ZinMas 101 42 Posted September 22, 2019 (edited) (English translate at the end) En primer lugar me gustaría hacer una observación y crítica y sobre como ha evolucionado el juego brevemente: ¿Sobre qué va DayZ? Siempre fue el mejor juego de supervivencia-pvp, tenías que decidir bien que llevar encima porque no había espacio para todo en el inventario (ahora los jugadores pueden guardar incluso fusiles de asalto en la chaqueta) y la experiencia era un reto, es lo que lo hacía divertido, si alguien te disparaba con, por ejemplo, munición de 9mm te partían huesos y caías inconsciente rápidamente, con una o dos balas, cuando con tres o cuatro balas... lo matabas directo con la peor munición del juego (algo realista) + Antes apenas había comida, asique básicamente, estabas obligado a cazar, pescar, cultivar... etc ¡incluso comer lombrices o carne humana! (Si eres de los que glitcheaban manzanas, abstente de seguir leyendo o comentar) - Ahora los jugadores tiran la comida porque sobra; no necesitan cazar, pescar, ni cultivar, ni nada... tiran la comida para hacer más espacio para armas, municiones y accesorios, lo que poco a poco, a convertido DayZ en una especie de BattleRoyal. + Antes los jugadores podían hacerse un arco improvisado, dejar notas escritas para otros jugadores... ese tipo de cosas que te hacían sentir inmerso en una experiencia survival. - Ahora no hay arcos, ni puedes dejar notas escritas... ni pescar... ni han añadido ninguna nueva cosa de supervivencia, sólo han añadido cosas de PVP y para colmo el PVP está más roto que nunca. + Antes los jugadores sólo podían portar como mucho 2 armas largas (rifles, fusiles asalto, escopeta...) y alguna pistola. - Ahora los jugadores pueden llevar, perfectamente, 4 o 5 armas largas encima y otras 4 o 5 como pistolas, subfusiles, etc. (Esto ya parece PUBG) + Antes, como he comentado, podías matar o dejar inconsciente a un jugador fácilmente con la peor munición del juego. - Ahora se necesitas acertar el triple de impactos para poder matar a un jugador, además, el sistema de daño está tan roto que a veces el pvp es absurdo, sin sentido. La cara sigue sin contar como parte de la cabeza... y si el jugador está llevando una simple gorra, le protegerá de un tiro en la cabeza: no lo matarás. Es ABSURDO. Arreglen esto YA por favor. + Antes las montañas eran fronteras naturales (rios, montañas, bosques, acantilados, etc... ),por las que los jugadores no solían pasar y esto daba mucho juego a la hora de escoger una ubicación para tener base. Los desniveles antes no permitían correr a los jugadores, asique, evitaban cruzar por montañas, montes... Además, los jugadores tenían mucho cuidado con las alturas, ya que si caían, se partían las piernas o se mataban, directamente. - Ahora puedes correr por un desnivel del 90% hacia arriba como un torpedo, sin afectar en nada al jugador (las fronteras naturales han dejado de existir en DayZ) así como ahora los jugadores van haciendo parkour y saltando desde la segunda planta de un edificio, que no les pasa nada. Ahora van sin miedo por cualquier lugar, incluso, por precipicios... (saben que aunque caigan desde una altura considerable, no morirán ni se les romperá las piernas) + Antes las armas eran mucho más humildes que ahora y el loot militar era mucho más escaso, para ir full, tenías que pasarte sobreviviendo y looteando alrededor de una semana. - Ahora todo el mundo va "full millitary geared" en tan solo 2 horas de juego. + Antes podías sorprender a algún jugador con un ataque rápido de melee y tirarlo inconsciente. - Ahora, con el nuevo sistema de combate a melee, es imposible sorprender a ningún jugador para tirarlo inconsciente. Ahora el combate de melee es más defensivo que ofensivo. Podría seguir añadiendo cosas, pero al final, se que no servirá de nada ya que, hoy dia lo que vende es la facilidad de encontrar de todo (battleroyal) y el pvp sin sentido. Para colmo, el modding ha llegado haciendo todo lo comentado mucho más absurdo, no tiene NADA de survival. Después de meses sin jugar, con la esperanza de que las cosas hubieran cambiado... me encuentro con que no, me encuentro con que el juego está más roto que nunca y que ha perdido toda la gran experiencia survival que era antes. He pasado 2 horas looteando para encontrar a un jugador, dispararle 5 veces con munición 9mm y nisiquiera ha caído inconsciente, sin embargo, él me mató con un tiro de escopeta. Es una perdida de tiempo, además de una mala experiencia. De hecho, tengo una recopilación de videos dando headshot a otros jugadores que nisiquiera llevaban casco balistico... y no les pasaba nada, nisiquiera inconsciente. FIX IT DAYZ DEVS. Me parece descarado. Me parece muy mal que hayan sacado estas versiones TAN ROTAS... y tan desviadas de lo que era este juego. Por favor, vuelvan a hacer DayZ un buen juego de supervivencia-pvp. Esto es basura ahora mismo, honestamente hablando. Saludos. ZinMas. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- First of all I would like to make an observation and criticism and how the game has evolved briefly: What is DayZ about? It was always the best survival-pvp game, you had to decide well what to carry on because there was no room for everything in the inventory (now players can save even assault rifles in the jacket) and the experience was a challenge, it is what It made it fun, if someone shot you with, for example, 9mm ammunition, you broke bones and fell unconscious quickly, with one or two bullets, when with three or four bullets ... you killed him directly with the worst ammunition in the game (something realistic) + Before there was hardly any food, so basically, you were forced to hunt, fish, cultivate ... etc. even eat worms or human flesh! (If you are one of those who glittered apples, refrain from reading or commenting) - Now the players throw away the food because there is plenty; they don't need to hunt, fish, or cultivate, or anything ... they throw away food to make more space for weapons, ammunition and accessories, which little by little, has turned DayZ into a kind of BattleRoyal. + Before the players could make an improvised bow, leave written notes for other players ... those kinds of things that made you feel immersed in a survival experience. - Now there are no bows, nor can you leave written notes ... or fish ... or have added any new survival stuff, they have only added things from PVP and to top it off the PVP is more broken than ever. + Before the players could only carry at most 2 long weapons (rifles, assault rifles, shotgun ...) and some gun. - Now players can carry, perfectly, 4 or 5 long weapons on top and another 4 or 5 as guns, submachine guns, etc. (This already looks like PUBG) + Before, as I said, you could easily kill or unconscious a player with the worst ammo in the game. - Now you need to hit triple the impacts to be able to kill a player, in addition, the damage system is so broken that sometimes the pvp is absurd, meaningless. The face still does not count as part of the head ... and if the player is wearing a simple cap, it will protect him from a shot in the head: you will not kill him. It's stupid. Fix this please -.- + Before the mountains were natural borders (rivers, mountains, forests, cliffs, etc ...), which players did not usually go through and this gave a lot of play when choosing a location to have a base. The unevenness before did not allow the players to run, so they avoided crossing mountains, mountains ... In addition, the players were very careful with the heights, since if they fell, they broke their legs or killed themselves, directly. - Now you can run up a slope of 90% upwards like a torpedo, without affecting the player at all (natural borders have ceased to exist in DayZ) as well as now players are doing parkour and jumping from the second floor of a building , that nothing happens to them. Now they go without fear anywhere, even over cliffs ... (they know that even if they fall from a considerable height, they will not die or break their legs) + Before the weapons were much more humble than now and the military loot was much more scarce, to go full, you had to spend surviving and looting about a week. - Now everyone goes "full millitary geared" in just 2 hours of play. + Before you could surprise some player with a quick melee attack and throw it unconscious. - Now, with the new melee combat system, it is impossible to surprise any player to throw him unconscious. Now melee's combat is more defensive than offensive. I could keep adding things, but in the end, I know it won't do any good since, what it sells today is the ease of finding everything (battleroyal) and the meaningless pvp. To make matters worse, the modding has come up doing everything commented much more absurd, it has NOTHING of survival. If you think I forgot to mention something about how much we have lost, let us know. After months without playing, hoping that things had changed ... I find that no, I find that the game is more broken than ever and has lost all the great survival experience it was before. I've spent 2 hours looting to find a player, shoot him 5 times with 9mm ammo and he hasn't even fallen unconscious, however, he killed me with a shotgun shot. It is a waste of time, as well as a bad experience. In fact, I have a compilation of videos giving headshot to other players who didn't even wear a ballistic helmet ... and nothing happened to them, not even unconscious. FIX IT DAYZ DEVS, stop depending of modding. It seems brazen. It seems very bad that they have taken these versions SO BROKEN ... and so deviated from what this game was. Please, make DayZ a good survival-pvp game again. This is crap right now, honestly speaking. Regards; ZinMas. Edited October 9, 2019 by ZinMas 101 4 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mrrulez 8 Posted September 22, 2019 (edited) Nor do I play for the same reason that only modifying servers with super loot and vanilla are not survival and more when you have more than 3000 hours of play when you already know where to move and so on ... I totally agree with you Edited September 22, 2019 by mrrulez Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Parazight 1606 Posted September 22, 2019 (edited) 14 hours ago, ZinMas 101 said: Now everyone goes "full millitary geared" in just 2 hours of play. Okay, no. First of all, PVE has always been easy. Second, the pvp balancing isn't that bad. Sure, bugs exist but balancing, what you focus on, isn't so skewed that it makes the game unplayable. As someone who plays only on high pop servers, public and community, I can say that death and fear is real. Permadeath is mitigated by storage devices quite a bit, but the other side of that is that people have more to do and are more mobile. The things you write about scarcity, damage values, melee fighting seem uninformed. I've been enjoying 1.05 immensely, and in my opinion, the two biggest issues are cars not working, and people server hopping after getting loot in order to get back to the coast to kill bambis. It's funny because sometimes zone 1 is the new zone 4 because you can get a free transport back to zone 2 in just seconds because of the anti-server hopping mechanic. Buena suerte, bandido. Edited September 22, 2019 by Parazight Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mrrulez 8 Posted September 23, 2019 (edited) 21 hours ago, Parazight said: I can say that death and fear are real. xD! Friend as are the servers with super loot as much as those of the community like those of vanilla you have no need to travel north, hunt, build and many things that are necessary in a survival game and where death and fear are real up to half the map and not because you starve to death if not that someone can kill you after that there is no fear that people just look for the pvp up half the map in cities like stary, novi and triangular military base and at most white buildings of the international airport. The real fear of dying has to be constant due to the shortage of food, diseases, the infected and that someone can kill you, so you need to lower the loot that forces you to hunt and move around the map. Try the server Dayz Underground is the only truly survival hardcore that I saw in dayz when you try that server you might see otherwise dayz. Edited September 23, 2019 by mrrulez 1 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
MaxwellHouse69420 87 Posted September 23, 2019 They just need to finish the damn feature log before they start bug fixing . This is how ACTUAL game developments work but of course They sold our alpha AND beta far too short so they could sell out a bunch of Christmas copies (soulless move right there). so now here we are , half of us are beckoning for the features that is supposed to make dayz different from all the other survival games out there (helicopters , 2 wheeled vehicles , barricading , contaminated zones, actual zombie hordes , soft skills to allow us to become medic , heli pilot , mechanic , etc) and the other half is asking for random ass balances that won’t really make any difference unless we get the aforementioned features that are still missing . Add the features I said above and THEN work on bug fixing and balancing because these features will add even more bugs and imbalances especially with pve and pvp so there’s truly no reason to balance until after it’s all put in . 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Parazight 1606 Posted September 23, 2019 8 hours ago, mrrulez said: xD! Friend as are the servers with super loot as much as those of the community like those of vanilla you have no need to travel north, hunt, build and many things that are necessary in a survival game and where death and fear are real up to half the map and not because you starve to death if not that someone can kill you after that there is no fear that people just look for the pvp up half the map in cities like stary, novi and triangular military base and at most white buildings of the international airport. The real fear of dying has to be constant due to the shortage of food, diseases, the infected and that someone can kill you, so you need to lower the loot that forces you to hunt and move around the map. I have no idea why you would have problems with non-pvp survival. It's never been hard and it never will be. There's no shortage of food, abundance of diseases and infected AI cannot out smart me. That said, I spend most of my time on high pop servers, in the north, on official servers. When one of my teamates or I die, we get in the car and meet up again. We've got stashes all over the map. In fact, we've started building structures in the middle of Novaya Petrovka. None of that stuff is necessary and all of it is doable. The only thing you need is experience. There is no need to 'lower the loot'. You're probably playing on a modded server. Quote Try the server Dayz Underground is the only truly survival hardcore that I saw in dayz when you try that server you might see otherwise dayz. lol Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
acewhittles 59 Posted September 23, 2019 10 hours ago, mrrulez said: Try the server Dayz Underground is the only truly survival hardcore that I saw in dayz when you try that server you might see otherwise dayz. Thanks for the shout out! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
EzyStriderPS4 191 Posted September 24, 2019 19 hours ago, Parazight said: The only thing you need is experience. There is no need to 'lower the loot'. You're probably playing on a modded server. There is WAY TOO MUCH food found on the map in my humble opinion. There is zero necessity to hunt. No way to fish yet since the engine changed. Currently, the survival is extremely watered down. PvE should be their focus when implementing 1.06 patch. I don't need more stupid guns!!! DayZ is delicious, but right now, it leaves a scummy Battle Royal after-taste. 4 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ZinMas 101 42 Posted September 24, 2019 I see some people telling me I should play on "Hardcore" servers like Dayz Underground... or telling me that "I need more experience" Sorry for those, but I have been playing since 0.59 (I have 4000 hours ingame) and mostly on hardcore servers, but you telling me Dayz Underground is a good one server... is a joke for me. Most of players on that servers are just camping their bases, for hours, for days... so... campers and friendly people, or hordes of 6 or 7 guys full millitary geared cleaning the map. Not my style, thanks. Best server EVER was OldSchool. True dayz, true experience. And of course I dont play modded servers with traders shit and more. This is not DayZ anymore, is just a bad battleroyal. Cry me a river if you want. Cheers. ZinMas 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
MaVerick_GDZ 148 Posted September 24, 2019 9 minutes ago, ZinMas 101 said: Best server EVER was OldSchool. Losing OldSchool was a big setback for DayZ as a whole. Great partner even in dark times. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mrrulez 8 Posted September 24, 2019 22 hours ago, Parazight said: The only thing you need is experience. There is no need to 'lower the loot'. You're probably playing on a modded server. have been playing from the weapon 2 mod and DayzSA since 12/25/2013 the first day the game came out you will not say that I need any kind of experience an uncle who says he has everything for the whole map and if you did not understand my comment I explain again ... the vanilla or official server as you say, they have a lot of loot "IT'S NOT SURVIVAL" and the vast majority of MOD servers are with superloot "They're NOT SURVIVAL ONLY PVP" and I tell you to try the dayzunderground It is because the first thing you have to do is find a knife and a chicken because it has the loot so small that you will have to go through 4 villages to get a simple can so it becomes a "SURVIVAL" server the fact is that at least more loot movement through the map and real death is constant at the time you appear on the coast from minute 1 for not finding food, dying from illness, not having the necessary resources or not being able to defend yourself from someone who attacks you or an in Fected The official servers are equipped full military in 1 hour and you find food in the first town that reappears that is not survival. And the MOD servers with superloot is no longer uncommon to see some server on which you already appear equipped that is not much less fun and you are getting used to something that is not Dayz. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Parazight 1606 Posted September 24, 2019 (edited) 3 hours ago, EzyStriderPS4 said: There is WAY TOO MUCH food found on the map in my humble opinion. There is zero necessity to hunt. No way to fish yet since the engine changed. Currently, the survival is extremely watered down. It's like you think PVE should be challenging. The problem is that it can never be a challenge. The game cannot be balanced around PVE EVER. All you need to do is group up with one other person and the challenge is instantly easier. The game cannot force you to play on your own, and therefore, cannot be balanced properly. It's impossible. Because it is a sandbox. There are no separate instances. If you're looking for a PVE challenge then you're playing the wrong game. It wasn't designed as a PVE game. And all non-player-vs-player combat is simply a small hurdle and/or a timesink. If you ever think that PVE is hard, then you're simply bad at playing the game. I wasn't claiming that anyone lacked experience. Experience is really the only thing of value. That was the point. Quote I see some people telling me I should play on "Hardcore" servers like Dayz Underground... or telling me that "I need more experience" You definitely need more experience posting. It's advised to not copy/paste entire thread openings in multiple places. Like what you have done with this thread. Edited September 24, 2019 by Parazight Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mrrulez 8 Posted September 24, 2019 Friend, it is useless to talk to you, I see that you are one of those who likes to have everything easy ^^ if you ever play dayzunderground that there is a public server and also the OldSchool would tell you as the partner above says that unfortunately that server is no longer Maybe you have another vision of the game and you will understand why I say all that I look for everything in general and I like both PVP and PVE if you tell me that I am bad because I do not have AIM or not defend myself about the environment as I say I have enough experience to defend myself about the environment and the AIM enough to kill you and your friend in the game and as I see that you do not like hardcore as surely as you need experience are you, maybe hardcore only what experienced players play ^^ 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
EzyStriderPS4 191 Posted September 25, 2019 19 hours ago, Parazight said: "A bunch of garbage that would make Dean Hall perform a classic face-palm." You missed out on our conversation mostly thanks to whatever personal bias you have in making your point about balancing. You don't think PvE could be harder? I never said that DayZ was a PvE game. DayZ is a fine balance between both PvE and PvP, and that was always the vision. My thought was that without a complete list of features, the mechanics are a little watered down. Rather than adding in more guns, give me a fishing rod. Allow me to break my legs, like before the engine switch instead of giving me ten more kinds of grenades. Did you even read anything I wrote? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ThePugman 280 Posted September 25, 2019 @ZinMas 101 @MaVerick_GDZ can you please explain what Oldschool was, and what made it so special. I’m genuinely intrigued. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Kirov (DayZ) 585 Posted September 25, 2019 21 hours ago, Parazight said: It's like you think PVE should be challenging. The problem is that it can never be a challenge. The game cannot be balanced around PVE EVER. All you need to do is group up with one other person and the challenge is instantly easier. I surely don't want to interrupt your sparring session, guys, but I'm legitimately curious about your statement here. Why do you think that DayZ cannot be tweaked to elicit specific desired behaviours (precisely like it is tweaked right now to make us behave in certain ways)? Maybe I'm wrong or I don't read you right, but you seem to use the word 'sandbox' like 'reality', when in fact it's everything but. It's a carefully created maze which makes us go certain ways and jump certain loops. There's not a single element that is 'objective' there and thus can't be modified (yeah I know you know that, I'm just curious why you phrased your opinion like you think there are any inherent 'natural' limitations here, because I really don't see any). Let's work with this from the other end and reduce the situation ad absurdum a bit. Imagine a Dayz with 95% loot cut (and say, with more crafting options and other features). How this situation isn't PVE challenging? Yes, you got a friend of yours - so you still have one rusty handgun and three damaged bullets between you two. How does that help in a deer hunt? And now you have to feed two people - imagine sharing that apple you found. And bandages, because you just can't find a tincture to disinfect rags. And you have to kill more cows to get that sweet leather clothing, as there's only 1 high-cap and 2 assault vests per server. And to fix a car, you have to find tools in an area which is just lousy with tougher zeds/predators/contamination (I remind you, you share one pistol, oh and one of you found a Hazmat hood, so only the other is coughing blood - the one who doesn't have infection from dirty rags, because you used up the bandages two towns ago and now you're both using your pants to stop bleeding). So how is that NOT hard? You know, the 'gritty survival' thing that was promised to the buyers of this product? 2 2 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
MaVerick_GDZ 148 Posted September 25, 2019 @ThePugman OldSchool was our (GermanDayZ) partnerserver run by Nattl and her crew, with 1st person, very PvP oriented and regular events like a trade market and of course TDM and the like. Afaik it was the highest ranking server with settings like this. Our partnership went over several years with ups and downs on both ends, but we could always count on each other. I had my fair share of fun on some of the PvP events, even managed to survive one till the end 😀 She also made a very helpful tool for analysing ADM files when admins finally got logs to work with. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Parazight 1606 Posted September 25, 2019 4 hours ago, EzyStriderPS4 said: You missed out on our conversation mostly thanks to whatever personal bias you have in making your point about balancing. You don't think PvE could be harder? I never said that DayZ was a PvE game. DayZ is a fine balance between both PvE and PvP, and that was always the vision. My thought was that without a complete list of features, the mechanics are a little watered down. Rather than adding in more guns, give me a fishing rod. Allow me to break my legs, like before the engine switch instead of giving me ten more kinds of grenades. Did you even read anything I wrote? No. I don't think that PVE could be harder. It will never be hard. If it's hard at all, it's because you're doing it wrong. With enough experience, it's simply not difficult. Humans will always be able to solve simple mechanics and infected AI. For everything PVE related, there's a workaround that's easy, legitimate, and often, fun. No. That was never the vision. Quote "A bunch of garbage that would make Dean Hall perform a classic face-palm." Okay, I didn't say that. You paraphrase as if I'm some sort of Dean Hall fanboy. I'm not. Dean wanted to create a social experiment where the interesting thing was how players react to each other in a sandbox. Well, what a dumb idea that has always been. No idea why Mr. Hall is so naive. The social experiment failed long ago because there can never be any repercussions for morally questionable behavior. There can never be moral questionable behavior because perma-death cannot exist. Perma-death cannot exist because a.) it's a videogame and b.) that fact is exacerbated by the storage mechanics. Of course I read what you wrote. It's just that I think it's a bunch of uninformed pleb-rubbish. All you have to do, more loot or less, is know what to do and (usually) slow down. Stop and take advantage of what is around you instead of trying to run from Cherno to NWAF in 40 minutes, for example. 2 hours ago, Kirov (DayZ) said: but you seem to use the word 'sandbox' like 'reality', when in fact it's everything but. I definitely don't try to use the word sandbox like reality. A sandbox box, in this case, is a single instance. A non-segregated playing field on the technical end. The nature of that is that content cannot get harder as you go from one end of it to the other. The mechanics all remain the same throughout. Infected and mechanics have to balanced so that a lone wolf, bambi, new player (read: unexperienced consumer) isn't immediately turned off. Company has to make a profit, right? 2 hours ago, Kirov (DayZ) said: Imagine a Dayz with 95% loot cut (and say, with more crafting options and other features). How this situation isn't PVE challenging? Challenging or not, I imagine that it wouldn't be enjoyable at all and therefore, would never make it to market. Producers would recognize that it's a bad idea and consumers wouldn't take the bait, en masse. Theorizing such a thing seems like a pointless exercise. That said, I've seen experimental version where that was the case. Not hard. So where does that leave us? It leaves us in a big room with other people and ways to kill other people which just happens to have a few speed-bumps along the way. The only relevant variable is other people. The caveat is that in order to really enjoy DayZ you have to enjoy interacting (often killing) with other people and not be upset when you die. Just find it interesting and then move on. It helps to have friends to hang out with (which, again, makes pve meaningless). When there is no defined endgame, how can it be hard to get there? What if my endgame is running up and down Berezino looking to get killed in a fist-fight? Am I wrong? Is that hard? 1 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
repzaj1234 126 Posted September 27, 2019 (edited) Quote No. I don't think that PVE could be harder. It will never be hard. If it's hard at all, it's because you're doing it wrong. With enough experience, it's simply not difficult. Humans will always be able to solve simple mechanics and infected AI. For everything PVE related, there's a workaround that's easy, legitimate, and often, fun. No. That was never the vision. Give infected the ability to break down certain doors, climb objects that they should be able to climb (No more safe spaces on top of low hanging objects), increase infected spawns and density, awareness to gunshots etc. There are a ton of things they can improve on for PvE. I'm not even gonna go into how they can flesh out the different stages of starvation/dehydration/diseases.... improve animal AI and awareness for more challenging hunting. This is the problem right here, there's lazy workarounds that don't make sense. Players can jump on top of a car and shoot all the infected cause they can't seem to hop on the hood for some reason, close a flimsy door on a building and you have an instant safe space from infected. These shouldn't be legitimate ways of dealing with infected. B.I. just has to take away these easy way outs. Sure, PvE will never be the main threat in DayZ but they can at least improve it from the complete joke that it is right now to something more challenging and less exploitable. This game isn't all about PvP and player encounters. It needs a good balance of PvP and PvE. Edited September 27, 2019 by repzaj1234 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
emuthreat 2837 Posted September 27, 2019 After getting back into the game for a couple weeks, I've noticed a couple things that make PVE a bit different than in the past. Wolves don't constantly howl when you are near, and often the first warning you get before a bite is the pitter-patter of foreign footsteps all around you. I like this. It makes you experience that moment of panic when they are near, instead of running from the howls and barks and having time to prepare. Zombies have much better hearing for nearby footsteps and even better for chain aggro. BUT, it is too easy to avoid the ones you can see; even if they are only 20-30 meters away. For those who say that PVE can never be made challenging, I tend to disagree. Maybe the disagreement is on the terms of what makes difficulty; inability to survive, or loss of time, or opportunity cost balancing. I've died a fair number of times trying to melee my way through military areas, and chain-aggro'd more than I was expecting and got cornered and died. I've also decided to avoid looting areas completely because I didn't want to deal with the density of zombies I'd seen. I lost half my blood the other day looting a lumber mill, because I axed one zombie who alerted another, and another, until I had a pile of 6 ded zeds and a ruined backpack. I only heard two sets of footsteps when I started. So from what I've seen, zombies can definitely be a scaleable difficulty modifier. Increasing their hearing radius and triggering aggro off any perceived noise other than footsteps would be an easy way to do this. Their sight is also pretty limited, as you can sprint straight past them in broad daylight with as little as 40 meters between you. If they made zombies see you from up to 150 meters straight-on and boosted their peripheral vision, it would definitely make surviving looting a town much more difficult. I remember back in .55-.57? When zombies could spot you from very long distances, and would almost never lose aggro. They still weren't much of a threat, but i'd been surprised a number of times stopping to sort loot or eat food in a bush and get run up on and slapped out of the blue; so it is possible. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
-Gews- 7443 Posted September 27, 2019 I agree broadly with most of your points, I don't agree with the notion that the survival gameplay was much better in previous versions. It was not. But I do not like their changes to backpacked weapons, hill running, bullet damage, melee system, and so on. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
VVarhead 185 Posted September 27, 2019 People can carry 5 weapons? lool, fucking casual shit game Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ZinMas 101 42 Posted September 29, 2019 @VVarhead Even more than 5 or 6 large weapons, you can carry two at the back, something like 4-5 in backpack, another in pants and another in jacket. Ah! And another in the vest... and you still having room for more weapons like pistols, submachines... etc... so... yeah. Is just absurd. Dayz completely lost the point, is a stupid battleroyal where you have to run and run and run to encounter players, so its even a bad battleroyal lol. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Tarkules 153 Posted September 29, 2019 On 9/25/2019 at 9:50 PM, Kirov (DayZ) said: Imagine a Dayz with 95% loot cut (and say, with more crafting options and other features). How this situation isn't PVE challenging? Yes, you got a friend of yours - so you still have one rusty handgun and three damaged bullets between you two. How does that help in a deer hunt? And now you have to feed two people - imagine sharing that apple you found. And bandages, because you just can't find a tincture to disinfect rags. And you have to kill more cows to get that sweet leather clothing, as there's only 1 high-cap and 2 assault vests per server. And to fix a car, you have to find tools in an area which is just lousy with tougher zeds/predators/contamination (I remind you, you share one pistol, oh and one of you found a Hazmat hood, so only the other is coughing blood - the one who doesn't have infection from dirty rags, because you used up the bandages two towns ago and now you're both using your pants to stop bleeding). I want to play THIS game. Food cans, like many other items in the game, seems to me like "placeholders" or temporary source until they implement new sources of food, like fishery, at least. Maybe after 1.06 update we will find less beans and more books on the shelves, it makes a good fire source in a rainy night if you're stuck without an axe. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
repzaj1234 126 Posted September 29, 2019 6 hours ago, Tarkules said: I want to play THIS game. Food cans, like many other items in the game, seems to me like "placeholders" or temporary source until they implement new sources of food, like fishery, at least. Maybe after 1.06 update we will find less beans and more books on the shelves, it makes a good fire source in a rainy night if you're stuck without an axe. DayZ Underground (US) and DayZ Down Under (AUS) are the closest servers to that with decent population. If 1.06 releases with Livonia in November I hope they finally bring us that survival focused patch. I couldn't care less for another car or military weaponry. Give us two civilian guns and a bunch of survival & PvE tweaks/balancing/fixes. Hell, maybe even throw in an improvement to the clunky melee system to that. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites