed early, plenty of time to play dayz.

If something really requires my attention, it is probably more important than the health of my internet pixel man.

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god I'm sick of hearing this shit. no one forces you to play the game if you don't have the time. if your kids need supervision, maybe you shouldn't playing the game at that time

^ This...this so much...

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Concern: spawn in the debug plains

Answer: Rocket already stated that any spawn outside of the map border will be redirected to a random spawn along the magnificent beachside[...]

That was a good one. This bug is alive since DayZ is alive. Would be really surprised if it should be fixed now (in that case could not understand why it was not fixed before).

why motionless body? it would be better if u could actually move and shoot during the countdown

Of course. Think about it once again, this does not make any sense at all. If you move or shoot, the countdown should be aborted. This way you can normally not escape from a conflict with another player by DC regulary because he will not allow you to stand still. Alt+F4 (or any other abort)... simply let the char remain in game for one minute. ( -> Problem -> solved!)

The thing i'd like to see put back in is, in the debug monitor, the 'last saved' timer, so that you don't log out after picking up a good gun, before it has saved that you picked up said gun.

I second that.

then better take care to not break your legs now, [....]

Such a good advice... thanks. I think everyone tries to not break ones legs. But this can happen even if you try hard not to break them. Anyways, one should be able to decide if he wants to go for the quest for morphine or simply start over new (my opinion).

I'm all for the no respawn button, But..... What happens if you spawn in the debug forest? You cant respawn, nothing to kill you there.

I second that (and this happend to me at least 3 times before and simply do not believe this is fixed now by simply not spawning there).

Up to now I did never use the Respawn button just because I did not like the spawn point. I do not think the player should be able to choose the spawn point. Wrong spawn point? Deal with it. But several days in Dayz have taught me that you will spawn in DebugHills. You will get stuck and have no way out. You will brake your bones and have 4 hours crouching ahead of you for next morphine spawn point. In this cases (this is my opinion!) I want the option to start over, even if I have a DMR, Backpack, NVGs and all tools one could need.

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In my opinion a good punishment to ALT+F4ers would be, before the ban, let them spawn with some kind of fluorescent chemlight skin and more noisy movements for few weeks. In this way they will have harder life both at daytime and nightime, and the community will recognize them and give them the meta-punishment they need.

No. The developers simply need to make it so there is a count down before you can log off. For example, if you close your client down, your character stays on the server for 1 minute.

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