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Modding Support and Tools, Initial Release

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With the beginning of the DayZ BETA, it's also time to unfold our modding tool set, along with the support for the Steam Workshop. The DayZ Tools package is now available on Steam for all DayZ owners. While we are still working on the overall stability and the known issues, this iteration should provide some solid basic functionalities for modders. This release includes the following tools (highlights):

  • Workbench
  • Central Economy Editor
  • Publisher
  • Addon Builder
  • Terrain Builder
  • Nav Mesh Generator
  • Object Builder

Along with the availability of the tools, the game now includes a Game Launcher which, similarly to the Arma 3 Launcher, serves as an interface to run the game and manage Steam Workshop mods.

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Known Issues:

  • Workbench
    • The debugger isn't usable with retail (it requires a client/server debugging executable which isn't yet available).
    • Workbench may return an exception on startup, running the game from Steam can fix the issue.
  • Game
    • Missing in-game mod presentation.
    • Server filters may make the server discovery a bit difficult (there is no indication that a server is running mods in the browser).
    • Workshop mods containing a definition class (mod.cpp/mods/modClass/defs) may not work (the mod folder needs to be moved to the main directory of the game until this issue is fixed and renamed to match the mod class name defined in mod.cpp/mods/modClassName)
  • Object Builder
    • The software rendering suffers performance issues, we recommend using the D3D mode.
  • Documentation
    • There is no documentation available at the moment.
  • Tools Launcher
    • There is no launcher available now, forcing command line usage in order to run some tools.


  • In case of any issue, please, let us know on our usual channels: Feedback Tracker or the forums.
  • You can subscribe (for free) to the Tools packages from the Steam store. Once done, you will find these applications in your Steam library (switch the filter to "Tools").
  • You will need to start the primary tool once to add all needed registry entries.
  • Workbench requires the game to be installed.


  • Initial release:
    • Added: Workbench
    • Added: Central Economy Editor
    • Added: Publisher
    • Added: Addon Builder
    • Added: Binarize
    • Added: Terrain Builder
    • Added: Terrain Processor
    • Added: Nav Mesh Generator
    • Added: Object Builder
    • Added: DsUtils
    • Added: PboUtils
    • Added: Cfg Convert
    • Added: ImageToPAA
    • Added: WorkDirve

Additional changelogs are available here: https://forums.dayz.com/topic/240638-tools-changelog/

Edited by Tom_48_97
Known issue
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  • Documentation
  • There is no documentation available at the moment.

Wait for them to take a breath before bombarding them questions. BETA was just released.

Edited by Alexander9822

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Hi Tom

All I need to do is:

Resign from work

Give my child to social services

Divorce the missus

Give the cat away

subscribe to meals on wheels


And I'd start to have the time I'd love to get going on this suff


Will keep you updated


  • Haha 4

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  On 11/7/2018 at 1:12 PM, Tom_48_97 said:

With the beginning of the DayZ BETA, it's also time to unfold our modding tool set, along with the support for the Steam Workshop. The DayZ Tools package is now available on Steam for all DayZ owners. While we are still working on the overall stability and the known issues, this iteration should provide some solid basic functionalities for modders. This release includes the following tools (highlights):

  • Workbench
  • Central Economy Editor
  • Publisher
  • Addon Builder
  • Terrain Builder
  • Nav Mesh Generator
  • Object Builder

Along with the availability of the tools, the game now includes a Game Launcher which, similarly to the Arma 3 Launcher, serves as an interface to run the game and manage Steam Workshop mods.

Right how does the CeEditor work , why don't you guys add  a template to the tools so we can work out how they work honestly 

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  On 11/7/2018 at 7:06 PM, LordBlackwolf said:

Off Topic: Is there a patch for the stable branch or do we just switch over and start playing?

I think just switch over, I didnt have to do a update either do idk. 

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as said before we need some info to make them work not just a bunch of programs with no templates to work off

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  On 11/7/2018 at 6:57 PM, spaggie said:

Hi Tom

All I need to do is:

Resign from work

Give my child to social services

Divorce the missus

Give the cat away

subscribe to meals on wheels


And I'd start to have the time I'd love to get going on this suff


Will keep you updated


Keep that cat!

Edited by Weyland Yutani (DayZ)

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To get their text editor working you must navigate to the bin folder within the DayZ Tools Folder and then head down to the workbench.
If you launch the workbench and you get the following issue (Press Retry to debug the application- JIT must be enabled) with an output that complains at you about an issue, all you have to do is Enable JIT by changing the file within your configs

Search for file 'machine.config' , I found it here:


Find the line    <!-- <system.windows.forms jitDebugging="false" /> -->

and change it to true.

Then just restart your PC and then Boom. working Enfusion Text Editor (Haven't worked out whats so good about it yet but there you have it)

Edited by Jake Tommas

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if it helps, i can share my Arma 3 knowledge on how to get started with the tools (especially Terrain builder and the environment/extra tools).


first thing to do is to give your new project a space where u can working on. BI Dev's use to do this on a own Drive called PDrive (P:). this drive must contain all the data for the modding purposes. that means we extract the gamefiles from ur Dayz steam folder to our PDrive. the tool workdrive can handle this and mounts a new P: drive...

  • Install Dayz Tools
  • Run CMD as admin and change to your workdrive folder in your "Dayz Tools" installation (might be "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\DayZ Tools\Bin\WorkDrive")
  • type: workdrive /mount /extractgamedata (this will take a while, it will extract the gamefiles to your "Dayz Projects" folder in "C:\Users\<USERNAME>\Documents\DayZ Projects")
  • after this process workdrive will mount a new drive P: (its a linked drive to your Dayz projects folder)
  • everytime u reboot/start your PC, u have to mount that drive but only with the "../mount " option, if u want work on your dayz project

Save all mod specific data from all editors u working on, on this drive

EDIT: ! dont run CMD as admin...sorry guys. run CMD as a normal user. the drive could take some time to show up in Windows Explorer.

Edited by Funkdoc
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When I try to import the chernarusplus.wrp file in Terrain Builder I get the error "Source file is in unsupported version format"

Any suggestions?

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  On 11/8/2018 at 4:04 AM, gorvi said:

When I try to import the chernarusplus.wrp file in Terrain Builder I get the error "Source file is in unsupported version format"

Any suggestions?

It's binarized. You aren't allowed to modify it.

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  On 11/8/2018 at 4:05 AM, DannyDog said:

It's binarized. You aren't allowed to modify it.

How would I go about editing the map for things such as outposts and etc?

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  On 11/8/2018 at 4:09 AM, gorvi said:

How would I go about editing the map for things such as outposts and etc?

Figure out positions for that and do it via script by spawning those objects in. You are limited to only spawnable objects as certain map objects aren't spawnable unless you mod it client side.

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  On 11/8/2018 at 4:09 AM, DannyDog said:

Figure out positions for that and do it via script by spawning those objects in. You are limited to only spawnable objects as certain map objects aren't spawnable unless you mod it client side.

There is no option to do it via 3D editor like in Arma 3?

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  On 11/8/2018 at 4:04 AM, gorvi said:

When I try to import the chernarusplus.wrp file in Terrain Builder I get the error "Source file is in unsupported version format"

Any suggestions?

U cannot import a WRP file. only export your terrain to a wrp file...

wrp is needed for the next steps.. to build an addon

Edited by Funkdoc

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This has everything the community could've asked for, amazing, thank you all!

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  On 11/8/2018 at 4:13 AM, gorvi said:

There is no option to do it via 3D editor like in Arma 3?


  On 11/8/2018 at 3:05 AM, geekin said:

What no map editor like Arma 3 ? 

i think u mean the Arma 3 Eden Editor? its very likely we get an editor like Eden for dayz...maybe after 1.x...

Terrain builder is a mighty tool to build ur own terrain.. every object placed in TB is static. no one can change it unless u didnt binarize ur project. BI did it

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Man some people are so ungrateful.. just asking for more when they have just released the BETA. just fucking wait or donate them beers!

Thanks for all the hard work guys.

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we should be glad to have nearly the same tools like A3 has. that means we can build on many know how from the Arma 3 community in this manner.

so if u have basic questions to the environments that comes along with the dayz tools, pls refer to the BI forums for Arma 3 Editing...

BI forum :: Arma 3 Editing

there are also very usefull tutorials made by devs and the community!

dayz related questions and suggestions should be discussed exclusively here, but not in the A3 forums

Edited by Funkdoc

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  On 11/7/2018 at 7:02 PM, Mr9099 said:

Right how does the CeEditor work , why don't you guys add  a template to the tools so we can work out how they work honestly 

As mentioned in the known issues, the documentation isn’t available, yet. Too many things have changed along the way.

The same applies to the samples.

  On 11/7/2018 at 11:53 PM, Funkdoc said:


if it helps, i can share my Arma 3 knowledge on how to get started with the tools (especially Terrain builder and the environment/extra tools).


first thing to do is to give your new project a space where u can working on. BI Dev's use to do this on a own Drive called PDrive (P:). this drive must contain all the data for the modding purposes. that means we extract the gamefiles from ur Dayz steam folder to our PDrive. the tool workdrive can handle this and mounts a new P: drive...

  • Install Dayz Tools
  • Run CMD as admin and change to your workdrive folder in your "Dayz Tools" installation (might be "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\DayZ Tools\Bin\WorkDrive")
  • type: workdrive /mount /extractgamedata (this will take a while, it will extract the gamefiles to your "Dayz Projects" folder in "C:\Users\<USERNAME>\Documents\DayZ Projects")
  • after this process workdrive will mount a new drive P: (its a linked drive to your Dayz projects folder)
  • everytime u reboot/start your PC, u have to mount that drive but only with the "../mount " option, if u want work on your dayz project

Save all mod specific data from all editors u working on, on this drive

EDIT: ! dont run CMD as admin...sorry guys. run CMD as a normal user. the drive could take some time to show up in Windows Explorer.

You can also define your own work drive folder by editing the settings.ini (located in the root directory of the tool). You could also open the CMD with a shift-right-click, from the File Explorer, in the Workdrive folder.

@spaggie, keep the cat, definitely! 

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