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Do Ghillie and Camo still exist?

Dude seriously...

are you retarded?

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Dude seriously...

are you retarded?

YES HE IS ! And , i saw , last week , a men with the camo , probably a cheater :3.

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any news about rain sound - thunders showing up in hud indicator and player - gun sounds dumping in environment sounds?

or painkiller - morphine withdrawal ?

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Please, for the love of all that is sacred in the world.

Can people PLEASE accept that:

This update - will only LOG your LOGIN, LOGOUT, DISCONNECT




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Poor "hive reputation", which will come to include many factors - including alt-f4 behavior, will result in a database ban. This means your playerID will not be accepted on DayZ servers, and you cannot play DayZ.

Given the ease with which hackers are stealing/spoofing GUIDs (http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/40664-server-admins-stealing-guids-for-spoofing/), won't this lead to griefing?

1) hacker spoofs valid player's GUID

2) hacker logs in/out of servers until valid player receives database ban

3) ???

4) profit!

I've had to un-ban GUIDs on my server for players of our group - one who was very new (<1 week) and one who had played for months. <_<

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Sometimes, i see those people asking same questions again and again and again. Is it a bug and if how to fix?

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Please be careful with this login/logout punishments

There are legal reasons to do this, surely "out of combat":

- often AFK due to phone, children, whatever - 3-4 times per 15 minutes - is it much or not? depends...

- invalid server description - day or night, actually [ch:off] may mean [ch:on] and so on

- disconnects (due to ping or unfair admin, for example)

- bad logging in: "enter to character selection room, bla-bla-bla" - very often

OFC, it's not common behavior, just think twice please :)


I share his concern I have two kids and have to log in and out(to the lobby) alot in-order to deal with them not listen to their mother. Go figure a 3 year old and 5 year old with a attitude. If I am forced to stay in game during that then so be it but I dont want to be punish for being a parent. I get that enought when they break things.

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LOGGING player authentication is part of this update.

ACTIONS based on this logging is not part of it.

People switching servers should not be punished. It needs to be action based before you start handing out warning and bans. There are numerous legitmate actions to switch between a handful of servers while not server hopping for gear:

1) Finding a server that isn't pitch black

2) Having tents on mulitple servers at the same location. If one is switching gear between these tents, it can result in a lot of server hopping especially if you have a big group. (Sidenote: We'd rather not put all of tents on one server because if it gets raided we're screwed, if the server disappears were screwed, etc...)

3) Finding a server that doesn't give me yellow/red bars for over 50% of the time I'm on it.

I do 1 and 2 and don't want to be punished because of this new system. I actually probably log in and log more than alt F4er's, but action based loggin is what needs to be monitored, whether it be for server hoppers or alt F4er's.

Edited by Stephe

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Thanks, that's just what some people were wanting...


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Pretty damn good idea. Okay, I like it. If it detects you in debug zone, or you have a fracture, the respawn option will be enabled. We'll try that out. It is posts like this that are the reason we tollerate the BS.

I have read stories of how people have had to crawl miles through zombie infested towns just to find a hospital just so they could repair a broken leg with morphine.

That seems like it would be a pretty epic experience when you finally find that morphine.

I'm not sure if adding the option to re-spawn would rob people of that experience or if it would just allow people to play they way they want.

I'm not sure if I would hit re-spawn or try my hardest to survive given the option. I would like to think that I would crawl my ass off but I dunno. I might just go for the easy option then never feel that great survival rush.

Just something to think about.

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Please, for the love of all that is sacred in the world.

Can people PLEASE accept that:

Please amend OP for all the tards out there... that line about swat team cracked me up! Rocket you the man! Keep it up.

ALPHA - Add/Remove Features, Test the water.

BETA - Crush the bugs.

Can people stop focusing on bugs so much and give feedback on features or what they want to see!

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I can speak several dozen sentences in german actually. Rosetta stone is awseome as is deployment and temporary duty at Ramstien.

Ramstein, Wienerschnitzel.

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I am experimenting with adding back the 5 second "alive in world" mechanic that we had before. This should also be there, in addition to the tracking of login/logout.

5 Seconds is simply too less. 30 seconds (in which you are not allowed to move,otherwise the log out is aborted) should do the job.

I am totally uncomfortable with disabling the respawn button. I visited the debug hills to often and last time was yesterday ( What can I do in Debug Hills? Reconnecting did not do the job either. I hit respawn, lost my loot but was glad that I had not to live in Debug Hills for several days until my Character dies from thirst or hunger.

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I have read stories of how people have had to crawl miles through zombie infested towns just to find a hospital just so they could repair a broken leg with morphine.

That seems like it would be a pretty epic experience when you finally find that morphine.

Dude, over the course of 4 days of full play I crawled from Pustoshka to the Cherno Hospital checking every Deer Stand along the way and the Air Base above Balota. When I finally made it to the Hospital late late late on the fourth night, eyes teary, back aching, recently injected with morphine and a back pack full of medical supplies, I went to the office building near by and got shot buy some dude hiding under the stairs... Cheers....

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Each time they login and logout of a server, it will be logged. Once we ensure we are not catching false-positives, we will start issuing warnings to players and allow them to check their reputation on the website with the central server. Those that continue to conduct the behavior, will receive database bans.

That's nonsense. You guys can't monitor ~2000 DayZ servers, many of them are constantly passworded or otherwise break against your rules and none of them are blacklisted. How do you want to monitor over half a million players? Will it be automated? If so there will always be false-positives, no matter how good your algorithm. People will also try to appeal from the ban by making up stories about how "they got disconnected" etc. You won't be able to tell the difference between genuine network issues and server hoppers. Even if the system somehow works, it still doesn't solve the Alt+F4 issue, only server hopping/ghosting.

I don't know limitations of the ArmA2 engine, but here is my suggestion. Make leaving the game require a 30s timeout without moving. Make characters stay ingame after a player disconnect, for at least 30s. If the engine doesn't allow you to do that - punish people that disconnect unexpectedly, for example decrease blood by half or shock on next connect for 5 minutes.

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He isn't bullshitting here. I play with a few friends too and we are all scattered throughout the country. We try to go for central servers and use the 6launcher. We probably have to hop servers about 10-15 times trying to find a good one. In many cases it is just a bad server version which I doubt adds anything to the rep since we never technically logged in. Other times we find one with a good ping but by the time we join, the framerate is going at like 10fps. That's unplayable...so we quit. Many other times we sit watching the loading screen(and keep in mind, this is after we passed the lobby) that keeps loading... and loading... and loading. So again, we quit. This kind of stuff should not affect our rep.

On another note...

One thing I am sick of seeing is elitist buttholes saying "get better internets". Sure buddy, pay for people's contractual obligated early termination fees and they would happily change their internet for you. Until then, your comments are not helping the problem. Just because something works for you, does not mean it works for everyone. Are you just pissed off because somebody alt f4d on you when you cowardly shot at them from behind a bush?

Here's an idea. Why don't you favorite a server when you and all your friends find a good server and stay on that same server, problem solved? You shouldn't have to join a different server every time you guys log in. A lot of the servers are different versions and if you aren't joining a version that's compatible with the version you have then you will have problems!!! If everyone stays on one server then we wouldn't have all these issues.

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The bugs that i find most annoying right now, is the inventory bugs (Losing items due to bugs)


1. Dropping weapons on the ground makes them disappear.

2. Putting weapons in the backpack but the backpack is full or doesn´t have enough slots, also makes the weapon disappear.

3. If you lose connection to the server and connect again, items you recently put in your inventory are gone. This bug seems to be pretty random. Sometimes i don´t lose items i got minutes ago before the server shuts down, and sometimes i loose stuff i got 30 minutes before the shut down.

4. Many more i simply don´t remember right now, point is, a inventory upgrade would be fantastic :)

And while i´m here, i know of an exploit.

The 45./m1911 ammo can be exploited. If you take a clip that isn´t full and convert it, the clip fills up. (I have actually not seen this bug myself as i hate using exploit, so i´m not a 100% on the details, but a friend i was playing with was telling us about this while we were playing)

Edited by Varasalvi

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I share his concern I have two kids and have to log in and out(to the lobby) alot in-order to deal with them not listen to their mother. Go figure a 3 year old and 5 year old with a attitude. If I am forced to stay in game during that then so be it but I dont want to be punish for being a parent. I get that enought when they break things.

No offence mate but if your like that guy and have to lobby 3/4 times every 15 minutes, youy shouldnt be playing the game in the first place. Solution would be playing when your not busy ?

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Please amend OP for all the tards out there... that line about swat team cracked me up! Rocket you the man! Keep it up.

ALPHA - Add/Remove Features, Test the water.

BETA - Crush the bugs.

Can people stop focusing on bugs so much and give feedback on features or what they want to see!

Haha ok, here is a suggestion. Too many zombie games have the running ones. How about the calssic slow walking zombies? But spawn thousands of them!

And if some day I do get banned for logging when the swat team kicks the door in and lights me on fire...I WILL be appealing it!

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Rocket, will you implement a new inventory system soon?

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changes like this have a big impact on the game, but they are not making this game better.

the current problem in my opinion which is destroying the game are the loosing item bugs, duplicating items and cheaters. working on these things wont give direct results which are immediately visible but are so damn important. please make a poll about which things the players want to be fixed

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Geez guys give the man a break.

If i were rocket which im clearly not (im better looking :P), i wouldn't have even told you about the enabling login data.

I would have just done it and collected the data and gone on my way.

So will this update give me ...

A heli everytime i spawn - NO

All the best gear - NO

All my gear back - NO

Stop me Alt/F4ing - NO ... mores the pity

Stop me Hacking - NO

The ability to respawn every few seconds - NO

It might actually fix the infected hearing and the clothing and a few other bits not announced yet.

Guys and Girls Please get your heads around its an Alpha Testing Mod

Every time we stub a toe or get killed in the mod he gets data from it, and from all this data comes a real game.

Rocket has said before Most of the major problems CANT be fixed because its the limitation of the engine we use to play on (Arma 2) and they are not even going to try.

Why waste the effort trying to code something that wont work because it still can be exploited

All you need to do is stop whinging and get playing as soon as the update happens the more data he gets the better the game will be.

But just do one thing.

Report in a sensible concise fashion so they can find what they have broken and make it better again.

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Really Rocket, really?

This is Alpha, we all know that because this forum has like 1000 users who dedicated their time to tell you "ALPHAZ!!111oneoneeleven" as soon as you "whine" about something, and in broken Alpha like DayZ mod is you decided to remove Respawn feature?

- Hackers: teleport you around, break your leg(s), send you to debug forest.

- Spawns: debug forest.

- Playing with friends: I am playing with 5-8 people, can you imagine nightmare of us getting together now? We will literally spend HOURS to just meet and start playing together, that is your intention that goes along with game's core design? I have to quit my job and my friends have to quit their studies if they want to play few hours of DayZ with me, because now... well... it's impossible to play DayZ for couple of hours as we will spend those couple of hours just running to find each other.

Oh cmon, don't just remove something like Respawning without giving us any alternative. What the fuck is my alternative if hacker breaks my leg in middle of nowhere while I am running through the forest? Is part of game's core design to have damn hacker on every damn server breaking my legs and teleporting me around? Most of people are already annoyed by overal hacking in this game, now we have to think about being stuck in nowhere without option to respawn/start from scratch.

Thank you Rocket, and your data collecting.

I don't even know what is benefit of ALT+F4 in DayZ but people are talking about that as it is form of hacking. I guess people escape danger doing ALT+F4 but I never understood why is it different then Abort->Disconnect.

Anyway, fighting against anything that annoys most of players is always good and nice but reading like 20 pages of this thread I found out you will also bring a lot of problems to legitimate users.

- Server/Client Performance: for some reason I can't explain nor understand why is my FPS changed by server's performance based on hardware and/or internet it has. I can NOT know if server I am joining will work well for me hence every day I am playing DayZ I have to change at least few servers before I find one that works fine. Why should I get punished for trying to play this game on server that gives me more then 15 FPS?

- Friends: same thing as above, different people have different PC configurations. When I play with friends some server we pick gives good performance to half of our group, while other half has shitty FPS. We gotta keep "server hoping" until we find server that works decently for everyone. Punish us? Of course, we are such abusers and exploiters...

- Misleading server information: AT LEAST half of servers "lie" about timezone and settings. Countless and countless of times I entered server where (by description) it should've been day but is night, or it says "CH:ON" but CH is OFF and so on. Should I be also punished because server admin doesn't care for updating server's name and description?

Basically this patch just PUNISHES me as legitimate user that doesn't ALT+F4, doesn't server hop for loot, doesn't abuse this game by any other means and surely doesn't hack. I play as legit as it is possible and after this patch I'll have HARD time playing with friends, I'll get punished for going through difficult process of finding decent server - difficult process that GAME/mod enforced on me, also I will spend my DayZ playtime running and trying to find friends OR I will crawl in forest for hours trying to find a zombie to kill me after hacker teleports me to forest and breaks my leg. Or... I will just be stuck in debug forest.

Really nice of you Rocket, instead of fixing bugs/hacks/performance issues that are here for months or AT LEAST enforcing same DayZ version/beta patch version on all servers you are adding Bear Traps and shitting on players who play this legit.

Thanks dude.

Nice copy paste. Good work!

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Given the ease with which hackers are stealing/spoofing GUIDs (http://dayzmod.com/f...s-for-spoofing/), won't this lead to griefing?

1) hacker spoofs valid player's GUID

2) hacker logs in/out of servers until valid player receives database ban

3) ???

4) profit!

I've had to un-ban GUIDs on my server for players of our group - one who was very new (<1 week) and one who had played for months. <_<

Doesnt work like that, GUID is only part of it. Your GUID is specific to your CD key, by spoofing a connection with the same GUID, all you do is essentially connect with what seems like that GUID. Battleye grabs the hashed cd key encrypts it, then creates a md5 hash of your cd key(hashed cd key) and then authenticates it with battleye, and first then is the GUID generated based on the md5.

The only thing that you can spoof, is the PID, which is different from the GUID. GUIDs are validated and generated serverside

Edited by Suspenselol

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