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Ok here is one I haven't seen asked yet.

Any idea when it is going to be mandatory for servers to be running correct versions? This has caused some big problems.

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the thing with the server time is an issue. they need to get all the servers in line. if some servers want to offset their time by 12 hours, that's fine, but as it is there's no rhyme or reason to it

that being said, it's usually easy to tell if a server's night or day my how many people are playing

the whole concept of the real-time game is cool, but I'm not sure how it will work in the long run. night time has just become something that people avoid. I'm not sure how that can be fixed. I always have this dilemma where I have to drop my pistol to use my flashlight. maybe if there was (better) loot that only spawned at night, that would be more incentive for people to play at night

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Vehicle hoarders do you have any comments on these. Once you find a helicopter i guess people just stash away all the vehicles in the woods.

Also would love to see ui updates to the inventory system and a "add server to favorites" feature on the server browser.

Is it possible to fix the sights on the M16M203 and the M4A1 HOLO so i can toggle b/w the iron sights and the launcher leaf sights.

Edited by twix

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the thing with the server time is an issue. they need to get all the servers in line. if some servers want to offset their time by 12 hours, that's fine, but as it is there's no rhyme or reason to it

that being said, it's usually easy to tell if a server's night or day my how many people are playing

the whole concept of the real-time game is cool, but I'm not sure how it will work in the long run. night time has just become something that people avoid. I'm not sure how that can be fixed. I always have this dilemma where I have to drop my pistol to use my flashlight. maybe if there was (better) loot that only spawned at night, that would be more incentive for people to play at night

Setting a ping limit on all servers of 100ms or less would mean people would be mostly restricted to servers in their own region.

Battle eye has that ability.

That would make it less likely that people would try and play on servers with an opposite TZ.

Edited by BL1P

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Why is nobody thinking about this:

Disconnect waiting timer that ONLY applies if you are in the game for longer then 3 min and Freezes character in place in standing pose.

+ Punish people who force quit ALT+F4 by increasing the timer.


- Change servers that do not meet your requirement if you change within 3 min. (no penalties given)


- Players to disconnect when they are being fired upon. (either puts them in the timer. or if they alt+F4 it adds to there penalty list + keeps the player there in the game for the shooter to kill and loot)

Why make a punishment rule for disconnecting if combat disconnecting is the least used reason for disconnect at this moment with all the bugs etc?

As for loot cycling:

- Can be done without disconnecting anyways.

As for position changers:

- This feature would build up there timer into a point where they couldnt flank you anymore.

There... Fixed.

Edited by GuitarPants

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Do you think they will ever give us back spawning weapons? i wouldnt mind a gun with no ammo. i always play solo so if i get hit to many times im pretty much screwed. if not, maybe a crowbar.

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there's plenty of games out there that will penalize you in some way for getting disconnected. losing power while playing a video game is never a good thing

When i lose my internet...it takes 90 seconds and it tells me no message recieved. Hopefully this will be taken into acoount. And yeah hopping servers to find one that working peoperly. Sometimes I have to try 6 or 7 servers be fore I can play. Getting perma banned from playing DayZ. cmon.....looks like warZ's chances are getting better

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Setting a ping limit on all servers of 100ms or less would mean people would be mostly restricted to servers in their own region.

Battle eye has that ability.

That would make it less likely that people would try and play on servers with an opposite TZ.

first you need to get the servers in line

but I don't have a problem with some servers offsetting their time. I understand some people can only play at night, and may want to play in day time. I'd rather have that then people joining games halfway around the world, and creating a laggy experience for all. I think harsh ping limits would keep a lot of people from playing together, so I don't think that would work

as it relates to this disconnecting issue, it's just important that the severs are using the time they claim they are

Edited by daze23

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some of these changes arent really clear to me. can someone explain better on what they are doing. thanks.

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Why is nobody thinking about this:

Disconnect waiting timer that ONLY applies if you are in the game for longer then 3 min and Freezes character in place in standing pose.

+ Punish people who force quit ALT+F4 by increasing the timer.


- Change servers that do not meet your requirement if you change within 3 min. (no penalties given)


- Players to disconnect when they are being fired upon. (either puts them in the timer. or if they alt+F4 it adds to there penalty list + keeps the player there in the game for the shooter to kill and loot)

Why make a punishment rule for disconnecting if combat disconnecting is the least used reason for disconnect at this moment with all the bugs etc?

As for loot cycling:

- Can be done without disconnecting anyways.

As for position changers:

- This feature would build up there timer into a point where they couldnt flank you anymore.

There... Fixed.

it might not be possible given the nature of the mod

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I'm sorry, but you are gravely over-generalizing people who also do not have ALL day to play games. You seem to think that all gamers that are complaining about this aspect of the game are basically just "carebear" gamers, and need the game to basically hold their hands. Thus they MUST be the only players who can't stand this spawning issue. You couldn't be further from the truth, sir... especially for gamers like myself and those I play with.

I understand that this game is meant to be hardcore, and is meant to be as realistic as a survival sandbox as it can get... and for the most part, it's right on the money! However, lets look at the game from a LORE standpoint. Why do people start on the beach with a backpack and anything in it? Where did all these survivors come from? If we were in an actual apocalyptic zombie situation, regardless if it was Day Zero or Day 1825 (5 years into it), do you truly believe that every single person would be starting their survival journey completely ALONE?!?!?! If you do, then you're a lost cause to any rational reasoning, regarding game lore, etc (IMO)

Given this game has but only a few working vehicles... that means this isn't actual Day Z(ero), as on the day of outbreak, there would still be plenty of working vehicles! THUS, in such a situation, there would definitely already be "packs" of people formed and working together. Thus, why not allow them to spawn together in this game to allow that type of "LORE" into the game? The fact that every single person starts alone, on the beach, with a backpack and some bandages, is almost like saying that every single person was lost at sea (maybe due to a shipwreck), and that they just happened to make it to land alone...

You see, there is plenty of LORE to think about, and plenty of ways to perceive this game in order to implement certain mechanics in order to make it jive with it's main objective of being a truly hardcore survival game!

And if you want to go on about players being carebear, because they dislike not being able to spawn with friends... my friends and I (including my wife) all played Left 4 Dead 2 purely on Expert Realism mode! Playing games as hardcore as we can is what it's all about to us! But that doesn't mean that we want to spend a huge chunk of our gaming time simply GETTING TO EACH OTHER before we can actually begin to work together as a group!

I can't put it any more eloquently! Tis my 2cents!

I understand what you are saying but can't agree with it. According to you the game has "fun" parts - shooting zombies/players with your group and "boring" parts - running alone through hostile areas. You want to be able to skip the "boring" parts and get straight to having fun. But the "boring" part is as much part of the survival simulation. This is a slippery slope, what next - autofill canteens with water when you are near wells/ponds? Auto-cook meat when you have required tools in your inventory? All these boring, unnecessary actions just steal your quality time. Maybe you want checkpoints too, to return to the last checkpoint before you died?

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You can no longer respawn, as it says in the changelog.

Suicide may be possible with a firearm, I am just checking to see if it will cause me to end up on CNN or some random politician somewhere will end up blaming me for a string of suicides. I'd rather not be sued, be on CNN, or responsible for people killing themselves.

any press is good press

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I understand what you are saying but can't agree with it. According to you the game has "fun" parts - shooting zombies/players with your group and "boring" parts - running alone through hostile areas. You want to be able to skip the "boring" parts and get straight to having fun. But the "boring" part is as much part of the survival simulation. This is a slippery slope, what next - autofill canteens with water when you are near wells/ponds? Auto-cook meat when you have required tools in your inventory? All these boring, unnecessary actions just steal your quality time. Maybe you want checkpoints too, to return to the last checkpoint before you died?

All I see you being is smart a$$... He wasn't say that AT ALL!

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Suicide is a serious issue, both in game and out of it.

But it is not something I'm prepared to gamble the project on, it's just not that important. Same with some other controversial things, such as drug's and cannibalism. They are all things I think, would become particularly relevant and prominent in any survival situation (I know first hand). But they also need to be carefully considered. I'd rather the standalone wasn't delayed simply because a newspaper or tv show want's a controversy so does an expose on how the game is causing/promoting x, y, and z.

Did you eat someone?

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Why is nobody thinking about this:

Disconnect waiting timer that ONLY applies if you are in the game for longer then 3 min and Freezes character in place in standing pose.

+ Punish people who force quit ALT+F4 by increasing the timer.


- Change servers that do not meet your requirement if you change within 3 min. (no penalties given)


- Players to disconnect when they are being fired upon. (either puts them in the timer. or if they alt+F4 it adds to there penalty list + keeps the player there in the game for the shooter to kill and loot)

Why make a punishment rule for disconnecting if combat disconnecting is the least used reason for disconnect at this moment with all the bugs etc?

As for loot cycling:

- Can be done without disconnecting anyways.

As for position changers:

- This feature would build up there timer into a point where they couldnt flank you anymore.

There... Fixed.

We mite yet find common ground. I like the within 3 minutes thing for all those bitching about they cant find a good server, which personally I find beyond popostrous. I have found several servers that are good for me and that are always up. I have the choice between the 4 good servers. Usually stick to one for continuity and tent purposes. But either way thats fair. It however still leaves plenty of time for loot server hopping. Jump around from one super market to the next. 3 minutes is plenty of time to grab the good stuff. You only need 1 minute to find a day/night server.

I still think however that once we have enough servers/server capacity/dedicated servers you should get one life on one server. PERIOD. DOT. Solves everything.

Edited by VictorM

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We mite yet find common ground. I like the within 3 minutes thing for all those bitching about they cant find a good server, which personally I find beyond popostrous. I have found several servers that are good for me and that are always up. I have the choice between the 4 good servers. Usually stick to one for continuity and tent purposes. But either way thats fair. It however still leaves plenty of time for loot server hopping. Jump around from one super market to the next. 3 minutes is plenty of time to grab the good stuff. You only need 1 minute to find a day/night server.

I still think however that once we have enough servers/server capacity/dedicated servers you should get one life on one server. PERIOD. DOT. Solves everything.

Yup the ammount of time is debatable. i think 1 min would indeed be better then 3. that way you couldn't even really loot everything before getting punished.

but the main reason is so that you fix both problems. and have a procedual punish ONLY for the people who abuse the games exploits. and not PUNISH those who play FAIR. :)

And still remain Effective <- forgot to add that. because the other idea doesnt sound effective to me.

Edited by GuitarPants

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And mite I add, finding a good server for yourself shouldn't really require you to log in and log out. This only adds to my suspicion everyone bitching about this is an avid DCer.

First you have the latency idicator which is usually fairly accurate. I have gone into servers that show green 70 and or less. Halfway through play through I get yellow, red, and broken red chains with no drop in FPS or DC. It comes and goes. Its normal. As for day night, thats not such a game breaking problem that we should consider letting people DC and server hop just because you got unlucky and found yourself in the dark. PLAY the game! Sometimes its dark. You start with a flashlight now. Its effective, albeit dangerous to use. But again that is the game.

Anyway, this could be avoided by server owners either being true to the local time zone they are located in or by clearly marking on their server. And for the gamer its simple. FIND A SERVER THAT HAS AN ACTIVE ADMIN! Find one that is always updating their timezone, that is stable. There is no FREAKING WAY i am the only person that has 4 good servers available at any given time. There is just no freaking way. I live in the states. In most cases we have some of the shittiest internet in the world. Noone in Asia better complain, thats for sure, with their fiber to home and fiber NICs. So no, I don't think this, like all the other outlandish reasons all you avid DCers come up with is a valid reason. Like I said if you internet is such shit that you genuinely cannot find a good server, you need to sell your game, buy more bandwidth, or move if playing dayz is that important to you.

Please SOMEONE argue this to me. Someone present me with a coherent and intelligent counter responce to this and I will drop it and advocate against anti DC mechanics.

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clearly marking a server and making it say its correct zones will help, but its not going to solve the situation.

some people are just to well, stupid to look at it.

to some, and most for that matter, its all about the current ping. most don't even look if its full or not...

the d/c issue depends on a few variables.


coming from my standpoint, my net is stable, and i can download at 1mb/s.

this is sufficient to play dayz, as most other games.

but, as server loads increase and decrease depending on player-bases on them, the server's connection o each player varies, thus you getting d/c'd from time to time. (not frequent, but it does happen.)

this is not to say everybody gets this, as when a person is d/c'd, the strain on the upload to the server is reduced, temporarily helping the problem.


if a person joins a server, and his net is jumping up and down for some reason.

(typical ms jumps if using a launcher that pings a heap of servers at a time.(aka, six launcher))

battleye tends to take action around the three-5 minute mark.

if it was to kick you for this at the four minute mark, would it add you to the timer?

now, I'm not completely against this, but I'm being cautious to it.

its a good idea, and would work in concept, but there are a few variables to take into account.

I'm not saying they have not, but they might have overlooked a few.

(also not saying these are ether overlooked, or ignored, just what i can think of strait off the bat.)

Edited by Sythe179

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^ This right here.

For those of you that are not able to find a server that has the timezone correct or a server that is on daytime, I present to you your solution: dayzcommander.


Notice the 'any time of the day' drop down menu?

Notice the 'Day/Night' column?


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Amazed at people who are supposed to be 18+ coming up with all these reasons not to have their DC fest fucked up.

From sick daughters being ignored in favour of dayz (at least until they reach critical condition at which time the guy might exit the game) to shitty Internet connections being blamed for dc in combat.

I admit to server hopping, I tried it out for loot but then started to use it to hunt other server hoppers. Far more fun. And I'll be stoked when rocket finally fixes all that Bullshit in dc'ing or alt f4 on death.

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awesome cant wait to see this hive reputation screen, and be able to view my personal data.

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