Quan 0 Posted July 23, 2012 (edited) Yes it would, and this would be a valid point. I'm not sure what the answer is here.Yes it would, and this would be a valid point. I'm not sure what the answer is here.All this would really mean is that instead of the medic changing servers the player being helped would have to hop servers instead. That way they only hop once and the medic can continue on his way. Edited July 23, 2012 by Quan Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
zorg_dk 30 Posted July 23, 2012 Banning because of Alt+F4? That's exceptionally harsh.Why not ban the bandits? :D After all, they're the one's who force people into a position where Alt+F4 is the only solution to survive. OK, I guess not. :) But at least cut the guys being ambushed some slack. After all it's very hard to get gear in this game, and having to start all over because of some douche is frustrating at best.Otherwise I'm completely for banning hackers and cheaters. However, many paid money for the single reason of having access to this game, so whenever a ban is effected, there should be a very good reason - something more important than some douche bandit being irritated that he didn't get a kill.that's the only thing they have respect for those suckers. ;) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
rogi_ 3 Posted July 23, 2012 Nice gj, just hope the eternal loadings end too:D Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 191 Posted July 23, 2012 (edited) Banning because of Alt+F4? That's exceptionally harsh.If his system actually 100% singled out the people exploiting ALT+F4 to escape danger in game whether zombies or players then I'm happy for that. You're exploiting a bug to avoid things you don't like in game which totally undermines the fear in a hardcore multi player game such as this. Morality of bandits aside, at the very least they are not abusing game bugs.However the system being proposed would be full of more holes than a colander...Rocket likes to collect and analyse data, he certainly could have done that on the sly without even informing us so I appreciate that he not only mentioned it would happen but also stated what the data was being collected for. But a system coming off of that data would be neigh on impossible to impose correctly.It would seem he wants to "see" though and at least have data to look at for when he plays with scripts in his prototype version. This is an experiment after all and he is not shackled by the conformities of having to appease everyone and be carebear that a lot of mainstream games suffer.So if he fucks something up? Ooops -- No one paid for it. Got to break a few eggs to make an omlette and all that. But I do hope his mindset is not to purposely break eggs just because he can. :huh:Really though -- The solution to the problem of Alt+F4 is a 30 second timer, 5 - 15 minutes if a player killed someone. If that's able to be scripted for this mod is a different matter. If he has to hack it somehow I'd prefer that than the "we can do it easily in standalone" so much of the game is not being balanced properly because of the issue of Alt+F4 -- If he's really using this as a test bed, it is in fact vital to fix now before standalone.Edit:Something like a LogOut data field in the database for each character. As soon as a character moves their location or shoots or does any form of interaction with the game including being damaged or put into shock or bleeding etc then that field is set to 30. If nothing is happening in game then the field drops down 1 second at a time to 0. Once it's 0 the character can abort and log out correctly.If a bandit / murder happens that field is set to 600. And counts down, only when it gets to 30 is it again effected by movement / shock bleeding etc.That data field could correlate to an icon on the right hand HUD along with blood etc which has an icon or a word indicating that you're "locked" in the game. It will disappear when the LogOut field has reached 0. There could even be another icon to indicate that you're "kill locked". for anything in the LogOut data field >30.As long as it's coded correctly and some mad ass bug / lag doesn't start fucking with the LogOut field making it 9239283 or some insane shit that system should be okay. Edited July 23, 2012 by itputsthelotion 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
heradon 12 Posted July 23, 2012 Good patch, but sad to see that tents aren't fixed. Which means tents won't save items, just lost all our stuff and tents after server restart... I also like to see autosave and tents/vehicles. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ZlobaRUS54 441 Posted July 23, 2012 Navigation is not a challenge, nor is meeting up.If you're meeting up with someone it's a useless time sink. People play this game every day and meet friends via respawning.Well, you will not be able to do this anymore. You are generating server load by trying to give yourself an advantage. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 40 Posted July 23, 2012 right on man.just for kids....what is the purpose of esrb?So parents can find some kind of reassurance, when we all know the reality that it's not worth the paper it's written on, I bet 80% of the parents don't give a shit what there kids play, well that's my experience anyway.I also don't buy into the whole movies/games influencing peoples behavior and turning them into mentalists, they were probably already mental in the first place! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
boatie 34 Posted July 23, 2012 Well, you will not be able to do this anymore. You are generating server load by trying to give yourself an advantage.Lol. What advantage? That you will not be bored to tears playing by yourself because you can hook up with some friends? Not all of us are loners who can play 5 hours a day. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
puppetmaster11 229 Posted July 23, 2012 Good patch, but sad to see that tents aren't fixed. Which means tents won't save items, just lost all our stuff and tents after server restart... I also like to see autosave and tents/vehicles.Not true hes working on that also just has not added it to the fix list yet until it is complete Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
firecrow 4 Posted July 23, 2012 Poor "hive reputation", which will come to include many factors - including alt-f4 behavior, will result in a database ban. This means your playerID will not be accepted on DayZ servers, and you cannot play DayZ.Only problem I see with this is... when I play Day Z I sometimes get interrupted by my daughter or someone else in my family. I log out to deal with it. This can happen quite often as my daughter has some medical issues. Scenarios like that need to be taken into account. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Caniz 0 Posted July 23, 2012 As I didn't spot a response to te question, which has been asked earlier. Are you going to fix the zombie spotting/hearing you from far away, especially when you are in prone. It's frustrating to try to move in cities for example and suddenly you aggro zombie from nearby field, as example.. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
orion 54 Posted July 23, 2012 Looks good so far Rocket. I am interesting to see how the zombies will react to the noise fix. Also, collecting data in regards to the alt f4 issue is a step in the right direction. Keep up the good work! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Kiro (DayZ) 57 Posted July 23, 2012 (edited) Does the new system detect if we esc->abort to avoid death? This system won't prevent abuses as it's impossible to know if someone disconnects because he heard footsteps or because he needs to go irl.What if I want to play on a night time server and have to disconnect/reconnect 5 times? Will I get punished for that?Why don't you simply put a 30 seconds delay before your character disappears from the world, instead of 5 seconds? Why build such a complicated system instead of a very simple one that will completely eliminate the disconnection abuses? Edited July 23, 2012 by Kiro 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Szap 14 Posted July 23, 2012 Technical issue: please do not Post in yellow Text. I use the "white background" forum design because i have problems with the black one. I cant read anything in Yellow text... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 13 Posted July 23, 2012 Thanks for all the great work Rocket. One thing I am concerned about: There is currently no way to figure out what the actually ingame time is (whether it's day or night). Some friends and me were playing last night and it took probably a dozen servers before we could find a daytime one. Just one more thing to bare in mind, maybe get dayz updater and arma 2 to include this data in the lists? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 0 Posted July 23, 2012 I remember rocket talking about new zombie mo-cap animations. Im guessing that they aren't finished yet, but any eta on when? Sparatic Usain bolt movement is not the greatest thing in the mod. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
icomrade 201 Posted July 23, 2012 (edited) Does the new system detect if we esc->abort to avoid death? This system won't prevent abuses as it's impossible to know if someone disconnects because he heard footsteps or because he needs to go irl.What if I want to play on a night time server and have to disconnect/reconnect 5 times? Will I get punished for that?Why don't you simply put a 30 seconds delay before your character disappears from the world, instead of 5 seconds? Why build such a complicated system instead of a very simple one that will completely eliminate the disconnection abuses?This system is probably must more simple. Your "simple" suggestion would require much more coding than logging of alt f4, he didnt even say a punishment was implemented yet.Technical issue: please do not Post in yellow Text. I use the "white background" forum design because i have problems with the black one. I cant read anything in Yellow text...get a better monitor. Edited July 23, 2012 by icomrade 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Chameleon (DayZ) 13 Posted July 23, 2012 (edited) Hey Rocket,I've been reading thru all the pages in this thread, and I am quite happy to see how much work you're putting into trying to make this game the best it can be! Kudos for the amazing work!HOWEVER, there are two MAJOR things that have killed this game's "fun" factor to me::1. Hackers (this is a given, of course).2. SpawningAs it stands, being spawned in random locations doesn't bother me... as long as I'm playing alone! I could care less where I spawn when I'm alone, as I'll make due! However, when I'm playing with friends, this mechanic practically kills the game, and here's why...If I had ALL day, every day, to play this game -- which would be more like actually living within a zombie apocalypse setting (24/7 full immersion), then random spawn locations would be no issue, regardless who I was trying to meet up with. But that is hardly ever the case with MANY gamers. Take myself, for instance; I have a family, a job, and thus only a limited amount of time to play video games as it is. So when I want to play a video game with friends, and the game decides to spawn us on opposite ends of the map, it could potentially take us an hour (or so) to even meet up!! That is valuable time lost!!Now, don't get me wrong, I COMPLETELY understand the realism aspect you're trying to instill into this game, and I absolutely LOVE it (for the most part); but basically penalizing people who want to play together by practically getting rid of the ability to respawn so that it doesn't take AS LONG to meet up... this is a GAME killer, imo! And for anyone who doesn't think so, then I can only assume that you must have all the time in the world to play games... unlike the huge chunk of players that do not!I have two solution IDEAS::1. Allow people to choose from a multitude of spawn "areas," and add more spawn locations within each area. Then, when a person chooses an AREA to spawn in, it spawns them at one of the many random spawn locations in that area.2. Allow people to spawn in as a group, but to a random location.Both of these solutions would still keep spawn camping at a minimum, and would alleviate the frustration that is felt when I've just spawned in Kemenka and my budy spawned up in Elektro.... I'm sorry to say, but realism/immersion aside, we're simply not going to spend upwards of an hour of our precious GAMING time in just GETTING to each other in order to even play your game as a group. Again, this is a HUGE game killer, and I know that I am not the only one that thinks so.But as I said, I do understand your mentality behind what you're doing... I just think the mechanic is still a bit flawed, and could be implemented in a much better manner than doing away with respawning all together. It's as other have been saying... this is only going to mean that now instead of hitting the respawn button, people are going to go get themselves killed by zombies as quickly as they can. Same situation, different manner of accomplishing it! Which means you're not really doing anything with this change but changing the WAY people do the exact same thing!You have to understand that I am vocal about this issue, and this issues alone, simply because I just recently picked this game up after having it recommended to me by a friend, and this is literally the ONLY major issue I have with the game (besides hackers, of course, but that's a given). And to me, those who want to retort and say that this is all about REALISM and all about being as "hardcore" as possible... I get that. I really do! But at the same time, it's also still just a GAME... and games are meant to be as enjoyable as possible, while still maintaining their prime objectives... and I think my two solution ideas above would accomplish this quite well. I just hope you agree!Now, as for the logging out aspect that you're implementing... I see no issues with this, besides what everyone else has been saying... simply that at times, it can be tough to find that perfect server that your entire group can play on... Or when you find that you're on a server with hackers, and all of a sudden you and everyone else on the server is mass-teleported to the same spot, so that the hackers can basically insta-kill everyone... that would be the only time AT THIS VERY MOMENT that I have ever even considered Alt-F4'ing! I certainly don't want to be penalized because I chose to duck out at as quickly as possible before the hacker had the chance to kill me! But, as I know you're just logging things right now, I'm not all that worried. I'm sure this will all work itself out nicely! ;-)Anyways... keep up the good work! Thanks for the great mod!!! Edited July 23, 2012 by Chameleon 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Growbian 0 Posted July 23, 2012 (edited) * [NEW] Respawn button is disabled during DayZ playHow about a segmentation of the Map with n-Numbers of Spawnareas to choose @ Spawing. Taking away the possibility to manipulate the Spawnlocation will take away alot of Gameplay like, playing in Groups, trying to get ur Gear back after Death or even trying to reach your own camp or any certain Location. I think it's not fun for anyone playing around with ur Squad @ Electro or something, spawn in Kamenka and run the all the way West.* [NEW] Hive now tracks login/logout (for use with preventing ALT+F4)First of all - good job! But a 5sec Timer, like mentioned before is much to short. Since most of the &/()&/() < Flame here > that use ALT+F4, log out as soon as the get under Fire. 30-45sec would be a much greater benefit to Gameplay. Edited July 23, 2012 by Growbian Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
TheHorror 0 Posted July 23, 2012 * [NEW] Hive now tracks login/logout (for use with preventing ALT+F4)I got a question about this now, a quick way that I gear up is taking all the loot in a building and logging in and out to reset the loot. Will I be punsihed by doing this? Is refreshing loot something you don't approve of? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Anthrax12 46 Posted July 23, 2012 this a joke? * [NEW] Respawn button is disabled during DayZ playDid you really need to remove the respawn button? What if i get stuck HUH? good job A+ rocket. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
TyRobot 100 Posted July 23, 2012 Does the new system detect if we esc->abort to avoid death? This system won't prevent abuses as it's impossible to know if someone disconnects because he heard footsteps or because he needs to go irl.What if I want to play on a night time server and have to disconnect/reconnect 5 times? Will I get punished for that?Why don't you simply put a 30 seconds delay before your character disappears from the world, instead of 5 seconds? Why build such a complicated system instead of a very simple one that will completely eliminate the disconnection abuses?Read the actual thread...your question (and almost everyone's) has already been answered. No one is getting banned for anything related to what you are asking after this patch is released. They are collecting data while taking a small step into preventing such things. They need all of this information to reduce false-positives, etc.You'd be amazed at the wealth of information here if you (along with many others) would just freaking read. :| Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Gadget (DayZ) 25 Posted July 23, 2012 Thank god for that lol - I just read this post a hour or two back and read about the 'Restart' button in the pause menu... At the time I didnt think anything of it.20 minutes later I logged in (after surviving for a week and collecting almost everything I needed to survive, and surving 3 hostile player attacks), and then hit 'Restart' by accident.... Doh, I was pretty *$$£$£!" at myself....I respawned after considering not bothering any more until it passes beta, and ran for 10 minutes to the nearest town I could see and bang in the middle of the road - 2 dead bodies, both FULLY kitted up with every single item - GPS, Map, Compass, Knife, Hatchet, NVG, Range Finder, Toolkit, Matches - everything I had lost except I had now gained NVG. A tonne of ammo and 1 of everything else you can possible need - blood pack, morphine, anti biotics etc. i was extremely lucky... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
sivart 85 Posted July 23, 2012 So parents can find some kind of reassurance, when we all know the reality that it's not worth the paper it's written on, I bet 80% of the parents don't give a shit what there kids play, well that's my experience anyway.I also don't buy into the whole movies/games influencing peoples behavior and turning them into mentalists, they were probably already mental in the first place!i bring up the esrb because if games are developed for one age range, it wouldnt need to exist. i agree its a waste of space, but the different ratings-e teen, m or whatever are intended for different ages. that means "the establishment", whatever the fuck that is, does not see video games "for kids only" or else they would not require such ratings before distribution.the suicide thing is ok. this is meant for adults anyway, right? so give it a mature rating, and be done. its only a thing for rocket's conscience to become ok with. and i understand that.of course i know there is no way to stop a 5 year old from downloading something with a M+ rating, but there is also no way to stop a 5 year old from downloading porn. but it is still there.-just look at all the 5 year olds already here!also, i dont really see the suicide thing as much different then the current respawn. the dead screen still come up....the only difference i get from this thread is there would be an animation and a name change. pretty much the same thing. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites