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Experimental Update 1.14 (Changelog)

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  On 9/12/2021 at 1:30 PM, Scoo1 said:

Cars are fragile as a raw egg now. I touched a road sign and a tree with back and front with less then walking speed. Both times half of car parts were badly damaged or ruined afterwards.

They have been for a long, long while. Combined with how easy it is to crash due to lag/server stutter it is downright unfair, expecially considering the time investment needed to get them running in the first place.

 Feel free to add to this ticket and it might get some attention: https://feedback.bistudio.com/T153448

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  On 9/6/2021 at 4:51 PM, ZingZootZephyr said:

A warning played over radio just before gas strikes would be awesome. It would give radios more of a purpose AND increase the chances of player interaction via radios.


This is a copy paste from another forum I did.. Just an idea... I have an idea to make the radios more useful. There should be a warning on the radio (radio would have to be on and selected to a emergency broadcast channel) when a dynamic contaminated area will spawn in the vicinity. The warning should arrive 1 or 2 minutes before the first artillery sounds. It would give a tactical advantage for those who use the radios. 

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There is a weak red light around you, when artillerie is aiming at your position. Run when you see it, you have 30s or so.

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  On 9/4/2021 at 5:11 AM, Tonyeh said:

Yeh. Not too sure what this toxic artillery brings to the game other than a new way to die. It certainly doesn't make any real sense as far as the apocalypse lore goes. Who would be firing random shells of toxic gas into Chernarus and why?


In 28 weeks later US military forces are trying to retake London. When everything went shit they used gas followed by flame thrower troops to stop the new outbreak. So for me it makes sense that probably remaing military forces ( in our scenario maybe russian) would try to decimate the hordes of infected inside the big cities with gas ! The point is, DayZ never got a fully fleshed out lore which I always found very sad. When discussing this with the devs on the forums, we were told that they want DayZ to be as much sandbox as possible. Everybody should be able to have its own...lore. We all know the discussions about  it beingZombies or Infected or about the timeline of the outbreak...days...weeks...years...etc.. For some players its infected and they are maybe just days or weeks in the apocalypse...human society still trying to fight the outbreak....for other players the entire world is overun by zombies since years and there is no civilisation left.

so yeah....


Edit :  we also have heli crashes ...so there must be some military out there 

Edited by Private Evans
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PC Experimental 1.14 Update 3: Version 1.14.154183 (Released on 14.09.2021)



  • More safe spawn points for the contaminated areas log-in fail safe to make sure players won't get teleported too far away


  • When a chicken was cut after being picked up, it would yield more bones
  • 9x39mm ammo boxes would yield only 10 shots instead of 20
  • Decay texture was missing on some dead player models
  • Attached flags and camo nets weren't properly displayed in the inventory
  • Rangefinder and binoculars could not be used after using night vision goggles
  • Night vision optics would spawn badly rotated
  • Vehicles would suffer excessive damage even at low-speed collisions
  • In some cases, the stealth kill would play a bullet ricochet sound (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T160658)
  • Swapping eye glasses with the same visual effect would cancel the effect (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T160544)
  • Volume of the megaphone was not tied to the regular audio settings (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T154355)
  • Wheels did not change their texture when ruined by land mines or crashes
  • Removed a redundant gray scroll bar within the audio and control settings


  • Adjusted the view limitation through the motorbike helmet
  • Final adjustments to the bear model
  • Fish traps now only take worm as bait
  • Doubled the chemical protection value of surgical gloves
  • Heavy military infected won't spawn within the static contaminated areas anymore
  • NBC infected are always present in contaminated areas, regardless of player-presence
  • NBC infected no longer spawn within the dynamic contaminated areas
  • Slightly lowered number of active dynamic contaminated areas
  • Slightly increased the lifetime of dynamic contaminated areas
  • Adjusted the visual breath effect in gas masks


  • Fixed: Cylindrical triggers had issues with correctly detecting entities while being in a vertical (rather horizontal) configuration


  • Mods that are using custom files might not work on Linux servers right now (we are looking into this right now)
  • Ambient sounds and effects of the contaminated areas might follow the player after leaving the area
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  On 9/14/2021 at 11:07 AM, Kyiara said:
  • NBC infected no longer spawn within the dynamic contaminated areas
  • Slightly lowered number of active dynamic contaminated areas
  • Slightly increased the lifetime of dynamic contaminated areas

Great changes.

But I have a question...
Why make a flare glow as a warning when you can't even see it properly during day time? Maybe adding a warning function for walkie-talkies would be a better option?

Teleporting to a safe spot is a bit weird, but eh... you have to do that because it would be unfair to log into a toxic zone all of the sudden.

Other than that, I feel like 1.14 will be a good patch and I'm looking forward to seeing this game being more fleshed out, just the way it deserves.

Edited by DefectiveWater
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Is it possible to do something with the re-entry of players that would see through the textures? This is a serious problem, people re-enter 10 times during pvp, it kills all the secrecy. Can I make a dark screen within a few seconds after logging on to the server?

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  On 9/14/2021 at 11:56 AM, DefectiveWater said:

Teleporting to a safe spot is a bit weird, but eh... you have to do that because it would be unfair to log into a toxic zone all of the sudden.

Just as weird as disappearing in one spot and reappearing two months later out of thin air, in the exact same spot.

At first i thought this was a big deal but why would we care if instead of logging back in the PD you logged out in, you appear in a bush close to the town?

Ofcourse this has the potential of being abused, logging out right as the gas hits for example.

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  On 9/14/2021 at 11:07 AM, Kyiara said:


  • Slightly lowered number of active dynamic contaminated areas
  • Slightly increased the lifetime of dynamic contaminated areas

I dont see an off button for Toxic Dynamic events does this mean we are just stuck with them whether we want them or not?

or is this entirely controlled by the .json?

Edited by Maiar
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  On 9/14/2021 at 12:48 PM, Homeschooliazon said:

Ofcourse this has the potential of being abused, logging out right as the gas hits for example.

Your character is flagged when the event is triggered, so if you do that you'll just appear where you logged out - in the gas cloud.

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  On 9/14/2021 at 12:48 PM, Homeschooliazon said:

At first i thought this was a big deal but why would we care if instead of logging back in the PD you logged out in, you appear in a bush close to the town?

Yeah, fair enough. I think this is the best of both worlds.

Ideally that wouldn't happen, but you also need to guarantee that the player wouldn't die as soon as they log in, but you can't do that with dynamic zones.

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  On 9/14/2021 at 2:22 PM, Maiar said:

I dont see an off button for Toxic Dynamic events does this mean we are just stuck with them whether we want them or not?

or is this entirely controlled by the .json?

They are in events.xml just like many other things. set to 0 or remove. The json is for locations.

Edited by helpthedeadwalk

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  On 9/14/2021 at 11:56 AM, DefectiveWater said:

Grandes mudanças.

Mas eu tenho uma pergunta ...
Por que fazer um sinalizador acender como um aviso quando você nem consegue ver direito durante o dia? Talvez adicionar uma função de aviso para walkie-talkies seria uma opção melhor?
Teleportar para um local seguro é um pouco estranho, mas eh ... você tem que fazer isso porque seria injusto entrar em uma zona tóxica de repente.

Fora isso, acho que 1.14 será um bom patch e estou ansioso para ver este jogo sendo mais desenvolvido, do jeito que ele merece.

I think this would be a very good feature, nobody uses the walktakies you could significantly increase the 9v battery charge and spawn it at different loads. it would help to use the walktalkie more, for months I always go in and say "someone listening Over." and no one ever answered me. I could put a manual frequency for people who play in a group as the codelock you chose the exact frequency. and open frequencies would remain as they are.

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  On 9/14/2021 at 2:22 PM, Maiar said:

I dont see an off button for Toxic Dynamic events does this mean we are just stuck with them whether we want them or not?

or is this entirely controlled by the .json?

As a server owner you control it like all events in "events.xml".

<event name="StaticContaminatedArea">
        <flags deletable="1" init_random="1" remove_damaged="0"/>
            <child lootmax="0" lootmin="0" max="4" min="2" type="ContaminatedArea_Dynamic"/>

Dont let you fool by the event name. This references to dynamic toxic areas only. Static ones can be found in "cfgEffectArea.json"




NBC infected no longer spawn within the dynamic contaminated area


Oh no, my gas mask filter delivery service...

Edited by Scoo1

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  On 9/14/2021 at 11:07 AM, Kyiara said:
  • NBC infected no longer spawn within the dynamic contaminated areas
  • Slightly lowered number of active dynamic contaminated areas
  • Slightly increased the lifetime of dynamic contaminated areas

Great fixes and tweaks, these three my favorites.

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  On 9/14/2021 at 11:07 AM, Kyiara said:


  • Ambient sounds and effects of the contaminated areas might follow the player after leaving the area

I see that this known issue is there for now. Is it related by any chance to this ticket?


Hearing birds and crickets while you have to go with a gas mask to not die within minutes is a bit weird, although something minor would be a nice little detail. Apart from that, 1.14 looks very good!

Edited by Kathosky

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  On 9/14/2021 at 11:56 AM, DefectiveWater said:

Why make a flare glow as a warning when you can't even see it properly during day time? Maybe adding a warning function for walkie-talkies would be a better option?

This is an amazing idea that I truly believe could make the walkie-talkies useful. Walkie talkies should have American or Russian NPCs discussing toxic zones and downed helicopters! That way you’d be incentivised to actually use them!

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What do you guys think of random static zones rotating between Rify, Pavlovo Base,Nwaf, Tisy and Myskyno Base, with two active static zones at all time.

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  On 9/15/2021 at 7:52 AM, kumando said:

What do you guys think of random static zones rotating between Rify, Pavlovo Base,Nwaf, Tisy and Myskyno Base, with two active static zones at all time.

I think it would be better to add these zones (Nwaf, Tisy and Myskyno Base) to the list of static ones. And another thing: if the zones are rotated, I don't think that they can be considered static.

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Loving 1.14 Update so far, I have been testing on Xbox DayZ EU - DE 1825 playing on a Series S. I have found some potential inconsistencies from PC Over the past few days. I have seen on PC that many Filters spawn on dead NBC Infected in Static Gas Zones, but after killing approximately 100 NBC infected I an yet to have a single filter spawn on a dead Infected, Also I have Visited Pavlovo Gas Zone several times (every time the doors were closed & building's untouched) & I have yet to find anything of actual worth, loads of SG5K ten round mags, Kolts & FX pistols & maybe a helmet or two. My assumption is the Loot is bugged somehow as I have seen far better loot on PC in these Zones on EXP. Also in the last two days I have looted 12 Heli Crash Sites, all with infected still alive & unvisited by other players (great crash sound update btw), unfortunately on all these Sites I found 1 VSD, all other sites had no weapons of any kind, unless you count the flare gun which I saw spawn at almost every site . I see that Heli loot has been increased by 50%, but it tends to just be junk. I haven't seen a single NVG spawn on a heli site or a static gas zone & I haven't seen a Single M4A1 or AKM spawn anywhere. Seems like things could do with a tweak. If the loot isn't dramatically improved at Helis & gas Zones then a week after 1.14 drops no one will go to either anymore as the reward just isn't there,  7 visits to static gas zones & I literally  have nothing to show for it. Hope it gets improved as I was stoked for this update but the loot table seem scuffed on Xbox. Id appreciate other Xbox players feedback on there experiences to see if there having similar experiences

Edited by TheYetiBum

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  On 9/14/2021 at 11:07 AM, Kyiara said:

PC Experimental 1.14 Update 3: Version 1.14.154183 (Released on 14.09.2021)

  • Vehicles would suffer excessive damage even at low-speed collisions


It seem as if chassis still get excessive damage at low-speed collisions. Maybe this got overseen? Could you please check this?

Thank you.

Freshly spawned and fixed Golf - frontal "crash" with 2km/h - all parts of the car except the chassis remained pristine - chassis damaged.

One more 2km/h crash and the car is trash.

Edited by Scoo1
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I've noticed that car radiator and spark plug started to break very fast in 1.14, is it a bug or a feature? If it's not a bug than I'm sorry, finding car parts is not easy and this  feature simply kills car driving. We drove with my friend from Chernogorsk to Berezino when new spark plug became ruined and then to Krasnostav where another spark plug was ruined again. We didn't have significant car accident though.

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