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Bandit/Survivor Morphing to be removed

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You guys could just try not blasting everything. Change happens with you!

Like has been said already' date=' if you didn't go with the Rambo mentality "oh its all pvp now, let's shoot everything that moves", MAYBE something interesting would happen.

I don't know if it is because of my backround with many years of playing OFP, Arma and Arma2 or because of my nature, that I don't want to kill anyone without a weighty reason. The game is infantry SIMULATOR after all.


I don't think anyone on this forum will really be the problem. It's the people not on the forum, the people who aren't really interested in the game as a project or the community, the guys who read the article on a few general gaming sites and happened to be bored of whatever their common FPS game is. As much as I believe this game has an awesome community of people who 'get it', I think there will always be a seedy underside of griefers, FPS 'pros', and assholes. THAT'S what I'm worried about.

I think the majority of the people on this thread will truly see this as just a minor change in the game, and not an opportunity to get hog wild. There are definitely people out there, people I've seen bragging about this very change in game chat, who are going to see it as a lease to DM anything that moves. I guess that's their decision to make as to how they want to play the game, I just think it would kill everything I enjoy about DayZ. I don't mind dying, it's going to happen in the hard, dangerous, paranoid, ugly world of DayZ... I just hope people do more than just DM the entire time.

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Good idea, I want to find the skin of an aged gas station attendant, Keith, who at the time of the outbreak had sworn an oath of silence and lived out in the forests to tackle an alcohol problem which had been troubling him and his family for years. His eyes convey the hyperbolic shit he has seen in his life - resulting in what is an undeterrence toward the events unfolding around him (He doesn't experience elongated orgasms when in the presence of zombies). He also literally loves beans.

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I'm glad this is changing for a few reasons.

1. Everything I heard about this mod led me to believe it was ALL about realism, tension, and struggle. That is what attracted me to this MOD, and this decision is in line with that.

2. There are many different kinds of players in this world, but on Asherons Call's Darktide server there were only two kinds, carebears and players. There were no hardcore players, because everybody in the game was hardcore, BECAUSE the game was hardcore. Darktide rarely ever changed, and when it did it wasn't because of what the whining people who "didn't get it" wanted. This change is makes me happy because it shows the MOD team has a good compass for this sort of thing.

3. Player skins... *humps rockets leg*

Back in my Darktide days there were some dynamics to game that I have never seen repeated in any game after, much to my sorrow (UNTIL NOW!) On Darktide there were only towns, they were very much like the towns in this game only free of zombies. These towns were primarly used as a gathering point for like minded individuals (anti and pk clans, noobs, etc) and were more or less just used to sell loot. These towns whether they were pk or anti pk (the awesome minority) were defended by THE PLAYERS. No town gaurds, no BS, life and death was always in the players hands. I loved this mechanic and always look back on it fondly.

For its time the world of Asherons Call was huge and open, and it would take large amounts of time to get from one place to another, usually combat would take place around towns, but not always. There was always a chance, in that huge world, that you would chance across another player.

This was my favorite moment. The adrenline rush you get, as your shaky hands type out the word "PEACE" while trying to click on the guy so you can assess his name and guild tag. If the "PEACE" call was returned, both players would skirt about each other and go on their way, if not, there was a fight, and you prayed they weren't higher level and better geared. This game has that. I have waited YEARS to have this back. Please keep that in mind as you continue to create your amazing mod.

TLDR: People who lie to you and kill you are realistic, this is a realistic mod, you should allow this mod to change YOU, not the other way around. Thanks Rocket I love you.

- A former Darktide player.

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this is a realistic mod

No, it's not, because it's a game. It will always have certain limitations that keep it from being completely realistic, and it's not unreasonable to have certain features in place that counterbalance these limitations. The bandit system was far from perfect, but it was better to have something like it rather than have zero incentive to not wantonly murder, because that's not realistic either.

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Skins around the world to wear? Sounds like a serial killer feature XD

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this is a realistic mod

No' date=' it's not, because it's a game. It will always have certain limitations that keep it from being completely realistic, and it's not unreasonable to have certain features in place that counterbalance these limitations. The bandit system was far from perfect, but it was better to have [i']something like it rather than have zero incentive to not wantonly murder, because that's not realistic either.

Do you even know what this mod is about?

Just go ahead and search rockets posts to get an idea. Heres something to start with.

Let me reiterate a very key point I keep trying to make:

You are the inhabitants of the world. I am the architect. You guys are going to decide how this world plays out. Don't compare this to other games and look for different balancing mechanics. This is an attempt at something different' date=' it is an experiment. There is no balance, other than the balance you will put in. I will put in the features required for you to either destroy this world into mindless PVP, or create something else. Don't look to me for that balance, because I will not give you it. We started this in a particular way, we're going to finish in that way.

Some of keep looking to me to provide you a structured experience, balanced. That's not what is happening here. I'm not looking at something realistic, that isn't possible. I'm aiming for authenticity to the extent possible, but I'm realistic about what can be achieved there.

You guys keep saying I'm trying to encourage this or that with that mechanic, I'm not. I'm trying to model thought processes. The interactions are too complex to breakdown into simple mechanics so I have to focus on situations and thought processes I am trying to put into your head as you play. So I'm not doing this to support/remove PVP.


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I'm on the fence about the change but I'm glad we can choose new skins now. I'm just not looking forward to having to find the camo. Was a bandit strictly for the camoflauge, lol. Well, time to hunt when the patch comes out!

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Do you even know what this mod is about?

Just go ahead and search rockets posts to get an idea. Heres something to start with.

So basically you're saying if players want to completely disregard the survival, exploration of the massive game world, and item hunting / vehicle repairing aspects of the game, all to make it a gigantic, coastal death match, that's okay because the game is all about the players making it what they want... right?

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this is a realistic mod

No' date=' it's not, because it's a game. It will always have certain limitations that keep it from being completely realistic, and it's not unreasonable to have certain features in place that counterbalance these limitations. The bandit system was far from perfect, but it was better to have [i']something like it rather than have zero incentive to not wantonly murder, because that's not realistic either.

Here's a disincentive for you: Players who murder everyone they see eventually get word of mouth going against them. Much more realistic and not easily exploitable or broken like the derpy bandit system.

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Blah blah blah let Rocket's opinions speak for mine

I saw it, and I disagree with aspects of it, specifically the lack of structure and balance. By virtue of it being a game, the rules of the game will inherently affect structure and balance, so he can't cop himself out of changing it by saying he wants to be hands-off. Not doing is the same as doing. He's the developer of the game, he's not hands-off, he just chooses a certain level of manipulation of the gameplay. By removing this feature you consider unrealistic he's just trading it for a different kind of unrealism.

Here's a disincentive for you: Players who murder everyone they see eventually get word of mouth going against them. Much more realistic and not easily exploitable or broken like the derpy bandit system.

Yeah, eventually. Like really slowly, and he could just server hop anyways. And how is that realistic? In real life people don't respawn to tell their friends who shot them to death. And this is all assuming the murderers are outnumbered by people who haven't figured out that murder has almost no disincentive yet. If everyone's killing each other on sight, who cares about getting "outed" as someone who kills on sight?

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Do you even know what this mod is about?

Just go ahead and search rockets posts to get an idea. Heres something to start with.

So basically you're saying if players want to completely disregard the survival' date=' exploration of the massive game world, and item hunting / vehicle repairing aspects of the game, all to make it a gigantic, coastal death match, that's okay because the game is all about the players making it what they want... right?



...if you dont want a coastal deathmath, then get off the coast.

Whats so hard about this? even now with the b skins this could be a "kill everyone" game and it isnt.

And you clearly see that by the survivor/bandit count.

How do you link disregarding most of the game to removing bandit skins?

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Honestly I can't be the only person looking forward to skin hunting. Bring on 1.5.8. I'm immediately going searching.

100% support this change Rocket.

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Here's a disincentive for you: Players who murder everyone they see eventually get word of mouth going against them. Much more realistic and not easily exploitable or broken like the derpy bandit system.

Their name wont be displayed in the kill message, their name wont be displayed on their character model. Our mouths will only pass these words: "Someone was killed."

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Waiting for host' date=' waiting for response.... requesting character data....

The main server isn't even breaking a sweat, fuckers. It's the local servers getting fucked because you guys keep DDoS'ing them. ArmA2 wasn't designed to have thousands of people trying to connect to one server by spamming the enter key.


Can you program the above response to appear anytime someone types "waiting for response" in chat? Maybe with an admonition like "Keep up the whining asshole and I will ban you for life!" or something like that :)

I am SOOOOOO tired of seeing people complain about wait times! Yes it is annoying, but there's nothing we can do about it.

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Do not turn skins into something ridiculous and u realistic and don't do anything to balance or make the game anymore forgiving or that will be the downfall the harder the better. This game isn't for cod baby's leta keep it that way

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Yay thank you!

At the end of the day, keep it simple. Can't go wrong.

Peoples actions should speak for their character

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It would be awesome if you could achieve what EVE Online has achieved, in the way of the players running everything and not going casual to appeal to more people. :)

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...if you dont want a coastal deathmath' date=' then get off the coast.

Whats so hard about this? even now with the b skins this could be a "kill everyone" game and it isnt.

And you clearly see that by the survivor/bandit count.

How do you link disregarding most of the game to removing bandit skins?


I'm well off of the coast myself. As this game continues to grow (which it's doing) and more people are joining (which they are), they're going to be sitting on the beach trying to figure out what the fuck, and they're going to get murked by some camping douche.

but that's not the point. The point is that you condescendingly quoted Rocket's post and I was wondering just how far literally you would take that post. If the playerbase decided to turn DayZ into a gigantic non-stop DM, focusing on fragging each other instead of playing the survival features of the game, since Rocket said he wants the players to decide the way the game plays, would you support that?

Here's a disincentive for you: Players who murder everyone they see eventually get word of mouth going against them. Much more realistic and not easily exploitable or broken like the derpy bandit system.

Their name wont be displayed in the kill message' date=' their name wont be displayed on their character model. Our mouths will only pass these words: "Someone was killed."


and these are reasons I suggested my witnessing system. It's the only way to really spread the 'word of mouth' of people's bad reputations as murderers without adequate character customization for physical descriptions or names showing up.

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Maybe you can add the humanity system With the skins?

Like you need more humanity to wear this or -10,000 humanity to wear that?

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I'm very happy to see the bandit mechanic go away. This brings the tension and uncertainty back into the game, and above all else, allows people to stop being bandits. If you kill someone for whatever reason but don't intend to make a habit of it, and were branded a bandit by the system, you'd then have to kill everyone in self defense--but now you're on even footing.

Having a broader variety of skins will help, too, as people can spread the word about a particular murderer having a particular appearance.

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