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Goldstein (DayZ)

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About Goldstein (DayZ)

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    Brisbane, Australia
  1. Goldstein (DayZ)

    I play DayZ to Roleplay

    @ZedsDeadBaby Good points, but still. "y u no play something else" kind of detracts from the point of dayz... the more variety of player, the better. The power playing thing is a big draw to people. But it doesn't have much of a long term hold. I think the point of this thread is that there are several types of long term players, each of which that want to be catered to as opposed to "you MUST group up and elite-gear yourselves" or "you MUST be able to survive alone and scavenge on your own for survivability" which is pretty interesting in itself. because both need to be looked at as long term goals for players.
  2. I was using a bit of humour... (despite the fact many people I know tend to look at furry hentai) If it's not something you're prepared to openly talk about, people who find it strange will insult you and people who are interested in it will want to detach themselves from you. hence, say it as it is. These forums are hardly the mainstray of the internet.
  3. Goldstein (DayZ)

    A definitive end-game discussion. Experiences & Opinions.

    sounds a lot like Half-Life 1. but still. Players experiences & opinions. Because it's kind of important, and can lead to a discussion that is actually useful and insightful.
  4. Goldstein (DayZ)

    A definitive end-game discussion. Experiences & Opinions.

    There is undeniably a ceiling we all hit. This is more about avoiding that and continuing on without hitting it (at least consciously) So any and all opinions are good.. even if the term shouldn't apply.
  5. This seems to be the point everyone is coming to. Whether newbie/lone wolf/bandit/grouped up/carebear. The general point is either "What will I do?", "What do I do now?" or "What do I want to do?". What is your end-game experience so far, and what would keep you playing DayZ? I'd like to make a poll eventually once there are some rough ideas of how people want to continue their gameplay. I'm curious because there seems to be a common trend among most players, yet a lot of discussed feature suggestions aren't focussed in that direction. 2 months from now, hypothetically still playing DayZ where any feature is possible, where do you see yourself in the world ideally? ------ Myself: I'm a lone wolf, I enjoy it. But am trying to get more people into DayZ.. therefore I am a carebear lone wolf. A lot of high end military gear, camp site raiding, etc. have no meaning to my style. I teach people how to survive, then GTFO. I enjoy it, but it won't keep me hooked because my demands are quite low and easily satisfied. My ideal endgame is somewhere that I'm equally threatened by people, zombies and wildlife. My cautiousness is paid off by helping others and building a reputation, and the ability to interract with them without certain death. I don't wish to base build or fortify, I hope to explore and find loot others wouldn't find because of this (not a fan of farming or predictable drops) and possibly unearth easter eggs within the game that could have a profound effect on others, and modify their behaviour towards me.
  6. Goldstein (DayZ)

    Stary Sobor a waste of time?

    hint: don't go to the tents. Stary sobor has one of the best shop locations for hitting from the south west. If you look at a map, the tents can be sniped from the North-west all the way to the south-east, and from forests. I'd say even the NW airfield is safer than Stary sobor. Plus people can spawn near there..
  7. Goldstein (DayZ)

    Why make a suggestion at this point?

    I'd say 50% is community contribution, and 50% is developer. Hence why people should keep the ideas flowing. We don't ultimately know the goals of the project though, and a lot of cool stuff has been put in that had a snowballs chance of getting communally suggested. so meh. if it really sucks, it can be removed. were it 100% community it would probably derive into the typical boring crap that society churns out.
  8. Goldstein (DayZ)

    I play DayZ to Roleplay

    true. there is a definite pattern of endgame players going back to the basics though. which is cool. and a bit of a *HINT HINT* that future content should be aimed at this experience, not so much girlscout marshmallow-roasting camp sites and kumbaya
  9. Goldstein (DayZ)

    I play DayZ to Roleplay

    I think you've just transitioned to the bear grylls style. It has it's advantages, mostly being the abundance of ammo. You increase your chances of survival by not having to rely on military sites. Carrying less blingy gear makes you more willing to help people I've noticed also.
  10. Stand strong and proud young zoophiliac. shame is for the weak!
  11. Goldstein (DayZ)

    For the horde

    A persisently spawned horde would be cool to provide an unexpected threat that migrates around the map. more isn't necessarily better (i.e. phasing in a swarm) but a more active class of Z's that provide a threat to high level players would keep things interesting. "they can smell NVG's..."
  12. Goldstein (DayZ)

    This game won't be popular at release

    I actually agree with the OP. If this was pay-as-you-go, It'd probably get about a month out of me. Maybe 2 if I was a n00b. Familiarity kills longevity. Things get easier as you progress, which is logical, but it does lead to boredom. as you said it's a sandbox, but there really is only one way to play it unless you're a masochist. predictable zombie behaviour and predictable loot = predictable players.
  13. I think I last played at a similar patch.. I still had all my gear yesterday, but spawned on the coast.
  14. Goldstein (DayZ)

    I beat DayZ

    DayZ endgame: