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Please leave respawn , running 50000 miles to join your friends sucks, if you do take it away implement where you want to spawn right away,,

consider this for a moment.... not grouping up on the coast? I know what your thinking, 'not the coast? skrewy your crazy where else is there' well let me assure you just north is a big world ready for you to explore.

so next time why not try this.

Player 1. Oh no I spawned at kamenka, thats shit I only have 8 deer stands and zelenogorsk full of supplies fuck why did rocket remove the respawn button this spawn is useless and shit.

player 2. I spawned just west of cherno, gee wiz I know, how about we head toward green mountain and meet up there, by the time we get together we'll have weapons and other gear to use.....

player 1. wow player 2 thats a great idea, and because we will be away from the coast we might live longer then 10 minutes.

or image this for humors sake

player 1. aww man spawned at the cap again, this sucks all I got is some deer huts, solnichniy and berezino golly gosh if only I could respawn and cherno near you.

player 2. hold your horses there player 1 I'm at prigorodky, how about we meet up at the small fort of rog?

player 1. wow player 2 thats a great idea, and because we will be away from the coast we might live longer then 10 minutes.

I feel thats better then your current way of dealing with this issue,


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I don't fancy breaking my leg on a rock in a forest and having to crawl for 3hours to get a morphine shot, or better yet getting to the entrance of a town and just getting mauled by zombies or shot by someone else.

then better take care to not break your legs now, or get your friends playing, or make some friends ingame

breaking a leg is a problem you get confronted with, you can see it as a random quest to solve.

killing yourself because you don't want to put up with tough situations is the wussy way out.

wussies better not play dayz, they will ragequit sooner or later anyways :D


now that i think of it. funny enough, i respawned yesterday because i had a broken leg xD

i'm such a wussy >:(

Edited by Azrail
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Why is it so hard to understand that there can be a middlegound here. Cap Golova is fine. Krutoy Cap is not. Krutoy Cap is too far from anything.

Krutoy is fine. It's about three minutes away from kamishovo or three valleys, and you can get most basic supplies in either place. Also, I haven't died, and thus haven't needed to respawn in 14 days now. I've actually respawned in the coast due to bugs and a hacker three times, with all my equipment intact, and in 30 minutes I was back in the north. I have over 60 hours logged in the game, and I don't think I have spent more than 3 or 4 hours in cherno or elektro.

As someone said, maybe this game isn't for you. If you're too bored by running and fetching supplies, go play something else, something with more instant gratification. I do it myself from time to time. BF3 for the PvP, Mass Effect 3 multiplayer for the coop. DayZ is something else, tho. It's a virtual life, of sorts.

Edited by takfar
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What if there was another button under "Abort" that said "I am not server hopping, honest!" that didn't log a disconnect? Genius me.

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This has probably been asked before but, why can't the developers just allow the players to choose their spawn point?

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They will leave a trail, once we have the algorithms sorted and can issue warnings/punishment... those who continue to do it will receive database level bans,

i know somebody who is gonna get mad XD.

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So no sign of Rocket for a good few pages... what times the release? :D

Id guess something around the beginning of next week

In the twitter feed theres a new interview where he mentions that new stuff came up and so he needs more time

Edited by GoTo2k

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So no sign of Rocket for a good few pages... what times the release? :D

Wondering if it is going to go thru tonight or if it's getting pushed back .. Rocket if you get time today update us if not we will wait :)

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This has probably been asked before but, why can't the developers just allow the players to choose their spawn point?

it's an option, but rocket said he's not too into it. it would create other issues

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arma patch 1.62 and the latest beta patch 95248 bugged the 1911 to do no damage to zombies. i hope this will get some attention. meanwhile i use my makaroni.

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My point is that why go one way or another. Remove respawn but give reasonable spawn points. Krutoy Cap isn't reasonable. And I don't mean that you should spawn next to cherno either like some players like to understand my posts. Middle ground, compromise, pick your word.

Krutoy Cap isn't reasonable, why? Just last night I had one the most epic DayZ sessions, starting in...Krutoy Cap. First I died stupidly at NW Airfield, with all the gear I really like to use in a 15 day character -_-. "Well, just another day in Dayz", I thought. So I respawn in Krutoy Cap, loot Kamyshovo (lee enfield, yes!), make my way to Elektro (not even 10min running), get stuff at supermarket, loot the hospital, get in a firefight with a guy in the big house from within the orange house across the street, survived (but never knew where he went). Met up with my friends who had spawned randomly (one in cherno, another west of eletkro) near the barn north of Elektro, we shared the supplies we gathered before meeting up and we went on to scout towards Stary. Long story short, we found one heli crash site, a motorcycle, got in some serious PVP in Novy Sobor and stole a bus from those players, drove like mad to stary while getting shot at, looted the military tents, ran away under fire from other guys, one of my friends died while trying to get in the bus, I avenged him and got his killer, got shot at again while trying to loot the corpses, the bus exploded from the shots when I was running away from it and hiding in the bushes, tried flanking the other guy, couldn't find him, ran around novy to get to my hidden bike, drove it away to some forest and logged off.

Krutoy Cap spawns are very unreasonable indeed, those 10min and finding the lee enfield in kamyshovo were tough :|


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I'm here. Dealing with the Gamespy problems at the moment. We're pushing out some serverside stuff to assist Gamespy.

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This has probably been asked before but, why can't the developers just allow the players to choose their spawn point?

It would turn the game into a death match, if you had two reasonably sized groups meeting in cities with spawn points, they could just keep spawning, running in and rejoining the fight. That sort of thing would get stupid after awhile, and I think, not conducive to the overall atmosphere of the game.

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I'm here. Dealing with the Gamespy problems at the moment. We're pushing out some serverside stuff to assist Gamespy.

Still expecting it to drop today?

Edited by sp86

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Not to mention camping set spawn points.

It would turn the game into a death match, if you had two reasonably sized groups meeting in cities with spawn points, they could just keep spawning, running in and rejoining the fight. That sort of thing would get stupid after awhile, and I think, not conducive to the overall atmosphere of the game.

Not to mention that there'll be spawn camping if there are set spawn points.

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The respawn button need's to be put back in, i don't fancy breaking my leg on a rock in a forest and having to crawl for 3hours to get a morphine shot, or better yet getting to the entrance of a town and just getting mauled by zombies or shot by someone else.

Then you are playing the wrong mod ^_^

War Z beta sign ups are -----> that way

Edited by EliJRn
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So no sign of Rocket for a good few pages

rumors say he is busy coding some zombie mod

edit: damn he beat me to it :P

Edited by Azrail
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If there is no tent bug fix today, can you wipe them all out? :)

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Love the game, but I think the login/logout timer feature could have some unintended consequences.

There are still servers where I get stuck at the loading screen forever. It's quite common for me to have to attempt 3-5 servers before I get into one and can play on it.

I still get the bug where I'm auto-killed at launch and respawn in the wilderness. It is much more rare now, but when it happens I immediately disconnect, run "verify" on the six launcher, and try another server. I almost always load into my original location or one of the spawn points on the beach after using this method. My character is not dead, and I have all my items back.

There's also the fact that server settings can't be known until you get into the game.

The point is that I almost always end up logging into 3-7 servers per hour just to get the game to function. My friend, who I usually play with does not have this problem, or at least it's not as severe for him. I can only think of one time where my first server has worked correctly until I was ready to log off.

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